Source code for

This module contains the necessary machinery to add the LENNARD_JONES_CCOEF to a
topology file given a list of atomic polarizabilities
from __future__ import division, print_function

from parmed.utils.six.moves import range, zip
from import LJ12_6_4Error, DuplicateParamWarning
import warnings

WATER_POL = 1.444 # Polarizability of water

        'TIP3P' : {'Li1': 27.0, 'Na1': 0.0, 'K1': 8.0, 'Rb1': 0.0, 'Cs1': 2.0,
                   'Tl1': 50.0, 'Cu1': 7.0, 'Ag1': 83.0, 'F-1': -27.0,
                   'Cl-1': -38.0, 'Br-1': -39.0, 'I-1': -45.0, 'Be2': 186.5,
                   'Cu2': 290.9, 'Ni2': 212.8, 'Zn2': 231.6, 'Co2': 209.7,
                   'Cr2': 136.8, 'Fe2': 163.0, 'Mg2': 132.9, 'V2': 195.7,
                   'Mn2': 146.1, 'Hg2': 288.8, 'Cd2': 185.6, 'Ca2': 87.3,
                   'Sn2': 187.9, 'Sr2': 82.7, 'Ba2': 71.9, 'Al3': 399.0,
                   'Fe3': 428.0, 'Cr3': 258.0, 'In3': 347.0, 'Tl3': 456.0,
                   'Y3': 216.0, 'La3': 152.0, 'Ce3': 230.0, 'Pr3': 264.0,
                   'Nd3': 213.0, 'Sm3': 230.0, 'Eu3': 259.0, 'Gd3': 198.0,
                   'Tb3': 235.0, 'Dy3': 207.0, 'Er3': 251.0, 'Tm3': 282.0,
                   'Lu3': 249.0, 'Hf4': 827.0, 'Zr4': 761.0, 'Ce4': 706.0,
                   'U4': 1034.0, 'Pu4': 828.0, 'Th4': 512.0},
        'TIP4PEW' : {'Li1': 36.0, 'Na1': 9.0, 'K1': 24.0, 'Rb1': 13.0,
                     'Cs1': 16.0, 'Tl1': 65.0, 'Cu1': 21.0, 'Ag1': 94.0,
                     'F-1': -67.0, 'Cl-1': -66.0, 'Br-1': -68.0, 'I-1': -62.0,
                     'Be2': 228.5, 'Cu2': 339.2, 'Ni2': 259.2, 'Zn2': 272.3,
                     'Co2': 252.8, 'Cr2': 177.4, 'Fe2': 201.1, 'Mg2': 180.5,
                     'V2': 244.8, 'Mn2': 192.3, 'Hg2': 335.2, 'Cd2': 233.7,
                     'Ca2': 128.0, 'Sn2': 231.4, 'Sr2': 118.9, 'Ba2': 112.5,
                     'Al3': 488.0, 'Fe3': 519.0, 'Cr3': 322.0, 'In3': 425.0,
                     'Tl3': 535.0, 'Y3': 294.0, 'La3': 243.0, 'Ce3': 315.0,
                     'Pr3': 348.0, 'Nd3': 297.0, 'Sm3': 314.0, 'Eu3': 345.0,
                     'Gd3': 280.0, 'Tb3': 313.0, 'Dy3': 298.0, 'Er3': 328.0,
                     'Tm3': 356.0, 'Lu3': 331.0, 'Hf4': 956.0, 'Zr4': 895.0,
                     'Ce4': 835.0, 'U4': 1183.0, 'Pu4': 972.0, 'Th4': 625.0},
        'SPCE' :  {'Li1': 33.0, 'Na1': 6.0, 'K1': 19.0, 'Rb1': 7.0, 'Cs1': 12.0,
                   'Tl': 61.0, 'Cu1': 9.0, 'Ag1': 92.0, 'F-1': -53.0,
                   'Cl-1': -55.0, 'Br-1': -51.0, 'I-1': -51.0, 'Be2': 188.1,
                   'Cu2': 304.4, 'Ni2': 205.2, 'Zn2': 231.2, 'Co2': 209.2,
                   'Cr2': 131.2, 'Fe2': 155.4, 'Mg2': 122.2, 'V2': 206.6,
                   'Mn2': 154.9, 'Hg2': 300.2, 'Cd2': 198.8, 'Ca2': 89.0,
                   'Sn2': 201.1, 'Sr2': 96.3, 'Ba2': 85.8, 'Al3': 406.0,
                   'Fe3': 442.0, 'Cr3': 254.0, 'In3': 349.0, 'Tl3': 455.0,
                   'Y3': 209.0, 'La3': 165.0, 'Ce3': 242.0, 'Pr3': 272.0,
                   'Nd3': 235.0, 'Sm3': 224.0, 'Eu3': 273.0, 'Gd3': 186.0,
                   'Tb3': 227.0, 'Dy3': 206.0, 'Er3': 247.0, 'Tm3': 262.0,
                   'Lu3': 247.0, 'Hf4': 810.0, 'Zr4': 760.0, 'Ce4': 694.0,
                   'U4': 1043.0, 'Pu4': 828.0, 'Th4': 513.0}

