Source code for parmed.gromacs.gromacsgro

This module contains functionality relevant to loading and parsing GROMACS GRO
(coordinate) files and building a stripped-down Structure from it
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

from contextlib import closing
from parmed.constants import TINY
from parmed.exceptions import GromacsError
from parmed.formats.registry import FileFormatType
from parmed.geometry import (box_vectors_to_lengths_and_angles,
from parmed.periodic_table import AtomicNum, element_by_name, Mass
from parmed.structure import Structure
from parmed.topologyobjects import Atom, ExtraPoint
from parmed import unit as u
from import genopen
from parmed.utils.six import add_metaclass, string_types

class _AtomLineParser(object):
    """ Parses atom lines from GRO files """
    def __init__(self):
        self._digits = None
        self._pdeci = 0
        self._ndeci = 0

    def read(self, line):
        """ Reads a line

        line : str
            A line with an atom record from a GRO file

        atom, resname, resnum : Atom, str, int
            The Atom instance, residue name, and residue number containing the
        resnum = int(line[:5])
        resname = line[5:10].strip()
        atomname = line[10:15].strip()
        elem = element_by_name(atomname)
        atomic_number = AtomicNum[elem]
        mass = Mass[elem]
        atnum = int(line[15:20])
        if atomic_number == 0:
            atom = ExtraPoint(name=atomname, number=atnum)
            atom = Atom(atomic_number=atomic_number, name=atomname,
                        number=atnum, mass=mass)
        if self._digits is None:
            self._pdeci = line.index('.', 20)
            self._ndeci = line.index('.', self._pdeci+1)
            self._digits = self._ndeci - self._pdeci
        atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz = (
                    for i in range(3)
        wbeg = 20 + self._digits * 3
        wend = wbeg + self._digits
        if line[wbeg:wend].strip():
            atom.vx, atom.vy, atom.vz = (
                    for i in range(3)
        return atom, resname, resnum

