Source code for parmed.namd.namdbinfiles

This module contains classes for reading and writing (single frame) NAMD binary
files.  The main functionality is currently aimed at manipulation rather than
from __future__ import division

from parmed import unit as u
from struct import unpack, pack

import numpy as np

[docs]class NamdBinFile(object): """From the NAMD manual: NAMD uses a trivial double-precision binary file format for coordinates, velocities, and forces ... The file consists of the atom count as a 32-bit integer followed by all three position or velocity components for each atom as 64-bit double-precision floating point ... The main attributes are the number of atom entries (natom) and a (flat) numpy array of size 3*natom (values). The meaning of "values" is effectively arbitrary, but for convenience derived classes are provided which alias the values to more descriptive names (e.g. "coordinates"). See Also -------- :class:`NamdBinCoor` :class:`NamdBinVel` """ _SCALE_FACTOR = 1.0 def __init__(self, values=[]): self._values = np.asarray(values,np.float64) * self._SCALE_FACTOR @property def natom(self): """The current number of atom entries.""" return int(self._values.size / 3)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, fname): """Return an object from the values in a NAMD binary file.""" infile = open(fname,'rb') natoms = int(unpack('i',[0]) values = [unpack('d',[0] for n in range(3*natoms)] infile.close() return cls(values)
[docs] def write(self, fname): """Write the current attributes to a file.""" outfile = open(fname,'wb') outfile.write(pack('i',self.natom)) for x in self._values / self._SCALE_FACTOR: outfile.write(pack('d',x)) outfile.close()
[docs] def delatoms(self, indices): """Delete entries corresponding to the given atom indices.""" del_indices = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(indices,np.int32)) mask = np.ones(self.natom,np.bool) mask[del_indices] = False newvalues = np.zeros(3*(self.natom - del_indices.size),np.float64) newvalues += self._values.reshape((self.natom,3))[mask].flatten() self._values = newvalues
[docs] def insertatoms(self, start_index, natoms, values=None): """Insert space for natom entries beginning at start_index. If specified, give them the provided values, otherwise set them to zero. """ if values is not None: values = np.asarray(values) assert values.size == 3*natoms else: values = np.zeros(3*natoms) hinge = 3*start_index newvalues = np.concatenate( (self._values[:hinge],values,self._values[hinge:]) ) self._values = newvalues
[docs] def copyatoms(self, start_index, natoms): """Convenience function, same as insertatoms() but set 'values' to be the same as the previous natoms' values (i.e. make a copy of them). """ values = self._values[3*(start_index-natoms):3*start_index] self.insertatoms(start_index,natoms,values)
[docs]class NamdBinCoor(NamdBinFile): """ Class to read or write NAMD "bincoordinates" files. """ @property def coordinates(self): return self._values.reshape((-1, self.natom, 3)) @coordinates.setter def coordinates(self, value): if u.is_quantity(value): value = value.value_in_unit(u.angstroms) self._values = np.array(value).flatten()
[docs]class NamdBinVel(NamdBinFile): """ Class to read or write NAMD "binvelocities" files. """ _SCALE_FACTOR = 20.45482706 @property def velocities(self): return self._values.reshape((-1, self.natom, 3)) @velocities.setter def velocities(self, value): if u.is_quantity(value): value = value.value_in_unit(u.angstroms/u.picosecond) self._values = np.array(value).flatten()