Seeding OpenMM Simulations with PyRosetta and ParmEd ==================================================== In this example, we'll go over starting a small protein (dodeca-alanine) simulation from scratch, using PyRosetta and OpenMM. You can also follow along with the script called :code:`` in :code:`examples/rosetta/`. Generate pose from primary structure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To start, let's create a PyRosetta :class:`Pose` directly from a sequence of twelve alanines:: from rosetta import init, pose_from_sequence init() seq = 12*'A' pose = pose_from_sequence(seq) Mutate a residue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want to mutate the fifth residue to a lysine? PyRosetta makes it as easy as:: from toolbox import mutate_residue mutant = mutate_residue(pose, 5, 'K') Load Pose into ParmEd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The next step is to use ParmEd's :func:`load_rosetta` function to convert our mutant into a :class:`Structure`:: from parmed import load_rosetta struct = load_rosetta(mutant) Start an OpenMM simulation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finally, we can use the following code to solvate and start simulating our ParmEd :class:`Structure`:: from simtk.openmm import * from import * from simtk.unit import * ff = ForceField('amber99sbildn.xml', 'tip3p.xml') # Solvate Structure mod = Modeller(struct.topology, struct.positions) mod.addSolvent(ff, model='tip3p', boxSize=Vec3(4, 4, 4)*nanometers, positiveIon='Na+', negativeIon='Cl-', ionicStrength=0.1*molar) # Create OpenMM System system = ff.createSystem(mod.topology, nonbondedMethod=PME, nonbondedCutoff=1*nanometers, constraints=HBonds) integrator = LangevinIntegrator(300*kelvin, 1/picoseconds, 2*femtoseconds) system.addForce(MonteCarloBarostat(1*bar, 300*kelvin)) simulation = Simulation(mod.topology, system, integrator) simulation.context.setPositions(mod.positions) # Minimize System simulation.minimizeEnergy(maxIterations=1000) # Equilibrate System simulation.reporters.append( PDBReporter('dodecaalanine.solv.pdb', 50000)) simulation.context.setVelocitiesToTemperature(300) simulation.step(50000)