This module contains functionality relevant to loading a GROMACS topology file
and building a Structure from it
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from contextlib import closing
import copy
from datetime import datetime
import math
import os
import re
from string import letters
except ImportError:
from string import ascii_letters as letters
import sys
import warnings
from parmed.constants import TINY, DEG_TO_RAD
from parmed.exceptions import GromacsError, GromacsWarning, ParameterError
from parmed.formats.registry import FileFormatType
from parmed.parameters import ParameterSet, _find_ureybrad_key
from parmed.gromacs._gromacsfile import GromacsFile
from parmed.structure import Structure
from parmed.topologyobjects import (Atom, Bond, Angle, Dihedral, Improper,
NonbondedException, ExtraPoint, BondType, Cmap, NoUreyBradley,
AngleType, DihedralType, DihedralTypeList, ImproperType, CmapType,
RBTorsionType, ThreeParticleExtraPointFrame, AtomType, UreyBradley,
TwoParticleExtraPointFrame, OutOfPlaneExtraPointFrame,
NonbondedExceptionType, UnassignedAtomType)
from parmed.periodic_table import element_by_mass, AtomicNum
from parmed import unit as u
from parmed.utils.io import genopen
from parmed.utils.six import add_metaclass, string_types, iteritems
from parmed.utils.six.moves import range
import pwd
_username = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]
except KeyError:
_username = 'username'
_userid = os.getuid()
_uname = os.uname()[1]
except ImportError:
import getpass
_username = getpass.getuser() # pragma: no cover
_userid = 0 # pragma: no cover
import platform # pragma: no cover
_uname = platform.node() # pragma: no cover
# Gromacs uses "funct" flags in its parameter files to indicate what kind of
# functional form is used for each of its different parameter types. This is
# taken from the topdirs.c source code file along with a table in the Gromacs
# user manual. The table below summarizes my findings, for reference:
# Bonds
# -----
# 1 - F_BONDS : simple harmonic potential
# 2 - F_G96BONDS : fourth-power potential
# 3 - F_MORSE : morse potential
# 4 - F_CUBICBONDS : cubic potential
# 5 - F_CONNBONDS : not even implemented in GROMACS
# 6 - F_HARMONIC : seems to be the same as (1) ??
# 7 - F_FENEBONDS : finietely-extensible-nonlinear-elastic (FENE) potential
# 8 - F_TABBONDS : bond function from tabulated function
# 9 - F_TABBONDSNC : bond function from tabulated function (no exclusions)
# 10 - F_RESTRBONDS : restraint bonds
# Angles
# ------
# 1 - F_ANGLES : simple harmonic potential
# 2 - F_G96ANGLES : cosine-based angle potential
# 3 - F_CROSS_BOND_BONDS : bond-bond cross term potential
# 4 - F_CROSS_BOND_ANGLES : bond-angle cross term potential
# 5 - F_UREY_BRADLEY : Urey-Bradley angle-bond potential
# 6 - F_QUARTIC_ANGLES : 4th-order polynomial potential
# 7 - F_TABANGLES : angle function from tabulated function
# 8 - F_LINEAR_ANGLES : angle function from tabulated function
# 9 - F_RESTRANGLES : restricted bending potential
# Dihedrals
# ---------
# 1 - F_PDIHS : periodic proper torsion potential [ k(1+cos(n*phi-phase)) ]
# 2 - F_IDIHS : harmonic improper torsion potential
# 3 - F_RBDIHS : Ryckaert-Bellemans torsion potential
# 4 - F_PIDIHS : periodic harmonic improper torsion potential (same as 1)
# 5 - F_FOURDIHS : Fourier dihedral torsion potential
# 8 - F_TABDIHS : dihedral potential from tabulated function
# 9 - F_PDIHS : Same as 1, but can be multi-term
# 10 - F_RESTRDIHS : Restricted torsion potential
# 11 - F_CBTDIHS : combined bending-torsion potential
_sectionre = re.compile(r'\[ (\w+) \]\s*$')
class _Defaults(object):
""" Global properties of force fields as implemented in GROMACS """
def __init__(self, nbfunc=1, comb_rule=2, gen_pairs='no',
fudgeLJ=1.0, fudgeQQ=1.0):
if int(nbfunc) not in (1, 2):
raise ValueError('nbfunc must be 1 (L-J) or 2 (Buckingham)')
if int(comb_rule) not in (1, 2, 3):
raise ValueError('comb_rule must be 1, 2, or 3')
if gen_pairs not in ('yes', 'no'):
raise ValueError("gen_pairs must be 'yes' or 'no'")
if float(fudgeLJ) < 0:
raise ValueError('fudgeLJ must be non-negative')
if float(fudgeQQ) < 0:
raise ValueError('fudgeQQ must be non-negative')
self.nbfunc = int(nbfunc)
self.comb_rule = int(comb_rule)
self.gen_pairs = gen_pairs
self.fudgeLJ = float(fudgeLJ)
self.fudgeQQ = float(fudgeQQ)
def __repr__(self):
return ('<_Defaults: nbfunc=%d, comb-rule=%d, gen-pairs="%s", '
'fudgeLJ=%g, fudgeQQ=%g>' % (self.nbfunc, self.comb_rule,
self.gen_pairs, self.fudgeLJ, self.fudgeQQ))
def __getitem__(self, idx):
# Treat it like the array that it is in the topology file
if idx < 0: idx += 5
if idx == 0: return self.nbfunc
if idx == 1: return self.comb_rule
if idx == 2: return self.gen_pairs
if idx == 3: return self.fudgeLJ
if idx == 4: return self.fudgeQQ
raise IndexError('Index %d out of range' % idx)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.nbfunc == other.nbfunc and
self.comb_rule == other.comb_rule and
self.gen_pairs == other.gen_pairs and
self.fudgeLJ == other.fudgeLJ and
self.fudgeQQ == other.fudgeQQ)
def __setitem__(self, idx, value):
if idx < 0: idx += 5
if idx == 0:
if int(value) not in (1, 2):
raise ValueError('nbfunc must be 1 or 2')
self.nbfunc = int(value)
elif idx == 1:
if int(value) not in (1, 2, 3):
raise ValueError('comb_rule must be 1, 2, or 3')
self.comb_rule = int(value)
elif idx == 2:
if value not in ('yes', 'no'):
raise ValueError('gen_pairs must be "yes" or "no"')
self.gen_pairs = value
elif idx == 3:
if float(value) < 0:
raise ValueError('fudgeLJ must be non-negative')
self.fudgeLJ = float(value)
elif idx == 4:
if float(value) < 0:
raise ValueError('fudgeQQ must be non-negative')
self.fudgeQQ = value
raise IndexError('Index %d out of range' % idx)
class GromacsTopologyFile(Structure):
""" Class providing a parser and writer for a GROMACS topology file
fname : str
The name of the file to read
defines : list of str=None
If specified, this is the set of defines to use when parsing the
topology file
parametrized : bool, optional
If True, parameters are assigned after parsing is done from the
parametertypes sections. If False, only parameter types defined in the
parameter sections themselves are loaded (i.e., on the same line as the
parameter was defined). Default is True
xyz : str or array, optional
The source of atomic coordinates. It can be a string containing the name
of a coordinate file from which to fill the coordinates (and optionally
the unit cell information), or it can be an array with the coordinates.
Default is None
box : array, optional
If provided, the unit cell information will be set from this variable.
If provided, it must be a collection of 6 floats representing the unit
cell dimensions a, b, c, alpha, beta, and gamma, respectively. Default
is None.
If the ``xyz`` argument is a file name that contains the unit cell
information, this unit cell information is set. However, the ``box``
argument takes precedence and will override values given in the coordinate
file unless it has its default value of ``None``.
