Source code for parmed.amber.parameters

This module contains classes for parsing and processing Amber parameter files.

Author: Jason M. Swails
Date: Aug. 11, 2015
from __future__ import division, print_function

from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import closing
import math
import os
import re
import warnings
from .offlib import AmberOFFLibrary
from ..constants import TINY
from ..exceptions import ParameterError, AmberWarning, ParameterWarning
from ..modeller.residue import ResidueTemplateContainer
from ..formats.mol2 import Mol2File
from ..formats.registry import FileFormatType
from ..parameters import ParameterSet
from ..periodic_table import Mass, element_by_mass, AtomicNum
from ..topologyobjects import (AtomType, BondType, AngleType, DihedralType,
from import genopen
from ..utils.six import add_metaclass, string_types, iteritems, PY2
from ..utils.six.moves import map
if PY2:
    from collections import Sequence
    from import Sequence

# parameter file regexes
subs = dict(FLOATRE=r'([+-]?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+))',
_bondre = re.compile(r'(..?)-(..?)\s+%(FLOATRE)s\s+%(FLOATRE)s' % subs)
_anglere = re.compile(r'(..?)-(..?)-(..?)\s+%(FLOATRE)s\s+%(FLOATRE)s' % subs)
_dihedre = re.compile(r'(..?)-(..?)-(..?)-(..?)\s+%(FLOATRE)s\s+'
                      '%(FLOATRE)s\s+%(FLOATRE)s\s+%(FLOATRE)s' % subs)
_dihed2re = re.compile(r'\s*%(FLOATRE)s\s+%(FLOATRE)s\s+%(FLOATRE)s\s+'
                       '%(FLOATRE)s' % subs)
_sceere = re.compile(r'SCEE=\s*%(FLOATRE)s' % subs)
_scnbre = re.compile(r'SCNB=\s*%(FLOATRE)s' % subs)
_impropre = re.compile(r'(..?)-(..?)-(..?)-(..?)\s+'
                       '%(FLOATRE)s\s+%(FLOATRE)s\s+%(FLOATRE)s' % subs)
# Leaprc regexes
_atomtypere = re.compile(r"""({\s*["']([\w\+\-]+)["']\s*["'](\w+)["']\s*"""
_loadparamsre = re.compile(r'loadamberparams\s+%(FILENAMERE)s' % subs, re.I)
_loadoffre = re.compile(r'loadoff\s+%(FILENAMERE)s' % subs, re.I)
_loadmol2re = re.compile(r'(\S+)\s*=\s*loadmol[23]\s*%(FILENAMERE)s' % subs, re.I)
del subs

def _find_amber_file(fname, search_oldff):
    Finds an Amber file. Looks in the current directory, then the following

    - $AMBERHOME/dat/leap/lib
    - $AMBERHOME/dat/leap/parm
    from parmed.amber import AMBERHOME
    if len(fname) > 1 and {fname[0], fname[-1]} in ({'"'}, {"'"}):
        # Strip quotes
        fname = fname[1:-1]
    if os.path.exists(fname):
        return fname
    leapdir = os.path.join(AMBERHOME, 'dat', 'leap')
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(leapdir, 'lib', fname)):
        return os.path.join(leapdir, 'lib', fname)
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(leapdir, 'parm', fname)):
        return os.path.join(leapdir, 'parm', fname)
    if search_oldff:
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(leapdir, 'lib', 'oldff', fname)):
            return os.path.join(leapdir, 'lib', 'oldff', fname)
    raise ValueError('Cannot find Amber file [%s]' % fname)

[docs]@add_metaclass(FileFormatType) class AmberParameterSet(ParameterSet): """ Class storing parameters from an Amber parameter set Parameters ---------- filenames : str, list of str, file-like, or list of file-like; optional Either the name of a file or a list of filenames from which parameters should be parsed. Notes ----- Order is important in the list of files provided. The parameters are loaded in the order they are provided, and any parameters that are specified in multiple places are overwritten (that is, the *last* occurrence is the parameter type that is used) See Also -------- :class:`parmed.parameters.ParameterSet` """ #===================================================
