Source code for parmed.amber.offlib

Tool for parsing and writing OFF library files to and from dictionaries of
ResidueTemplate objects
from __future__ import print_function

from collections import OrderedDict
from contextlib import closing
import numpy as np
from ..topologyobjects import Atom
from ..constants import RAD_TO_DEG
from ..exceptions import AmberWarning
from ..formats.registry import FileFormatType
from ..modeller.residue import ResidueTemplate, ResidueTemplateContainer
from ..modeller.residue import PROTEIN, NUCLEIC, SOLVENT, UNKNOWN
from .. import periodic_table as pt
from import genopen
from ..utils.six import string_types, add_metaclass
from ..utils.six.moves import range
import re
import warnings

[docs]@add_metaclass(FileFormatType) class AmberOFFLibrary(object): """ Class containing static methods responsible for parsing and writing OFF libraries """ #=================================================== # Useful regexes _headerre = re.compile(r'!!index *array *str') _resre = re.compile(r'\s*"(\S*?)"\s*$') _sec1re = re.compile(r'!entry\.(\S*?)\.unit\.atoms *table *str *name *str' r' *type *int *typex *int *resx *int *flags *int' r' *seq *int *elmnt *dbl *chg') _sec2re = re.compile(r'!entry\.(\S*?)\.unit\.atomspertinfo *table *str' r' *pname *str *ptype *int *ptypex *int *pelmnt' r' *dbl *pchg') _sec3re = re.compile(r'!entry\.(\S*?)\.unit\.boundbox *array *dbl') _sec4re = re.compile(r'!entry\.(\S*?)\.unit\.childsequence *single *int') _sec5re = re.compile(r'!entry\.(\S*?)\.unit\.connect *array *int') _sec6re = re.compile(r'!entry\.(\S*?)\.unit\.connectivity *table *int' r' *atom1x *int *atom2x *int *flags') _sec7re = re.compile(r'!entry\.(\S*?)\.unit\.hierarchy *table *str' r' *abovetype *int *abovex *str *belowtype *int' r' *belowx') _sec8re = re.compile(r'!entry\.(\S*?)\.unit\.name *single *str') _sec9re = re.compile(r'!entry\.(\S*?)\.unit\.positions *table *dbl *x' r' *dbl *y *dbl *z') _sec10re = re.compile(r'!entry\.(\S*?)\.unit\.residueconnect *table' r' *int *c1x *int *c2x *int *c3x *int *c4x *int' r' *c5x *int *c6x') _sec11re = re.compile(r'!entry\.(\S*?)\.unit\.residues *table *str *name' r' *int *seq *int *childseq *int *startatomx *str' r' *restype *int *imagingx') _sec12re = re.compile(r'!entry\.(\S*?)\.unit\.residuesPdbSequenceNumber' r' *array *int') _sec13re = re.compile(r'!entry\.(\S*?)\.unit\.solventcap *array *dbl') _sec14re = re.compile(r'!entry\.(\S*?)\.unit\.velocities *table *dbl *x' r' *dbl *y *dbl *z') #===================================================
[docs] @staticmethod def id_format(filename): """ Sees if an open file is an OFF library file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the file to see if it is an OFF file format Returns ------- is_fmt : bool True if it is recognized as OFF, False otherwise """ with closing(genopen(filename, 'r')) as f: if AmberOFFLibrary._headerre.match(f.readline()): return True return False
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(filename): """ Parses an Amber OFF library Parameters ---------- filename : str or file-like iterable The file name or file object to parse. If it is an iterable, it will be exhausted Returns ------- residues : OrderedDict {str : :class:`ResidueTemplate`} Dictionary pairing residue names with their :class:`ResidueTemplate` objects Raises ------ ValueError if the first line does not match the file format. This line will be consumed IOError if filename is the name of a file that does not exist RuntimeError if EOF is reached prematurely or other formatting issues found """ if isinstance(filename, string_types): fileobj = genopen(filename, 'r') own_handle = True else: fileobj = filename own_handle = False # Now parse the library file line = fileobj.readline() if not AmberOFFLibrary._headerre.match(line): raise ValueError('Unrecognized OFF