[docs] def __init__(self, fname=None, defines=None, parametrize=True,
xyz=None, box=None):
from parmed import load_file
super(GromacsTopologyFile, self).__init__()
self.parameterset = None
self.defaults = _Defaults(gen_pairs='yes') # make ParmEd's default yes
if fname is not None:
self.read(fname, defines, parametrize)
# Fill in coordinates and unit cell information if appropriate
if xyz is not None:
if isinstance(xyz, string_types):
f = load_file(xyz, skip_bonds=True)
if not hasattr(f, 'coordinates') or f.coordinates is None:
raise TypeError('File %s does not have coordinates' %
self.coordinates = f.coordinates
if box is None and hasattr(f, 'box'):
self.box = f.box
self.coordinates = xyz
if box is not None:
self.box = box
elif xyz is not None or box is not None:
raise ValueError('Cannot provide coordinates/box and NOT a top')
[docs] def read(self, fname, defines=None, parametrize=True):
""" Reads the topology file into the current instance """
from parmed import gromacs as gmx
params = self.parameterset = ParameterSet()
molecules = self.molecules = dict()
bond_types = dict()
angle_types = dict()
ub_types = dict()
dihedral_types = dict()
exc_types = dict()
structure_contents = []
molnames = []
if defines is None:
defines = OrderedDict(FLEXIBLE=1)
proper_multiterm_dihedrals = dict()
with closing(GromacsFile(fname, includes=[gmx.GROMACS_TOPDIR], defines=defines)) as f:
current_section = None
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if not line: continue
if line[0] == '[':
current_section = line[1:-1].strip()
elif current_section == 'moleculetype':
molname, nrexcl = line.split()
nrexcl = int(nrexcl)
if molname in molecules:
raise GromacsError('Duplicate definition of molecule %s'
% molname)
molecule = Structure()
molecules[molname] = (molecule, nrexcl)
molecule.nrexcl = nrexcl
bond_types = dict()
angle_types = dict()
ub_types = dict()
dihedral_types = dict()
exc_types = dict()
elif current_section == 'atoms':
molecule.add_atom(*self._parse_atoms(line, params))
elif current_section == 'bonds':
bond, bond_type = self._parse_bonds(line, bond_types, molecule.atoms)
if bond_type is not None:
bond_type.list = molecule.bond_types
elif current_section == 'pairs':
nbe, nbet = self._parse_pairs(line, exc_types, molecule.atoms)
if nbet is not None:
nbet.list = molecule.adjust_types
elif current_section == 'angles':
ang, ub, angt, ubt = self._parse_angles(line, angle_types, ub_types,
if ub is not None:
if angt is not None:
angt.list = molecule.angle_types
if ubt is not None and ubt is not NoUreyBradley:
ubt.list = molecule.urey_bradley_types
elif current_section == 'dihedrals':
self._parse_dihedrals(line, dihedral_types, proper_multiterm_dihedrals,
elif current_section == 'cmap':
cmap = self._parse_cmaps(line, molecule.atoms)
elif current_section == 'system':
self.title = line
elif current_section == 'defaults':
words = line.split()
if len(words) < 2: # 3, 4, and 5 fields are optional
raise GromacsError('Too few fields in [ defaults ]')
if words[0] != '1':
warnings.warn('Unsupported nonbonded type; unknown functional',
self.unknown_functional = True
if words[1] in ('1', '3'):
self.combining_rule = 'geometric'
self.defaults = _Defaults(*words)
elif current_section == 'molecules':
name, num = line.split()
num = int(num)
structure_contents.append((name, num))
elif current_section == 'settles':
bnds, bndts = self._parse_settles(line, molecule.atoms)
elif current_section in ('virtual_sites3', 'dummies3'):
b, bt = self._parse_vsites3(line, molecule.atoms, params)
except KeyError:
raise GromacsError('Cannot determine vsite geometry '
'without parameter types')
bt.list = molecule.bond_types
elif current_section == 'exclusions':
atoms = [molecule.atoms[int(w)-1] for w in line.split()]
for a in atoms[1:]:
elif current_section == 'atomtypes':
attype, typ = self._parse_atomtypes(line)
params.atom_types[attype] = typ
elif current_section == 'nonbond_params':
words = line.split()
a1, a2 = words[:2]
# func = int(words[2]) #... unused
sig, eps = (float(x) for x in words[3:5])
sig *= 10 # Convert to Angstroms
eps *= u.kilojoule.conversion_factor_to(u.kilocalorie)
params.nbfix_types[(a1, a2)] = (eps, sig*2**(1/6))
params.nbfix_types[(a2, a1)] = (eps, sig*2**(1/6))
params.atom_types[a1].add_nbfix(a2, sig*2**(1/6), eps)
params.atom_types[a2].add_nbfix(a1, sig*2**(1/6), eps)
elif current_section == 'bondtypes':
a, b, t = self._parse_bondtypes(line)
params.bond_types[(a, b)] = t
params.bond_types[(b, a)] = t
elif current_section == 'angletypes':
a, b, c, t, ut = self._parse_angletypes(line)
params.angle_types[(a, b, c)] = t
params.angle_types[(c, b, a)] = t
if ut is not None:
params.urey_bradley_types[(a, b, c)] = ut
params.urey_bradley_types[(c, b, a)] = ut
elif current_section == 'dihedraltypes':
key, knd, t, replace = self._parse_dihedraltypes(line)
rkey = tuple(reversed(key))
if knd == 'normal':
if replace or key not in params.dihedral_types:
t = DihedralTypeList([t])
params.dihedral_types[key] = t
params.dihedral_types[rkey] = t
elif key in params.dihedral_types:
params.dihedral_types[key].append(t, override=True)
elif knd == 'improper':
params.improper_types[key] = t
elif knd == 'improper_periodic':
params.improper_periodic_types[key] = t
params.improper_periodic_types[rkey] = t
elif knd == 'rbtorsion':
params.rb_torsion_types[key] = t
params.rb_torsion_types[rkey] = t
elif current_section == 'cmaptypes':
a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, t = self._parse_cmaptypes(line)
params.cmap_types[(a1, a2, a3, a4, a2, a3, a4, a5)] = t
params.cmap_types[(a5, a4, a3, a2, a4, a3, a2, a1)] = t
elif current_section == 'pairtypes':
a, b, t = self._parse_pairtypes(line)
params.pair_types[(a, b)] = params.pair_types[(b, a)] = t
itplist = f.included_files
# If the file did not contain the molecules section, perhaps
# because it was an itp-file. We assume that each molecule loaded
# should be contained once in this structure
if not structure_contents :
for name in molnames :
structure_contents.append((name, 1))
# Combine first, then parametrize. That way, we don't have to create
# copies of the ParameterType instances in self.parameterset
for molname, num in structure_contents:
if molname not in molecules:
raise GromacsError('Structure contains %s molecules, but no '
'template defined' % molname)
molecule, nrexcl = molecules[molname]
if nrexcl < 3 and _any_atoms_farther_than(molecule, nrexcl):
warnings.warn('nrexcl %d not currently supported' % nrexcl,
elif nrexcl > 3 and _any_atoms_farther_than(molecule, 3):
warnings.warn('nrexcl %d not currently supported' % nrexcl,
if num == 0:
warnings.warn('Detected addition of 0 %s molecules in topology '
'file' % molname, GromacsWarning)
if num == 1:
self += molecules[molname][0]
elif num > 1:
self += molecules[molname][0] * num
raise GromacsError("Can't add %d %s molecules" % (num, molname))
self.itps = itplist
if parametrize:
# Private parsing helper functions
def _parse_atoms(self, line, params):
""" Parses an atom line. Returns an Atom, resname, resnum """
words = line.split()
attype = params.atom_types[words[1]]
except KeyError:
attype = None
if len(words) < 8:
if attype is not None:
mass = attype.mass
atomic_number = attype.atomic_number
mass = -1
atomic_number = -1
mass = float(words[7])
if attype is not None and attype.atomic_number >= 0:
atomic_number = attype.atomic_number
atomic_number = AtomicNum[element_by_mass(mass)]
charge = float(words[6]) if len(words) > 6 else None
if atomic_number == 0:
atom = ExtraPoint(name=words[4], type=words[1], charge=charge)
atom = Atom(atomic_number=atomic_number, name=words[4],
type=words[1], charge=charge, mass=mass)
