Source code for parmed.amber.amberformat

This is a generalization of the readparm.AmberParm class to handle similar
Amber-style files with %FLAG/%FORMAT tags
from __future__ import division, print_function

from parmed.constants import (NATOM, NTYPES, NBONH, NTHETH, NPHIH,
from parmed.exceptions import AmberError
from parmed.formats.registry import FileFormatType
from import genopen
from parmed.utils.six import string_types, add_metaclass
from parmed.utils.six.moves import range
from contextlib import closing
from copy import copy
import datetime
from parmed.utils.fortranformat import FortranRecordReader, FortranRecordWriter
from math import ceil
import re

# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

[docs]class FortranFormat(object): """ Processes Fortran format strings according to the Fortran specification for such formats. This object handles reading and writing data with any valid Fortran format. It does this by using the `fortranformat` project []. However, while `fortranformat` is very general and adheres well to the standard, it is very slow. As a result, simple, common format strings have been optimized and processes reads and writes between 3 and 5 times faster. The format strings (case-insensitive) of the following form (where # can be replaced by any number) are optimized: - #E#.# - #D#.# - #F#.# - #(F#.#) - #a# - #I# Parameters ---------- format_string : str The Fortran Format string to process strip_strings : bool=True If True, strings are stripped before being processed by stripping (only) trailing whitespace """ strre = re.compile(r'(\d+)?a(\d+)$', re.I) intre = re.compile(r'(\d+)?i(\d+)$', re.I) floatre = re.compile(r'(\d+)?[edf](\d+)\.(\d+)$', re.I) floatre2 = re.compile(r'(\d+)?\([edf](\d+)\.(\d+)\)$', re.I) #=================================================== def __init__(self, format_string, strip_strings=True): """ Sets the format string and determines how we will read and write strings using this format """ self.format = format_string self.strip_strings = strip_strings # for ease of copying # Define a function that processes all arguments prior to adding them to # the returned list. By default, do nothing, but this allows us to # optionally strip whitespace from strings. self.process_method = lambda x: x if FortranFormat.strre.match(format_string): rematch = FortranFormat.strre.match(format_string) # replace our write() method with write_string to force left-justify self.type, self.write = str, self._write_string nitems, itemlen = rematch.groups() if nitems is None: self.nitems = 1 else: self.nitems = int(nitems) self.itemlen = int(itemlen) self.fmt = '%s' # See if we want to strip the strings if strip_strings: self.process_method = lambda x: x.strip() elif FortranFormat.intre.match(format_string): self.type = int rematch = FortranFormat.intre.match(format_string) nitems, itemlen = rematch.groups() if nitems is None: self.nitems = 1 else: self.nitems = int(nitems) self.itemlen = int(itemlen) self.fmt = '%%%dd' % self.itemlen elif FortranFormat.floatre.match(format_string): self.type = float rematch = FortranFormat.floatre.match(format_string) nitems, itemlen, num_decimals = rematch.groups() if nitems is None: self.nitems = 1 else: self.nitems = int(nitems) self.itemlen = int(itemlen) self.num_decimals = int(num_decimals) if 'F' in format_string.upper(): self.fmt = '%%%s.%sF' % (self.itemlen, self.num_decimals) else: self.fmt = '%%%s.%sE' % (self.itemlen, self.num_decimals) elif FortranFormat.floatre2.match(format_string): self.type = float rematch = FortranFormat.floatre2.match(format_string) nitems, itemlen, num_decimals = rematch.groups() if nitems is None: self.nitems = 1 else: self.nitems = int(nitems) self.itemlen = int(itemlen) self.num_decimals = int(num_decimals) if 'F' in format_string.upper(): self.fmt = '%%%s.%sF' % (self.itemlen, self.num_decimals) else: self.fmt = '%%%s.%sE' % (self.itemlen, self.num_decimals) else: # We tried... now just use the fortranformat package self._reader = FortranRecordReader(format_string) self._writer = FortranRecordWriter(format_string) self.write = self._write_ffwriter = self._read_ffreader #=================================================== def __copy__(self): return type(self)(self.format, self.strip_strings) #=================================================== def __str__(self): return self.format def __repr__(self): return "<%s: %s>" % (type(self).__name__, self.format) #===================================================