[docs]@add_metaclass(FileFormatType) class GromacsGroFile(object): """ Parses and writes Gromacs GRO files """ #===================================================
[docs] @staticmethod def id_format(filename): """ Identifies the file as a GROMACS GRO file Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the file to check if it is a Gromacs GRO file Returns ------- is_fmt : bool If it is identified as a Gromacs GRO file, return True. False otherwise """ with closing(genopen(filename)) as f: f.readline() # Title line try: int(f.readline().strip()) # number of atoms except ValueError: return False line = f.readline() try: int(line[:5]) if not line[5:10].strip(): return False if not line[10:15].strip(): return False int(line[15:20]) pdeci = [i for i, x in enumerate(line) if x == '.'] ndeci = pdeci[1] - pdeci[0] - 5 for i in range(1, 4): wbeg = (pdeci[0]-4)+(5+ndeci)*(i-1) wend = (pdeci[0]-4)+(5+ndeci)*i float(line[wbeg:wend]) i = 4 wbeg = (pdeci[0]-4)+(5+ndeci)*(i-1) wend = (pdeci[0]-4)+(5+ndeci)*i if line[wbeg:wend].strip(): for i in range(4, 7): wbeg = (pdeci[0]-4)+(5+ndeci)*(i-1) wend = (pdeci[0]-4)+(5+ndeci)*i float(line[wbeg:wend]) except ValueError: return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(filename, skip_bonds=False): """ Parses a Gromacs GRO file Parameters ---------- filename : str or file-like Name of the file or the GRO file object skip_bonds : bool, optional If True, skip trying to assign bonds. This can save substantial time when parsing large files with non-standard residue names. However, no bonds are assigned. This is OK if, for instance, the GRO file is being parsed simply for its coordinates. This will also reduce the accuracy of assigned atomic numbers for typical ions. Default is False. Returns ------- struct : :class:`Structure` The Structure instance instantiated with *just* residues and atoms populated (with coordinates) """ struct = Structure() if isinstance(filename, string_types): fileobj = genopen(filename, 'r') own_handle = True else: fileobj = filename own_handle = False try: # Ignore the title line fileobj.readline() try: natom = int(fileobj.readline().strip()) except ValueError: raise GromacsError('Could not parse %s as GRO file' % filename) line_parser = _AtomLineParser() for i, line in enumerate(fileobj): if i == natom: break try: atom, resname, resnum = except (ValueError, IndexError): raise GromacsError('Could not parse the atom record of ' 'GRO file %s' % filename) struct.add_atom(atom, resname, resnum) else: # If no box exists, the break did not hit, so line still # contains the last atom (which cannot be interpreted as a box). # This wipes out line (IFF fileobj reached the line) line = fileobj.readline() if i+1 != natom: raise GromacsError('Truncated GRO file. Found %d of %d ' 'atoms' % (i+1, natom)) # Get the box from the last line if it's present if line.strip(): try: box = [float(x) for x in line.split()] except ValueError: raise GromacsError('Could not understand box line of GRO ' 'file %s' % filename) if len(box) == 3: = [box[0]*10, box[1]*10, box[2]*10, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0] elif len(box) == 9: # Assume we have vectors leng, ang = box_vectors_to_lengths_and_angles( [box[0], box[3], box[4]]*u.nanometers, [box[5], box[1], box[6]]*u.nanometers, [box[7], box[8], box[2]]*u.nanometers) a, b, c = leng.value_in_unit(u.angstroms) alpha, beta, gamma = ang.value_in_unit(u.degrees) = [a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma] finally: if own_handle: fileobj.close() # Assign bonds (and improved element guesses) if not skip_bonds: struct.assign_bonds() return struct
[docs] @staticmethod def write(struct, dest, precision=3, nobox=False, combine=False): """ Write a Gromacs Topology File from a Structure Parameters ---------- struct : :class:`Structure` The structure to write to a Gromacs GRO file (must have coordinates) dest : str or file-like The name of a file or a file object to write the Gromacs topology to precision : int, optional The number of decimal places to print in the coordinates. Default 3 nobox : bool, optional If the system does not have a periodic box defined, and this option is True, no box will be written. If False, the periodic box will be defined to enclose the solute with 0.5 nm clearance on all sides. If periodic box dimensions *are* defined, this variable has no effect. combine : 'all', None, or list of iterables, optional Equivalent to the combine argument of the GromacsTopologyFile.write method. If None, system atom order may be changed to meet the need for contiguously bonded groups of atoms to be part of a single moleculetype. All other values leave the atom order unchanged. Default is None. """ def _write_atom_line(atom, atid, resid, has_vels, dest, precision): varwidth = 5 + precision crdfmt = '%%%d.%df' % (varwidth, precision) velfmt = '%%%d.%df' % (varwidth, precision+1) dest.write('%5d%-5s%5s%5d' % (resid,[:5],[:5], atid)) dest.write((crdfmt % (atom.xx/10))[:varwidth]) dest.write((crdfmt % (atom.xy/10))[:varwidth]) dest.write((crdfmt % (atom.xz/10))[:varwidth]) if has_vels: dest.write((velfmt % (atom.vx/10))[:varwidth]) dest.write((velfmt % (atom.vy/10))[:varwidth]) dest.write((velfmt % (atom.vz/10))[:varwidth]) dest.write('\n') own_handle = False if isinstance(dest, string_types): dest = genopen(dest, 'w') own_handle = True elif not hasattr(dest, 'write'): raise TypeError('dest must be a file name or file-like object') dest.write('GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulation\n') dest.write('%5d\n' % len(struct.atoms)) has_vels = all(hasattr(a, 'vx') for a in struct.atoms) if combine != 'all': resid, atid = 0, 0 # use struct.split to get residue order as per topology file split_struct = struct.split() n_mols = sum(len(mol[1]) for mol in split_struct) unused_atoms = list(struct.atoms) for molid in range(n_mols): # loop through molids so we can get the correct molecule # according to the order they appear molecule = [ mol[0] for mol in split_struct if molid in mol[1]][0] new_molecule = set() # track atoms added last_found_atom = None # track when gro and top diverge for residue in molecule.residues: resid += 1 for atom in residue.atoms: # for each atom in split topology get the first # matching occurrence in the original structure for original_atom in unused_atoms: if atom.type == original_atom.type and \ == and \ == if last_found_atom is not None and \ original_atom.idx != last_found_atom.idx + 1: # a rearrangement has occurred! Need to do # extra check that we've found the correct # original_atom if len(new_molecule.intersection( original_atom.bond_partners)) == 0: # original_atom must be bonded to at # least one atom in the molecule we # are currently writing otherwise find # next candidate continue atid += 1 _write_atom_line( original_atom, atid % 100000, resid % 100000, has_vels, dest, precision) new_molecule.add(original_atom) last_found_atom = original_atom unused_atoms.remove(original_atom) break else: raise RuntimeError("Could not find %s" % atom) else: for atom in struct.atoms: resid = (atom.residue.idx + 1) % 100000 atid = (atom.idx + 1) % 100000 _write_atom_line( atom, atid, resid, has_vels, dest, precision) # Box, in the weird format... if is not None: a, b, c = reduce_box_vectors(*box_lengths_and_angles_to_vectors( * if all([abs(x-90) < TINY for x in[3:]]): dest.write('%10.5f'*3 % (a[0]/10, b[1]/10, c[2]/10)) else: dest.write('%10.5f'*9 % (a[0]/10, b[1]/10, c[2]/10, a[1]/10, a[2]/10, b[0]/10, b[2]/10, c[0]/10, c[1]/10)) dest.write('\n') elif not nobox and struct.atoms: # Find the extent of the molecule in all dimensions, and buffer it # by 5 A crds = struct.coordinates diff = (crds.max(axis=1) - crds.min(axis=1)) / 10 + 0.5 dest.write('%10.5f'*3 % (diff[0], diff[1], diff[2])) dest.write('\n') if own_handle: dest.close()