return atom, words[3], int(words[2])
def _parse_bonds(self, line, bond_types, atoms):
""" Parses a bond line. Returns a Bond, BondType/None """
words = line.split()
i, j = int(words[0])-1, int(words[1])-1
funct = int(words[2])
if funct != 1:
warnings.warn('bond funct != 1; unknown functional',
self.unknown_functional = True
bond = Bond(atoms[i], atoms[j])
bond.funct = funct
bond_type = None
if len(words) >= 5 and funct == 1:
req, k = (float(x) for x in words[3:5])
if (req, k) in bond_types:
bond.type = bond_types[(req, k)]
bond_type = BondType(
bond_types[(req, k)] = bond.type = bond_type
return bond, bond_type
def _parse_pairs(self, line, exc_types, atoms):
""" Parses a pairs line. Returns NonbondedException, NEType/None """
words = line.split()
i, j = int(words[0])-1, int(words[1])-1
funct = int(words[2])
if funct != 1:
# This is not even supported in Gromacs
warnings.warn('pairs funct != 1; unknown functional',
self.unknown_functional = True
nbe = NonbondedException(atoms[i], atoms[j])
nbe.funct = funct
nbet = None
if funct == 1 and len(words) >= 5:
sig = float(words[3]) * 2**(1/6)
eps = float(words[4])
if (sig, eps) in exc_types:
nbe.type = exc_types[(sig, eps)]
nbet = NonbondedExceptionType(sig*u.nanometers, eps*u.kilojoules_per_mole,
exc_types[(sig, eps)] = nbe.type = nbet
return nbe, nbet
def _parse_angles(self, line, angle_types, ub_types, atoms):
""" Parse an angles line, Returns Angle, UB/None, and types """
words = line.split()
i, j, k = [int(w)-1 for w in words[:3]]
funct = int(words[3])
if funct not in (1, 5):
warnings.warn('angles funct != 1 or 5; unknown '
'functional', GromacsWarning)
self.unknown_functional = True
angt = ub = ubt = None
ang = Angle(atoms[i], atoms[j], atoms[k])
ang.funct = funct
if funct == 5:
ub = UreyBradley(atoms[i], atoms[k])
if (funct == 1 and len(words) >= 6) or (funct == 5 and len(words) >= 8):
theteq, k = (float(x) for x in words[4:6])
if (theteq, k) in angle_types:
ang.type = angle_types[(theteq, k)]
angt = AngleType(k*u.kilojoule_per_mole/u.radian**2/2,
angle_types[(theteq, k)] = ang.type = angt
if funct == 5 and len(words) >= 8:
ubreq, ubk = (float(x) for x in words[6:8])
if ubk > 0:
if (ubreq, ubk) in ub_types:
ub.type = ub_types[(ubreq, ubk)]
ubt = BondType(
ub_types[(ubreq, ubk)] = ub.type = ubt
ub.type = NoUreyBradley
return ang, ub, angt, ubt
def _parse_dihedrals(self, line, dihedral_types, PMD, molecule):
""" Processes a dihedrals line, returns None """
words = line.split()
i, j, k, l = [int(x)-1 for x in words[:4]]
funct = int(words[4])
if funct in (1, 4) or (funct == 9 and len(words) < 8):
dih, diht = self._process_normal_dihedral(words, molecule.atoms, i,
j, k, l, dihedral_types,
if diht is not None:
diht.list = molecule.dihedral_types
elif funct == 2:
dih, impt = self._process_improper(words, i, j, k, l,
molecule.atoms, dihedral_types)
if impt is not None:
impt.list = molecule.improper_types
elif funct == 3:
dih, rbt = self._process_rbtorsion(words, i, j, k, l, molecule.atoms,
if rbt is not None:
rbt.list = molecule.rb_torsion_types
elif funct == 9:
# in-line parameters, since len(words) must be >= 8
key = (molecule.atoms[i], molecule.atoms[j],
molecule.atoms[k], molecule.atoms[l])
if key in PMD:
diht = PMD[key]
self._process_dihedral_series(words, diht)
dih = None
dih = Dihedral(*key)
diht = self._process_dihedral_series(words)
dih.type = PMD[key] = PMD[tuple(reversed(key))] = diht
diht.list = molecule.dihedral_types
# ??? unknown funct
warnings.warn('torsions funct != 1, 2, 3, 4, 9; unknown'
' functional', GromacsWarning)
dih = Dihedral(molecule.atoms[i], molecule.atoms[j],
molecule.atoms[k], molecule.atoms[l])
self.unknown_functional = True
if dih is not None:
dih.funct = funct
def _parse_cmaps(self, line, atoms):
""" Parses cmap terms, returns cmap """
words = line.split()
i, j, k, l, m = (int(w)-1 for w in words[:5])
funct = int(words[5])
if funct != 1:
warnings.warn('cmap funct != 1; unknown functional',
self.unknown_functional = True
cmap = Cmap(atoms[i], atoms[j], atoms[k], atoms[l], atoms[m])
cmap.funct = funct
return cmap
def _parse_settles(self, line, atoms):
""" Parses settles line; returns list of Bonds, list of BondTypes """
# Instead of adding bonds that get constrained for waters (or other
# 3-atom molecules), GROMACS uses a "settles" section to specify the
# constraint geometry. We have to translate that into bonds.
natoms = len([a for a in atoms if not isinstance(a, ExtraPoint)])
if natoms != 3:
raise GromacsError("Cannot SETTLE a %d-atom molecule" % natoms)
oxy, = [atom for atom in atoms if atom.atomic_number == 8]
hyd1, hyd2 = [atom for atom in atoms if atom.atomic_number == 1]
except ValueError:
raise GromacsError('Can only SETTLE water; wrong atoms')
#TODO see if there's a bond_type entry in the parameter set
# that we can fill in? Wait until this is needed...
i, funct, doh, dhh = line.split()
doh, dhh = float(doh), float(dhh)
except ValueError:
raise GromacsError('Bad [ settles ] line')
nm = u.nanometers
bt_oh = BondType(5e5*u.kilojoules_per_mole/nm**2, doh*nm)
bt_hh = BondType(5e5*u.kilojoules_per_mole/nm**2, dhh*nm)
return [Bond(oxy, hyd1, bt_oh), Bond(oxy, hyd2, bt_oh),
Bond(hyd1, hyd2, bt_hh)], [bt_oh, bt_hh]
def _parse_vsites3(self, line, all_atoms, params):
""" Parse vsites3/dummy3 line; returns Bond, BondType """
words = line.split()
vsite = all_atoms[int(words[0])-1]
atoms = [all_atoms[int(i)-1] for i in words[1:4]]
funct = int(words[4])
if funct == 1:
a, b = float(words[5]), float(words[6])
if abs(a - b) > TINY:
raise GromacsError("No vsite frames with different weights")
raise GromacsError('Only 3-point vsite type 1 is supported')
# We need to know the geometry of the frame in order to
# determine the bond length between the virtual site and its
# parent atom
parent = atoms[0]
if vsite in parent.bond_partners:
raise GromacsError('Unexpected bond b/w vsite and its parent')
kws = dict()
for bond in parent.bonds:
if atoms[1] in bond:
key = (_gettype(parent), _gettype(atoms[1]))
kws['dp1'] = (bond.type or params.bond_types[key]).req
if atoms[2] in bond:
key = (_gettype(bond.atom1), _gettype(bond.atom2))
kws['dp2'] = (bond.type or params.bond_types[key]).req
for angle in parent.angles:
if parent is not angle.atom2: continue
if atoms[0] not in angle or atoms[1] not in angle: continue
key = (_gettype(angle.atom1), _gettype(angle.atom2),
kws['theteq'] = (angle.type or params.angle_types[key]).theteq
else: # Did not break, no theta found
for bond in atoms[1].bonds:
if atoms[2] in bond:
key = (_gettype(bond.atom1), _gettype(bond.atom2))
kws['d12'] = (bond.type or params.bond_types[key]).req
bondlen = ThreeParticleExtraPointFrame.from_weights(parent, atoms[1],
atoms[2], a, b, **kws)
bt_vs = BondType(0, bondlen*u.angstroms)
return Bond(vsite, parent, bt_vs), bt_vs
def _parse_atomtypes(self, line):
""" Parses line from atomtypes section, returns str, AtomType """
words = line.split()
# Support the following spec, found in the Gromacs source code:
# Field 0 (mandatory) : nonbonded type name (string)
# Field 1 (optional) : bonded type (string)
# Field 2 (optional) : atomic number (int)
# Field 3 (mandatory) : mass (float)
# Field 4 (mandatory) : charge (float)
# Field 5 (mandatory) : particle type (single character)
attype = words[0]
if len(words[3]) == 1 and words[3] in letters:
# Field 1 and Field 2 are both missing
atnum = -1
sigidx = 4
# ptypeidx = 3 # ... unused
massidx = 1
bond_type = None
elif len(words[5]) == 1 and words[5] in letters:
# Both Field 1 and Field 2 are present
sigidx = 6
# ptypeidx = 5 # ... unused
massidx = 3
atnum = int(words[2])
bond_type = words[1]
# One of Field 1 or 2 are missing
# ptypeidx = 4 # ... unused
massidx = 2
