Source code for parmed.formats.pdbx.PdbxContainers

# File:
# Original: 02-Feb-2009   jdw
# Update:
#   23-Mar-2011   jdw Added method to rename attributes in category containers.
#   05-Apr-2011   jdw Change cif writer to select double quoting as preferred 
#                     quoting style where possible.
#   16-Jan-2012   jdw Create base class for DataCategory class
#   22-Mar-2012   jdw when append attributes to existing categories update
#                     existing rows with placeholder null values.
#    2-Sep-2012   jdw add option to avoid embedded quoting that might
#                     confuse simple parsers.
#   28-Jun-2013   jdw export remove method
#   29-Jun-2013   jdw export remove row method

A collection of container classes supporting the PDBx/mmCIF storage model.

A base container class is defined which supports common features of
data and definition containers.   PDBx data files are organized in
sections called data blocks which are mapped to data containers.
PDBx dictionaries contain definition sections and data sections
which are mapped to definition and data containes respectively.

Data in both PDBx data files and dictionaries are organized in
data categories. In the PDBx syntax individual items or data
identified by labels of the form '_categoryName.attributeName'.
The terms category and attribute in PDBx jargon are analogous
table and column in relational data model, or class and attribute
in an object oriented data model.

The DataCategory class provides base storage container for instance
data and definition meta data.


__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
__author__    = "John Westbrook"
__email__     = ""
__license__   = "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported"
__version__   = "V0.01"