file format') # Build the return value residues = OrderedDict() # Pull a list of all the residues we expect to find line = fileobj.readline() rematch = AmberOFFLibrary._resre.match(line) while rematch and line: name = rematch.groups()[0] residues[name] = None line = fileobj.readline() rematch = AmberOFFLibrary._resre.match(line) if not line: raise RuntimeError('Unexpected EOF in Amber OFF library') # Now make sure we have the next expected line while line: if not line.strip(): line = fileobj.readline() continue rematch = AmberOFFLibrary._sec1re.match(line) if not rematch: raise RuntimeError('Expected atoms table not found') name = rematch.groups()[0] residues[name] = AmberOFFLibrary._parse_residue(fileobj, name) line = fileobj.readline() if own_handle: fileobj.close() return residues
#=================================================== @staticmethod def _parse_residue(fileobj, name): """ Parses the residue information out of the OFF file assuming the file is pointed at the first line of an atoms table section of the OFF file Parameters ---------- fileobj : file-like Assumed to be open for read, this file is parsed until the *next* atom table is read name : str The name of the residue being processed right now """ container = ResidueTemplateContainer(name) nres = 1 templ = ResidueTemplate(name) line = fileobj.readline() while line[0] != '!': nam, typ, typx, resx, flags, seq, elmnt, chg = line.split() nam = _strip_enveloping_quotes(nam) typ = _strip_enveloping_quotes(typ) typx = int(typx) resx = int(resx) flags = int(flags) seq = int(seq) elmnt = int(elmnt) chg = float(chg) atom = Atom(atomic_number=elmnt, type=typ, name=nam, charge=chg) if resx == nres + 1: container.append(templ) nres += 1 templ = ResidueTemplate(name) templ.add_atom(atom) line = fileobj.readline() # Skip blank lines while line and not line.strip(): line = fileobj.readline() container.append(templ) if nres > 1: start_atoms = [] runsum = 0 for res in container: start_atoms.append(runsum) runsum += len(res) # Make sure we get the next section rematch = AmberOFFLibrary._sec2re.match(line) if not rematch: raise RuntimeError('Expected pertinfo table not found') elif rematch.groups()[0] != name: raise RuntimeError('Found residue %s while processing residue %s' % (rematch.groups()[0], name)) line = fileobj.readline() while line[0] != '!': if not line: raise RuntimeError('Unexpected EOF in Amber OFF library') # Not used, just skip # TODO sanity check line = fileobj.readline() rematch = AmberOFFLibrary._sec3re.match(line) if not rematch: raise RuntimeError('Expected boundbox table not found') elif rematch.groups()[0] != name: raise RuntimeError('Found residue %s while processing residue %s' % (rematch.groups()[0], name)) # Only 5 lines try: hasbox = float(fileobj.readline().strip()) angle = float(fileobj.readline().strip()) a = float(fileobj.readline().strip()) b = float(fileobj.readline().strip()) c = float(fileobj.readline().strip()) except ValueError: raise RuntimeError('Error processing boundbox table entries') else: if hasbox > 0: if angle < 3.15: # No box is this acute -- must be in radians angle *= RAD_TO_DEG = [a, b, c, angle, angle, angle] # Get the child sequence entry line = fileobj.readline() rematch = AmberOFFLibrary._sec4re.match(line) if not rematch: raise RuntimeError('Expected childsequence table not found') elif rematch.groups()[0] != name: raise RuntimeError('Found residue %s while processing residue %s' % (rematch.groups()[0], name)) n = int(fileobj.readline().strip()) if nres + 1 != n: warnings.warn('Unexpected childsequence (%d); expected %d for ' 'residue %s' % (n, nres+1, name), AmberWarning) elif not isinstance(templ, ResidueTemplate) and n != len(templ) + 1: raise RuntimeError('child sequence must be 1 greater than the ' 'number of residues in the unit') # Get the CONNECT array