sigidx = 5
atnum = int(words[1])
bond_type = None
except ValueError:
# This must be a bonded type string
bond_type = words[1]
atnum = -1
mass = float(words[massidx])
if mass > 0 and atnum == -1:
atnum = AtomicNum[element_by_mass(mass)]
chg = float(words[massidx+1])
# ptype = words[ptypeidx] # ... unused
sig = float(words[sigidx]) * u.nanometers
eps = float(words[sigidx+1]) * u.kilojoules_per_mole
typ = AtomType(attype, None, mass, atnum, bond_type=bond_type, charge=chg)
typ.set_lj_params(eps, sig*2**(1/6)/2)
return attype, typ
def _parse_bondtypes(self, line):
""" Parse bondtypes line. Returns str, str, BondType """
words = line.split()
r = float(words[3]) * u.nanometers
k = (float(words[4]) / 2) * (u.kilojoules_per_mole / u.nanometers**2)
if words[2] != '1':
warnings.warn('bondtypes funct != 1; unknown functional',
self.unknown_functional = True
return words[0], words[1], BondType(k, r)
def _parse_angletypes(self, line):
Parses angletypes line. Returns str, str, str, AngleType, BondType/None
words = line.split()
theta = float(words[4]) * u.degrees
k = (float(words[5]) / 2) * (u.kilojoules_per_mole / u.radians**2)
if words[3] != '1' and words[3] != '5':
warnings.warn('angletypes funct != 1 or 5; unknown functional',
self.unknown_functional = True
ub = None
if words[3] == '5':
# Contains the angle with urey-bradley
ub0 = float(words[6])
cub = float(words[7]) / 2
if cub == 0:
ub = NoUreyBradley
ub0 *= u.nanometers
cub *= u.kilojoules_per_mole / u.nanometers**2
ub = BondType(cub, ub0)
return words[0], words[1], words[2], AngleType(k, theta), ub
def _parse_dihedraltypes(self, line):
""" Parse dihedraltypes, returns (str,str,str,str), str, Type, bool """
words = line.split()
replace = False
dtype = 'normal'
# Ugh. Gromacs allows only two atom types (the middle atom types) to be
# specified. This signifies wild-cards
if words[2] in ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '8', '9', '10', '11'):
a1 = a4 = 'X'
a2, a3 = words[:2]
si = 2
a1, a2, a3, a4 = words[:4]
si = 4
improper_periodic = False
replace = words[si] in ('1', '2', '3', '4')
improper_periodic = words[si] == '4'
if words[si] == '2':
dtype = 'improper'
elif words[si] == '3':
dtype = 'rbtorsion'
elif words[si] not in ('1', '4', '9'):
warnings.warn('dihedraltypes funct not supported', GromacsWarning)
self.unknown_functional = True
# Do the proper types
if dtype == 'normal':
phase = float(words[si+1]) * u.degrees
phi_k = float(words[si+2]) * u.kilojoules_per_mole
per = int(words[si+3])
ptype = DihedralType(phi_k, per, phase,
if improper_periodic:
# must do this here, since dtype has to be 'normal' above
dtype = 'improper_periodic'
elif dtype == 'improper':
theta = float(words[si+1])*u.degrees
k = float(words[si+2])*u.kilojoules_per_mole/u.radians**2/2
a1, a2, a3, a4 = sorted([a1, a2, a3, a4])
ptype = ImproperType(k, theta)
elif dtype == 'rbtorsion':
a1, a2, a3, a4 = words[:4]
c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 = (float(x)*u.kilojoules_per_mole
for x in words[si+1:si+7])
ptype = RBTorsionType(c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5,
return (a1, a2, a3, a4), dtype, ptype, replace
def _parse_cmaptypes(self, line):
words = line.split()
a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 = words[:5]
# funct = int(words[5]) # ... unused
res1, res2 = int(words[6]), int(words[7])
grid = [float(w) for w in words[8:]] * u.kilojoules_per_mole
if len(grid) != res1 * res2:
raise GromacsError('CMAP grid dimensions do not match resolution')
if res1 != res2:
raise GromacsError('Only square CMAPs are supported')
return a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, CmapType(res1, grid)
def _parse_pairtypes(self, line):
words = line.split()
a1, a2 = words[:2]
# funct = int(words[2]) # ... unused
cs6, cs12 = (float(x) for x in words[3:5])
cs6 *= u.nanometers * 2**(1/6)
cs12 *= u.kilojoules_per_mole
return a1, a2, NonbondedExceptionType(cs6, cs12, self.defaults.fudgeQQ)
# Internal Dihedral processing routines for different kinds of dihedrals
def _process_normal_dihedral(self, words, atoms, i, j, k, l,
dihedral_types, imp):
dih = Dihedral(atoms[i], atoms[j], atoms[k], atoms[l], improper=imp)
diht = None
if len(words) >= 8:
phase, phi_k, per = (float(x) for x in words[5:8])
if (phase, phi_k, per) in dihedral_types:
dih.type = dihedral_types[(phase, phi_k, per)]
diht = DihedralType(phi_k*u.kilojoule_per_mole,
per, phase*u.degrees,
dihedral_types[(phase, phi_k, per)] = dih.type = diht
return dih, diht
def _process_dihedral_series(self, words, dihtype=None):
phase, phi_k, per = (float(x) for x in words[5:8])
dt = DihedralType(phi_k*u.kilojoule_per_mole,
per, phase*u.degrees,
if dihtype is not None:
dtl = None
dt = DihedralType(phi_k*u.kilojoule_per_mole,
per, phase*u.degrees,
dtl = DihedralTypeList()
return dtl
def _process_improper(self, words, i, j, k, l, atoms, dihedral_types):
""" Processes an improper, returns Improper, ImproperType """
# Improper
imp = Improper(atoms[i], atoms[j], atoms[k], atoms[l])
impt = None
if len(words) >= 7:
psieq, k = (float(x) for x in words[5:7])
if (psieq, k) in dihedral_types:
imp.type = dihedral_types[(psieq, k)]
impt = ImproperType(k*u.kilojoule_per_mole/u.radian**2/2,
imp.type = dihedral_types[(psieq, k)] = impt
return imp, impt
def _process_rbtorsion(self, words, i, j, k, l, atoms, dihedral_types):
rb = Dihedral(atoms[i], atoms[j], atoms[k], atoms[l])
rbt = None
if len(words) >= 11:
c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 = (float(x) for x in words[5:11])
if (c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) in dihedral_types:
rb.type = dihedral_types[(c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5)]
kjpm = u.kilojoules_per_mole
rbt = RBTorsionType(c0*kjpm, c1*kjpm, c2*kjpm,
c3*kjpm, c4*kjpm, c5*kjpm,
dihedral_types[(c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5)] = rb.type = rbt
return rb, rbt
[docs] def parametrize(self):
Assign parameters to the current structure. This should be called
*after* `read`
if self.parameterset is None:
raise RuntimeError('parametrize called before read')
params = copy.copy(self.parameterset)
def update_typelist_from(ptypes, types):
added_types = set(id(typ) for typ in types)
for k, typ in iteritems(ptypes):
if not typ.used: continue
if id(typ) in added_types: continue
# Assign all of the parameters. If they've already been assigned (i.e.,
# on the parameter line itself) keep the existing parameters
for atom in self.atoms:
atom.atom_type = params.atom_types[atom.type]
# The list of ordered 2-tuples of atoms explicitly specified in [ pairs ].
# Under most circumstances, this is the list of 1-4 pairs.
gmx_pair = set()
for pair in self.adjusts:
if pair.atom1 > pair.atom2:
gmx_pair.add((pair.atom2, pair.atom1))
gmx_pair.add((pair.atom1, pair.atom2))
if pair.type is not None: continue
key = (_gettype(pair.atom1), _gettype(pair.atom2))
if key in params.pair_types:
pair.type = params.pair_types[key]
pair.type.used = True
elif self.defaults.gen_pairs == 'yes':
assert self.combining_rule in ('geometric', 'lorentz'), \
'Unrecognized combining rule'
if self.combining_rule == 'geometric':
eps = math.sqrt(pair.atom1.epsilon * pair.atom2.epsilon)
sig = math.sqrt(pair.atom1.sigma * pair.atom2.sigma)
elif self.combining_rule == 'lorentz':
eps = math.sqrt(pair.atom1.epsilon * pair.atom2.epsilon)
sig = 0.5 * (pair.atom1.sigma + pair.atom2.sigma)
eps *= self.defaults.fudgeLJ
pairtype = NonbondedExceptionType(sig*2**(1/6), eps,
self.defaults.fudgeQQ, list=self.adjust_types)
pair.type = pairtype
pair.type.used = True
raise ParameterError('Not all pair parameters can be found')
update_typelist_from(params.pair_types, self.adjust_types)
