Source code for parmed.formats.pqr

This module contains classes for reading and writing PQR files
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

from contextlib import closing
import numpy as np
from parmed.exceptions import PDBError, PDBWarning
from parmed.formats.registry import FileFormatType
from parmed.formats.pdb import _standardize_resname, PDBFile, _is_hetatm
from parmed.periodic_table import AtomicNum, Mass, Element, element_by_name
from parmed.structure import Structure
from parmed.topologyobjects import Atom, ExtraPoint
from import genopen
from parmed.utils.six import string_types, add_metaclass
from parmed.utils.six.moves import range
import warnings

[docs]@add_metaclass(FileFormatType) class PQRFile(object): """ Standard PDB file format parser and writer """ #===================================================
[docs] @staticmethod def id_format(filename): """ Identifies the file type as a PDB file Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the file to check format for Returns ------- is_fmt : bool True if it is a PQR file """ with closing(genopen(filename, 'r')) as f: for line in f: words = line.split() if not words: continue elif words[0] in ('CRYST1', 'END', 'END', 'HEADER', 'NUMMDL', 'MASTER', 'AUTHOR', 'CAVEAT', 'COMPND', 'EXPDTA', 'MDLTYP', 'KEYWDS', 'OBSLTE', 'SOURCE', 'SPLIT', 'SPRSDE', 'TITLE ', 'ANISOU', 'CISPEP', 'CONECT', 'DBREF ', 'HELIX ', 'HET', 'LINK', 'MODRES', 'REVDAT', 'SEQADV', 'SHEET', 'SSBOND', 'FORMUL', 'HETNAM', 'HETSYN', 'SEQRES', 'SITE', 'ENDMDL', 'MODEL', 'JRNL', 'REMARK', 'TER', 'USER'): continue elif line[:5] in ('ORIGX', 'SCALE', 'MTRIX'): if line[5] not in '123': return False elif words[0] in ('ATOM', 'HETATM'): # Format is: # rec atnum atname resname [chain] resnum x y z chg radius # Where the chain ID is optional. rec must be ATOM or HETATM if len(words) < 10: return False elif PDBFile.id_format(filename): return False # It is a PDB file if len(words) == 10: offset = 0 elif len(words) >= 11: offset = 1 try: float(words[10]) except ValueError: offset = 0 if not words[1].isdigit(): return False if words[2].isdigit(): return False if words[3].isdigit(): return False if not words[4+offset].isdigit(): return False try: float(words[5+offset]) float(words[6+offset]) float(words[7+offset]) float(words[8+offset]) float(words[9+offset]) except ValueError: return False return True else: return False return False
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(filename, skip_bonds=True): """ Read a PQR file and return a populated `Structure` class Parameters ---------- filename : str or file-like Name of the PQR file to read, or a file-like object that can iterate over the lines of a PQR. Compressed file names can be specified and are determined by file-name extension (e.g., file.pqr.gz, file.pqr.bz2) skip_bonds : bool, optional If True, skip trying to assign bonds. This can save substantial time when parsing large files with non-standard residue names. However, no bonds are assigned. This is OK if, for instance, the PQR file is being parsed simply for its coordinates. Default is False. Returns ------- structure : :class:`Structure` The Structure object initialized with all of the information from the PDB file. No bonds or other topological features are added by default. """ if isinstance(filename, string_types): own_handle = True fileobj = genopen(filename, 'r') else: own_handle = False fileobj = filename struct = Structure() # Add metadata fields modelno = 1 # For PDB files with multiple MODELs atomno = 0 coordinates = [] all_coordinates = [] # Support hexadecimal numbering like that printed by VMD try: for line in fileobj: words = line.split() if words[0] in ('ATOM', 'HETATM'): atomno += 1 if len(words) == 10: _, num, nam, res, resn, x, y, z, chg, rad = words chn = '' elif len(words) >= 11: _, num, nam, res, chn, resn, x, y, z, chg, rad = ( words[i] for i in range(11)) # If the radius is not a float (but rather a letter, # like the element or something), then the chain might # be missing. In this case, shift all tokens "back" one # and empty the chn string try: float(rad) except ValueError: resn, x, y, z, chg, rad = chn, resn, x, y, z, chg else: raise ValueError('Illegal PQR record format: expected ' '10 or 11 tokens on the atom line') x, y, z = float(x), float(y), float(z) chg, rad = float(chg), float(rad) resn, num = int(resn), int(num) elem = element_by_name(nam) # Yuck atomic_number = AtomicNum[elem] mass = Mass[elem] if nam in ('EP', 'LP'): # lone pair atom = ExtraPoint(atomic_number=atomic_number, name=nam, charge=chg, mass=mass, number=num, solvent_radius=rad) else: atom = Atom(atomic_number=atomic_number, name=nam, charge=chg, mass=mass, number=num, solvent_radius=rad) atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz = float(x), float(y), float(z) if modelno == 1: struct.add_atom(atom, res, resn, chn) else: try: orig_atom = struct.atoms[atomno-1] except IndexError: raise PDBError('Extra atom in MODEL %d' % modelno) if ( != res.strip() or != nam.strip()): raise PDBError('Atom %d differs in MODEL %d [%s %s ' 'vs. %s %s]' % (atomno, modelno,,, res, nam)) coordinates.extend([atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz]) elif words[0] == 'ENDMDL': # End the current model if len(struct.atoms) == 0: raise PDBError('MODEL ended before any atoms read in') modelno += 1 if len(struct.atoms)*3 != len(coordinates): raise PDBError( 'Inconsistent atom numbers in some PDB models') all_coordinates.append(coordinates) atomno = 0 coordinates = [] elif words[0] == 'MODEL': if modelno == 1 and len(struct.atoms) == 0: continue if len(coordinates) > 0: if len(struct.atoms)*3 != len(coordinates): raise PDBError('Inconsistent atom numbers in ' 'some PDB models') warnings.warn('MODEL not explicitly ended', PDBWarning) all_coordinates.append(coordinates) coordinates = [] modelno += 1 atomno = 0 elif words[0] == 'CRYST1': a, b, c = (float(w) for w in words[1:4]) try: A, B, C = (float(w) for w in words[4:7]) except ValueError: A = B = C = 90.0 = [a, b, c, A, B, C] finally: if own_handle: fileobj.close() struct.unchange() if not skip_bonds: struct.assign_bonds() if coordinates: if len(coordinates) != 3*len(struct.atoms): raise PDBError('bad number of atoms in some PQR models') all_coordinates.append(coordinates) struct._coordinates = np.array(all_coordinates).reshape( (-1, len(struct.atoms), 3)) return struct
[docs] @staticmethod def write(struct, dest, renumber=True, coordinates=None, standard_resnames=False): """ Write a PDB file from a Structure instance Parameters ---------- struct : :class:`Structure` The structure from which to write the PDB file dest : str or file-like Either a file name or a file-like object containing a `write` method to which to write the PDB file. If it is a filename that ends with .gz or .bz2, a compressed version will be written using either gzip or bzip2, respectively. renumber : bool, optional If True, renumber the atoms and residues sequentially as they are stored in the structure. If False, use the original numbering if it was assigned previously. Default is True coordinates : array-like of float, optional If provided, these coordinates will be written to the PDB file instead of the coordinates stored in the structure. These coordinates should line up with the atom order in the structure (not necessarily the order of the "original" PDB file if they differ) standard_resnames : bool, optional If True, common aliases for various amino and nucleic acid residues will be converted into the PDB-standard values. Default is False """ own_handle = False if not hasattr(dest, 'write'): dest = genopen(dest, 'w') own_handle = True atomrec = ('ATOM %5d %-3s %-3s %1s %3d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %8.4f ' '%8.4f\n') hetatomrec = atomrec.replace('ATOM ', 'HETATM') if is not None: dest.write('CRYST1 %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f\n' % ([0],[1],[2],[3],[4],[5])) if coordinates is not None: coords = np.array(coordinates, copy=False, subok=True) try: coords = coords.reshape((-1, len(struct.atoms), 3)) except ValueError: raise TypeError("Coordinates has unexpected shape") else: coords = struct.get_coordinates('all') # Create a function to process each atom and return which one we want # to print, based on our alternate location choice if standard_resnames: standardize = lambda x: _standardize_resname(x) else: standardize = lambda x: (x, _is_hetatm(x)) last_number = 0 last_rnumber = 0 for model, coord in enumerate(coords): if coords.shape[0] > 1: dest.write('MODEL %5d\n' % (model+1)) for res in struct.residues: if renumber: atoms = res.atoms else: atoms = sorted(res.atoms, key=lambda atom: atom.number) for atom in atoms: # Figure out the serial numbers we want to print if renumber: anum = (atom.idx + 1) rnum = (res.idx + 1) else: anum = (atom.number or last_number + 1) rnum = (atom.residue.number or last_rnumber + 1) last_number = anum last_rnumber = rnum # Do any necessary name munging to respect the PDB spec if (len( < 4 and len(Element[atom.atomic_number]) != 2): aname = ' %-3s' % else: aname = xyz = coord[atom.idx] resname, hetatm = standardize( if hetatm: rec = hetatomrec else: rec = atomrec dest.write(rec % (anum, aname, resname, res.chain, rnum, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], atom.charge, atom.solvent_radius)) if coords.shape[0] > 1: dest.write('ENDMDL\n') dest.write("%-80s\n" % "END") if own_handle: dest.close()