[docs] @staticmethod def id_format(filename): """ Identifies the file type as either an Amber-style frcmod or parm.dat file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the file to check format for Returns ------- is_fmt : bool True if it is an Amber-style parameter file. False otherwise. """ with closing(genopen(filename, 'r')) as f: f.readline() line = f.readline() if not line.strip(): # Must be an frcmod file while line and not line.strip(): line = f.readline() if not line: return False if line.rstrip() not in ('MASS', 'BOND', 'ANGLE', 'ANGL', 'DIHE', 'DIHED', 'DIHEDRAL', 'IMPR', 'IMPROP', 'IMPROPER', 'NONB', 'NONBON', 'NONBOND', 'NONBONDED'): return False if line.rstrip() in ('MASS', 'BOND', 'ANGLE', 'ANGL', 'DIHE', 'DIHED', 'DIHEDRAL', 'IMPR', 'IMPROP', 'IMPROPER', 'NONB', 'NONBON', 'NONBOND', 'NONBONDED'): return True # frcmod file # This must be an atom definition in the parm.dat file words = line.split() if len(words) < 2: return False # The first word is the atom type (must be <= 2 characters, and not # an integer) if len(words[0]) > 2: return False try: float(words[0]) return False except ValueError: pass try: float(words[1]) except ValueError: return False # Polarizability might not be present... try: float(words[2]) except (IndexError, ValueError): # UGLY: Check the mass and make sure it matches the element's # mass to within 1 amu. Do our best to guess the element. If # it's a two-letter element, the element might be a 2-letter # element (like Br), or it might be a 1-letter element specified # by either the first or second letter. Check all possibilities. # Special-case instances like CA, which are just as likely (more # likely?) to be a carbon atom as it is to be a calcium (i.e., # check for carbon atoms in anything that starts with C). If at # any point, what *should* be the mass doesn't match the mass of # the guessed element, tag this as *not* a parameter file if len(words[0]) == 2: if words[0][0].isalpha(): if words[0][1].isalpha(): key = words[0][0].upper() + words[0][1].lower() if key in Mass and abs(Mass[key] - float(words[1])) > 1: if key[0] == 'C' and abs(Mass['C'] - float(words[1])) > 1: return False elif key[0] != 'C': return False elif key not in Mass: if key[0] in Mass and abs(Mass[key[0]] - float(words[1])) > 1: return False else: return False else: key = words[0][0].upper() if key in Mass and abs(Mass[key] - float(words[1])) > 1: return False elif key not in Mass: return False else: key = words[0][1].upper() if key in Mass: if abs(Mass[key] - float(words[1])) > 1: return False else: return False else: key = words[0][0].upper() if key in Mass: if abs(Mass[key] - float(words[1])) > 1: return False else: return False if len(words) > 3: # Heuristic, but anything that comes after the polarizability is # a comment, and I have yet to see a leading comment that is a # number try: float(words[3]) return False except ValueError: return True else: return True
#=================================================== def __init__(self, *filenames): super(AmberParameterSet, self).__init__() self.default_scee = 1.2 self.default_scnb = 2.0 self.titles = [] for filename in filenames: if isinstance(filename, string_types): if AmberOFFLibrary.id_format(filename): self.residues.update(AmberOFFLibrary.parse(filename)) else: self.load_parameters(filename) elif isinstance(filename, Sequence): for fname in filename: if AmberOFFLibrary.id_format(fname): self.residues.update(AmberOFFLibrary.parse(fname)) else: self.load_parameters(fname) else: # Assume open file object self.load_parameters(filename) #===================================================