to set head and tail line = fileobj.readline() rematch = AmberOFFLibrary._sec5re.match(line) if not rematch: raise RuntimeError('Expected connect array not found') elif rematch.groups()[0] != name: raise RuntimeError('Found residue %s while processing residue %s' % (rematch.groups()[0], name)) try: head = int(fileobj.readline().strip()) tail = int(fileobj.readline().strip()) except ValueError: raise RuntimeError('Error processing connect table entries') if head > 0 and nres == 1: templ.head = templ[head-1] elif head > 0 and nres > 1: if head < sum((len(r) for r in container)): raise RuntimeError('HEAD on multi-residue unit not supported') if tail > 0 and nres == 1: templ.tail = templ[tail-1] elif tail > 0 and nres > 1: if tail < sum((len(r) for r in container)): warnings.warn('TAIL on multi-residue unit not supported (%s). ' 'Ignored...' % name, AmberWarning) # Get the connectivity array to set bonds line = fileobj.readline() if len(templ.atoms) > 1: rematch = AmberOFFLibrary._sec6re.match(line) if not rematch: raise RuntimeError('Expected connectivity table not found') elif rematch.groups()[0] != name: raise RuntimeError('Found residue %s while processing residue %s' % (rematch.groups()[0], name)) line = fileobj.readline() while line[0] != '!': i, j, flag = line.split() line = fileobj.readline() if nres > 1: # Find which residue we belong in i = int(i) - 1 j = int(j) - 1 for ii, idx in enumerate(start_atoms): if idx > i: ii -= 1 break start_idx = start_atoms[ii] container[ii].add_bond(i-start_idx, j-start_idx) else: templ.add_bond(int(i)-1, int(j)-1) # Get the hierarchy table rematch = AmberOFFLibrary._sec7re.match(line) if not rematch: raise RuntimeError('Expected hierarchy table not found') elif rematch.groups()[0] != name: raise RuntimeError('Found residue %s while processing residue %s' % (rematch.groups()[0], name)) line = fileobj.readline() while line[0] != '!': # Skip this section... not used # TODO turn this into a sanity check line = fileobj.readline() # Get the unit name rematch = AmberOFFLibrary._sec8re.match(line) if not rematch: raise RuntimeError('Expected unit name string not found') elif rematch.groups()[0] != name: raise RuntimeError('Found residue %s while processing residue %s' % (rematch.groups()[0], name)) fileobj.readline() # Skip this... not used line = fileobj.readline() # Get the atomic positions rematch = AmberOFFLibrary._sec9re.match(line) if not rematch: raise RuntimeError('Expected unit positions table not found') elif rematch.groups()[0] != name: raise RuntimeError('Found residue %s while processing residue %s' % (rematch.groups()[0], name)) for res in container: for atom in res: x, y, z = fileobj.readline().split() atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz = float(x), float(y), float(z) line = fileobj.readline() # Get the residueconnect table rematch = AmberOFFLibrary._sec10re.match(line) if not rematch: raise RuntimeError('Expected unit residueconnect table not found') elif rematch.groups()[0] != name: raise RuntimeError('Found residue %s while processing residue %s' % (rematch.groups()[0], name)) for i in range(nres): c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6 = (int(x) for x in fileobj.readline().split()) if (c1 > 0 and templ.head is not None and templ.head is not templ[c1-1]): raise RuntimeError('HEAD atom is not connect0') if (c2 > 0 and templ.tail is not None and templ.tail is not templ[c2-1]): raise RuntimeError('TAIL atom is not connect1') for i in (c3, c4, c5, c6): if i == 0: continue templ.connections.append(templ[i-1]) # Get the residues table line = fileobj.readline() rematch = AmberOFFLibrary._sec11re.match(line) if not rematch: raise RuntimeError('Expected unit residues table not found') elif rematch.groups()[0] != name: raise RuntimeError('Found residue %s while processing residue %s' % (rematch.groups()[0], name)) for i in range(nres): resname, id, next, start, typ, img = fileobj.readline().split() resname = _strip_enveloping_quotes(resname) id = int(id) start = int(start) next = int(next) typ = _strip_enveloping_quotes(typ) img = int(img) if next - start != len(container[i]): warnings.warn('residue table predicted %d, not %d atoms for ' 'residue %s' % (next-start, len(container[i]), name), AmberWarning) if typ == 'p': container[i].type = PROTEIN elif typ == 'n': container[i].type = NUCLEIC elif typ == 'w': container[i].type = SOLVENT elif typ != '?': warnings.warn('Unknown residue type "%s"' % typ, AmberWarning) if nres > 1: container[i].name = resname # Get the residues sequence table line = fileobj.readline() rematch = AmberOFFLibrary._sec12re.match(line) if not rematch: raise RuntimeError('Expected residue sequence number not found') elif rematch.groups()[0] != name: raise RuntimeError('Found residue %s while processing residue %s' % (rematch.groups()[0], name)) for i in range(nres): #TODO sanity check fileobj.readline() line = fileobj.readline() # Get the solventcap array rematch = AmberOFFLibrary._sec13re.match(line) if not rematch: raise RuntimeError('Expected unit solventcap array not found') elif rematch.groups()[0] != name: raise RuntimeError('Found residue %s while processing residue %s' % (rematch.groups()[0], name)) # Ignore the solvent cap fileobj.readline() fileobj.readline() fileobj.readline() fileobj.readline() fileobj.readline() # Velocities line = fileobj.readline() rematch = AmberOFFLibrary._sec14re.match(line) if not rematch: raise RuntimeError('Expected unit solventcap array not found') elif rematch.groups()[0] != name: raise RuntimeError('Found residue %s while processing residue %s' % (rematch.groups()[0], name)) for res in container: for atom in res: vx, vy, vz = (float(x) for x in fileobj.readline().split()) atom.vx, atom.vy, atom.vz = vx, vy, vz if nres > 1: return container return templ #===================================================
[docs] @staticmethod def write(lib, dest): """ Writes a dictionary of ResidueTemplate units to a file in OFF format Parameters ---------- lib : dict {str : :class:`ResidueTemplate`} Items can be either :class:`ResidueTemplate` or :class:`ResidueTemplateContainer` instances dest : str or file-like Either a file name or a file-like object to write the file to """ own_handle = False if not hasattr(dest, 'write'): dest = genopen(dest, 'w') own_handle = True # Write the residues in alphabetical order names = sorted(lib.keys()) dest.write('!!index array str\n') for name in names: dest.write(' "%s"\n' % name) for name in names: AmberOFFLibrary._write_residue(dest, lib[name]) if own_handle: dest.close()
#=================================================== @staticmethod def _write_residue(dest, res): """ Writes a residue to an open file handle Parameters ---------- dest : file-like File object to write the residue information to res : :class:`ResidueTemplate` or :class:`ResidueTemplateContainer` The residue template (or template container) to write to the file """ if isinstance(res, ResidueTemplate): # Put it into a template container with the same name tmp = ResidueTemplateContainer( tmp.append(res) res = tmp dest.write('!entry.%s.unit.atoms table str name str type int typex ' 'int resx int flags int seq int elmnt dbl chg\n' % for i, r in enumerate(res): for atom in r: dest.write(' "%s" "%s" 0 %d 131072 %d %d %.6f\n' % (, atom.type, i+1, atom.idx+1, atom.atomic_number, atom.charge)) dest.write('!entry.%s.unit.atomspertinfo table str pname str ptype ' 'int ptypex int pelmnt dbl pchg\n' % for r in res: for atom in r: dest.write(' "%s" "%s" 0 -1 0.0\n' % (, atom.type)) dest.write('!entry.