The :mod:`topologyobjects` module ================================= The :mod:`topologyobjects` module contains a wide array of classes used extensively in the core :class:`structure.Structure` class. .. currentmodule:: parmed.topologyobjects .. autosummary:: :toctree: topobj/ Atom Residue AtomList ResidueList Bond Angle UreyBradley Dihedral Improper Cmap AtomType BondType AngleType DihedralType DihedralTypeList ImproperType Using the :class:`Atom` class ----------------------------- The :class:`Atom` class behaves much as you would expect it to. It has various attributes, including the ``name`` of the atom, the ``type`` of the atom, its ``mass``, ``atomic_number``, and many other properties typically stored in one of the supported file formats. For example:: >>> atom = Atom(name="CA", mass=12.01, type="CT", atomic_number=12) >>> 'CA' >>> atom.type 'CT' >>> atom.atomic_number 12 >>> atom.mass 12.01 * It also stores references to all of the parameter types in which this belongs. For instance, the ``bonds``, ``angles``, ``dihedrals``, ``impropers``, and ``cmaps`` attributes are *lists* of references to the :class:`Bond`, :class:`Angle`, :class:`Dihedral`, :class:`Improper`, and :class:`Cmap` instances in which this atom is a member. * Instances of :class:`Atom` should be considered *singletons* -- that is, their equality is based on identity. As such, you should use the ``is`` operator rather than ``==`` when comparing the equality of two atoms. In fact, ``Atom.__eq__`` is not implemented at all, so it works the same way that ``is`` does in this case. This is an important distinction, because it makes :class:`Atom` instances *hashable*, meaning that they can serve as keys in a ``dict`` or can be added to a ``set``. * Atom ordering is determined based on positions within a particular :class:`AtomList`. When an :class:`Atom` belongs to an :class:`AtomList`, it knows its absolute position within that list via the :attr:`idx` attribute (which is set to ``-1`` if the Atom is not part of an :class:`AtomList`). The :attr:`idx` attribute is automatically updated if the parent :class:`AtomList` is changed in any way (e.g., some atoms are deleted or inserted). This allows sublists of :class:`Atom` instances to be sorted according to their order in their main :class:`AtomList`. (Note, each :class:`Atom` can belong to no more than one :class:`AtomList`) * Atoms store lists of other :class:`Atom` instances that are connected to that atom via covalent bonds, angles, torsions, or coupled-torsions maps in the ``bond_partners``, ``angle_partners``, ``dihedral_partners``, and ``tortor_partners``, respectively. These are primarily used to determine pairs of atoms that are excluded from a nonbonded interaction in traditional force fields. There is an additional ``exclusion_partners`` array that contains a list of arbitrary pairs of atoms that are not connected by any of the valence terms mentioned above. Each atom can appear in one, and only one list of another atom, with preference given to the "partner" arrays in the order they were listed above. Membership in these arrays is always symmetric---that is, if one atom is in the ``bond_partners`` array of another, that other atom is also in the ``bond_partners`` array of the first. These lists are populated automatically when the relevant valence terms are created (see below). You will typically not have to instantiate an :class:`Atom` or :class:`AtomList` instance on your own, as they are created as part of a :class:`structure.Structure` instance created by the various structure file parsers. Using the :class:`Residue` class -------------------------------- The :class:`Residue` class is an object that represents a typical *residue* in a biomolecular system. Examples include a single amino or nucleic acid in a peptide or nucleotide chain. A :class:`Residue` is a collection of atoms, each of which is connected to the other ones through a network of bonds (and may be bonded to other residues as well, although that is not required). Residues have 4 primary attributes of general use: * ``name`` : The name of the residue * ``chain`` : The chain identifier of the residue (a common identifier in the PDB) * ``insertion_code`` : Also used as part of the PDB, these are primarily used to align homologous sequences when some homologies have an extra residue compared to the other(s) * ``atoms`` : A ``list`` of :class:`Atom` instances contained within the residue Residues are uniquely identified by their ``name``, ``chain``, and ``insertion_code`` within a single system. Common things you can do with a :class:`Residue` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the following code sample, assume ``atom`` is an instance of :class:`Atom` which is one of the atoms inside ``residue`` (an instance of :class:`Residue`). 