This module contains the core base class for all of the chemical structures with
various topological and force field features.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division
import logging
import math
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import copy
import numpy as np
from . import unit as u
from . import residue
from .constants import DEG_TO_RAD, SMALL
from .exceptions import ParameterError
from .geometry import (STANDARD_BOND_LENGTHS_SQUARED, box_lengths_and_angles_to_vectors,
box_vectors_to_lengths_and_angles, distance2)
from .topologyobjects import (AcceptorDonor, Angle, Atom, AtomList, Bond, ChiralFrame, Cmap,
Dihedral, DihedralType, DihedralTypeList, ExtraPoint, Group, Improper,
MultipoleFrame, NonbondedException, NoUreyBradley, OutOfPlaneBend,
OutOfPlaneExtraPointFrame, PiTorsion, ResidueList, StretchBend,
ThreeParticleExtraPointFrame, TorsionTorsion, TrackedList,
TrigonalAngle, TwoParticleExtraPointFrame, UnassignedAtomType,
UreyBradley, Link)
from .utils import PYPY, find_atom_pairs, tag_molecules
from .utils.decorators import needs_openmm
from .utils.six import integer_types, iteritems, string_types
from .utils.six.moves import range, zip
from .vec3 import Vec3
# Try to import the OpenMM modules
from simtk.openmm import app
from simtk import openmm as mm
from simtk.openmm.app.internal.unitcell import reducePeriodicBoxVectors
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
app = mm = None # pragma: no cover
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Private attributes and methods
def _strip_box_units(args):
new_args = []
for arg in args:
# Handle 3 types of arguments here: units, regular numbers, and
# iterables. Iterables have units removed recursively. But protect
# against strings, since you get infinite recursion that way
if u.is_quantity(arg):
if arg.unit.is_compatible(u.degree):
elif isinstance(arg, string_types):
raise TypeError('Unit cell cannot have strings')
arg = _strip_box_units(arg)
except TypeError:
return new_args
def _bondi(atom):
if atom.atomic_number == 6: return 1.7
if atom.atomic_number == 1: return 1.2
if atom.atomic_number == 7: return 1.55
if atom.atomic_number == 14: return 2.1
if atom.atomic_number == 15: return 1.85
if atom.atomic_number == 16: return 1.8
return 1.5
def _mbondi(atom):
if atom.atomic_number == 1:
bondeds = atom.bond_partners
if bondeds[0].atomic_number in (6, 7):
return 1.3
if bondeds[0].atomic_number in (8, 16):
return 0.8
return 1.2
return _bondi(atom)
def _mbondi2(atom):
if atom.atomic_number == 1:
if atom.bond_partners[0].atomic_number == 7:
return 1.3
return 1.2
return _bondi(atom)
def _mbondi3(atom):
if atom.residue.name in ('GLU', 'ASP', 'GL4', 'AS4'):
if atom.name.startswith('OE') or atom.name.startswith('OD'):
return 1.4
elif atom.residue.name == 'ARG':
if atom.name.startswith('HH') or atom.name.startswith('HE'):
return 1.17
if atom.name == 'OXT':
return 1.4
return _mbondi2(atom)
def _gb_rad_screen(atom, model):
Gets the default GB parameters for a given atom according to a specific
Generalized Born model
atom : :class:`Atom`
The atom to get the default GB parameters for
model : ``app.HCT, app.OBC1, or app.OBC2``
The GB model to get the default parameters for (app.GBn and app.GBn2 are
already handled in Structure._get_gb_parameters)
radius, screen [,alpha, beta, gamma] : ``float, float [,float, float, float]``
The intrinsic radius of the atom and the screening factor of the atom.