[docs] @classmethod def from_leaprc(cls, fname, search_oldff=False): """ Load a parameter set from a leaprc file Parameters ---------- fname : str or file-like Name of the file or open file-object from which a leaprc-style file will be read search_oldff : bool, optional, default=False If True, search the oldff directories in the main Amber leap folders. Default is False Notes ----- This does not read all parts of a leaprc file -- only those pertinent to defining force field information. For instance, the following sections and commands are processed: - addAtomTypes - loadAmberParams - loadOFF - loadMol2 - loadMol3 """ params = cls() if isinstance(fname, string_types): f = genopen(fname, 'r') own_handle = True else: f = fname own_handle = False # To make parsing easier, and because leaprc files are usually quite # short, I'll read the whole file into memory def joinlines(lines): newlines = [] composite = [] for line in lines: if line.endswith('\\\n'): composite.append(line[:-2]) continue else: composite.append(line) newlines.append(''.join(composite)) composite = [] if composite: newlines.append(''.join(composite)) return newlines lines = joinlines(map(lambda line: line if '#' not in line else line[:line.index('#')], f)) text = ''.join(lines) if own_handle: f.close() lowertext = text.lower() # commands are case-insensitive # Now process the parameter files def process_fname(fname): if fname[0] in ('"', "'"): fname = fname[1:-1] fname = fname.replace('_BSTOKEN_', r'\ ').replace(r'\ ', ' ') return fname for line in lines: line = line.replace(r'\ ', '_BSTOKEN_') if _loadparamsre.findall(line): fname = process_fname(_loadparamsre.findall(line)[0]) params.load_parameters(_find_amber_file(fname, search_oldff)) elif _loadoffre.findall(line): fname = process_fname(_loadoffre.findall(line)[0]) params.residues.update(AmberOFFLibrary.parse(_find_amber_file(fname, search_oldff))) elif _loadmol2re.findall(line): (resname, fname), = _loadmol2re.findall(line) residue = Mol2File.parse(_find_amber_file(fname, search_oldff)) if isinstance(residue, ResidueTemplateContainer): warnings.warn('Multi-residue mol2 files not supported by tleap. Loading anyway ' 'using names in mol2', AmberWarning) for res in residue: params.residues[] = res else: params.residues[resname] = residue # Now process the addAtomTypes try: idx = lowertext.index('addatomtypes') except ValueError: # Does not exist in this file atom_types_str = '' else: i = idx + len('addatomtypes') while i < len(text) and text[i] != '{': if text[i] not in '\r\n\t ': raise ParameterError('Unsupported addAtomTypes syntax in leaprc file') i += 1 if i == len(text): raise ParameterError('Unsupported addAtomTypes syntax in leaprc file') # We are at our first brace chars = [] nopen = 1 i += 1 while i < len(text): char = text[i] if char == '{': nopen += 1 elif char == '}': nopen -= 1 if nopen == 0: break elif char == '\n': char = ' ' chars.append(char) i += 1 atom_types_str = ''.join(chars).strip() for _, name, symb, hyb in _atomtypere.findall(atom_types_str): if symb not in AtomicNum: raise ParameterError('%s is not a recognized element' % symb) if name in params.atom_types: params.atom_types[name].atomic_number = AtomicNum[symb] return params
[docs] @classmethod def from_structure(cls, struct): """ Extracts known parameters from a Structure instance Parameters ---------- struct : :class:`parmed.structure.Structure` The parametrized ``Structure`` instance from which to extract parameters into a ParameterSet Returns ------- params : :class:`ParameterSet` The parameter set with all parameters defined in the Structure """ return super(AmberParameterSet, cls).from_structure(struct, allow_unequal_duplicates=False)
