The parmed.gromacs package

The gromacs package contains classes that can parse the Gromacs topology and coordinate files. Like grompp, ParmEd pre-processes the topology file, automatically finding and parsing the include topology files (ITP) referenced by your topology file. It also recognizes #define tokens, which can be used in ParmEd the same way you can with Gromacs.

Note, like with the standard C and Gromacs preprocessors, include files will first be looked for in the directory in which the processed file resides. If it is not found there, ParmEd will look in the Gromacs installation directory.

Setting up Gromacs

Most Gromacs topology files (particularly those written by Gromacs) include so-called “include topology files” which are located in the share/gromacs/top directory of the Gromacs installation. As a result, you need to have Gromacs installed and visible to ParmEd in many cases.

ParmEd will look for Gromacs in the following places (in this order):

  1. The GMXDATA environment variable, which should point to share/gromacs in the installation directory.

  2. The GMXBIN environment variable, which should point to the location where the Gromacs program(s) are installed.

  3. It will look for the share/gromacs directory in the following locations: /usr/local, /usr, /opt/local, and /opt.

  4. It will look for the gmx program (the main program for Gromacs versions 5 and higher), and assume that it is installed in the bin directory of the Gromacs install location.

  5. If none of the above work, the default install location of /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs is used.

If you wish to specify the location, you can do so by modifying the GROMACS_TOPDIR variable in the parmed.gromacs package in the following way:

from parmed import gromacs
gromacs.GROMACS_TOPDIR = "/path/to/gromacs/installation/share/gromacs/top"

Note, because strings are immutable in Python, the following will not work:

from parmed.gromacs import GROMACS_TOPDIR
GROMACS_TOPDIR = "/path/to/gromacs/installation/share/gromacs/top"

In the above example, parmed.gromacs.GROMACS_TOPDIR will remain unchanged.

The topology file

The primary file in Gromacs defining the system topology and the parameters defining the force field for that system is called the topology file, whose format is detailed in the Gromacs User’s manual.

GromacsTopologyFile([fname, defines, …])

Class providing a parser and writer for a GROMACS topology file


Parses and writes Gromacs GRO files

The GromacsTopologyFile class

This class inherits from the base class Structure, adding the attributes parameterset (a ParameterSet object with all parameters parsed from the include topology files) and itps (a list of all include topology files that were included and parsed while processing the topology file).

An example using this class on one of the test files in the ParmEd repostory is shown below:

>>> top = GromacsTopologyFile('')
>>> top
<GromacsTopologyFile 1960 atoms; 129 residues; 1984 bonds; parametrized>

You can manipulate the top instance any way you can a Structure instance.

Writing GROMACS Topology Files

Molecule type definitions

The GROMACS topology is constructed by piecing together fragments of a system, where each fragment is, by standard convention, an individual molecule (meaning that you can “reach” every atom in a molecule from every other atom in that molecule by traversing some number of bonds – i.e., it is a connected graph).

These “molecules” are defined in separate [ moleculetype ] sections of the topology file, and then the [ molecules ] section gives the order, and number, of each molecule type in the system.

GROMACS can make use of the definitions of a molecule type, and this distinction is particularly important for free energy calculations. For this reason, the combine keyword in GromacsTopologyFile.write() allows fine-grained control over how [ moleculetype ] sections are defined. By default, (when combine is assigned None), the structure is split into molecules and written as separate [ moleculetype ] sections. When combine is assigned the string all, the entire structure is considered to be a single molecule and is stored as a single [ moleculetype ] section.

The last allowable mode is to assign lists of lists of molecule indices for combine, telling GromacsTopologyFile exactly which molecules to “combine” into larger [ moleculetype ] sections. There is one major restriction here: combined molecules must be contiguously ordered in the original atom sequence of the structure! The reason for this is that if the original order of the atoms is changed, then the topology atom order will no longer match that from the coordinate file! An annotated example may help demonstrate this. Consider the following topology file (it is actually the file from the 12.DPPC/ directory in the test suite):

#include "DPPC_2.itp"

; System specifications
[ system ]
DPPC Bilayer

[ molecules ]
; molecule name nr.
SOL 122
SOL 122

The DPPC and SOL molecule types are defined in the DPPC_2.itp include topology file. When this topology is read in, there will be 252 residues – 8 DPPC residues and 244 SOL residues:

>>> import parmed as pmd
>>> # You can safely ignore the warning printed here
... system = pmd.load_file('')
>>> system
<GromacsTopologyFile 1132 atoms; 252 residues; 880 bonds; parametrized>

