Source code for parmed.rosetta.pose

This package contains classes responsible for loading and dumping PyRosetta
Pose objects.

from __future__ import print_function

from parmed.exceptions import RosettaError
from parmed.periodic_table import AtomicNum, Mass
from parmed.structure import Structure
from parmed.topologyobjects import Atom, ExtraPoint, Bond
from parmed.utils.six.moves import range

    from pyrosetta import Pose, AtomID
except ImportError:
    Pose = AtomID = None

def _n_prior(pose, nbr):
    prior = -1
    for i in range(1, nbr.rsd()):
        prior += pose.residue(i).natoms()
    return prior + nbr.atomno()

[docs]class RosettaPose(object):
[docs] @staticmethod def load(pose): """ Load a :class:`Pose` object and return a populated :class:`Structure` instance Parameters ---------- pose : :class:`Pose` PyRosetta :class:`Pose` object to convert """ if not Pose or not AtomID: raise ImportError('Could not load the PyRosetta module.') if not isinstance(pose, Pose): raise TypeError('Object is not a PyRosetta Pose object.') struct = Structure() atnum = 1 conf = pose.conformation() for resid in range(1, pose.total_residue()+1): res = pose.residue(resid) resname = res.name3().strip() chain = chr(res.chain()+ord('A')-1) for atno, at in enumerate(res.atoms(), start=1): try: atinfo = res.atom_type(atno) atname = res.atom_name(atno).strip() if atinfo.is_virtual(): atsym = 'EP' else: atsym = atinfo.element() rmin = atinfo.lj_radius() epsilon = atinfo.lj_wdepth() atomic_number = AtomicNum[atsym] mass = Mass[atsym] except KeyError: raise RosettaError('Could not recognize element: %s.' % atsym) params = dict(atomic_number=atomic_number, name=atname, charge=0.0, mass=mass, occupancy=0.0, bfactor=0.0, altloc='', number=atnum, rmin=rmin, epsilon=epsilon) if atinfo.is_virtual(): atom = ExtraPoint(**params) else: atom = Atom(**params) atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz = ([0],[1],[2]) struct.add_atom(atom, resname, resid, chain, '') atnum += 1 try: for nbr in conf.bonded_neighbor_all_res(AtomID(atno, resid)): if nbr.rsd() < resid or (nbr.rsd() == resid and nbr.atomno() < atno): struct.bonds.append( Bond(struct.atoms[_n_prior(pose, nbr)], atom)) except: raise RosettaError('Could not add bonds.') struct.unchange() return struct