If the model is GBn2, alpha, beta, and gamma parameters are also
if model in (app.OBC1, app.OBC2):
rad = _mbondi2(atom)
rad = _mbondi(atom)
if atom.atomic_number == 1: return rad, 0.85
if atom.atomic_number == 6: return rad, 0.72
if atom.atomic_number == 7: return rad, 0.79
if atom.atomic_number == 8: return rad, 0.85
if atom.atomic_number == 9: return rad, 0.88
if atom.atomic_number == 15: return rad, 0.86
if atom.atomic_number == 16: return rad, 0.96
return rad, 0.8
[docs]class Structure(object):
A chemical structure composed of atoms, bonds, angles, torsions, and other
topological features
atoms : :class:`AtomList`
List of all atoms in the structure
residues : :class:`ResidueList`
List of all residues in the structure
bonds : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`Bond`)
List of all bonds in the structure
angles : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`Angle`)
List of all angles in the structure
dihedrals : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`Dihedral`)
List of all dihedrals in the structure
rb_torsions : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`Dihedral`)
List of all Ryckaert-Bellemans torsions in the structure
urey_bradleys : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`UreyBradley`)
List of all Urey-Bradley angle bends in the structure
impropers : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`Improper`)
List of all CHARMM-style improper torsions in the structure
cmaps : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`Cmap`)
List of all CMAP objects in the structure
trigonal_angles : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`TrigonalAngle`)
List of all AMOEBA-style trigonal angles in the structure
out_of_plane_bends : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`OutOfPlaneBends`)
List of all AMOEBA-style out-of-plane bending angles
pi_torsions : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`PiTorsion`)
List of all AMOEBA-style pi-torsion angles
stretch_bends : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`StretchBend`)
List of all AMOEBA-style stretch-bend compound bond/angle terms
torsion_torsions : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`TorsionTorsion`)
List of all AMOEBA-style coupled torsion-torsion terms
chiral_frames : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`ChiralFrame`)
List of all AMOEBA-style chiral frames defined in the structure
multipole_frames : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`MultipoleFrame`)
List of all AMOEBA-style multipole frames defined in the structure
adjusts : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`NonbondedException`)
List of all nonbonded pair-exception rules
acceptors : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`AcceptorDonor`)
List of all H-bond acceptors, if that information is present
donors : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`AcceptorDonor`)
List of all H-bond donors, if that information is present
groups : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`Group`)
List of all CHARMM-style GROUP objects (whatever those are used for)
box : ``list of 6 floats``
Box dimensions (a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma) for the unit cell. If no
box is defined, `box` is set to `None`
space_group : ``str``
The space group of the structure (default is "P 1")
nrexcl : ``int``
The number of bonds away that an atom can be in order to be excluded
from the direct nonbonded summation
title : ``str``
Cosmetic only, it is an arbitrary title assigned to the system. Default
value is an empty string
positions : u.Quantity(list(Vec3), u.angstroms)
Unit-bearing atomic coordinates. If not all atoms have coordinates, this
property is None
coordinates : np.ndarray of shape (nframes, natom, 3)
If no coordinates are set, this is set to None. The first frame will
match the coordinates present on the atoms.
symmetry : :class:`Symmetry`
if no symmetry is set, this is set to None.
links : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`Link`)
The list of Link definitions for this Structure
This class also has a handful of type lists for each of the attributes above
(excluding `atoms`, `residues`, `chiral_frames`, and `multipole_frames`).
They are all TrackedList instances that are designed to hold the relevant
parameter type. The list is:
bond_types, angle_types, dihedral_types, urey_bradley_types,
improper_types, cmap_types, trigonal_angle_types,