from parmed.utils.six.moves import range

import re,sys,traceback

[docs]class CifName(object): ''' Class of utilities for CIF-style data names - ''' def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def categoryPart(name): tname="" if name.startswith("_"): tname=name[1:] else: tname=name i = tname.find(".") if i == -1: return tname else: return tname[:i]
[docs] @staticmethod def attributePart(name): i = name.find(".") if i == -1: return None else: return name[i+1:]
[docs]class ContainerBase(object): ''' Container base class for data and definition objects. ''' def __init__(self,name): # The enclosing scope of the data container (e.g. data_/save_) self.__name = name # List of category names within this container - self.__objNameList=[] # dictionary of DataCategory objects keyed by category name. self.__objCatalog={} self.__type=None
[docs] def getType(self): return self.__type
[docs] def setType(self,type): self.__type=type
[docs] def getName(self): return self.__name
[docs] def setName(self,name): self.__name=name
[docs] def exists(self,name): return name in self.__objCatalog
[docs] def getObj(self,name): if name in self.__objCatalog: return self.__objCatalog[name] else: return None
[docs] def getObjNameList(self): return self.__objNameList
[docs] def append(self,obj): """ Add the input object to the current object catalog. An existing object of the same name will be overwritten. """ if obj.getName() is not None: if not obj.getName() in self.__objCatalog: # self.__objNameList is keeping track of object order here -- self.__objNameList.append(obj.getName()) self.__objCatalog[obj.getName()]=obj
[docs] def replace(self,obj): """ Replace an existing object with the input object """ if obj.getName() is not None and obj.getName() in self.__objCatalog: self.__objCatalog[obj.getName()]=obj
[docs] def printIt(self,fh=sys.stdout,type="brief"): fh.write("+ %s container: %30s contains %4d categories\n" % (self.getType(),self.getName(),len(self.__objNameList))) for nm in self.__objNameList: fh.write("--------------------------------------------\n") fh.write("Data category: %s\n" % nm) if type == 'brief': self.__objCatalog[nm].printIt(fh) else: self.__objCatalog[nm].dumpIt(fh)
[docs] def rename(self,curName,newName): """ Change the name of an object in place - """ try: i=self.__objNameList.index(curName) self.__objNameList[i]=newName self.__objCatalog[newName]=self.__objCatalog[curName] self.__objCatalog[newName].setName(newName) return True except: return False
[docs] def remove(self,curName): """ Revmove object by name. Return True on success or False otherwise. """ try: if curName in self.__objCatalog: del self.__objCatalog[curName] i=self.__objNameList.index(curName) del self.__objNameList[i] return True else: return False except: pass return False
[docs]class DefinitionContainer(ContainerBase): def __init__(self,name): super(DefinitionContainer,self).__init__(name) self.setType('definition')
[docs] def isCategory(self): if self.exists('category'): return True return False
[docs] def isAttribute(self): if self.exists('item'): return True return False
[docs] def printIt(self,fh=sys.stdout,type="brief"): fh.write("Definition container: %30s contains %4d categories\n" % (self.getName(),len(self.getObjNameList()))) if self.isCategory(): fh.write("Definition type: category\n") elif self.isAttribute(): fh.write("Definition type: item\n") else: fh.write("Definition type: undefined\n") for nm in self.getObjNameList(): fh.write("--------------------------------------------\n") fh.write("Definition category: %s\n" % nm) if type == 'brief': self.getObj(nm).printIt(fh) else: self.getObj(nm).dumpId(fh)
[docs]class DataContainer(ContainerBase): ''' Container class for DataCategory objects. ''' def __init__(self,name): super(DataContainer,self).__init__(name) self.setType('data') self.__globalFlag=False
[docs] def invokeDataBlockMethod(self,type,method,db): self.__currentRow = 1 exec(method.getInline())
[docs] def setGlobal(self): self.__globalFlag=True
[docs] def getGlobal(self): return self.__globalFlag
[docs]class DataCategoryBase(object): """ Base object definition for a data category - """ def __init__(self,name,attributeNameList=None,rowList=None): self._name = name # if rowList is not None: self._rowList=rowList else: self._rowList=[] if attributeNameList is not None: self._attributeNameList=attributeNameList else: self._attributeNameList=[] # # Derived class data - # self._catalog={} self._numAttributes=0 # self.__setup() def __setup(self): self._numAttributes = len(self._attributeNameList) self._catalog={} for attributeName in self._attributeNameList: attributeNameLC = attributeName.lower() self._catalog[attributeNameLC] = attributeName #
[docs] def setRowList(self,rowList): self._rowList=rowList
[docs] def setAttributeNameList(self,attributeNameList): self._attributeNameList=attributeNameList self.__setup()
[docs] def setName(self,name): self._name=name
[docs] def get(self): return (self._name,self._attributeNameList,self._rowList)