[docs] def load_parameters(self, fname): """ Load a set of parameters from a single parameter file Parameters ---------- fname : str or file-like Parameter file to parse """ if isinstance(fname, string_types): f = genopen(fname, 'r') own_handle = True else: f = fname own_handle = False self.titles.append(f.readline().strip()) try: for line in f: if not line.strip(): return self._parse_frcmod(f, line) elif line.strip() in ('MASS', 'BOND', 'ANGLE', 'ANGL', 'DIHE', 'DIHED', 'DIHEDRAL', 'IMPR', 'IMPROP', 'IMPROPER', 'NONB', 'NONBON', 'NONBOND', 'NONBONDED'): return self._parse_frcmod(f, line) else: return self._parse_parm_dat(f, line) finally: if own_handle: f.close()
#=================================================== def _parse_frcmod(self, f, line): """ Parses an frcmod file from an open file object """ def fiter(): yield line for l in f: yield l section = None finished_diheds = defaultdict(lambda: True) key = None for line in fiter(): line = line.rstrip() if not line: continue if line.startswith('MASS'): section = 'MASS' continue elif line.startswith('BOND'): section = 'BOND' continue elif line.startswith('ANGL'): section = 'ANGLE' continue elif line.startswith('DIHE'): section = 'DIHEDRAL' continue elif line.startswith('IMPR'): section = 'IMPROPER' continue elif line.startswith('NONB'): section = 'NONBOND' continue elif line.startswith('LJEDIT'): section = 'NBFIX' continue if section == 'MASS': self._process_mass_line(line) elif section == 'BOND': self._process_bond_line(line) elif section == 'ANGLE': self._process_angle_line(line) elif section == 'DIHEDRAL': key = self._process_dihedral_line(line, finished_diheds, key) elif section == 'IMPROPER': self._process_improper_line(line) elif section == 'NONBOND': self._process_nonbond_line(line) elif section == 'NBFIX': self._process_nbfix_line(line) #=================================================== def _parse_parm_dat(self, f, line): """ Internal parser for parm.dat files from open file handle """ def fiter(): yield line for l in f: yield l # Keep yielding empty string after file has ended yield '' fiter = fiter() rawline = next(fiter) finished_diheds = defaultdict(lambda: True) # Parse the masses while rawline: line = rawline.strip() if not line: break self._process_mass_line(line) rawline = next(fiter) next(fiter) # Skip the list of hydrophobic atom types # Process the bonds rawline = next(fiter) while rawline: line = rawline.strip() if not line: break self._process_bond_line(line) rawline = next(fiter) # Process the angles rawline = next(fiter) while rawline: line = rawline.strip() if not line: break self._process_angle_line(line) rawline = next(fiter) # Process the dihedrals rawline = next(fiter) key = None while rawline: line = rawline.strip() if not line: break key = self._process_dihedral_line(line, finished_diheds, key) rawline = next(fiter) # Process the impropers rawline = next(fiter) while rawline: line = rawline.strip() if not line: break self._process_improper_line(line) rawline = next(fiter) # Process the 10-12 terms rawline = next(fiter) while rawline: line = rawline.strip() if not line: break try: a1, a2, acoef, bcoef = line.split()[:4] acoef = float(acoef) bcoef = float(bcoef) except ValueError: raise ParameterError('Trouble parsing 10-12 terms') if acoef != 0 or bcoef != 0: raise ParameterError('10-12 potential not supported in AmberParameterSet currently') rawline = next(fiter) # Process 12-6 terms. Get Equivalencing first rawline = next(fiter) equivalent_ljtypes = dict() equivalent_types = defaultdict(list) while rawline: line = rawline.strip() if not line: break words = line.split() for typ in words[1:]: equivalent_ljtypes[typ] = words[0] equivalent_types[words[0]].append(typ) rawline = next(fiter) words = next(fiter).split() if len(words) < 2: raise ParameterError('Could not parse the kind of nonbonded ' 'parameters in Amber parameter file') if words[1].upper() != 'RE': raise ParameterError('Only RE nonbonded parameters supported') rawline = next(fiter) while rawline: line = rawline.strip() if not line: break self._process_nonbond_line(line) rawline = next(fiter) # Now assign all of the equivalenced atoms for atyp, otyp in iteritems(equivalent_ljtypes): otyp = self.atom_types[otyp] if atyp in self.atom_types: if (self.atom_types[atyp].rmin is not None and self.atom_types[atyp].epsilon is not None): if (abs(otyp.epsilon-self.atom_types[atyp].epsilon) > TINY or abs(otyp.rmin-self.atom_types[atyp].rmin) > TINY): warnings.warn('Equivalency defined between %s and %s but parameters are ' 'not equal' % (, atyp), AmberWarning) # Remove from equivalent types equivalent_types[].remove(atyp) continue self.atom_types[atyp].set_lj_params(otyp.epsilon, otyp.rmin) line = next(fiter).strip() if line == 'LJEDIT': rawline = next(fiter) while rawline: line = rawline.strip() if not line: break self._process_nbfix_line(line, equivalent_types) rawline = next(fiter) #=================================================== # Private methods for processing parts of the file def _process_mass_line(self, line): words = line.split() try: mass = float(words[1]) except ValueError: raise ParameterError('Could not convert mass to float [%s]' % words[1]) except IndexError: raise ParameterError('Error parsing MASS line. Not enough tokens') if words[0] in self.atom_types: self.atom_types[words[0]].mass = mass elif words[0] in ('EP', 'LP'): atype = AtomType(words[0], len(self.atom_types)+1, mass, 0) self.atom_types[words[0]] = atype else: atype = AtomType(words[0], len(self.atom_types)+1, mass, AtomicNum[element_by_mass(mass)]) self.atom_types[words[0]] = atype #=================================================== def _process_bond_line(self, line): rematch = _bondre.match(line) if not rematch: raise ParameterError('Could not understand BOND line [%s]' % line) a1, a2, k, eq = rematch.groups() a1 = a1.strip(); a2 = a2.strip() typ = BondType(float(k), float(eq)) self.bond_types[(a1, a2)] = typ self.bond_types[(a2, a1)] = typ def _process_angle_line(self, line): rematch = _anglere.match(line) if not rematch: raise ParameterError('Could not understand ANGLE line [%s]' % line) a1, a2, a3, k, eq = rematch.groups() a1 = a1.strip(); a2 = a2.strip(); a3 = a3.strip() typ = AngleType(float(k), float(eq)) self.angle_types[(a1, a2, a3)] = typ self.angle_types[(a3, a2, a1)] = typ def _process_dihedral_line(self, line, finished_diheds, last_key): """ Processes a dihedral line, possibly part of a multi-term dihedral Parameters ---------- line : str Line of the file that contains a dihedral term finished_diheds : dict Dictionary of dihedral parameters whose final term has been read in already (which means additional terms will overwrite, not add) last_key : str or None If not None, this is the key for the last dihedral type that should be implied if the atom types are missing. Atom types seem to only be required for the first term in a multi-term torsion definition Returns ------- key or None If a negative periodicity indicates another term