out_of_plane_bend_types, pi_torsion_types, stretch_bend_types,
torsion_torsion_types, adjust_types
dihedral_types _may_ be a list of :class:`DihedralType` instances, since
torsion profiles are often represented by a Fourier series with multiple
# Force groups assigned to each type of force
[docs] def __init__(self):
# Topological object lists
self.atoms = AtomList()
self.residues = ResidueList()
self.bonds = TrackedList()
self.angles = TrackedList()
self.dihedrals = TrackedList()
self.rb_torsions = TrackedList()
self.urey_bradleys = TrackedList()
self.impropers = TrackedList()
self.cmaps = TrackedList()
self.trigonal_angles = TrackedList()
self.out_of_plane_bends = TrackedList()
self.pi_torsions = TrackedList()
self.stretch_bends = TrackedList()
self.torsion_torsions = TrackedList()
self.chiral_frames = TrackedList()
self.multipole_frames = TrackedList()
self.adjusts = TrackedList()
# Extraneous information stored in CHARMM PSF files... not used as far
# as I can tell for much of anything
self.acceptors = TrackedList()
self.donors = TrackedList()
self.groups = TrackedList()
# Parameter type lists
self.bond_types = TrackedList()
self.angle_types = TrackedList()
self.dihedral_types = TrackedList()
self.urey_bradley_types = TrackedList()
self.improper_types = TrackedList()
self.rb_torsion_types = TrackedList()
self.cmap_types = TrackedList()
self.trigonal_angle_types = TrackedList()
self.out_of_plane_bend_types = TrackedList()
self.pi_torsion_types = TrackedList()
self.stretch_bend_types = TrackedList()
self.torsion_torsion_types = TrackedList()
self.adjust_types = TrackedList()
self.links = TrackedList()
self._box = None
self._coordinates = None
self.space_group = "P 1"
self.unknown_functional = False
self.nrexcl = 3
self.title = ''
self._combining_rule = 'lorentz'
self.symmetry = None
def __repr__(self):
natom = len(self.atoms)
nres = len(self.residues)
nextra = sum([isinstance(a, ExtraPoint) for a in self.atoms])
retstr = ['<%s %d atoms' % (type(self).__name__, natom)]
if nextra > 0:
retstr.append(' [%d EPs]' % nextra)
retstr.append('; %d residues' % nres)
nbond = len(self.bonds)
retstr.append('; %d bonds' % nbond)
if self.box is not None:
retstr.append('; PBC')
if (abs(self.box[3]-90) > SMALL or abs(self.box[4]-90) > SMALL or
abs(self.box[5]-90) > SMALL):
retstr.append(' (triclinic)')
retstr.append(' (orthogonal)')
# Just assume that if the first bond has a defined type, so does
# everything else... we don't want __repr__ to be super expensive
if len(self.bonds) > 0 and self.bonds[0].type is not None:
retstr.append('; parametrized>')
retstr.append('; NOT parametrized>')
return ''.join(retstr)
[docs] def add_atom(self, atom, resname, resnum, chain='', inscode='', segid=''):
Adds a new atom to the Structure, adding a new residue to `residues` if
it has a different name or number as the last residue added and adding
it to the `atoms` list.
atom : :class:`Atom`
The atom to add to this residue list
resname : ``str``
The name of the residue this atom belongs to
resnum : ``int``
The number of the residue this atom belongs to
chain : ``str``
The chain ID character for this residue
inscode : ``str``
The insertion code ID character for this residue (it is stripped)
segid : ``str``
The segment identifier for this residue (it is stripped)
If the residue name and number differ from the last residue in this
list, a new residue is added and the atom is added to that residue
self.residues.add_atom(atom, resname, resnum, chain, inscode, segid)
[docs] def add_atom_to_residue(self, atom, residue):
Adds a new atom to the Structure at the end if the given residue
atom : :class:`Atom`
The atom to add to the system
residue : :class:`Residue`
The residue to which to add this atom. It MUST be part of this
Structure instance already or a ValueError is raised
This atom is added at the end of the residue and is inserted into the
`atoms` list in such a way that all residues are composed of atoms
contiguous in the atoms list. For large systems, this may be a
relatively expensive operation
# Make sure residue belongs to this list
if residue.list is not self.residues:
raise ValueError('Residue is not part of the structure')
last_atom = residue.atoms[-1]
# Special-case if this is going to be the last atom
if not self.atoms or last_atom is self.atoms[-1]:
self.atoms.insert(last_atom.idx + 1, atom)
def __copy__(self):
""" A deep copy of the Structure """
return self.copy(type(self))