[docs]class DataCategory(DataCategoryBase): """ Methods for creating, accessing, and formatting PDBx cif data categories. """ def __init__(self,name,attributeNameList=None,rowList=None): super(DataCategory,self).__init__(name,attributeNameList,rowList) # self.__lfh = sys.stdout self.__currentRowIndex=0 self.__currentAttribute=None # self.__avoidEmbeddedQuoting=False # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # any whitespace self.__wsRe=re.compile(r"\s") self.__wsAndQuotesRe=re.compile(r"[\s'\"]") # any newline or carriage control self.__nlRe=re.compile(r"[\n\r]") # # single quote self.__sqRe=re.compile(r"[']") # self.__sqWsRe=re.compile(r"('\s)|(\s')") # double quote self.__dqRe=re.compile(r'["]') self.__dqWsRe=re.compile(r'("\s)|(\s")') # self.__intRe=re.compile(r'^[0-9]+$') self.__floatRe=re.compile(r'^-?(([0-9]+)[.]?|([0-9]*[.][0-9]+))([(][0-9]+[)])?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?$') # self.__dataTypeList=['DT_NULL_VALUE','DT_INTEGER','DT_FLOAT','DT_UNQUOTED_STRING','DT_ITEM_NAME', 'DT_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING','DT_SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING','DT_MULTI_LINE_STRING'] self.__formatTypeList=['FT_NULL_VALUE','FT_NUMBER','FT_NUMBER','FT_UNQUOTED_STRING', 'FT_QUOTED_STRING','FT_QUOTED_STRING','FT_QUOTED_STRING','FT_MULTI_LINE_STRING'] # def __getitem__(self, x): """ Implements list-type functionality - Implements op[x] for some special cases - x=integer - returns the row in category (normal list behavior) x=string - returns the value of attribute 'x' in first row. """ if isinstance(x, int): #return self._rowList.__getitem__(x) return self._rowList[x] elif isinstance(x, str): try: #return self._rowList[0][x] ii=self.getAttributeIndex(x) return self._rowList[0][ii] except (IndexError, KeyError) as e: raise KeyError(str(e)) assert False, "Should not be here"
[docs] def getCurrentAttribute(self): return self.__currentAttribute
[docs] def getRowIndex(self): return self.__currentRowIndex
[docs] def getRowList(self): return self._rowList
[docs] def getRowCount(self): return (len(self._rowList))
[docs] def getRow(self,index): try: return self._rowList[index] except: return []
[docs] def removeRow(self,index): try: if ((index >= 0) and (index < len(self._rowList))): del self._rowList[index] if self.__currentRowIndex >= len(self._rowList): self.__currentRowIndex = len(self._rowList) -1 return True else: pass except: pass return False
[docs] def getFullRow(self,index): """ Return a full row based on the length of the the attribute list. """ try: if (len(self._rowList[index]) < self._numAttributes): for ii in range( self._numAttributes-len(self._rowList[index])): self._rowList[index].append('?') return self._rowList[index] except: return ['?' for ii in range(self._numAttributes)]
[docs] def getName(self): return self._name
[docs] def getAttributeList(self): return self._attributeNameList
[docs] def getAttributeCount(self): return len(self._attributeNameList)
[docs] def getAttributeListWithOrder(self): oL=[] for ii,att in enumerate(self._attributeNameList): oL.append((att,ii)) return oL
[docs] def getAttributeIndex(self,attributeName): try: return self._attributeNameList.index(attributeName) except: return -1
[docs] def hasAttribute(self,attributeName): return attributeName in self._attributeNameList
[docs] def getIndex(self,attributeName): try: return self._attributeNameList.index(attributeName) except: return -1
[docs] def getItemNameList(self): itemNameList=[] for att in self._attributeNameList: itemNameList.append("_"+self._name+"."+att) return itemNameList
[docs] def append(self,row): #self.__lfh.write("PdbxContainer(append) category %s row %r\n" % (self._name,row)) self._rowList.append(row)
[docs] def appendAttribute(self,attributeName): attributeNameLC = attributeName.lower() if attributeNameLC in self._catalog: i = self._attributeNameList.index(self._catalog[attributeNameLC]) self._attributeNameList[i] = attributeName self._catalog[attributeNameLC] = attributeName #self.__lfh.write("Appending existing attribute %s\n" % attributeName) else: #self.__lfh.write("Appending existing attribute %s\n" % attributeName) self._attributeNameList.append(attributeName) self._catalog[attributeNameLC] = attributeName # self._numAttributes = len(self._attributeNameList)
[docs] def appendAttributeExtendRows(self,attributeName): attributeNameLC = attributeName.lower() if attributeNameLC in self._catalog: i = self._attributeNameList.index(self._catalog[attributeNameLC]) self._attributeNameList[i] = attributeName self._catalog[attributeNameLC] = attributeName self.__lfh.write("Appending existing attribute %s\n" % attributeName) else: self._attributeNameList.append(attributeName) self._catalog[attributeNameLC] = attributeName # add a placeholder to any existing rows for the new attribute. if (len(self._rowList) > 0): for row in self._rowList: row.append("?") # self._numAttributes = len(self._attributeNameList)