is coming, the current key is returned so it can be passed as key to the next _process_dihedral_call """ rematch = _dihedre.match(line) if not rematch and last_key is None: raise ParameterError('Could not understand DIHEDRAL line ' '[%s]' % line) elif not rematch: rematch = _dihed2re.match(line) if not rematch: raise ParameterError('Could not understand DIHEDRAL line ' '[%s]' % line) div, k, phi, per = rematch.groups() key = last_key rkey = tuple(reversed(key)) assert key in finished_diheds if finished_diheds[key]: raise AssertionError('Cannot have an implied torsion that ' 'has already finished!') else: a1, a2, a3, a4, div, k, phi, per = rematch.groups() a1, a2, a3, a4 = a1.strip(), a2.strip(), a3.strip(), a4.strip() key = (a1, a2, a3, a4) rkey = (a4, a3, a2, a1) if last_key is not None and (last_key != key and last_key != rkey): warnings.warn('Expecting next term in dihedral %r, got ' 'definition for dihedral %r' % (last_key, key), ParameterWarning) scee = [float(x) for x in _sceere.findall(line)] or [1.2] scnb = [float(x) for x in _scnbre.findall(line)] or [2.0] per = float(per) typ = DihedralType(float(k)/float(div), abs(per), float(phi), scee[0], scnb[0]) if finished_diheds[key]: # This dihedral is already finished its definition, which means # we go ahead and add a new one to override it typs = DihedralTypeList() typs.append(typ) self.dihedral_types[key] = self.dihedral_types[rkey] = typs else: self.dihedral_types[key].append(typ) finished_diheds[key] = finished_diheds[rkey] = per >= 0 if per < 0: return key def _process_improper_line(self, line): rematch = _impropre.match(line) if not rematch: raise ParameterError('Could not understand IMPROPER line ' '[%s]' % line) a1, a2, a3, a4, k, phi, per = rematch.groups() a1 = a1.strip(); a2 = a2.strip(); a3 = a3.strip(); a4 = a4.strip() # Pre-sort the improper types, assuming atom3 is the central atom (which # it must be in Amber parameter files!!!!) a1, a2, a4 = sorted([a1, a2, a4]) key = (a1, a2, a3, a4) self.improper_periodic_types[key] = \ DihedralType(float(k), float(per), float(phi)) def _process_nonbond_line(self, line): try: atyp, rmin, eps = line.split()[:3] except ValueError: raise ParameterError('Could not understand nonbond parameter line ' '[%s]' % line) try: self.atom_types[atyp].set_lj_params(float(eps), float(rmin)) except KeyError: raise ParameterError('Atom type %s not present in the database.' % atyp) except ValueError: raise ParameterError('Could not convert nonbond parameters to ' 'floats [%s, %s]' % (rmin, eps)) def _process_nbfix_line(self, line, equivalents=None): try: a1, a2, rmin1, eps1, rmin2, eps2 = line.split()[:6] except ValueError: raise ParameterError('Could not understand LJEDIT line [%s]' % line) try: rmin1 = float(rmin1) eps1 = float(eps1) rmin2 = float(rmin2) eps2 = float(eps2) except ValueError: raise ParameterError('Could not convert LJEDIT parameters ' 'to floats.') self.nbfix_types[(min(a1, a2), max(a1, a2))] = \ (math.sqrt(eps1*eps2), rmin1+rmin2) if equivalents is not None: # We need to add the same nbfixes to all atom types that are # equivalent to the atom types defined in the LJEDIT line for oa1 in equivalents[a1]: self.nbfix_types[(min(oa1, a2), max(oa1, a2))] = \ (math.sqrt(eps1*eps2), rmin1+rmin2) for oa2 in equivalents[a2]: self.nbfix_types[(min(a1, oa2), max(a1, oa2))] = \ (math.sqrt(eps1*eps2), rmin1+rmin2) # Now do the equivalenced of atom 1 with the equivalenced of atom 2 for oa1 in equivalents[a1]: for oa2 in equivalents[a2]: self.nbfix_types[(min(oa1, oa2), max(oa1, oa2))] = \ (math.sqrt(eps1*eps2), rmin1+rmin2) #===================================================
