parmed.modeller package

Module contents

This package contains functionality necessary to carry out basic molecular modelling tasks.

class parmed.modeller.AmberOFFLibrary[source]

Bases: object

Class containing static methods responsible for parsing and writing OFF libraries



Sees if an open file is an OFF library file.


Parses an Amber OFF library

write(lib, dest)

Writes a dictionary of ResidueTemplate units to a file in OFF format

static id_format(filename)[source]

Sees if an open file is an OFF library file.


The name of the file to see if it is an OFF file format


True if it is recognized as OFF, False otherwise

static parse(filename)[source]

Parses an Amber OFF library

filenamestr or file-like iterable

The file name or file object to parse. If it is an iterable, it will be exhausted

residuesOrderedDict {str

Dictionary pairing residue names with their ResidueTemplate objects

ValueError if the first line does not match the file format. This line
will be consumed
IOError if filename is the name of a file that does not exist
RuntimeError if EOF is reached prematurely or other formatting issues
static write(lib, dest)[source]

Writes a dictionary of ResidueTemplate units to a file in OFF format

libdict {str

Items can be either ResidueTemplate or ResidueTemplateContainer instances

deststr or file-like

Either a file name or a file-like object to write the file to

class parmed.modeller.PatchTemplate(name='')[source]

Bases: parmed.modeller.residue.ResidueTemplate

A residue patch (typically used for CHARMM) that is used to modify existing residues in some way (e.g., terminal patches, disulfide bridges, etc.)

namestr, optional

If provided, this is the name of the residue

See also



This class basically just provides an additional list of atoms that need to be deleted when applying this patch – something that does not apply to standard Residues

add_bondslist of (str, str, order)

List of bonds that need to be added in applying the patch

delete_atomslist of str

List of atom names that need to be deleted in applying the patch

delete_improperslist of tuple of str

List of impropers (tuple of atom names) that need to be deleted in applying the patch



Adds an atom to this residue template

add_bond(atom1, atom2[, order])

Adds a bond between the two provided atoms in the residue

apply_patch(patch[, precision])

Apply the specified PatchTemplate to the ResidueTemplate.


Delete an atom from this residue template, along with corresponding bonds.


Delete a bond from this residue template.

fix_charges([to, precision])

Adjusts the partial charge of all atoms in the residue to match the requested target charge.


This constructor creates a ResidueTemplate from a particular Residue object Parameters ———- residue : Residue The residue from which to create a template


Determine whether a specified patch is compatible with this residue.

save(fname[, format, overwrite])

Saves the current ResidueTemplate in the requested file format.


Create a pandas dataframe from the atom information


Create a NetworkX graph of atoms and bonds


Generates a Structure instance with a single residue from this ResidueTemplate

class parmed.modeller.ResidueTemplate(name='')[source]

Bases: object

This is a residue template, which contains a listing of the atoms in the residue template as well as a mapping of which atoms are bonded to other atoms.

namestr, optional

If provided, this is the name of the residue


List of atoms in this residue


List of the bonds between the atoms in this residue

coordinatesnp.ndarray(natom, 3)

Atomic coordinates, in Angstroms, of all atoms in the template

connectionslist of Atom

A list of all atoms that should form connections with atoms of another residue besides the head and tail atoms

headAtom or None

The atom that is connected to the residue that comes before this one

tailAtom or None

The atom that is connected to the next residue after this one

first_patchResidueTemplate or None

If it is not None, this is the patch whose tail is added to the head atom of this residue when this residue is the first in a chain

last_patchResidueTemplate or None

If it is not None, this is the patch whose head is added to the tail atom of this residue when this residue is the last in a chain

groupslist of list(Atom)

If set, each group is a list of Atom instances making up each group


For use with OpenMM ResidueTemplates. If OpenMM ForceField is given multiple identically-matching residue templates with the same names it choses (overrides with) the one with the highest override_level (overrideLevel in OpenMM). Default is 0.



Adds an atom to this residue template

add_bond(atom1, atom2[, order])

Adds a bond between the two provided atoms in the residue

apply_patch(patch[, precision])

Apply the specified PatchTemplate to the ResidueTemplate.


Delete an atom from this residue template, along with corresponding bonds.


Delete a bond from this residue template.

fix_charges([to, precision])

Adjusts the partial charge of all atoms in the residue to match the requested target charge.


This constructor creates a ResidueTemplate from a particular Residue object Parameters ———- residue : Residue The residue from which to create a template


Determine whether a specified patch is compatible with this residue.

save(fname[, format, overwrite])

Saves the current ResidueTemplate in the requested file format.


