
class parmed.openmm.ProgressReporter(**kwargs)[source]

A class that prints out a progress report of how much MD (or minimization) has been done, how fast the simulation is running, and how much time is left (similar to the mdinfo file in Amber)


The file name of the progress report file (overwritten each time)


The step interval between which to write frames


The total number of steps that will be run in the simulation (used to estimate time remaining)

potentialEnergybool, optional

Whether to print the potential energy (default True)

kineticEnergybool, optional

Whether to print the kinetic energy (default True)

totalEnergybool, optional

Whether to print the total energy (default True)

temperaturebool, optional

Whether to print the system temperature (default True)

volumebool, optional

Whether to print the system volume (default False)

densitybool, optional

Whether to print the system density (default False)

systemMassfloat or unit.Quantity

The mass of the system used when reporting density (useful in instances where masses are set to 0 to constrain their positions)


In addition to the above, ProgressReporter also accepts arguments for StateDataReporter



Get information about the next report this object will generate.


Closes any open file

report(simulation, state)

Generate a report and predict the time to completion (and current/overall MD performance)

__init__(f, reportInterval, totalSteps, potentialEnergy=True, kineticEnergy=True, totalEnergy=True, temperature=False, volume=False, density=False, systemMass=None, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__(f, reportInterval, totalSteps[, …])

Initialize self.


Get information about the next report this object will generate.


Closes any open file

report(simulation, state)

Generate a report and predict the time to completion (and current/overall MD performance)