[docs] def getValue(self,attributeName=None,rowIndex=None): if attributeName is None: attribute = self.__currentAttribute else: attribute = attributeName if rowIndex is None: rowI = self.__currentRowIndex else: rowI =rowIndex if isinstance(attribute, str) and isinstance(rowI,int): try: return self._rowList[rowI][self._attributeNameList.index(attribute)] except (IndexError): raise IndexError raise IndexError(str(attribute))
[docs] def setValue(self,value,attributeName=None,rowIndex=None): if attributeName is None: attribute=self.__currentAttribute else: attribute=attributeName if rowIndex is None: rowI = self.__currentRowIndex else: rowI = rowIndex if isinstance(attribute, str) and isinstance(rowI,int): try: # if row index is out of range - add the rows - for ii in range(rowI+1 - len(self._rowList)): self._rowList.append(self.__emptyRow()) # self._rowList[rowI][attribute]=value ll=len(self._rowList[rowI]) ind=self._attributeNameList.index(attribute) # extend the list if needed - if ( ind >= ll): self._rowList[rowI].extend([None for ii in range(2*ind -ll)]) self._rowList[rowI][ind]=value except (IndexError): self.__lfh.write("DataCategory(setvalue) index error category %s attribute %s index %d value %r\n" % (self._name,attribute,rowI,value)) traceback.print_exc(file=self.__lfh) #raise IndexError except (ValueError): self.__lfh.write("DataCategory(setvalue) value error category %s attribute %s index %d value %r\n" % (self._name,attribute,rowI,value)) traceback.print_exc(file=self.__lfh)
#raise ValueError def __emptyRow(self): return [None for ii in range(len(self._attributeNameList))]
[docs] def replaceValue(self,oldValue,newValue,attributeName): numReplace=0 if attributeName not in self._attributeNameList: return numReplace ind=self._attributeNameList.index(attributeName) for row in self._rowList: if row[ind] == oldValue: row[ind]=newValue numReplace += 1 return numReplace
[docs] def replaceSubstring(self,oldValue,newValue,attributeName): ok=False if attributeName not in self._attributeNameList: return ok ind=self._attributeNameList.index(attributeName) for row in self._rowList: val=row[ind] row[ind]=val.replace(oldValue,newValue) if val != row[ind]: ok=True return ok
[docs] def invokeAttributeMethod(self,attributeName,type,method,db): self.__currentRowIndex = 0 self.__currentAttribute=attributeName self.appendAttribute(attributeName) # ind=self._attributeNameList.index(attributeName) if len(self._rowList) == 0: row=[None for ii in range(len(self._attributeNameList)*2)] row[ind]=None self._rowList.append(row) for row in self._rowList: ll = len(row) if (ind >= ll): row.extend([None for ii in range(2*ind-ll)]) row[ind]=None exec(method.getInline()) self.__currentRowIndex+=1
[docs] def invokeCategoryMethod(self,type,method,db): self.__currentRowIndex = 0 exec(method.getInline())
[docs] def getAttributeLengthMaximumList(self): mList=[0 for i in len(self._attributeNameList)] for row in self._rowList: for indx,val in enumerate(row): mList[indx] = max(mList[indx],len(val)) return mList
[docs] def renameAttribute(self,curAttributeName,newAttributeName): """ Change the name of an attribute in place - """ try: i=self._attributeNameList.index(curAttributeName) self._attributeNameList[i]=newAttributeName del self._catalog[curAttributeName.lower()] self._catalog[newAttributeName.lower()]=newAttributeName return True except: return False
[docs] def printIt(self,fh=sys.stdout): fh.write("--------------------------------------------\n") fh.write(" Category: %s attribute list length: %d\n" % (self._name,len(self._attributeNameList))) for at in self._attributeNameList: fh.write(" Category: %s attribute: %s\n" % (self._name,at)) fh.write(" Row value list length: %d\n" % len(self._rowList)) # for row in self._rowList[:2]: # if len(row) == len(self._attributeNameList): for ii,v in enumerate(row): fh.write(" %30s: %s ...\n" % (self._attributeNameList[ii],str(v)[:30])) else: fh.write("+WARNING - %s data length %d attribute name length %s mismatched\n" % (self._name,len(row),len(self._attributeNameList)))
[docs] def dumpIt(self,fh=sys.stdout): fh.write("--------------------------------------------\n") fh.write(" Category: %s attribute list length: %d\n" % (self._name,len(self._attributeNameList))) for at in self._attributeNameList: fh.write(" Category: %s attribute: %s\n" % (self._name,at)) fh.write(" Value list length: %d\n" % len(self._rowList)) for row in self._rowList: for ii,v in enumerate(row): fh.write(" %30s: %s\n" % (self._attributeNameList[ii],v))