[docs] def write(self, items, dest): """ Writes an iterable of data (or a single item) to the passed file-like object Parameters ---------- items : iterable or single float/str/int These are the objects to write in this format. The types of each item should match the type specified in this Format for that argument dest : file or file-like This is the file to write the data to. It must have a `write` method or an AttributeError will be raised Notes ----- This method may be replaced with _write_string (for #a#-style formats) or _write_ffwriter in the class initializer if no optimization is provided for this format, but the call signatures and behavior are the same for each of those functions. """ if hasattr(items, '__iter__') and not isinstance(items, string_types): mod = self.nitems - 1 for i, item in enumerate(items): dest.write(self.fmt % item) if i % self.nitems == mod: dest.write('\n') if i % self.nitems != mod: dest.write('\n') else: dest.write(self.fmt % items) dest.write('\n')
#=================================================== def _write_string(self, items, dest): """ Writes a list/tuple of strings """ if hasattr(items, '__iter__') and not isinstance(items, string_types): mod = self.nitems - 1 for i, item in enumerate(items): dest.write((self.fmt % item).ljust(self.itemlen)) if i % self.nitems == mod: dest.write('\n') if i % self.nitems != mod: dest.write('\n') else: dest.write((self.fmt % items).ljust(self.itemlen)) dest.write('\n') #=================================================== def _read_nostrip(self, line): """ Reads the line and returns converted data. Special-cased for flags that may contain 'blank' data. ugh. """ line = line.rstrip('\n') nitems = int(ceil(len(line) / self.itemlen)) ret = [0 for i in range(nitems)] start, end = 0, self.itemlen for i in range(nitems): ret[i] = self.process_method(self.type(line[start:end])) start = end end += self.itemlen return ret #===================================================
[docs] def read(self, line): """ Reads the line and returns the converted data """ line = line.rstrip() nitems = int(ceil(len(line) / self.itemlen)) ret = [0 for i in range(nitems)] start, end = 0, self.itemlen for i in range(nitems): ret[i] = self.process_method(self.type(line[start:end])) start = end end += self.itemlen return ret
#=================================================== def _read_ffreader(self, line): """ Reads the line and returns the converted data """ return #=================================================== def _write_ffwriter(self, items, dest): dest.write('%s\n' % self._writer.write(items)) #=================================================== def __eq__(self, other): return (self.format == other.format and self.strip_strings == other.strip_strings) #=================================================== def __hash__(self): return hash((self.format, self.strip_strings)) #=================================================== def __getstate__(self): return dict(format=self.format, strip_strings=self.strip_strings) def __setstate__(self, d): self.__init__(d['format'], d['strip_strings'])
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]@add_metaclass(FileFormatType) class AmberFormat(object): """ A class that can parse and print files stored in the Amber topology or MDL format. In particular, these files have the general form: ``` %VERSION VERSION_STAMP = V00001.000 DATE = XX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX %FLAG <FLAG_NAME> %COMMENT <comments> %FORMAT(<Fortran_Format>) ... data corresponding to that Fortran Format %FLAG <FLAG_NAME2> %COMMENT <comments> %FORMAT(<Fortran_Format>) ... data corresponding to that Fortran Format ``` where the `%COMMENT` sections are entirely optional Parameters ---------- fname : str=None If provided, this file is parsed and the data structures will be loaded from the data in this file Attributes ---------- parm_data : dict {str : list} A