Provides a class for parsing CHARMM-style coordinate files, namely CHARMM .crd
(coordinate) files and CHARMM .rst (restart) file. Uses CharmmFile class in
_charmmfile.py for reading files
Author: Jason Deckman
Contributors: Jason Swails
Date: June 19, 2015
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from contextlib import closing
import numpy as np
from ..utils import io
from ..formats.registry import FileFormatType
from ..exceptions import CharmmError
from .. import unit as u
from ..utils.six import add_metaclass, string_types
from ..utils.six.moves import range
from ..vec3 import Vec3
TIMESCALE = 4.888821E-14 * 1e12 # AKMA time units to picoseconds
class CharmmCrdFile(object):
Reads and parses a CHARMM coordinate file (.crd) into its components,
namely the coordinates, CHARMM atom types, resid, resname, etc.
fname : str
Name of the restart file to parse
natom : int
Number of atoms in the system
resname : list of str
List of all residue names in the system
coordinates : np.ndarray with shape (1, natom, 3)
Atomic coordinates in a numpy array
positions : natom x 3 distance Quantity
2-D list of all coordinates with the appropriate distance unit attached.
Has the format [ [x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ... ]
[docs] def __init__(self, fname):
self.atomno = [] # Atom number
self.resno = [] # Residue number
self.resname = [] # Residue name
self.resid = [] # Residue ID
self.atname = [] # Atom type
self.coords = [] # 3N atomic coordinates
self.title = [] # .crd file title block
self.segid = [] # Segment ID
self.weighting = [] # Atom weighting
self.natom = 0 # Number of atoms specified in file
def positions(self):
Atomic coordinates with units attached to them with the shape (natom, 3)
return [Vec3(*xyz) for xyz in self.coordinates[0]] * u.angstroms
def coordinates(self):
return self.coords
def box(self):
return None
def _parse(self, fname):
with closing(io.genopen(fname, 'r')) as crdfile:
line = crdfile.readline().strip()
while len(line) == 0: # Skip whitespace, as a precaution
line = crdfile.readline().strip()
intitle = True
while intitle:
line = crdfile.readline().strip()
if len(line) == 0:
intitle = False
elif line[0] != '*':
intitle = False
intitle = True
while len(line) == 0: # Skip whitespace
line = crdfile.readline().strip()
self.natom = int(line.split()[0])
for row in range(self.natom):
line = crdfile.readline().split()
assert 3*self.natom == len(self.coords), '# atom mismatch'
except (ValueError, IndexError):
raise CharmmError('Error parsing CHARMM coordinate file')
self.coords = np.array(self.coords).reshape((-1, self.natom, 3))
[docs] @staticmethod
def write(struct, dest):
""" Writes a CHARMM coordinate file from a structure
struct : :class:`parmed.structure.Structure`
The input structure to write the CHARMM coordinate file from
dest : str or file-like object
The file name or file object to write the coordinate file to
if isinstance(dest, string_types):
dest = io.genopen(dest, 'w')
own_handle = True
own_handle = False
dest.write('%10d EXT\n' % len(struct.atoms))
add = 0 if struct.residues[0].number > 0 else 1-struct.residues[0].number
for i, atom in enumerate(struct.atoms):
res = atom.residue
segid = res.segid.strip() or res.chain.strip() or 'SYS'
dest.write('%10d%10d %-8s %-8s%20.10f%20.10f%20.10f %-8s '
'%-8s%20.10f\n' % (i+1, atom.residue.number+add,
atom.residue.name, atom.name, atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz,
segid, atom.residue.number, 0))
if own_handle:
class CharmmRstFile(object):
Reads and parses data, velocities and coordinates from a CHARMM restart
file (.rst) of file name 'fname' into class attributes
fname : str
Name of the restart file to parse
natom : int
Number of atoms in the system
resname : list of str
Names of all residues in the system
coordinates : np.ndarray shape(1, natom, 3)
List of all coordinates in the format [x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, ...]
coordinatesold : np.ndarray shape(1, natom, 3)
List of all old coordinates in the format [x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, ...]
velocities : np.ndarray shape(1, natom, 3)
List of all velocities in the format [x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, ...]
positions : natom x 3 distance Quantity
2-D list of all coordinates with the appropriate distance unit attached.
Has the format [ [x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ... ]
positionsold : natom x 3 distance Quantity
2-D list of all old coordinates with the appropriate distance unit
attached. Has the format [ [x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ... ]
[docs] def __init__(self, fname):
self.header = []
self.title = []
self.enrgstat = []
self.coordsold = []
self.coords = []
self.vels = []
self.ff_version = 0
self.natom = 0
self.npriv = 0
self.nstep = 0
self.nsavc = 0
self.nsavv = 0
self.jhstrt = 0
def coordinates(self):
return self.coords
def coordinatesold(self):
return self.coordsold
def positions(self):
""" Atomic positions with units """
return [Vec3(*xyz) for xyz in self.coords[0]] * u.angstroms
def positionsold(self):
""" Old atomic positions with units """
return [Vec3(*xyz) for xyz in self.coordsold[0]] * u.angstroms
def velocities(self):
""" Atomic velocities in Angstroms/picoseconds """
return self.vels
def box(self):
return None
def _parse(self, fname):
with closing(io.genopen(fname, 'r')) as crdfile:
readingHeader = True
while readingHeader:
line = crdfile.readline()
if not len(line):
raise CharmmError('Premature end of file')
line = line.strip()
words = line.split()
if len(line) != 0:
if words[0] == 'ENERGIES' or words[0] == '!ENERGIES':
readingHeader = False
for row in range(len(self.header)):
if len(self.header[row].strip()) != 0:
line = self.header[row].strip().split()
if line[0][0:5] == 'NATOM' or line[0][0:6] == '!NATOM':
line = self.header[row+1].strip().split()
self.natom = int(line[0])
self.npriv = int(line[1]) # num. previous steps
self.nstep = int(line[2]) # num. steps in file
self.nsavc = int(line[3]) # coord save frequency
self.nsavv = int(line[4]) # velocities "
self.jhstrt = int(line[5]) # Num total steps?
except (ValueError, IndexError):
raise CharmmError('Problem parsing CHARMM restart')
self.scan(crdfile, '!XOLD')
self._get_formatted_crds(crdfile, self.coordsold)
self.coordsold = np.array(self.coordsold).reshape((-1,self.natom,3))
self.scan(crdfile, '!VX')
self._get_formatted_crds(crdfile, self.vels)
self.vels = np.array(self.vels).reshape((-1, self.natom, 3))
# Convert velocities to angstroms/ps
self.vels *= ONE_TIMESCALE
self.scan(crdfile, '!X')
self._get_formatted_crds(crdfile, self.coords)
self.coords = np.array(self.coords).reshape((-1, self.natom, 3))
[docs] def scan(self, handle, str, r=0): # read lines in file till 'str' is found
scanning = True
if(r): handle.seek(0)
while scanning:
line = handle.readline()
if not line:
raise CharmmError('Premature end of file')
if len(line.strip()) != 0:
if line.strip().split()[0][0:len(str)] == str:
scanning = False
def _get_formatted_crds(self, crdfile, crds):
for row in range(self.natom):
line = crdfile.readline()
if not line:
raise CharmmError('Premature end of file')
if len(line) < 3*CHARMLEN:
raise CharmmError("Less than 3 coordinates present in "
"coordinate row or coords may be "
line = line.replace('D','E') # CHARMM uses 'D' for exponentials
# CHARMM uses fixed format (len = CHARMLEN = 22) for crds in .rst's