[docs]def params1264(parm, mask, c4file, watermodel, polfile, tunfactor): from parmed import periodic_table as pt global DEFAULT_C4_PARAMS, WATER_POL try: pollist = _get_params(polfile) except ValueError: raise LJ12_6_4Error('Bad polarizability file %s. Expected a file with ' '2 columns: <Amber Atom Type> <Polarizability>' % polfile) if c4file is None: c4list = DEFAULT_C4_PARAMS[watermodel] else: try: c4list = _get_params(c4file) except ValueError: raise LJ12_6_4Error('Bad C4 parameter file %s. Expected a file ' 'with 2 columns: <Atom Element> ' '<C4 Parameter>' % c4file) print("***********************************************************") # Determine which atom type was treated as the center metal ion mettypdict = dict() for i in mask.Selected(): mettypind = parm.parm_data['ATOM_TYPE_INDEX'][i] metchg = parm.parm_data['CHARGE'][i] if mettypind in mettypdict: continue mettypdict[mettypind] = (parm.atoms[i].atomic_number, int(metchg)) print("The selected metal ion is %s" % pt.Element[parm.atoms[i].atomic_number]) mettypinds = sorted(mettypdict.keys()) # 1. Get the dict between AMBER_ATOM_TYPE and ATOM_TYPE_INDEX for all # the atoms in prmtop file ntypes = parm.pointers['NTYPES'] typs = parm.parm_data['AMBER_ATOM_TYPE'] typinds = parm.parm_data['ATOM_TYPE_INDEX'] typdict = {} for ty, ind in zip(typs, typinds): if ind not in typdict: typdict[ind] = [ty] elif ty in typdict[ind]: continue else: typdict[ind].append(ty) for i in range(1, ntypes+1): if i not in typinds: typdict[i] = [] # 2.Generate the C4 term for each atom type pair result = [0.0 for i in parm.parm_data['LENNARD_JONES_ACOEF']] for mettypind in mettypinds: # Obtain the C4 parameters c4 = c4list[pt.Element[mettypdict[mettypind][0]] + str(mettypdict[mettypind][1])] i = mettypind - 1 for j in range(1, ntypes+1): jj = j - 1 attypjs = typdict[j] if len(attypjs) >= 1: # Get polarizability for k, typjs in enumerate(attypjs): if k == 0: try: pol = pollist[typjs] except KeyError: raise LJ12_6_4Error("Could not find parameters for " "ATOM_TYPE %s" % typjs ) else: try: anthpol = pollist[typjs] if anthpol != pol: raise LJ12_6_4Error( 'Polarizability parameter of ' 'AMBER_ATOM_TYPE %s is not the same ' 'as that of AMBER_ATOM_TYPE %s, but ' 'their VDW parameters are the same. ' % (attypjs[0], typjs) ) except KeyError: raise LJ12_6_4Error("Could not find parameters for " "ATOM_TYPE %s" % typjs) # Get index if jj < i: idx = parm.parm_data['NONBONDED_PARM_INDEX'][ntypes*jj+i]-1 else: idx = parm.parm_data['NONBONDED_PARM_INDEX'][ntypes*i+jj]-1 # Caculate C4 terms if attypjs == ['OW']: # There is only one C4 term exist between water and a # certain ion result[idx] = c4 else: # There are two C4 terms need to add together between two # different ions result[idx] += c4 / WATER_POL * pol * tunfactor return result
def _get_params(fname): params = dict() with open(fname, 'r') as f: for line in f: atomtype, param = line.split()[:2] param = float(param) if atomtype in params and abs(param - params[atomtype]) > 0.0001: warnings.warn('Atom type %s has multiple parameters in %s.' % (atomtype, fname), DuplicateParamWarning) params[atomtype] = param return params