# This is the list of 1-4 pairs determined from the bond graph.
# If this is different from what's in [ pairs ], we print a warning
# and make some adjustments (specifically, other programs assume
# the 1-4 list is complete, so we zero out the parameters for
# 1-4 pairs that aren't in [ pairs ].
true_14 = set()
for bond in self.bonds:
for bpi in bond.atom1.bond_partners:
for bpj in bond.atom2.bond_partners:
if len(set([bpi, bond.atom1, bond.atom2, bpj])) < 4:
if bpi in bpj.bond_partners or bpi in bpj.angle_partners:
if bpi > bpj:
true_14.add((bpj, bpi))
true_14.add((bpi, bpj))
if bond.type is not None: continue
key = (_gettype(bond.atom1), _gettype(bond.atom2))
if key in params.bond_types:
bond.type = params.bond_types[key]
bond.type.used = True
raise ParameterError('Not all bond parameters found')
if len(true_14 - gmx_pair) > 0:
zero_pairtype = NonbondedExceptionType(0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
num_zero_14 = 0
for a1, a2 in (true_14 - gmx_pair):
self.adjusts.append(NonbondedException(a1, a2, zero_pairtype))
num_zero_14 += 1
warnings.warn('%i 1-4 pairs were missing from the [ pairs ] '
'section and were set to zero; make sure you '
'know what you\'re doing!' % num_zero_14,
if len(gmx_pair - true_14) > 0:
warnings.warn('The [ pairs ] section contains %i exceptions that '
'aren\'t 1-4 pairs; make sure you know what '
'you\'re doing!' % (len(gmx_pair - true_14)),
update_typelist_from(params.bond_types, self.bond_types)
for angle in self.angles:
if angle.type is not None: continue
key = (_gettype(angle.atom1), _gettype(angle.atom2),
if key in params.angle_types:
angle.type = params.angle_types[key]
angle.type.used = True
raise ParameterError('Not all angle parameters found')
update_typelist_from(params.angle_types, self.angle_types)
for ub in self.urey_bradleys:
if ub.type is not None: continue
key = _find_ureybrad_key(ub)
if key in params.urey_bradley_types:
ub.type = params.urey_bradley_types[key]
if ub.type is not NoUreyBradley:
ub.type.used = True
raise ParameterError('Not all urey-bradley parameters found')
# Now strip out all of the Urey-Bradley terms whose parameters are 0
for i in reversed(range(len(self.urey_bradleys))):
if self.urey_bradleys[i].type is NoUreyBradley:
del self.urey_bradleys[i]
update_typelist_from(params.urey_bradley_types, self.urey_bradley_types)
for t in self.dihedrals:
if t.type is not None: continue
key = (_gettype(t.atom1), _gettype(t.atom2), _gettype(t.atom3),
if not t.improper:
wckey = ('X', _gettype(t.atom2), _gettype(t.atom3), 'X')
wckey1 = (_gettype(t.atom1), _gettype(t.atom2),
_gettype(t.atom3), 'X')
wckey2 = ('X', _gettype(t.atom2), _gettype(t.atom3),
if key in params.dihedral_types:
t.type = params.dihedral_types[key]
t.type.used = True
elif wckey1 in params.dihedral_types:
t.type = params.dihedral_types[wckey1]
t.type.used = True
elif wckey2 in params.dihedral_types:
t.type = params.dihedral_types[wckey2]
t.type.used = True
elif wckey in params.dihedral_types:
t.type = params.dihedral_types[wckey]
t.type.used = True
raise ParameterError('Not all torsion parameters found')
if key in params.improper_periodic_types:
t.type = params.improper_periodic_types[key]
t.type.used = True
for wckey in [(key[0],key[1],key[2],'X'),
if wckey in params.improper_periodic_types:
t.type = params.improper_periodic_types[wckey]
t.type.used = True
raise ParameterError('Not all improper torsion '
'parameters found')
update_typelist_from(params.dihedral_types, self.dihedral_types)
update_typelist_from(params.improper_periodic_types, self.dihedral_types)
for t in self.rb_torsions:
if t.type is not None: continue
key = (_gettype(t.atom1), _gettype(t.atom2), _gettype(t.atom3),
wckey = ('X', _gettype(t.atom2), _gettype(t.atom3), 'X')
wckey1 = (_gettype(t.atom1), _gettype(t.atom2),
_gettype(t.atom3), 'X')
wckey2 = ('X', _gettype(t.atom2), _gettype(t.atom3),
if key in params.rb_torsion_types:
t.type = params.rb_torsion_types[key]
t.type.used = True
elif wckey1 in params.rb_torsion_types:
t.type = params.rb_torsion_types[wckey1]
t.type.used = True
elif wckey2 in params.rb_torsion_types:
t.type = params.rb_torsion_types[wckey2]
t.type.used = True
elif wckey in params.rb_torsion_types:
t.type = params.rb_torsion_types[wckey]
t.type.used = True
raise ParameterError('Not all R-B torsion parameters found')
update_typelist_from(params.rb_torsion_types, self.rb_torsion_types)
for t in self.impropers:
if t.type is not None: continue
key = tuple(sorted([_gettype(t.atom1), _gettype(t.atom2),
_gettype(t.atom3), _gettype(t.atom4)]))
if key in params.improper_types:
t.type = params.improper_types[key]
t.type.used = True
# Now we will try to find a compatible wild-card... the first atom
# is the central atom. So take each of the other three and plug that
# one in
for anchor in (_gettype(t.atom2), _gettype(t.atom3),
wckey = tuple(sorted([_gettype(t.atom1), anchor, 'X', 'X']))
if wckey not in params.improper_types: continue
t.type = params.improper_types[wckey]
t.type.used = True
raise ParameterError('Not all improper parameters found')
update_typelist_from(params.improper_types, self.improper_types)
for c in self.cmaps:
if c.type is not None: continue
key = (_gettype(c.atom1), _gettype(c.atom2), _gettype(c.atom3),
_gettype(c.atom4), _gettype(c.atom5))
key = (key[0],key[1],key[2],key[3],key[1],key[2],key[3],key[4])
if key in params.cmap_types:
c.type = params.cmap_types[key]
c.type.used = True
raise ParameterError('Not all cmap parameters found')
update_typelist_from(params.cmap_types, self.cmap_types)
[docs] def copy(self, cls, split_dihedrals=False):
Makes a copy of the current structure as an instance of a specified
cls : Structure subclass
The returned object is a copy of this structure as a `cls` instance
split_dihedrals : ``bool``
If True, then the Dihedral entries will be split up so that each one
is paired with a single DihedralType (rather than a
*cls* instance
The instance of the Structure subclass `cls` with a copy of the
current Structure's topology information
c = super(GromacsTopologyFile, self).copy(cls, split_dihedrals)
c.defaults = copy.copy(self.defaults)
return c
def __getitem__(self, selection):
""" See Structure.__getitem__ for documentation """
# Make sure defaults is properly copied
struct = super(GromacsTopologyFile, self).__getitem__(selection)
if isinstance(struct, Atom):
return struct
struct.defaults = copy.copy(self.defaults)
return struct
[docs] @classmethod
def from_structure(cls, struct, copy=False):
""" Instantiates a GromacsTopologyFile instance from a Structure
struct : :class:`parmed.Structure`
The input structure to generate from
copy : bool, optional
If True, assign from a *copy* of ``struct`` (this is a lot slower).
Default is False
gmxtop : :class:`GromacsTopologyFile`
The topology file defined by the given struct
from copy import copy as _copy
gmxtop = cls()
if copy:
struct = _copy(struct)
gmxtop.atoms = struct.atoms
gmxtop.residues = struct.residues
gmxtop.bonds = struct.bonds
gmxtop.angles = struct.angles
gmxtop.dihedrals = struct.dihedrals
gmxtop.impropers = struct.impropers
gmxtop.cmaps = struct.cmaps
gmxtop.rb_torsions = struct.rb_torsions
gmxtop.urey_bradleys = struct.urey_bradleys
gmxtop.adjusts = struct.adjusts
gmxtop.bond_types = struct.bond_types
gmxtop.angle_types = struct.angle_types
gmxtop.dihedral_types = struct.dihedral_types
gmxtop.improper_types = struct.improper_types
gmxtop.cmap_types = struct.cmap_types
gmxtop.rb_torsion_types = struct.rb_torsion_types
gmxtop.urey_bradley_types = struct.urey_bradley_types
gmxtop.adjust_types = struct.adjust_types
gmxtop.combining_rule = struct.combining_rule
gmxtop.box = struct.box
gmxtop.nrexcl = struct.nrexcl
if (struct.trigonal_angles or
struct.out_of_plane_bends or
struct.pi_torsions or
struct.stretch_bends or
struct.torsion_torsions or
struct.chiral_frames or
raise TypeError('GromacsTopologyFile does not support Amoeba FF')
# Now check what the 1-4 scaling factors should be
if hasattr(struct, 'defaults') and isinstance(struct.defaults,
gmxtop.defaults = struct.defaults
scee_values = set()
scnb_values = set()
if struct.adjusts:
for adjust in struct.adjusts:
if adjust.type is None: continue
# Do not add scnb_values, since we can just set explicit
# exception pair parameters in GROMACS (which this structure
# already has)
# In order to specify specific pair parameters, we need to set
# gen_pairs to 'no' so that the pair-specific L-J parameters are
# printed to the topology file (rather than being auto-created)
gmxtop.defaults.gen_pairs = 'no'
for dihedral in struct.dihedrals:
if dihedral.type is None or dihedral.ignore_end: continue
if isinstance(dihedral.type, DihedralTypeList):
for dt in dihedral.type:
if dt.scee:
if dt.scnb:
if dihedral.type.scee:
if dihedral.type.scnb:
if len(set('%.5f' % x for x in scee_values)) > 1:
raise GromacsError('Structure has mixed 1-4 scaling which is '
'not supported by Gromacs')
scee_values = list(scee_values)
scnb_values = list(scnb_values)
if len(set('%.5f' % x for x in scee_values)) == 1:
gmxtop.defaults.fudgeQQ = 1/scee_values[0]
gmxtop.defaults.fudgeQQ = 1.0
if len(set('%.5f' % x for x in scnb_values)) == 1:
gmxtop.defaults.fudgeLJ = 1/scnb_values[0]
gmxtop.defaults.fudgeLJ = 1.0
if gmxtop.combining_rule == 'geometric':
gmxtop.defaults.comb_rule = 3
gmxtop.parameterset = ParameterSet.from_structure(struct,
return gmxtop
[docs] def write(self, dest, combine=None, parameters='inline', molfile=None, itp=False):
""" Write a Gromacs Topology File from a Structure
dest : str or file-like
The name of a file or a file object to write the Gromacs topology to
combine : 'all', None, or list of iterables, optional
If None, no molecules are combined into a single moleculetype. If
'all', all molecules are combined into a single moleculetype.
Otherwise, the list of molecule indices (start from 0) will control
which atoms are combined into single moleculetype's. Default is None
parameters : 'inline' or str or file-like object, optional
This specifies where parameters should be printed. If 'inline'
(default), the parameters are written on the same lines as the
valence terms are defined on. Any other string is interpreted as a
filename for an ITP that will be written to and then included at the
top of `dest`. If it is a file-like object, parameters will be
written there. If parameters is the same as ``dest``, then the
parameter types will be written to the same topologyfile.
molfile : None or str of file-like object, optional
If specified as other than None, the molecules will be written to a
separate file that is included in the main topology file. The
name of this file will be the provided srting. If None or
the same as the ``dest'', the molecules will be written into the
body of the topology file. If it is a file-like object,
the molecules will be written there. Using this option can make
it easier to combine multiple molecules into the same topology.