dictionary that maps FLAG names to all of the data contained in that section of the Amber file. formats : dict {str : FortranFormat} A dictionary that maps FLAG names to the FortranFormat instance in which the data is stored in that section parm_comments : dict {str : list} A dictionary that maps FLAG names to the list of COMMENT lines that were stored in the original file flag_list : list An ordered list of all FLAG names. This must be kept synchronized with `parm_data`, `formats`, and `parm_comments` such that every item in `flag_list` is a key to those 3 dicts and no other keys exist charge_flag : str='CHARGE' The name of the name of the FLAG that describes partial atomic charge data. If this flag is found, then its data are multiplied by the ELECTROSTATIC_CONSTANT to convert back to fractions of electrons version : str The VERSION string from the Amber file name : str The file name of the originally parsed file (set to the fname parameter) """ #===================================================
[docs] @staticmethod def id_format(filename): """ Identifies the file type as either Amber-format file (like prmtop) or an old-style topology file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the file to check format for Returns ------- is_fmt : bool True if it is an Amber-style format, False otherwise """ if isinstance(filename, string_types): with closing(genopen(filename, 'r')) as f: lines = [f.readline() for i in range(5)] elif (hasattr(filename, 'readline') and hasattr(filename, 'seek') and hasattr(filename, 'tell')): cur = filename.tell() lines = [filename.readline() for i in range(5)] if lines[0].startswith('%VERSION'): return True # Try old-style format try: return AmberFormat().rdparm_old(lines, check=True) except ValueError: return False
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(filename, *args, **kwargs): """ Meant for use with the automatic file loader, this will automatically return a subclass of AmberFormat corresponding to what the information in the prmtop file contains (i.e., either an AmberParm, ChamberParm, AmoebaParm, or AmberFormat) """ from parmed.amber import LoadParm, BeemanRestart try: return LoadParm(filename, *args, **kwargs) except (IndexError, KeyError): parm = AmberFormat(filename, *args, **kwargs) if 'ATOMIC_COORDS_LIST' in parm.parm_data: return BeemanRestart.from_rawdata(parm) return parm
[docs] def __init__(self, fname=None): """ Constructor. Read a file if given """ self._ncopies = 0 self.parm_data = {} self.formats = {} self.parm_comments = {} self.flag_list = [] self.version = None self.charge_flag = 'CHARGE' = fname if fname is not None: self.rdparm(fname)
#=================================================== def __copy__(self): """ Copy all of the data """ self._ncopies += 1 other = type(self)() other.flag_list = self.flag_list[:] other.version = self.version if is not None: = + '_copy%d' % self._ncopies else: = None other.charge_flag = self.charge_flag other.parm_data = {} other.parm_comments = {} other.formats = {} for flag in other.flag_list: other.parm_data[flag] = self.parm_data[flag][:] other.parm_comments[flag] = self.parm_comments[flag][:] other.formats[flag] = copy(self.formats[flag]) return other #===================================================
[docs] def view_as(self, cls): """ Returns a view of the current object as another object. Parameters ---------- cls : type Class definition of an AmberParm subclass for the current object to be converted into Returns ------- instance of cls initialized from data in this object. This is NOT a deep copy, so modifying the original object may modify this. The copy function will create a deep copy of any AmberFormat-derived object """ # If these are the same classes, just return the original instance, # since there's nothing to do. Classes are singletons, so use "is" if type(self) is cls: return self return cls.from_rawdata(self)