1. Iterate through the atoms:: for atom in residue: print( 2. Get the i'th atom from a residue:: atomI = residue[i] 3. Determine if an atom is part of a residue:: if atom in residue: print("Atom %s is inside residue %s" % (, 4. Find out how many atoms are in a residue:: n_atoms_in_res = len(residue) 5. Add an atom to a residue:: residue.add_atom(atom) assert atom in residue 6. Delete an atom from a residue:: residue.delete_atom(atom) assert atom not in residue The :class:`AtomList` class --------------------------- :class:`AtomList` is a subclass of the basic Python *list* type, with some added features: * The :class:`AtomList` claims ownership of any :class:`Atom` added to it and sets the ``idx`` attribute of each of the atoms to their position in the array. Atoms should never be part of multiple :class:`AtomList` instances. * The :class:`AtomList` has a ``changed`` attribute that is set to ``True`` any time the list is changed (i.e., if an atom is added, deleted, inserted, moved, etc.) -- you must manaully set this ``changed`` attribute to ``False`` afterwards if you wish to track any future changes. This class is also typically instantiated by the :class:`structure.Structure` parsers (e.g., :func:`structure.read_PDB`, :func:`structure.read_CIF`, ...) The :class:`ResidueList` class ------------------------------ :class:`ResidueList` is also a subclass of *list* with some added features of its own: * The :class:`ResidueList` contains a list of :class:`Residue` instances, and sets the ``idx`` attribute on them to point to their current location in the list. * Atoms can be added directly to the residue list. This is done because most file formats list atoms sequentially, and the beginning and end of each residue is detected by either the residue name, number, chain ID, or insertion code changing. As long as these residue properties are the same as the last :class:`Atom` instance you added, the atom will be added to that last residue. If it is a new residue, :class:`ResidueList` will create a new :class:`Residue` object, append it to itself, and add that atom to it. For example:: >>> residues = ResidueList() >>> residues.add_atom(Atom(name='C1'), 'RE1', 1, 'A') >>> residues.add_atom(Atom(name='C2'), 'RE1', 1, 'A') >>> residues.add_atom(Atom(name='C3'), 'RE1', 1, 'A') >>> residues.add_atom(Atom(name='C4'), 'RE2', 2, 'A') # new residue >>> residues.add_atom(Atom(name='C5'), 'RE2', 3, 'A') # new residue >>> len(residues) 3 >>> len(residues[0]) 3 >>> len(residues[1]) 1 >>> len(residues[2]) 1 The :class:`Bond` class ----------------------- The covalent bond is the simplest of topological features in a molecule. The :class:`Bond` class represents a covalent bonds between two :class:`Atom` instances. Creating a :class:`Bond` between two :class:`Atom` instances adds the resulting :class:`Bond` to the ``bonds`` list of both atoms. It also adds each atom to the ``bond_partners`` list of the other atom. For example:: >>> a1 = Atom(name='CA') >>> a2 = Atom(name='CB') >>> bond = Bond(a1, a2) >>> a1.bonds[0] is bond True >>> a2.bonds[0] is bond True >>> a2 in a1.bond_partners True >>> a1 in a2.bond_partners True Bonds can also *contain* :class:`Atom` instances. Continuing from the example above:: >>> a1 in bond True >>> a2 in bond True >>> a3 = Atom(name='HA') >>> a3 in bond False Bonds are unique valence terms since they are the simplest of valence terms. Other valence terms (described below) can *contain* both :class:`Atom` and :class:`Bond` instances. The ordering of the two atoms in the :class:`Bond` constructor does