This will change where the following topology sections are
written: moleculetype, atoms, bonds, pairs, angles, dihedrals,
cmap, settles, virtual_sites2, virtual_sites3 and exclusions.
itp : bool, optional
If True the following topology sections are not written:
defaults, atomtypes, nonbond_params, bondtypes, pairtypes,
angletypes, dihedraltypes, cmaptypes, system and molecules
Thus only the individual molecules will be written in a stand-alone
fashion, i.e. an itp-file.
If True the molfile parameter will be set to None
ValueError if the same molecule number appears in multiple combine lists
TypeError if the dest input cannot be parsed
ValueError if the combine, parameters, or molfile input cannot be parsed
import parmed.gromacs as gmx
from parmed import __version__
own_handle = False
fname = ''
params = ParameterSet.from_structure(self, allow_unequal_duplicates=True)
if isinstance(dest, string_types):
fname = '%s ' % dest
dest = genopen(dest, 'w')
own_handle = True
elif not hasattr(dest, 'write'):
raise TypeError('dest must be a file name or file-like object')
# Determine where to write the parameters
own_parfile_handle = False
include_parfile = None
if parameters == 'inline':
parfile = dest
elif isinstance(parameters, string_types):
if parameters == fname.strip():
parfile = dest
own_parfile_handle = True
parfile = genopen(parameters, 'w')
include_parfile = parameters
elif hasattr(parameters, 'write'):
parfile = parameters
raise ValueError('parameters must be "inline", a file name, or '
'a file-like object')
# Determine where to write the molecules
if itp :
molfile = None
own_molfile_handle = False
include_molfile = None
if molfile is None:
_molfile = dest
elif isinstance(molfile, string_types):
if molfile == fname.strip():
_molfile = dest
own_molfile_handle = True
_molfile = genopen(molfile, 'w')
include_molfile = molfile
elif hasattr(molfile, 'write'):
_molfile = molfile
include_molfile = _molfile.name
# I assume the file should still be included even if it's not passed
# in as a file name. I'm not sure if all `write`-able objects have a
# `name` property, though.
raise ValueError('molfile must be "top", a file name, or '
'a file-like object')
# Error-checking for combine
if combine is not None:
if isinstance(combine, string_types):
if combine.lower() != 'all':
raise ValueError('combine must be None, list of indices, '
'or "all"')
combine_lists = []
for indices in combine:
indices = sorted(set(indices))
if any((indices[i+1] - indices[i]) != 1
for i in range(len(indices)-1)):
raise ValueError('Can only combine adjacent molecules')
# Write the header
now = datetime.now()
; File %s was generated
; By user: %s (%d)
; On host: %s
; At date: %s
; This is a standalone topology file
; Created by:
; ParmEd: %s, VERSION %s
; Executable: %s
; Library dir: %s
; Command line:
; %s
''' % (fname, _username, _userid, _uname, now.strftime('%a. %B %w %X %Y'),
os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1], __version__,
os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1], gmx.GROMACS_TOPDIR,
(' '.join(sys.argv)).encode('unicode_escape').decode('utf-8')))
if not itp :
dest.write('\n[ defaults ]\n')
dest.write('; nbfunc comb-rule gen-pairs '
'fudgeLJ fudgeQQ\n')
dest.write('%-15d %-15d %-15s %-12.8g %-12.8g\n\n' %
(self.defaults.nbfunc, self.defaults.comb_rule,
self.defaults.gen_pairs, self.defaults.fudgeLJ,
if include_parfile is not None:
dest.write('#include "%s"\n\n' % include_parfile)
# Print all atom types
if not itp :
parfile.write('[ atomtypes ]\n')
if any(typ._bond_type is not None
for key, typ in iteritems(params.atom_types)):
print_bond_types = True
print_bond_types = False
if all(typ.atomic_number != -1
for key, typ in iteritems(params.atom_types)):
print_atnum = True
print_atnum = False
parfile.write('; name ')
if print_bond_types:
parfile.write('bond_type ')
if print_atnum:
parfile.write('at.num ')
parfile.write('mass charge ptype sigma epsilon\n')
econv = u.kilocalories.conversion_factor_to(u.kilojoules)
for key, atom_type in iteritems(params.atom_types):
parfile.write('%-7s ' % atom_type)
if print_bond_types:
parfile.write('%-8s ' % atom_type.bond_type)
if print_atnum:
parfile.write('%8d ' % atom_type.atomic_number)
parfile.write('%10.6f %10.8f A %14.8g %14.8g\n' % (
atom_type.mass, atom_type.charge, atom_type.sigma/10,
# Nonbonded parameters
if not itp and self.has_NBFIX():
typemap = dict(self.parameterset.nbfix_types)
types_in_system = self.parameterset.atom_types.keys()
dest.write('[ nonbond_params ]\n')
eps_conversion = u.kilocalorie.conversion_factor_to(u.kilojoule)
for key, val in typemap.items():
if key[0] in types_in_system and key[1] in types_in_system:
eps = val[0] # kcal
sig = val[1] # Angstrom
eps *= eps_conversion
sig *= 0.1
dest.write('{0} {1} 1 {2} {3}\n'.format(
key[0], key[1], sig/2**(1/6), eps))
# Print all parameter types unless we asked for inline
if not itp and parameters != 'inline':
if params.bond_types:
parfile.write('[ bondtypes ]\n')
parfile.write('; i j func b0 kb\n')
used_keys = set()
conv = (u.kilocalorie/u.angstrom**2).conversion_factor_to(
u.kilojoule/u.nanometer**2) * 2
for key, param in iteritems(params.bond_types):
if key in used_keys: continue
parfile.write('%-5s %-5s 1 %.5f %f\n' % (key[0],
key[1], param.req/10, param.k*conv))
if params.pair_types and self.defaults.gen_pairs == 'no':
parfile.write('[ pairtypes ]\n')
parfile.write('; i j func sigma1-4 epsilon1-4 ;'
econv = u.kilocalorie.conversion_factor_to(u.kilojoule)
lconv = u.angstrom.conversion_factor_to(u.nanometer)
used_keys = set()
for key, param in iteritems(params.pair_types):
if key in used_keys: continue
parfile.write('%-5s %-5s 1 %.9f %.9f\n' %
(key[0], key[1], param.sigma*lconv,
if params.angle_types:
parfile.write('[ angletypes ]\n')
parfile.write('; i j k func th0 cth '
' rub kub\n')
used_keys = set()
conv = (u.kilocalorie/u.radian**2).conversion_factor_to(
u.kilojoule/u.radian**2) * 2
bconv = (u.kilocalorie/u.angstrom**2).conversion_factor_to(
u.kilojoule/u.nanometer**2) * 2
for key, param in iteritems(params.angle_types):
if key in used_keys: continue
part = '%-5s %-5s %-5s %%d %12.7f %12.7f' % (
key[0], key[1], key[2], param.theteq,
if key in params.urey_bradley_types:
ub = params.urey_bradley_types[key]
parfile.write(part % 5)
parfile.write(' %12.7f %12.7f\n' % (0.1*ub.req,
parfile.write(part % 1)
if params.dihedral_types:
parfile.write('[ dihedraltypes ]\n')
parfile.write(';i j k l func phase kd '
used_keys = set()
conv = u.kilocalories.conversion_factor_to(u.kilojoules)
fmt = '%-6s %-6s %-6s %-6s %d %.2f %.6f %d\n'
for key, param in iteritems(params.dihedral_types):
if key in used_keys: continue
for dt in param:
parfile.write(fmt % (key[0], key[1], key[2],
key[3], 9, dt.phase,
dt.phi_k*conv, int(dt.per)))
if params.improper_periodic_types:
parfile.write('[ dihedraltypes ]\n')
parfile.write(';i j k l func phase kd '
used_keys = set()
conv = u.kilojoules.conversion_factor_to(u.kilocalories)
fmt = '%-6s %-6s %-6s %-6s %d %.2f %.6f %d\n'
for key, param in iteritems(params.improper_periodic_types):
if key in used_keys: continue
parfile.write(fmt % (key[0], key[1], key[2], key[3],
4, param.phase, param.phi_k*conv,
if params.improper_types:
# BUGBUG -- The ordering is borked here because that made it
# simpler for me to work with back when I wrote the CHARMM
# parsers. This needs to be fixed now and handled correctly.
parfile.write('[ dihedraltypes ]\n')
parfile.write('; i j k l func q0 '
fmt = '%-6s %-6s %-6s %-6s %d %.6f %.6f\n'
conv = u.kilocalories.conversion_factor_to(u.kilojoules)*2
for key, param in iteritems(params.improper_types):
parfile.write(fmt % (key[0], key[1], key[2], key[3],
2, param.psi_eq, param.psi_k*conv))
# CMAP grids are never printed inline, so if we have them, we need
# to write a dedicated section for them
if not itp and params.cmap_types:
parfile.write('[ cmaptypes ]\n\n')
used_keys = set()
conv = u.kilocalories.conversion_factor_to(u.kilojoules)
for key, param in iteritems(params.cmap_types):
if key in used_keys: continue
parfile.write('%-6s %-6s %-6s %-6s %-6s 1 '
'%4d %4d' % (key[0], key[1], key[2],
key[3], key[7], param.resolution,
res2 = param.resolution * param.resolution
for i in range(0, res2, 10):
end = min(i+10, res2)
parfile.write(' '.join(str(param.grid[j]*conv)
for j in range(i, end)))
if include_molfile is not None:
dest.write('#include "%s"\n\n' % include_molfile)
if combine is None:
molecules = self.split()
sysnum = 1
names = []
nameset = set()
for molecule, num in molecules:
if len(molecule.residues) == 1:
title = molecule.residues[0].name
if title in nameset:
orig = title
sfx = 2
while title in nameset:
title = '%s%d' % (orig, sfx)
sfx += 1
title = 'system%d' % sysnum
sysnum += 1
GromacsTopologyFile._write_molecule(molecule, _molfile,
title, params,
parameters == 'inline')
if not itp :
# System
dest.write('[ system ]\n; Name\n')
if self.title:
dest.write('Generic title')
# Molecules
dest.write('[ molecules ]\n; Compound #mols\n')
total_mols = sum(len(m[1]) for m in molecules)
i = 0
while i < total_mols:
for j, (molecule, lst) in enumerate(molecules):
if i in lst:
raise AssertionError('Could not find molecule %d '
'in list' % i)
ii = i
while ii < total_mols and ii in lst:
ii += 1
dest.write('%-15s %6d\n' % (names[j], ii-i))
i = ii
elif isinstance(combine, string_types) and combine.lower() == 'all':
GromacsTopologyFile._write_molecule(self, _molfile, 'system',
parameters == 'inline')
if not itp :
dest.write('[ system ]\n; Name\n')
if self.title:
dest.write('Generic title') # pragma: no cover
# Molecules
dest.write('[ molecules ]\n; Compound #mols\n')
dest.write('%-15s %6d\n' % ('system', 1))
molecules = self.split()
nmols = sum(len(m[1]) for m in molecules)
moleculedict = dict()
# Hash our molecules by indices
for m, num in molecules:
for i in num:
moleculedict[i] = m
combined_molecules = []
for cl in combine_lists:
counts = defaultdict(int)
mols_in_mol = []
for molid in cl:
mol = moleculedict[molid]
except KeyError:
raise IndexError('Molecule ID out of range')
counts[id(moleculedict[molid])] += 1
if counts[id(moleculedict[molid])] == 1:
if counts[id(mols_in_mol[0])] > 1:
combmol = mols_in_mol[0] * counts[id(mols_in_mol[0])]
combmol = copy.copy(mols_in_mol[0])
for i, mol in enumerate(mols_in_mol):
if i == 0: continue
assert id(mol) in counts and counts[id(mol)] > 0
if counts[id(mol)] > 1:
combmol += mol * counts[id(mol)]
combmol += mol
combined_molecules.append((combmol, cl[0], len(cl)))
nmols -= (len(cl) - 1)
# combined_molecules now contains a list of tuples, and that
# tuple stores the combined molecule, first molecule index of
# the pre-combined molecule, and how many molecules were
# combined
# Sort combined molecules by starting location
combined_molecules.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
new_molecules = []
counts = defaultdict(set)
cmc = 0 # Combined Molecule Counter
add = 0 # How many molecules to "skip" due to combining
for i in range(nmols):
ii = i + add
if (cmc < len(combined_molecules) and
combined_molecules[cmc][1] == ii):
add += combined_molecules[cmc][2] - 1
cmc += 1
elif len(counts[id(moleculedict[ii])]) == 0:
sysnum = 1
names = []
nameset = set()
for molecule, num in new_molecules:
if len(molecule.residues) == 1:
title = molecule.residues[0].name
if title in nameset:
orig = title
sfx = 2
while title in nameset:
title = '%s%d' % (orig, sfx)
sfx += 1
title = 'system%d' % sysnum
sysnum += 1
GromacsTopologyFile._write_molecule(molecule, _molfile,
title, params,
parameters == 'inline')
if not itp :
# System
dest.write('[ system ]\n; Name\n')
if self.title:
dest.write('Generic title') # pragma: no cover
# Molecules
dest.write('[ molecules ]\n; Compound #mols\n')
total_mols = sum(len(m[1]) for m in new_molecules)
i = 0
while i < total_mols:
for j, (molecule, lst) in enumerate(new_molecules):
if i in lst:
raise AssertionError('Could not find molecule %d '
'in list' % i)
ii = i
while ii < total_mols and ii in lst:
ii += 1
dest.write('%-15s %6d\n' % (names[j], ii-i))
i = ii
if own_handle:
if own_parfile_handle:
if own_molfile_handle:
def _write_molecule(struct, dest, title, params, writeparams):
dest.write('\n[ moleculetype ]\n; Name nrexcl\n')
dest.write('%s %d\n\n' % (title, struct.nrexcl))
dest.write('[ atoms ]\n')
dest.write('; nr type resnr residue atom cgnr '
'charge mass typeB chargeB massB\n')
runchg = 0
for residue in struct.residues:
dest.write('; residue %4d %s rtp %s q %.1f\n' %
(residue.idx+1, residue.name, residue.name,
sum(a.charge for a in residue)))
for atom in residue:
runchg += atom.charge
dest.write('%5d %10s %6d %6s %6s %6d %10.8f %10.6f ; '
'qtot %.6f\n' % (atom.idx+1, atom.type,
residue.idx+1, residue.name, atom.name,
atom.idx+1, atom.charge, atom.mass, runchg))
# Do valence terms now
EPs = [a for a in struct.atoms if isinstance(a, ExtraPoint)]
settle = False
if len(struct.atoms) - len(EPs) == 3:
oxy, = (a for a in struct.atoms if a.atomic_number == 8)
hyd1, hyd2 = (a for a in struct.atoms if a.atomic_number == 1)
settle = True
except ValueError:
if struct.bonds:
conv = (u.kilocalorie_per_mole/u.angstrom**2).conversion_factor_to(
if settle:
dest.write('#ifdef FLEXIBLE\n\n')
dest.write('[ bonds ]\n')
dest.write(';%6s %6s %5s %10s %10s %10s %10s\n' % ('ai', 'aj',
'funct', 'c0', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3'))
for bond in struct.bonds:
if (isinstance(bond.atom1, ExtraPoint) or isinstance(bond.atom2, ExtraPoint)):
continue # pragma: no cover
dest.write('%7d %6d %5d' % (bond.atom1.idx+1, bond.atom2.idx+1, bond.funct))
if bond.type is None:
continue # pragma: no cover
key = (_gettype(bond.atom1), _gettype(bond.atom2))
if writeparams or key not in params.bond_types or \
bond.type != params.bond_types[key]:
dest.write(' %.5f %f' % (bond.type.req/10, bond.type.k*conv))
# Do the pair-exceptions
if struct.adjusts:
dest.write('[ pairs ]\n')
dest.write(';%6s %6s %5s %10s %10s %10s %10s\n' % ('ai', 'aj',
'funct', 'c0', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3'))
econv = u.kilocalories.conversion_factor_to(u.kilojoules)
lconv = u.angstroms.conversion_factor_to(u.nanometer)
for adjust in struct.adjusts:
key = (_gettype(adjust.atom1), _gettype(adjust.atom2))
dest.write('%7d %6d %5d' % (adjust.atom1.idx+1, adjust.atom2.idx+1, adjust.funct))
if struct.defaults.gen_pairs == 'no' and (writeparams or
key not in params.pair_types or
adjust.type != params.pair_types[key]) and adjust.type is not None:
dest.write(' %.9f %.9f' % (adjust.type.sigma*lconv, adjust.type.epsilon*econv))
elif struct.dihedrals:
dest.write('[ pairs ]\n')
dest.write(';%6s %6s %5s %10s %10s %10s %10s\n' % ('ai', 'aj',
'funct', 'c0', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3'))
# Get the 1-4 pairs from the dihedral list
econv = u.kilocalories.conversion_factor_to(u.kilojoules)
lconv = u.angstroms.conversion_factor_to(u.nanometer)
for dihed in struct.dihedrals:
if dihed.ignore_end or dihed.improper: continue
a1, a2 = dihed.atom1, dihed.atom4
if a1 in a2.bond_partners or a1 in a2.angle_partners:
continue # pragma: no cover
dest.write('%7d %6d %5d' % (a1.idx+1, a2.idx+1, 1))
if struct.defaults.gen_pairs == 'no':