[docs] def rdparm(self, fname, slow=False): """ Parses the Amber format file """ = fname self.version = None # reset all top info each time rdparm is called self.formats = {} self.parm_data = {} self.parm_comments = {} self.flag_list = [] # See if we have the optimized parser available try: from parmed.amber import _rdparm except ImportError: return self.rdparm_slow(fname) # The optimized parser only works on local, uncompressed files # TODO: Add gzip and bzip2 support to the optimized reader if (hasattr(fname, 'read') or slow or fname.startswith('http://') or fname.startswith('https://') or fname.startswith('ftp://') or fname.endswith('.bz2') or fname.endswith('.gz')): return self.rdparm_slow(fname) # We have the optimized version and a local file try: ret = _rdparm.rdparm(fname) except TypeError: # This is raised if VERSION is not found with closing(genopen(fname, 'r')) as f: return self.rdparm_old(f.readlines()) else: # Unpack returned contents parm_data, parm_comments, formats, unkflg, flag_list, version = ret # Now assign them to instance attributes and process where necessary self.parm_data = parm_data self.parm_comments = parm_comments for key in formats: self.formats[key] = FortranFormat(formats[key]) self.flag_list = flag_list self.version = version # Now we have to process all of those sections that the optimized # parser couldn't figure out for flag in unkflg: rawdata = self.parm_data[flag] self.parm_data[flag] = [] for line in rawdata: self.parm_data[flag].extend(self.formats[flag].read(line)) if 'CTITLE' in self.parm_data: CHARGE_SCALE = CHARMM_ELECTROSTATIC else: CHARGE_SCALE = AMBER_ELECTROSTATIC try: for i, chg in enumerate(self.parm_data[self.charge_flag]): self.parm_data[self.charge_flag][i] = chg / CHARGE_SCALE except KeyError: pass
[docs] def rdparm_slow(self, fname): """ Parses the Amber format file. This parser is written in pure Python and is therefore slower than the C++-optimized version """ current_flag = '' fmtre = re.compile(r'%FORMAT *\((.+)\)') version = None if isinstance(fname, string_types): prm = genopen(fname, 'r') own_handle = True elif hasattr(fname, 'read'): prm = fname own_handle = False else: raise TypeError('%s must be a file name or file-like object' % fname) # Open up the file and read the data into memory for line in prm: if line[0] == '%': if line[0:8] == '%VERSION': self.version = line.strip() continue elif line[0:5] == '%FLAG': current_flag = line[6:].strip() self.formats[current_flag] = '' self.parm_data[current_flag] = [] self.parm_comments[current_flag] = [] self.flag_list.append(current_flag) continue elif line[0:8] == '%COMMENT': self.parm_comments[current_flag].append(line[9:].strip()) continue elif line[0:7] == '%FORMAT': fmt = FortranFormat(fmtre.match(line).groups()[0]) # RESIDUE_ICODE can have a lot of blank data... if current_flag == 'RESIDUE_ICODE': = fmt._read_nostrip self.formats[current_flag] = fmt continue try: self.parm_data[current_flag].extend( except KeyError: if version is not None: raise break # Skip out of the loop down to the old-format parser # convert charges to fraction-electrons if 'CTITLE' in self.parm_data: CHARGE_SCALE = CHARMM_ELECTROSTATIC else: CHARGE_SCALE = AMBER_ELECTROSTATIC if self.charge_flag in self.parm_data: for i, chg in enumerate(self.parm_data[self.charge_flag]): self.parm_data[self.charge_flag][i] = chg / CHARGE_SCALE # If we don't have a version, then read in an old-file topology if self.version is None: return self.rdparm_old(prm.readlines()) if own_handle: prm.close() return
[docs] def rdparm_old(self, prmtop_lines, check=False): """ This reads an old-style topology file and stores the results in the same data structures as a new-style topology file Parameters ---------- prmtop_lines : list of str List of all lines in the prmtop file check : bool, optional If True, only the first couple sections will be read to determine if this is, in fact, an old-style topology file """ def read_integer(line_idx, lines, num_items): # line_idx should be the line _before_ the first line you # want data from. i, tmp_data = 0, [] while i < num_items: idx = i % 12 if idx == 0: line_idx += 1 try: tmp_data.append(int(lines[line_idx][idx*6:idx*6+6])) except ValueError: raise ValueError( 'Error parsing line %d, token %d [%s]: Problem ' 'during integer read.' % (line_idx, idx, lines[line_idx][idx*6:idx*6+6]) ) i += 1 # If we had no items, we need to jump a line: if num_items == 0: line_idx += 1 return tmp_data, line_idx def