[docs] def write(self, dest, title='Created by ParmEd', style='frcmod'): """ Writes a parm.dat file with the current parameters Parameters ---------- dest : str or file-like The file name or file-like object to write the parameters to title : str, optional The title of the frcmod to write. Default is 'Created by ParmEd' style : str, optional If 'frcmod', the parameters are written in frcmod-format. If 'parm', the parameters are written in parm.dat-format. Default is 'frcmod' """ if isinstance(dest, string_types): outfile = genopen(dest, 'w') own_handle = True else: outfile = dest own_handle = False if style not in ('frcmod', 'parm'): raise ValueError('style must be either frcmod or parm, not %s' % style) outfile.write(title.rstrip('\r\n')) outfile.write('\n') # Write the atom mass outfile.write('MASS\n') for atom, typ in iteritems(self.atom_types): outfile.write('%s%6.3f\n' % (atom.ljust(6), typ.mass)) outfile.write('\n') # Write the bonds outfile.write('BOND\n') done = set() for (a1, a2), typ in iteritems(self.bond_types): if id(typ) in done: continue done.add(id(typ)) outfile.write('%s-%s %8.3f %6.3f\n' % (a1.ljust(2), a2.ljust(2), typ.k, typ.req)) outfile.write('\n') # Write the angles outfile.write('ANGLE\n') done = set() for (a1, a2, a3), typ in iteritems(self.angle_types): if id(typ) in done: continue done.add(id(typ)) outfile.write('%s-%s-%s %8.3f %6.3f\n' % (a1.ljust(2), a2.ljust(2), a3.ljust(2), typ.k, typ.theteq)) outfile.write('\n') # Write the dihedrals outfile.write('DIHE\n') done = set() for (a1, a2, a3, a4), typ in iteritems(self.dihedral_types): if id(typ) in done: continue done.add(id(typ)) if isinstance(typ, DihedralType) or len(typ) == 1: if not isinstance(typ, DihedralType): typ = typ[0] outfile.write('%s-%s-%s-%s %4i %14.8f %8.3f %5.1f SCEE=%s SCNB=%s\n' % (a1.ljust(2), a2.ljust(2), a3.ljust(2), a4.ljust(2), 1, typ.phi_k, typ.phase, typ.per, typ.scee, typ.scnb)) else: for dtyp in typ[:-1]: outfile.write('%s-%s-%s-%s %4i %14.8f %8.3f %5.1f SCEE=%s SCNB=%s\n' % (a1.ljust(2), a2.ljust(2), a3.ljust(2), a4.ljust(2), 1, dtyp.phi_k, dtyp.phase, -dtyp.per, dtyp.scee, dtyp.scnb)) dtyp = typ[-1] outfile.write('%s-%s-%s-%s %4i %14.8f %8.3f %5.1f SCEE=%s SCNB=%s\n' % (a1.ljust(2), a2.ljust(2), a3.ljust(2), a4.ljust(2), 1, dtyp.phi_k, dtyp.phase, dtyp.per, dtyp.scee, dtyp.scnb)) outfile.write('\n') # Write the impropers outfile.write('IMPROPER\n') written_impropers = dict() for (a1, a2, a3, a4), typ in iteritems(self.improper_periodic_types): # Make sure wild-cards come at the beginning if a2 == 'X': assert a4 == 'X', 'Malformed generic improper!' a1, a2, a3, a4 = a2, a4, a3, a1 elif a4 == 'X': a1, a2, a3, a4 = a4, a1, a3, a2 a1, a2, a4 = sorted([a1, a2, a4]) if (a1, a2, a3, a4) in written_impropers: if written_impropers[(a1, a2, a3, a4)] != typ: raise ValueError('Multiple impropers with the same atom set not allowed') continue outfile.write('%s-%s-%s-%s %14.8f %8.3f %5.1f\n' % (a1.ljust(2), a2.ljust(2), a3.ljust(2), a4.ljust(2), typ.phi_k, typ.phase, typ.per)) written_impropers[(a1, a2, a3, a4)] = typ outfile.write('\n') # Write the LJ terms outfile.write('NONB\n') for atom, typ in iteritems(self.atom_types): outfile.write('%s %12.8f %12.8f\n' % (atom.ljust(2), typ.rmin, typ.epsilon)) outfile.write('\n') # Write the NBFIX terms if self.nbfix_types: outfile.write('LJEDIT\n') for (a1, a2), (eps, rmin) in iteritems(self.nbfix_types): outfile.write('%s %s %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f\n' % (a1.ljust(2), a2.ljust(2), eps, rmin/2, eps, rmin/2)) if own_handle: outfile.close()