Now suppose that we want to do something special with a DPPC-solvent pair, and then something special with all of the DPPC residues in the second set (possibly a second “leaflet” in a bilayer system) again with a single solvent. So what we want to do is combine the 4th and 5th molecules (since indices start from 0, this would be molecules 3 and 4), as well as the five residues 127 through 131 (indices 126, 127, 128, 129, and 130). Our combine would then look like [[3,4],[126,127,128,129,130]]:

>>> system.write('', combine=[[3, 4], [126, 127, 128, 129, 130]])

If we look at the bottom of the file we generated, we should see this:

[ molecules ]
; Compound       #mols
DPPC                 3
system1              1
SOL                121
system2              1
SOL                121

If we think about it, this is exactly what we want. We left our first 3 DPPC residues alone, then combined DPPC and SOL into a single molecule (since the molecule is defined by more than 1 residue, it is given a generic name system#, where # increments for each multi-residue molecule that is encountered. We left the last 121 of 122 SOL residues alone, then combined all 4 DPPC residues and the first of the second set of 122 SOL residues into a single molecule type. Leaving us with system2 and 121 SOL left to define our original system.

Note, if you read a GROMACS topology file that combines multiple molecules into individual molecule types, writing a copy back to a different topology file will not preserve the original [ moleculetype ] definitions (since the ParmEd Structure object carries no memory of such decompositions and always flattens the list of atoms and residues). For the most part, you should not bother with this added complication unless you know it is necessary.


There are 3 ways that parameters can be specified in GROMACS topologies – either through include topology files, as separate [ <parameter>type ] sections in the main topology file, or in-line with the actual topologies themselves.

You can specify where the parameters are placed using the parameters keyword in GromacsTopologyFile.write(). The allowed values are inline, a string representing the name of a file, or an open file object. If the file name is the same as the file name of the topology file itself, then the parameter sections will be written to the beginning of the topology file. If it is a different file, the name of the file will be included in the generated topology file. The default value is inline.

The GRO coordinate

ParmEd also supplies classes for parsing the various variants of the GROMACS GRO file. Because the GRO file resembles a PDB file, the GromacsGroFile has a parse method that will parse a GRO file and instantiate a Structure.

The coordinates can be extracted from the xx, xy, and xz attributes on each Atom instance in the Structure.

The GRO file is automatically detected by parmed.load_file(), and this is the recommended way to parse these files.

The corresponding classes are:

GromacsTopologyFile([fname, defines, …])

Class providing a parser and writer for a GROMACS topology file


Parses and writes Gromacs GRO files

Example usage

Many exciting possibilities are available with GromacsTopologyFile and GromacsGroFile. For example, ParmEd is the first software package to enable conversion of Gromacs simulation input files to AMBER format in just a few lines of code:

>>> from parmed import gromacs, amber, unit as u
>>> gmx_top = GromacsTopologyFile('')
>>> gmx_gro = GromacsGroFile.parse('conf.gro')
>>> = # Needed because .prmtop contains box info
>>> gmx_top.positions = gmx_gro.positions
>>> amb_prm = AmberParm.from_structure(gmx_top)
>>> amb_prm.write("prmtop")
>>> amb_inpcrd = amber.AmberAsciiRestart("inpcrd", mode="w")
>>> amb_inpcrd.coordinates = gmx_top.coordinates
>>> =
>>> amb_inpcrd.close()

Furthermore, you may check the correctness of topology loading by using the GromacsTopologyFile object to calculate an OpenMM potential energy and force, then comparing that result with your own output from Gromacs:

>>> import simtk.openmm as mm
>>> import as app
>>> system = gmx_top.createSystem() # OpenMM System creation
>>> integ = mm.VerletIntegrator(1.0*u.femtosecond)
>>> plat = mm.Platform.getPlatformByName('Reference')
>>> simul = app.Simulation(gmx_top.topology, system, integ, plat)
>>> simul.context.setPositions(gmx_top.positions)
>>> simul.context.applyConstraints(1e-12)
>>> state = simul.context.getState(getEnergy=True, getForces=True)
>>> print(state.getPotentialEnergy())

A typical protein/water system with 23,000 atoms at ambient conditions with periodic boundary conditions and PME electrostatics has average forces on the order of 20 kcal/mol/Angstrom. ParmEd allows us to run this same simulation in OpenMM or AMBER with a RMS force difference of 0.002 kcal/mol/Angstrom, i.e. the forces between the software packages are accurate to 1 part in 10,000. The remaining differences are due to how the different software packages treat nonbonded interactions in the cut-off region, use of single precision in the computation, and other small factors that are not expected to affect the simulation results.