read_string(line_idx, lines, num_items): # line_idx should be the line _before_ the first line you # want data from. i, tmp_data = 0, [] while i < num_items: idx = i % 20 if idx == 0: line_idx += 1 tmp_data.append(lines[line_idx][idx*4:idx*4+4]) i += 1 # If we had no items, we need to jump a line: if num_items == 0: line_idx += 1 return tmp_data, line_idx def read_float(line_idx, lines, num_items): # line_idx should be the line _before_ the first line you # want data from. i, tmp_data = 0, [] while i < num_items: idx = i % 5 if idx == 0: line_idx += 1 try: tmp_data.append(float(lines[line_idx][idx*16:idx*16+16])) except ValueError: raise ValueError( 'Error parsing line %d, token %d [%s]: Problem ' 'during floating point read.' % (line_idx, idx, lines[line_idx][idx*16:idx*16+16]) ) i += 1 # If we had no items, we need to jump a line: if num_items == 0: line_idx += 1 return tmp_data, line_idx # First add a title self.add_flag('TITLE', '20a4', data=['| Converted old-style topology']) # Next, read in the pointers line_idx = 0 tmp_data, line_idx = read_integer(line_idx, prmtop_lines, 30) # Add a final pointer of 0, which corresponds to NUMEXTRA tmp_data.append(0) self.add_flag('POINTERS', '10I8', data=tmp_data) # Set some of the pointers we need natom = self.parm_data['POINTERS'][NATOM] ntypes = self.parm_data['POINTERS'][NTYPES] nres = self.parm_data['POINTERS'][NRES] numbnd = self.parm_data['POINTERS'][NUMBND] numang = self.parm_data['POINTERS'][NUMANG] nptra = self.parm_data['POINTERS'][NPTRA] natyp = self.parm_data['POINTERS'][NATYP] nbonh = self.parm_data['POINTERS'][NBONH] nbona = self.parm_data['POINTERS'][NBONA] ntheth = self.parm_data['POINTERS'][NTHETH] ntheta = self.parm_data['POINTERS'][NTHETA] nex = self.parm_data['POINTERS'][NEXT] nphia = self.parm_data['POINTERS'][NPHIA] nphb = self.parm_data['POINTERS'][NPHB] nphih = self.parm_data['POINTERS'][NPHIH] # This is enough to convince me that we have an old-style prmtop if we # have the number of integers I suspect we should if check: return len(tmp_data) == 31 # Next read in the atom names tmp_data, line_idx = read_string(line_idx, prmtop_lines, natom) self.add_flag('ATOM_NAME', '20a4', data=tmp_data) # Next read the charges tmp_data, line_idx = read_float(line_idx, prmtop_lines, natom) # Divide by the electrostatic constant tmp_data = [x / AMBER_ELECTROSTATIC for x in tmp_data] self.add_flag('CHARGE', '5E16.8', data=tmp_data) # Next read the masses tmp_data, line_idx = read_float(line_idx, prmtop_lines, natom) self.add_flag('MASS', '5E16.8', data=tmp_data) # Next read atom type index tmp_data, line_idx = read_integer(line_idx, prmtop_lines, natom) self.add_flag('ATOM_TYPE_INDEX', '10I8', data=tmp_data) # Next read number excluded atoms tmp_data, line_idx = read_integer(line_idx, prmtop_lines, natom) self.add_flag('NUMBER_EXCLUDED_ATOMS', '10I8', data=tmp_data) # Next read nonbonded parm index tmp_data, line_idx = read_integer(line_idx, prmtop_lines, ntypes**2) self.add_flag('NONBONDED_PARM_INDEX', '10I8', data=tmp_data) # Next read residue label tmp_data, line_idx = read_string(line_idx, prmtop_lines, nres) self.add_flag('RESIDUE_LABEL', '20a4', data=tmp_data) # Next read residue pointer tmp_data, line_idx = read_integer(line_idx, prmtop_lines, nres) self.add_flag('RESIDUE_POINTER', '10I8', data=tmp_data) # Next read bond force constant tmp_data, line_idx = read_float(line_idx, prmtop_lines, numbnd) self.add_flag('BOND_FORCE_CONSTANT', '5E16.8', data=tmp_data) # Next read bond equil value tmp_data, line_idx = read_float(line_idx, prmtop_lines, numbnd) self.add_flag('BOND_EQUIL_VALUE', '5E16.8', data=tmp_data) # Next read angle force constant tmp_data, line_idx = read_float(line_idx, prmtop_lines, numang) self.add_flag('ANGLE_FORCE_CONSTANT', '5E16.8', data=tmp_data) # Next read the angle equilibrium value tmp_data, line_idx = read_float(line_idx, prmtop_lines, numang) self.add_flag('ANGLE_EQUIL_VALUE', '5E16.8', data=tmp_data) # Next read the dihedral force constant tmp_data, line_idx = read_float(line_idx, prmtop_lines, nptra) self.add_flag('DIHEDRAL_FORCE_CONSTANT', '5E16.8', data=tmp_data) # Next read dihedral periodicity tmp_data, line_idx = read_float(line_idx, prmtop_lines, nptra) self.add_flag('DIHEDRAL_PERIODICITY', '5E16.8', data=tmp_data) # Next read the dihedral phase tmp_data, line_idx = read_float(line_idx, prmtop_lines, nptra) self.add_flag('DIHEDRAL_PHASE', '5E16.8', data=tmp_data) # Next read SOLTY (?) tmp_data, line_idx = read_float(line_idx, prmtop_lines, natyp) self.add_flag('SOLTY', '5E16.8', data=tmp_data) # Next read lennard jones acoef and bcoef numvals = ntypes * (ntypes + 1) / 2 tmp_data, line_idx = read_float(line_idx, prmtop_lines, numvals) self.add_flag('LENNARD_JONES_ACOEF', '5E16.8', data=tmp_data) tmp_data, line_idx = read_float(line_idx, prmtop_lines, numvals) self.add_flag('LENNARD_JONES_BCOEF', '5E16.8', data=tmp_data) # Next read bonds including hydrogen tmp_data, line_idx = read_integer(line_idx, prmtop_lines, nbonh*3) self.add_flag('BONDS_INC_HYDROGEN', '10I8', data=tmp_data) # Next read bonds without hydrogen tmp_data, line_idx = read_integer(line_idx, prmtop_lines, nbona*3) self.add_flag('BONDS_WITHOUT_HYDROGEN', '10I8', data=tmp_data) # Next read angles including hydrogen tmp_data, line_idx = read_integer(line_idx, prmtop_lines, ntheth*4) self.add_flag('ANGLES_INC_HYDROGEN', '10I8', data=tmp_data) # Next read angles without hydrogen tmp_data, line_idx = read_integer(line_idx, prmtop_lines, ntheta*4) self.add_flag('ANGLES_WITHOUT_HYDROGEN', '10I8', data=tmp_data) # Next read dihdrals including hydrogen tmp_data, line_idx = read_integer(line_idx, prmtop_lines, nphih*5) self.add_flag('DIHEDRALS_INC_HYDROGEN', '10I8', data=tmp_data) # Next read dihedrals without hydrogen tmp_data, line_idx = read_integer(line_idx, prmtop_lines, nphia*5) self.add_flag('DIHEDRALS_WITHOUT_HYDROGEN', '10I8', data=tmp_data) # Next read the excluded atoms list tmp_data, line_idx = read_integer(line_idx, prmtop_lines, nex) self.add_flag('EXCLUDED_ATOMS_LIST', '10I8', data=tmp_data) # Next read the hbond terms tmp_data, line_idx = read_float(line_idx, prmtop_lines, nphb) self.add_flag('HBOND_ACOEF', '5E16.8', data=tmp_data) tmp_data, line_idx = read_float(line_idx, prmtop_lines, nphb) self.add_flag('HBOND_BCOEF', '5E16.8', data=tmp_data) tmp_data, line_idx = read_float(line_idx, prmtop_lines, nphb) self.add_flag('HBCUT', '5E16.8', data=tmp_data) # Next read amber atom type tmp_data, line_idx = read_string(line_idx, prmtop_lines, natom) self.add_flag('AMBER_ATOM_TYPE', '20a4', data=tmp_data) # Next read tree chain classification tmp_data, line_idx = read_string(line_idx, prmtop_lines, natom) self.add_flag('TREE_CHAIN_CLASSIFICATION', '20a4', data=tmp_data) # Next read the join array tmp_data, line_idx = read_integer(line_idx, prmtop_lines, natom) self.add_flag('JOIN_ARRAY', '10I8', data=tmp_data) # Next read the irotat array tmp_data, line_idx = read_integer(line_idx, prmtop_lines, natom) self.add_flag('IROTAT', '10I8', data=tmp_data) # Now do PBC stuff if self.parm_data['POINTERS'][IFBOX]: # Solvent pointers tmp_data, line_idx = read_integer(line_idx, prmtop_lines, 3) self.add_flag('SOLVENT_POINTERS', '10I8', data=tmp_data) nspm = tmp_data[1] # Atoms per molecule tmp_data, line_idx = read_integer(line_idx, prmtop_lines, nspm) self.add_flag('ATOMS_PER_MOLECULE', '10I8', data=tmp_data) # Box dimensions tmp_data, line_idx = read_float(line_idx, prmtop_lines, 4) self.add_flag('BOX_DIMENSIONS', '5E16.8', data=tmp_data) # Now do CAP stuff if self.parm_data['POINTERS'][IFCAP]: # CAP_INFO tmp_data, line_idx = read_integer(line_idx, prmtop_lines, 1) self.add_flag('CAP_INFO', '10I8', data=tmp_data) tmp_data, line_idx = read_integer(line_idx, prmtop_lines, 4) self.add_flag('CAP_INFO2', '10I8', data=tmp_data)
# end if self.parm_data['POINTERS'][IFCAP] #===================================================
[docs] def set_version(self): """ Sets the version string """ now = self.version = ( '%%VERSION VERSION_STAMP = V0001.000 DATE = %02d/%02d/%02d ' '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (now.month,, now.year % 100, now.hour, now.minute, now.second) )
