XML file parsing utilities for OpenMM serialized objects
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
from contextlib import closing
import numpy as np
from parmed.vec3 import Vec3
from parmed.formats.registry import FileFormatType
from parmed.geometry import box_vectors_to_lengths_and_angles
import parmed.unit as u
from parmed.utils.decorators import needs_openmm
from parmed.utils.io import genopen
from parmed.utils.six import add_metaclass, string_types
from parmed.utils.six.moves import StringIO
import re
_xmlre = re.compile('<(.*?)/?>')
class XmlFile(object):
Wrapper for parsing OpenMM-serialized objects. Supports serialized State,
System, Integrator, and ForceField objects.
[docs] @staticmethod
def parse(filename):
Parses XML file and returns deserialized object. The return value
depends on the serialized object, summarized below
- System : returns simtk.openmm.System
- State : returns simtk.openmm.State
- Integrator : returns simtk.openmm.Integrator subclass
- ForceField : returns simtk.openmm.app.ForceField
filename : str or file-like
The file name or file object containing the XML-serialized object
obj : System, State, Integrator, or ForceField
The deserialized object
OpenMM requires the entire contents of this file read into memory. As a
result, this function may require a significant amount of memory.
import simtk.openmm as mm
from simtk.openmm import app
if isinstance(filename, string_types):
with closing(genopen(filename, 'r')) as f:
contents = f.read()
contents = filename.read()
# ForceField is not handled by XmlSerializer
if '<ForceField' in contents:
obj = StringIO()
return app.ForceField(obj)
obj = mm.XmlSerializer.deserialize(contents)
if isinstance(obj, mm.State):
return _OpenMMStateContents(obj)
return obj
class _OpenMMStateContents(object):
A container that holds all of the information present in the OpenMM State
object that gets deserialized. This is an internal class that is only
intended to be *instantiated* by XmlFile.parse.
state : :class:`simtk.openmm.State`
OpenMM State containing relevant state information
coordinates : np.ndarray with shape(1, natom, 3)
Atomic coordinates. If not present in the State, just set to None. Units
are Angstrom
positions : list of Vec3
Atomic coordinates of first frame with applied units
velocities : np.ndarray with shape(1, natom, 3)
Atomic velocities. If not present in the State, just set to None. Units
are Angstrom/picosecond
forces : np.ndarray with shape(1, natom, 3)
Atomic forces. If not present in the State, just set to None. Units are
energy : float
Energy of this configuration in kcal/mol. If not specified, it is set to
time : float
The time associated with this State in ps. If not specified, set to None
def _get_data(state, getter, unit, shape=None, **kwargs):
stuff = getattr(state, getter)(**kwargs)
except Exception:
return None
stuff = stuff.value_in_unit(unit)
if shape is not None:
stuff = stuff.reshape(shape)
return stuff
def __init__(self, state):
self.coordinates = self._get_data(state, 'getPositions',
u.angstrom, (1, -1, 3), asNumpy=True)
self.velocities = self._get_data(state, 'getVelocities',
u.angstrom/u.picosecond, (1, -1, 3),
self.forces = self._get_data(state, 'getForces',
(1, -1, 3), asNumpy=True)
self.energy = self._get_data(state, 'getPotentialEnergy',
self.time = self._get_data(state, 'getTime', u.picosecond)
box = self._get_data(state, 'getPeriodicBoxVectors', u.angstroms,
(3, 3), asNumpy=True)
if box is not None:
leng, ang = box_vectors_to_lengths_and_angles(*box)
leng = leng.value_in_unit(u.angstrom)
ang = ang.value_in_unit(u.degree)
self.box = np.array(list(leng) + list(ang))
self.box = None
def positions(self):
return [Vec3(*xyz) for xyz in self.coordinates[0]]