not matter, as the bond ``a1--a2`` and ``a2--a1`` are equivalent. The :class:`Angle` class ------------------------ The valence angle is formed from two adjacent bonds that form a common center. The :class:`Angle` class represents a valence angle between 3 atoms in which two of the three atoms are bonded to a central atom. In this case, the order of the *middle* atom in the constructor matters, but the order of the outer atoms does not. For example:: >>> a1 = Atom(name='CA') >>> a2 = Atom(name='CB') >>> a3 = Atom(name='CG') >>> b1 = Bond(a1, a2) >>> b2 = Bond(a2, a3) >>> b3 = Bond(a1, a3) # let's make this a triangle >>> angle = Angle(a1, a2, a3) In the above example, our angle is formed between the bonds ``a1--a2--a3``, so ``angle`` contains the three atoms as well as ``b1`` and ``b2``, but *not* ``b3``:: >>> a1 in angle True >>> a2 in angle True >>> a3 in angle True >>> b1 in angle True >>> b2 in angle True >>> b3 in angle False Like with the :class:`Bond` class, creating an :class:`Angle` adds the created angle to the ``angles`` list on all three of the atoms. Furthermore, the ``angle_partners`` attribute of ``a1`` and ``a3`` have ``a3`` and ``a1`` added to them, respectively. As mentioned above, the same :class:`Atom` instance will never appear in two ``xxx_partners`` arrays. For example:: >>> a1 in a3.angle_partners True >>> a1 in a3.bond_partners False >>> a1 in a2.bond_partners True >>> a1 in a3.angle_partners False The :class:`UreyBradley` class ------------------------------ The :class:`UreyBradley` class defines a covalent bond-like interaction between two atoms separated by a valence angle, adding anharmonicity to purely harmonic angle terms. The interface to :class:`UreyBradley` terms is analogous to those for :class:`Bond` and :class:`Angle` above. The :class:`Dihedral` class --------------------------- The :class:`Dihedral` class follows the same trend as the :class:`Angle` class described above, and behaves in an analogous way. There are a couple unique aspects to Dihedrals, though. A :class:`Dihedral` can be an improper dihedral (in which all 4 atoms are ideally coplanar, with the third atom being the "central" atom bonded to all of the others). The :class:`Dihedral` instance has a boolean attribute ``improper`` that indicates whether or not it is an improper torsion. The :class:`Improper` class --------------------------- The :class:`Improper` class is *strictly* an improper torsion, and is used where certain force fields utilize a separate functional form for "proper" and "improper" torsions (e.g., the CHARMM force field). You are forwarded to the API documentation for :class:`Improper` for more details. The :class:`Cmap` class ----------------------- The :class:`Cmap` class is a correction map defined between adjacent torsions (i.e., 5 atoms separated by 4 bonds). Like the other valence terms described above, it contains 5 :class:`Atom` instances and may contain 4 :class:`Bond` instances (as tested via the ``in`` operator). See the API documentation for :class:`Cmap` for more details. The ``XyzType`` classes ----------------------- Every valence term described above contains a ``type`` attribute that is either ``None`` if unassigned or the relevant ``ParameterType`` (e.g., :class:`BondType` for :class:`Bond` and :class:`UreyBradley` classes) instance. Certain functionality (e.g., simulations using OpenMM or writing Amber topology files) requires all parameters be present and assigned. These types have, where applicable, force constants and equilibrium values for the various parameter types. Amoeba-specific terms --------------------- The AMOEBA force field has nominal support in ParmEd (with improved support planned). This force field contains a large number of additional terms and parameters for use with the AMOEBA force field. For convenience, they are listed below. Consult the API documentation in the resulting links for more information. .. currentmodule:: parmed.topologyobjects .. autosummary:: :toctree: topobj/ TrigonalAngle OutOfPlaneBend OutOfPlaneBendType PiTorsion StretchBend StretchBendType TorsionTorsion TorsionTorsionType ChiralFrame MultipoleFrame NonbondedException NonbondedExceptionType