Create a pandas dataframe from the atom information


Create a NetworkX graph of atoms and bonds


Generates a Structure instance with a single residue from this ResidueTemplate


Adds an atom to this residue template


The atom to add to this residue

ValueError if atom has the same name as another atom in this
residue already
add_bond(atom1, atom2, order=1.0)[source]

Adds a bond between the two provided atoms in the residue

atom1Atom or int or str

One of the atoms in the bond. It must be in the atoms list of this ResidueTemplate. It can also be the atom index (index from 0) of the atom in the bond.

atom2Atom or int or str

The other atom in the bond. It must be in the atoms list of this ResidueTemplate. It can also be the atom index (index from 0) of the atom in the bond.

The bond order of this bond. Bonds are classified as follows:

1.0 – single bond 2.0 – double bond 3.0 – triple bond 1.5 – aromatic bond 1.25 – amide bond

Default is 1.0

IndexError if atom1 or atom2 are integers that are out of range of the
number of atoms already in this template
RuntimeError if atom1 or atom2 are Atom instances but they are
not in the atoms list of this ResidueTemplate


If atom1 and atom2 are already bonded, this routine does nothing. If atom1 or atom2 are strings, then they will match the first instance of the atom name that is the same as the atom name passed.

apply_patch(patch, precision=4)[source]

Apply the specified PatchTemplate to the ResidueTemplate.

This only handles patches that affect a single residue.

An exception is thrown if patch is incompatible because * The patch specifies that an atom is to be deleted that doesn’t exist in the residue * A bond specified as being added in the patch does not have both atom names present after adding/deleting atoms from the patch * The new net charge is not integral to the specified precision * The residue is not modified in any way (no atoms or bonds added/changed/deleted)


The patch to apply to this residue

precisionint, optional

Each valid patch should be produce a net charge that is integral to this many decimal places. Default is 4


A new ResidueTemplate corresponding to the patched residue is returned. The original remains unmodified.

property coordinates

Atomic coordinates, in Angstroms, of all atoms in the template


Delete an atom from this residue template, along with corresponding bonds.

atomAtom or str

The atom or atom name to be deleted


Delete a bond from this residue template.


The bond to be deleted

property empirical_chemical_formula

Return the empirical chemical formula (in Hill notation) as a string (e.g. ‘H2O’, ‘C6H12’), omitting EPs

fix_charges(to=None, precision=4)[source]

Adjusts the partial charge of all atoms in the residue to match the requested target charge. The default target charge is the closest integer

tofloat, optional

The desired net charge of this residue template. Default is the closest integer charge

precisionint, optional

The number of decimal places that each charge should be rounded to. Default is 4


The current residue template whose charges are being modified


If you try to call fix_charges on a residue template with no atoms


This method modifies the atomic charges of this residue template in-place. Any residual charge (which is accumulated roundoff beyond the requested precision) is added to the first atom of the residue. This will typically be 10^-precision in magnitude, and should almost never be higher than 2*10^-precision. As long as a reasonable precision is chosen (no fewer than 3 or 4 decimal places), this will have only a negligible impact on a force field.

If provided, “to” will be rounded to the precision’th decimal place to make sure that the sum of the charges come out as close as possible to the target charge while still obeying the requested precision.

classmethod from_residue(residue)[source]

This constructor creates a ResidueTemplate from a particular Residue object Parameters ———- residue : Residue

The residue from which to create a template

property map
property net_charge

Determine whether a specified patch is compatible with this residue.

Compatibility is determined by whether Residue.Template.apply_patch(patch) raises as exception or not.


The patch to be applied to this residue.


True if patch is compatible with the residue; False if not.

save(fname, format=None, overwrite=False, **kwargs)[source]

Saves the current ResidueTemplate in the requested file format. Supported formats can be specified explicitly or determined by file-name extension. The following formats are supported, with the recognized suffix shown in parentheses:

  • MOL2 (.mol2)

  • MOL3 (.mol3)

  • OFF (.lib/.off)

  • PDB (.pdb)

  • PQR (.pqr)


Name of the file to save. If format is None (see below), the file type will be determined based on the filename extension. If the type cannot be determined, a ValueError is raised.

formatstr, optional

The case-insensitive keyword specifying what type of file fname should be saved as. If None (default), the file type will be determined from filename extension of fname

overwritebool, optional

If True, allow the target file to be overwritten. Otherwise, an IOError is raised if the file exists. Default is False


Remaining arguments are passed on to the file writing routines that are called by this function

ValueError if either filename extension or format are not recognized
TypeError if the structure cannot be converted to the desired format for
whatever reason

Create a pandas dataframe from the atom information


The pandas DataFrame with all of the atomic properties


The DataFrame will be over all atoms. The columns will be the attributes of the atom (as well as its containing residue). Some columns will always exist. Others will only exist if those attributes have been set on the Atom instances (see the Atom docs for possible attributes and their meaning). The columns that will always be present are:

  • number : int

  • name : str

  • type : str

  • atomic_number : int

  • charge : float

  • mass : float

  • nb_idx : int

  • solvent_radius : float

  • screen : float

  • occupancy : float

  • bfactor : float

  • altloc : str

  • tree : str

  • join : int

  • irotat : int

  • rmin : float

  • epsilon : float

  • rmin_14 : float

  • epsilon_14 : float

The following attributes are optionally present if they were present in the original file defining the structure:

  • xx : float (x-coordinate position)

  • xy : float (y-coordinate position)

  • xz : float (z-coordinate position)

  • vx : float (x-coordinate velocity)

  • vy : float (y-coordinate velocity)

  • vz : float (z-coordinate velocity)


Create a NetworkX graph of atoms and bonds


Whether to include “atoms” that actually represent extra particles (atomic_number == 0).


A NetworkX Graph representing the molecule


Generates a Structure instance with a single residue from this ResidueTemplate


The Structure with all of the bonds and connectivity of this template

class parmed.modeller.ResidueTemplateContainer(name='')[source]

Bases: list

A container of ResidueTemplate objects representing a unit with multiple residues

namestr, optional

The name of the residue container


append(object, /)

Append object to the end of the list.


Remove all items from list.


Return a shallow copy of the list.

count(value, /)

Return number of occurrences of value.

extend(iterable, /)

Extend list by appending elements from the iterable.


Adjusts the net charge of all residues in this ResidueContainer to match the closest integer charge

from_library(library[, copy])

Converts a dictionary of ResidueTemplate items into a ResidueTemplateContainer.

from_structure(struct[, term_decorate])

Instantiates a ResidueTemplateContainer from a Structure instance filled with residues

index(value[, start, stop])

Return first index of value.

insert(index, object, /)

Insert object before index.


Remove and return item at index (default last).

remove(value, /)

Remove first occurrence of value.


Reverse IN PLACE.

save(fname[, format])

Saves the current ResidueTemplateContainer in the requested file format.

sort(*[, key, reverse])

Stable sort IN PLACE.


Converts the ResidueTemplateContainer instance to a library of unique ResidueTemplate instances.


Adjusts the net charge of all residues in this ResidueContainer to match the closest integer charge

precisionint, optional

The number of decimal places that each charge should be rounded to. Default is 4


The current residue template container whose ResidueTemplates are being modified


If you try to call fix_charges on a container with no templates


This method modifies everything in-place.

classmethod from_library(library, copy=False)[source]

Converts a dictionary of ResidueTemplate items into a ResidueTemplateContainer.

librarydict or OrderedDict

The library of ResidueTemplate objects to add to this container

copybool, optional

If True, copies of each ResidueTemplate in library is added to the ResidueTemplateContainer. Default is False


A ResidueTemplateContainer containing all of the residues defined in library

TypeError if any of the items in the input library is not a
ResidueTemplate instance (or an instance of a subclass)


If the library is ordered, that order is maintained

classmethod from_structure(struct, term_decorate=True)[source]

Instantiates a ResidueTemplateContainer from a Structure instance filled with residues


The structure from which to generate the ResidueTemplateContainer from

term_decoratebool, optional

If True, terminal amino and nucleic acid residues will be adorned as follows:

  • N-prepended if it is an N-terminal amino acid

  • C-prepended if it is a C-terminal amino acid

  • 5-appended if it is a 5’-terminal nucleic acid

  • 3-appended if it is a 3’-terminal nucleic acid

For example, an N-terminal GLY will become NGLY, while a 5’-terminal DA will become DA5. Default is True

save(fname, format=None, **kwargs)[source]

Saves the current ResidueTemplateContainer in the requested file format. Supported formats can be specified explicitly or determined by file-name extension. The following formats are supported, with the recognized suffix and format keyword shown in parentheses:

  • MOL2 (.mol2)

  • MOL3 (.mol3)

  • OFF (.lib/.off)


Name of the file to save. If format is None (see below), the file type will be determined based on the filename extension. If the type cannot be determined, a ValueError is raised.

formatstr, optional

The case-insensitive keyword specifying what type of file fname should be saved as. If None (default), the file type will be determined from filename extension of fname


Remaining arguments are passed on to the file writing routines that are called by this function

ValueError if either filename extension or format are not recognized
TypeError if the structure cannot be converted to the desired format for
whatever reason


Mol2 and Mol3 files are saved as concatenated multiple @<MOLECULE>s. By contrast, will save a single @<MOLECULE> mol2 file with multiple residues if the mol2 format is requested.


Converts the ResidueTemplateContainer instance to a library of unique ResidueTemplate instances. The first of each kind of residue is taken

residuesdict {str

The residue library with all residues from this residue collection