%s.unit.boundbox array dbl\n' % if is None: dest.write((' -1.000000\n' + ' 0.0\n' * 4)) else: dest.write(' 1.000000\n') if[3] ==[4] ==[5]: dest.write(' %f\n' %[3]) else: raise RuntimeError('Cannot write boxes with different angles') dest.write(' %f\n' %[0]) dest.write(' %f\n' %[1]) dest.write(' %f\n' %[2]) dest.write('!entry.%s.unit.childsequence single int\n %d\n' % (, len(res)+1)) dest.write('!entry.%s.unit.connect array int\n' % if len(res) > 1: dest.write(' 0\n 0\n') else: if res[0].head is not None: dest.write(' %d\n' % (res[0].head.idx + 1)) else: dest.write(' 0\n') if res[0].tail is not None: dest.write(' %d\n' % (res[0].tail.idx + 1)) else: dest.write(' 0\n') if any(len(r) > 1 for r in res): dest.write('!entry.%s.unit.connectivity table int atom1x ' 'int atom2x int flags\n' % base = 1 for r in res: for bond in r.bonds: dest.write(' %d %d 1\n' % (bond.atom1.idx+base, bond.atom2.idx+base)) base += len(r) dest.write('!entry.%s.unit.hierarchy table str abovetype int ' 'abovex str belowtype int belowx\n' % c = 1 for i, r in enumerate(res): dest.write(' "U" 0 "R" %d\n' % (i+1)) for atom in r: dest.write(' "R" %d "A" %d\n' % (i+1, c)) c += 1 dest.write('! single str\n' % dest.write(' "%s"\n' % dest.write('!entry.%s.unit.positions table dbl x dbl y dbl z\n' % for r in res: for atom in r: dest.write(' %.6g %.6g %.6g\n' % (atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz)) dest.write('!entry.%s.unit.residueconnect table int c1x int c2x ' 'int c3x int c4x int c5x int c6x\n' % c = 1 for r in res: # Make the CONECT1 and 0 default to first and last atom so that the # TREE gets set correctly by tleap. Not used for anything else... conn = [c, c+len(r)-1, 0, 0, 0, 0] if r.head is not None: conn[0] = r.head.idx + 1 if r.tail is not None: conn[1] = r.tail.idx + 1 for i, at in enumerate(r.connections[:4]): conn[i+2] = at.idx + 1 dest.write(' %d %d %d %d %d %d\n' % tuple(conn)) c += len(r) dest.write('!entry.%s.unit.residues table str name int seq int ' 'childseq int startatomx str restype int imagingx\n' % c = 1 for i, r in enumerate(res): if r.type is PROTEIN: typ = 'p' elif r.type is NUCLEIC: typ = 'n' elif r.type is SOLVENT: typ='w' elif r.type is UNKNOWN: typ='?' else: warnings.warn('Unrecognized residue type %r' % r.type, AmberWarning) typ = '?' dest.write(' "%s" %d %d %d "%s" %d\n' % (, i+1, 1+len(r), c, typ, _imaging_atom(r)+c)) c += len(r) dest.write('!entry.%s.unit.residuesPdbSequenceNumber array int\n' % for i, r in enumerate(res): if len(res) == 1: dest.write(' 0\n') else: dest.write(' %d\n' % (i+1)) dest.write('!entry.%s.unit.solventcap array dbl\n' % dest.write(' -1.000000\n' + ' 0.0\n' * 4) dest.write('!entry.%s.unit.velocities table dbl x dbl y dbl z\n' % for r in res: for atom in r: try: s = ' %g %g %g\n' % (atom.vx, atom.vy, atom.vz) except AttributeError: dest.write(' 0.0 0.0 0.0\n') else: dest.write(s)
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # Helper routines def _strip_enveloping_quotes(inp): """ Strips the quotation marks enveloping a string """ if inp[0] == inp[-1] == '"' or inp[0] == inp[-1] == "'": return inp[1:-1] return inp def _imaging_atom(res): """ Determines the imaging atom for the residue. If all atoms are hydrogen except 1, it is the heavy atom. Otherwise, it is the atom *closest* to the COM of the residue """ from parmed.geometry import center_of_mass #TODO implement the docstring found_heavy = False heavy_idx = -1 for i, atom in enumerate(res): if atom.atomic_number > 1: heavy_idx = i if found_heavy: break found_heavy = True else: if heavy_idx != -1: return heavy_idx return 0 # No heavy atoms?? No imaging atom, then. coords = res.coordinates.reshape((len(res), 3)) masses = np.zeros(len(res)) for i, atom in enumerate(res): if atom.mass == 0: masses[i] = pt.Mass[pt.Element[atom.atomic_number]] else: masses[i] = atom.mass com = center_of_mass(coords, masses) diff = coords - com return np.argmin((diff * diff).sum(axis=1))