dest.write(' %.9f %.9f' % (0.5*(a1.sigma_14+a2.sigma_14)*lconv,
# Angles
if struct.angles:
conv = (u.kilocalorie_per_mole/u.radian**2).conversion_factor_to(
conv2 = (u.kilocalorie_per_mole/u.angstrom**2).conversion_factor_to(
dest.write('[ angles ]\n')
dest.write(';%6s %6s %6s %5s %10s %10s %10s %10s\n' %
('ai', 'aj', 'ak', 'funct', 'c0', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3'))
for angle in struct.angles:
dest.write('%7d %6d %6d %5d' % (angle.atom1.idx+1, angle.atom2.idx+1,
angle.atom3.idx+1, angle.funct))
if angle.type is None:
key = (_gettype(angle.atom1), _gettype(angle.atom2), _gettype(angle.atom3))
param_equal = params.angle_types.get(key) == angle.type
if angle.funct == 5:
# Find the Urey-Bradley term, if it exists
for ub in struct.urey_bradleys:
if angle.atom1 in ub and angle.atom3 in ub:
ubtype = ub.type
ubtype = NoUreyBradley
param_equal = param_equal and params.urey_bradley_types.get(key) == ubtype
if writeparams or not param_equal:
dest.write(' %.7f %f' % (angle.type.theteq, angle.type.k*conv))
if angle.funct == 5:
dest.write(' %.7f %f' % (ubtype.req/10, ubtype.k*conv2))
# Dihedrals
if struct.dihedrals:
dest.write('[ dihedrals ]\n')
dest.write((';%6s %6s %6s %6s %5s'+' %10s'*6) % ('ai', 'aj',
'ak', 'al', 'funct', 'c0', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4', 'c5'))
conv = u.kilocalories.conversion_factor_to(u.kilojoules)
for dihed in struct.dihedrals:
dest.write('%7d %6d %6d %6d %5d' % (dihed.atom1.idx+1, dihed.atom2.idx+1,
dihed.atom3.idx+1, dihed.atom4.idx+1, dihed.funct))
if dihed.type is None:
if dihed.improper:
typedict = params.improper_periodic_types
typedict = params.dihedral_types
key = (_gettype(dihed.atom1), _gettype(dihed.atom2),
_gettype(dihed.atom3), _gettype(dihed.atom4))
if writeparams or key not in typedict or \
_diff_diheds(dihed.type, typedict[key]):
if isinstance(dihed.type, DihedralTypeList):
dest.write(' %.6f %.6f %d' % (dihed.type[0].phase,
dihed.type[0].phi_k*conv, int(dihed.type[0].per)))
for dt in dihed.type[1:]:
dest.write('\n%7d %6d %6d %6d %5d %.5f %.7f %d' %
(dihed.atom1.idx+1, dihed.atom2.idx+1,
dihed.atom3.idx+1, dihed.atom4.idx+1,
dihed.funct, dt.phase, dt.phi_k*conv,
dest.write(' %.7f %.7f %d' % (dihed.type.phase,
dihed.type.phi_k*conv, int(dihed.type.per)))
# RB-torsions
if struct.rb_torsions:
dest.write('[ dihedrals ]\n')
dest.write((';%6s %6s %6s %6s %5s'+' %10s'*6) % ('ai', 'aj',
'ak', 'al', 'funct', 'c0', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3',
'c4', 'c5'))
conv = u.kilocalories.conversion_factor_to(u.kilojoules)
paramfmt = ' %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f'
for dihed in struct.rb_torsions:
dest.write('%7d %6d %6d %6d %5d' % (dihed.atom1.idx+1,
dihed.atom2.idx+1, dihed.atom3.idx+1,
dihed.atom4.idx+1, dihed.funct))
if dihed.type is None:
key = (_gettype(dihed.atom1), _gettype(dihed.atom2),
_gettype(dihed.atom3), _gettype(dihed.atom4))
if writeparams or key not in params.rb_torsion_types or \
params.rb_torsion_types[key] != dihed.type:
dest.write(paramfmt % (dihed.type.c0*conv,
# Impropers
if struct.impropers:
dest.write('[ dihedrals ]\n')
dest.write((';%6s %6s %6s %6s %5s'+' %10s'*4) % ('ai', 'aj',
'ak', 'al', 'funct', 'c0', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3'))
conv = u.kilocalories.conversion_factor_to(u.kilojoules) * 2
for dihed in struct.impropers:
dest.write('%7d %6d %6d %6d %5d' % (dihed.atom1.idx+1,
dihed.atom2.idx+1, dihed.atom3.idx+1,
dihed.atom4.idx+1, dihed.funct))
if dihed.type is None:
# BUGBUG: We always write improper types since we don't
# currently store the correct ordering of the types in the
# improper section
dest.write(' %12.7f %12.7f\n' % (dihed.type.psi_eq,
# Cmaps
if struct.cmaps:
dest.write('[ cmap ]\n')
dest.write(';%6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %5s\n' % ('ai', 'aj', 'ak',
'al', 'am', 'funct'))
for cmap in struct.cmaps:
dest.write('%7d %6d %6d %6d %6d %5d\n' % (cmap.atom1.idx+1,
cmap.atom2.idx+1, cmap.atom3.idx+1,
cmap.atom4.idx+1, cmap.atom5.idx+1, cmap.funct))
# See if this is a solvent molecule with 3 or fewer particles that can
# be SETTLEd
if settle:
dest.write('[ settles ]\n')
dest.write('; i funct doh dhh\n')
for b in oxy.bonds:
if hyd1 in b:
# Use default values for TIPnP if no type exists
doh = 0.09572 if b.type is None else b.type.req / 10
for b in hyd1.bonds:
if hyd2 in b:
# Use default values for TIPnP if no type exists
dhh = 0.15139 if b.type is None else b.type.req / 10
for a in oxy.angles:
if hyd1 in a and hyd2 in a:
theteq = a.type.theteq * DEG_TO_RAD
dhh = math.sqrt(2*doh*doh - 2*doh*doh*math.cos(theteq))
raise GromacsError('Cannot determine SETTLE geometry') # pragma: no cover
dest.write('1 1 %.8f %.8f\n\n#endif\n\n' % (doh, dhh))
# Virtual sites
if EPs:
ftypes = set(type(a.frame_type) for a in EPs)
for ftype in ftypes:
if ftype is TwoParticleExtraPointFrame:
dest.write('[ virtual_sites2 ]\n')
dest.write('; Site from funct a\n')
for EP in EPs:
if not isinstance(EP.frame_type, ftype): continue
a1, a2 = EP.frame_type.get_atoms()
dest.write('%-5d %-4d %-4d %-4d %.6f\n' %
(EP.idx+1, a1.idx+1, a2.idx+1, 1,
elif ftype in (ThreeParticleExtraPointFrame,
dest.write('[ virtual_sites3 ]\n')
dest.write('; Site from funct\n')
for EP in EPs:
if isinstance(EP.frame_type,
a1, a2, a3 = EP.frame_type.get_atoms()
junk, w1, w2 = EP.frame_type.get_weights()
dest.write('%-5d %-4d %-4d %-4d %-4d %.6f %.6f\n'
% (EP.idx+1, a1.idx+1, a2.idx+1, a3.idx+1,
1, w1, w2))
elif isinstance(EP.frame_type,
a1, a2, a3 = EP.frame_type.get_atoms()
w1, w2, w3 = EP.frame_type.get_weights()
dest.write('%-5d %-4d %-4d %-4d %-4d %.6f %.6f '
'%.6f\n' % (EP.idx+1, a1.idx+1, a2.idx+1,
a3.idx+1, w1, w2, w3))
# Do we need to list exclusions for systems with EPs?
if EPs or settle:
dest.write('[ exclusions ]\n')
for i, atom in enumerate(struct.atoms):
dest.write('%d' % (i+1))
for a in atom.bond_partners:
dest.write(' %d' % (a.idx+1))
for a in atom.angle_partners:
dest.write(' %d' % (a.idx+1))
def __getstate__(self):
d = Structure.__getstate__(self)
d['parameterset'] = self.parameterset
d['defaults'] = self.defaults
return d
def __setstate__(self, d):
Structure.__setstate__(self, d)
self.parameterset = d['parameterset']
self.defaults = d['defaults']
def _any_atoms_farther_than(structure, limit=3):
This function checks to see if there are any atom pairs farther away in the
bond graph than the desired limit
structure : :class:`Structure`
The structure to search through
limit : int, optional
The most number of bonds away to check for. Default is 3
within : bool
True if any atoms are *more* than ``limit`` bonds away from any other
import sys
if len(structure.atoms) <= limit + 1: return False
sys.setrecursionlimit(max(sys.getrecursionlimit(), limit+1))
for atom in structure.atoms:
for atom in structure.atoms: atom.marked = limit + 1
_mark_graph(atom, 0)
if any((atom.marked > limit for atom in structure.atoms)):
return True
return False
def _mark_graph(atom, num):
""" Marks all atoms in the graph listing the minimum number of bonds each
atom is away from the current atom
atom : :class:`Atom`
The current atom to evaluate in the bond graph
num : int
The current depth in our search
limit : int
The maximum depth we want to search
atom.marked = num
for a in atom.bond_partners:
if a.marked <= num: continue
_mark_graph(a, num+1)
def _diff_diheds(dt1, dt2):
""" Determine if 2 dihedrals are *really* different. dt1 can either be a
DihedralType or a DihedralTypeList or dt1 can be a DihedralType and dt2 can
be a DihedralTypeList. This returns True if dt1 == dt2 *or* dt1 is equal to
the only element of dt2
if type(dt1) is type(dt2) and dt1 == dt2:
return False
if isinstance(dt2, DihedralTypeList) and isinstance(dt1, DihedralType):
if len(dt2) == 1 and dt2[0] == dt1: return False
return True
def _gettype(atom):
if atom.atom_type not in (None, UnassignedAtomType):
return atom.atom_type.bond_type
return atom.type