[docs] def write_parm(self, name): """ Writes the current data in parm_data into a new topology file with the given name Parameters ---------- name : str or file-like Name of the file to write the topology file to or file-like object to write """ # now that we know we will write the new prmtop file, open the new file if isinstance(name, string_types): new_prm = genopen(name, 'w') own_handle = True else: new_prm = name own_handle = False try: # get current time to put into new prmtop file if we had a %VERSION self.set_version() # convert charges back to amber charges... if 'CTITLE' in self.parm_data: CHARGE_SCALE = CHARMM_ELECTROSTATIC else: CHARGE_SCALE = AMBER_ELECTROSTATIC if self.charge_flag in self.parm_data.keys(): for i in range(len(self.parm_data[self.charge_flag])): self.parm_data[self.charge_flag][i] *= CHARGE_SCALE # write version to top of prmtop file new_prm.write('%s\n' % self.version) # write data to prmtop file, inserting blank line if it's an empty field for flag in self.flag_list: new_prm.write('%%FLAG %s\n' % flag) # Insert any comments before the %FORMAT specifier for comment in self.parm_comments[flag]: new_prm.write('%%COMMENT %s\n' % comment) new_prm.write('%%FORMAT(%s)\n' % self.formats[flag]) if len(self.parm_data[flag]) == 0: # empty field... new_prm.write('\n') continue self.formats[flag].write(self.parm_data[flag], new_prm) finally: if own_handle: new_prm.close() if self.charge_flag in self.parm_data.keys(): # Convert charges back to electron-units for i in range(len(self.parm_data[self.charge_flag])): self.parm_data[self.charge_flag][i] /= CHARGE_SCALE
[docs] def add_flag(self, flag_name, flag_format, data=None, num_items=-1, comments=None, after=None): """ Adds a new flag with the given flag name and Fortran format string and initializes the array with the values given, or as an array of 0s of length num_items Parameters ---------- flag_name : str Name of the flag to insert. It is converted to all upper case flag_format : str Fortran format string representing how the data in this section should be written and read. Do not enclose in () data : list=None Sequence with data for the new flag. If None, a list of zeros of length ``num_items`` (see below) is given as a holder num_items : int=-1 Number of items in the section. This variable is ignored if a set of data are given in `data` comments : list of str=None List of comments to add to this section after : str=None If provided, the added flag will be added after the one with the name given to `after`. If this flag does not exist, IndexError will be raised Raises ------ AmberError if flag already exists IndexError if the ``after`` flag does not exist """ if flag_name in self.parm_data: raise AmberError('%s already exists' % (flag_name)) if after is not None: after = after.upper() if not after in self.flag_list: raise IndexError('%s not found in topology flag list' % after) # If the 'after' flag is the last one, just append if self.flag_list[-1] == after: self.flag_list.append(flag_name.upper()) else: # Otherwise find the index and add it after idx = self.flag_list.index(after) + 1 self.flag_list.insert(idx, flag_name.upper()) else: self.flag_list.append(flag_name.upper()) self.formats[flag_name.upper()] = FortranFormat(flag_format) if data is not None: self.parm_data[flag_name.upper()] = list(data) else: if num_items < 0: raise AmberError("If you do not supply prmtop data, num_items " "must be non-negative!") self.parm_data[flag_name.upper()] = [0 for i in range(num_items)] if comments is not None: if isinstance(comments, string_types): comments = [comments] else: comments = list(comments) self.parm_comments[flag_name.upper()] = comments else: self.parm_comments[flag_name.upper()] = []
[docs] def delete_flag(self, flag_name): """ Removes a flag from the topology file """ flag_name = flag_name.upper() if flag_name in self.flag_list: del self.flag_list[self.flag_list.index(flag_name)] if flag_name in self.parm_comments: del self.parm_comments[flag_name] if flag_name in self.formats: del self.formats[flag_name] if flag_name in self.parm_data: del self.parm_data[flag_name]
#=================================================== def __getstate__(self): return dict(parm_data=self.parm_data, flag_list=self.flag_list, formats=self.formats, parm_comments=self.parm_comments, charge_flag=self.charge_flag, version=self.version, def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__ = d