def __formatPdbx(self, inp): """ Format input data following PDBx quoting rules - """ try: if (inp is None): return ("?",'DT_NULL_VALUE') # pure numerical values are returned as unquoted strings if (isinstance(inp,int) or return ( [str(inp)],'DT_INTEGER') if (isinstance(inp,float) or return ([str(inp)],'DT_FLOAT') # null value handling - if (inp == "." or inp == "?"): return ([inp],'DT_NULL_VALUE') if (inp == ""): return (["."],'DT_NULL_VALUE') # Contains white space or quotes ? if not if inp.startswith("_"): return (self.__doubleQuotedList(inp),'DT_ITEM_NAME') else: return ([str(inp)],'DT_UNQUOTED_STRING') else: if return (self.__semiColonQuotedList(inp),'DT_MULTI_LINE_STRING') else: if (self.__avoidEmbeddedQuoting): # change priority to choose double quoting where possible. if not and not return (self.__doubleQuotedList(inp),'DT_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING') elif not and not return (self.__singleQuotedList(inp),'DT_SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING') else: return (self.__semiColonQuotedList(inp),'DT_MULTI_LINE_STRING') else: # change priority to choose double quoting where possible. if not return (self.__doubleQuotedList(inp),'DT_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING') elif not return (self.__singleQuotedList(inp),'DT_SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING') else: return (self.__semiColonQuotedList(inp),'DT_MULTI_LINE_STRING') except: traceback.print_exc(file=self.__lfh) def __dataTypePdbx(self, inp): """ Detect the PDBx data type - """ if (inp is None): return ('DT_NULL_VALUE') # pure numerical values are returned as unquoted strings if isinstance(inp,int) or return ('DT_INTEGER') if isinstance(inp,float) or return ('DT_FLOAT') # null value handling - if (inp == "." or inp == "?"): return ('DT_NULL_VALUE') if (inp == ""): return ('DT_NULL_VALUE') # Contains white space or quotes ? if not if inp.startswith("_"): return ('DT_ITEM_NAME') else: return ('DT_UNQUOTED_STRING') else: if return ('DT_MULTI_LINE_STRING') else: if (self.__avoidEmbeddedQuoting): if not and not return ('DT_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING') elif not and not return ('DT_SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING') else: return ('DT_MULTI_LINE_STRING') else: if not return ('DT_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING') elif not return ('DT_SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING') else: return ('DT_MULTI_LINE_STRING') def __singleQuotedList(self,inp): l=[] l.append("'") l.append(inp) l.append("'") return(l) def __doubleQuotedList(self,inp): l=[] l.append('"') l.append(inp) l.append('"') return(l) def __semiColonQuotedList(self,inp): l=[] l.append("\n") if inp[-1] == '\n': l.append(";") l.append(inp) l.append(";") l.append("\n") else: l.append(";") l.append(inp) l.append("\n") l.append(";") l.append("\n") return(l)
[docs] def getValueFormatted(self,attributeName=None,rowIndex=None): if attributeName is None: attribute=self.__currentAttribute else: attribute=attributeName if rowIndex is None: rowI = self.__currentRowIndex else: rowI = rowIndex if isinstance(attribute, str) and isinstance(rowI,int): try: list,type=self.__formatPdbx(self._rowList[rowI][self._attributeNameList.index(attribute)]) return "".join(list) except (IndexError): self.__lfh.write("attributeName %s rowI %r rowdata %r\n" % (attributeName,rowI,self._rowList[rowI])) raise IndexError raise TypeError(str(attribute))
[docs] def getValueFormattedByIndex(self,attributeIndex,rowIndex): try: list,type=self.__formatPdbx(self._rowList[rowIndex][attributeIndex]) return "".join(list) except (IndexError): raise IndexError
[docs] def getAttributeValueMaxLengthList(self,steps=1): mList=[0 for i in range(len(self._attributeNameList))] for row in self._rowList[::steps]: for indx in range(len(self._attributeNameList)): val=row[indx] mList[indx] = max(mList[indx],len(str(val))) return mList
[docs] def getFormatTypeList(self,steps=1): try: curDataTypeList=['DT_NULL_VALUE' for i in range(len(self._attributeNameList))] for row in self._rowList[::steps]: for indx in range(len(self._attributeNameList)): val=row[indx] # print "index ",indx," val ",val dType=self.__dataTypePdbx(val) dIndx=self.__dataTypeList.index(dType) # print "d type", dType, " d type index ",dIndx cType=curDataTypeList[indx] cIndx=self.__dataTypeList.index(cType) cIndx= max(cIndx,dIndx) curDataTypeList[indx]=self.__dataTypeList[cIndx] # Map the format types to the data types curFormatTypeList=[] for dt in curDataTypeList: ii=self.__dataTypeList.index(dt) curFormatTypeList.append(self.__formatTypeList[ii]) except: self.__lfh.write("PdbxDataCategory(getFormatTypeList) ++Index error at index %d in row %r\n" % (indx,row)) return curFormatTypeList,curDataTypeList
[docs] def getFormatTypeListX(self): curDataTypeList=['DT_NULL_VALUE' for i in range(len(self._attributeNameList))] for row in self._rowList: for indx in range(len(self._attributeNameList)): val=row[indx] #print "index ",indx," val ",val dType=self.__dataTypePdbx(val) dIndx=self.__dataTypeList.index(dType) #print "d type", dType, " d type index ",dIndx cType=curDataTypeList[indx] cIndx=self.__dataTypeList.index(cType) cIndx= max(cIndx,dIndx) curDataTypeList[indx]=self.__dataTypeList[cIndx] # Map the format types to the data types curFormatTypeList=[] for dt in curDataTypeList: ii=self.__dataTypeList.index(dt) curFormatTypeList.append(self.__formatTypeList[ii]) return curFormatTypeList,curDataTypeList