[docs] def copy(self, cls, split_dihedrals=False):
Makes a copy of the current structure as an instance of a specified
cls : Structure subclass
The returned object is a copy of this structure as a `cls` instance
split_dihedrals : ``bool``
If True, then the Dihedral entries will be split up so that each one
is paired with a single DihedralType (rather than a
*cls* instance
The instance of the Structure subclass `cls` with a copy of the
current Structure's topology information
c = cls()
for atom in self.atoms:
res = atom.residue
a = copy(atom)
c.add_atom(a, res.name, res.number, res.chain, res.insertion_code, res.segid)
# Now copy all of the types
for bt in self.bond_types:
for at in self.angle_types:
if split_dihedrals:
ndt = 0
mapdt = {}
for idt, dt in enumerate(self.dihedral_types):
if hasattr(dt, '__iter__'):
for t in dt:
mapdt.setdefault(idt, []).append(ndt)
ndt += 1
mapdt.setdefault(idt, []).append(ndt)
ndt += 1
for dt in self.dihedral_types:
for ut in self.urey_bradley_types:
for it in self.improper_types:
for rt in self.rb_torsion_types:
for ct in self.cmap_types:
for ta in self.trigonal_angle_types:
for ot in self.out_of_plane_bend_types:
for pt in self.pi_torsion_types:
for st in self.stretch_bend_types:
for tt in self.torsion_torsion_types:
for at in self.adjust_types:
# Now create the topological objects
atoms = c.atoms
for b in self.bonds:
Bond(atoms[b.atom1.idx], atoms[b.atom2.idx],
b.type and c.bond_types[b.type.idx])
c.bonds[-1].funct = b.funct
for a in self.angles:
Angle(atoms[a.atom1.idx], atoms[a.atom2.idx],
a.type and c.angle_types[a.type.idx])
c.angles[-1].funct = a.funct
if split_dihedrals:
for d in self.dihedrals:
if hasattr(d.type, '__iter__'):
for i in range(len(d.type)):
ie = d.ignore_end or i < len(d.type) - 1
ti = mapdt[d.type.idx][i]
improper=d.improper, ignore_end=ie,
c.dihedrals[-1]._funct = d._funct
ti = mapdt[d.type.idx][0]
Dihedral(atoms[d.atom1.idx], atoms[d.atom2.idx],
atoms[d.atom3.idx], atoms[d.atom4.idx],
improper=d.improper, ignore_end=d.ignore_end,
type=d.type and c.dihedral_types[ti])
c.dihedrals[-1]._funct = d._funct
for d in self.dihedrals:
if d.type is None:
typ = None
typ = c.dihedral_types[d.type.idx]
Dihedral(atoms[d.atom1.idx], atoms[d.atom2.idx],
atoms[d.atom3.idx], atoms[d.atom4.idx],
improper=d.improper, ignore_end=d.ignore_end,
c.dihedrals[-1]._funct = d._funct
for ub in self.urey_bradleys:
if ub.type is NoUreyBradley:
typ = NoUreyBradley
typ = ub.type and c.urey_bradley_types[ub.type.idx]
UreyBradley(atoms[ub.atom1.idx], atoms[ub.atom2.idx], typ)
for i in self.impropers:
Improper(atoms[i.atom1.idx], atoms[i.atom2.idx],
atoms[i.atom3.idx], atoms[i.atom4.idx],
i.type and c.improper_types[i.type.idx])
for r in self.rb_torsions:
Dihedral(atoms[r.atom1.idx], atoms[r.atom2.idx],
atoms[r.atom3.idx], atoms[r.atom4.idx],
type=r.type and c.rb_torsion_types[r.type.idx])
c.rb_torsions[-1]._funct = r._funct
for cm in self.cmaps:
Cmap(atoms[cm.atom1.idx], atoms[cm.atom2.idx],
atoms[cm.atom3.idx], atoms[cm.atom4.idx],
cm.type and c.cmap_types[cm.type.idx])
c.cmaps[-1].funct = cm.funct
for t in self.trigonal_angles:
TrigonalAngle(atoms[t.atom1.idx], atoms[t.atom2.idx],
atoms[t.atom3.idx], atoms[t.atom4.idx],
t.type and c.trigonal_angle_types[t.type.idx])
for o in self.out_of_plane_bends:
OutOfPlaneBend(atoms[o.atom1.idx], atoms[o.atom2.idx],
atoms[o.atom3.idx], atoms[o.atom4.idx],
o.type and c.out_of_plane_bend_types[o.type.idx])
for p in self.pi_torsions:
PiTorsion(atoms[p.atom1.idx], atoms[p.atom2.idx],
atoms[p.atom3.idx], atoms[p.atom4.idx],
atoms[p.atom5.idx], atoms[p.atom6.idx],
p.type and c.pi_torsion_types[p.type.idx])
for s in self.stretch_bends:
StretchBend(atoms[s.atom1.idx], atoms[s.atom2.idx],
s.type and c.stretch_bend_types[s.type.idx])
for t in self.torsion_torsions:
TorsionTorsion(atoms[t.atom1.idx], atoms[t.atom2.idx],
atoms[t.atom3.idx], atoms[t.atom4.idx],
t.type and c.torsion_torsion_types[t.type.idx])
for ch in self.chiral_frames:
ChiralFrame(atoms[ch.atom1.idx], atoms[ch.atom2.idx],
for m in self.multipole_frames:
MultipoleFrame(atoms[m.atom.idx], m.frame_pt_num, m.vectail,
m.vechead, m.nvec)
for a in self.adjusts:
NonbondedException(atoms[a.atom1.idx], atoms[a.atom2.idx],
a.type and c.adjust_types[a.type.idx])
for a in self.acceptors:
AcceptorDonor(atoms[a.atom1.idx], atoms[a.atom2.idx])
for d in self.donors:
AcceptorDonor(atoms[d.atom1.idx], atoms[d.atom2.idx])
for g in self.groups:
c.groups.append(Group(atoms[g.atom.idx], g.type, g.move))
for l in self.links:
Link(atoms[l.atom1.idx], atoms[l.atom2.idx], l.length,
l.symmetry_op1, l.symmetry_op2)
c._box = copy(self._box)
c._coordinates = copy(self._coordinates)
c.combining_rule = self.combining_rule
# Transfer TER cards
for r1, r2 in zip(c.residues, self.residues):
r1.ter = r2.ter
return c
[docs] def to_dataframe(self):
""" Generates a DataFrame from the current Structure's atomic properties
df : DataFrame
DataFrame with all atomic properties
See Also
from parmed.utils.pandautils import create_dataframe
return create_dataframe(self)
[docs] def load_dataframe(self, df):
""" Loads atomic properties from an input DataFrame
df : pandas.DataFrame
A pandas DataFrame with atomic properties that will be used to set
the properties on the current list of atoms
See Also
from parmed.utils.pandautils import load_dataframe
return load_dataframe(self, df)
[docs] def is_changed(self):
""" Determines if any of the topology has changed for this structure """
return (self.atoms.changed or self.residues.changed or
self.bonds.changed or self.trigonal_angles.changed or
self.dihedrals.changed or self.urey_bradleys.changed or
self.impropers.changed or self.cmaps.changed or
self.angles.changed or self.out_of_plane_bends.changed or
self.pi_torsions.changed or self.stretch_bends.changed or
self.torsion_torsions.changed or self.chiral_frames.changed or
self.multipole_frames.changed or self.adjusts.changed or
self.acceptors.changed or self.donors.changed or
self.groups.changed or self.bond_types.changed or
self.angle_types.changed or self.dihedral_types.changed or
self.urey_bradley_types.changed or self.cmap_types.changed or
self.improper_types.changed or self.adjust_types.changed or
self.trigonal_angle_types.changed or
self.out_of_plane_bends.changed or
self.stretch_bend_types.changed or
self.torsion_torsion_types.changed or
self.pi_torsion_types.changed or self.rb_torsions.changed or
[docs] def unchange(self):
""" Toggles all lists so that they do not indicate any changes """
self.atoms.changed = False
self.residues.changed = False
self.bonds.changed = False
self.angles.changed = False
self.dihedrals.changed = False
self.urey_bradleys.changed = False
self.impropers.changed = False
self.cmaps.changed = False
self.trigonal_angles.changed = False
self.out_of_plane_bends.changed = False
self.pi_torsions.changed = False
self.stretch_bends.changed = False
self.torsion_torsions.changed = False
self.chiral_frames.changed = False
self.multipole_frames.changed = False
self.adjusts.changed = False
self.acceptors.changed = False
self.donors.changed = False
self.groups.changed = False
# Parameter type lists
self.bond_types.changed = False
self.angle_types.changed = False
self.dihedral_types.changed = False
self.urey_bradley_types.changed = False
self.improper_types.changed = False
self.cmap_types.changed = False
self.trigonal_angle_types.changed = False
self.out_of_plane_bend_types.changed = False
self.pi_torsion_types.changed = False
self.stretch_bend_types.changed = False
self.torsion_torsion_types.changed = False
self.adjust_types.changed = False
[docs] def prune_empty_terms(self):
Looks through all of the topological lists and gets rid of terms
in which at least one of the atoms is None or has an `idx` attribute set
to -1 (indicating that it has been removed from the `atoms` atom list)
[docs] def update_dihedral_exclusions(self):
Nonbonded exclusions and exceptions have the following priority:
bond -> angle -> dihedral
Since bonds and angles are completely excluded, any ring systems in
which two atoms are attached by a bond or angle as well as a dihedral
should be completely excluded as the bond and angle exclusion rules take
precedence. If a Bond or Angle was _added_ to the structure between a
pair of atoms previously connected only by a dihedral term, it's
possible that those two atoms have both an exclusion *and* an exception
defined. The result of this scenario is that sander and pmemd will
happily compute an energy, _including_ the 1-4 nonbonded terms between
atoms now connected by a bond or an Angle. OpenMM, on the other hand,
will complain about an exception specified multiple times. This method
scans through all of the dihedrals in which `ignore_end` is `False` and
turns it to `True` if the two end atoms are in the bond or angle
partners arrays
set14 = set()
deferred_dihedrals = [] # to work around pmemd tossing pn=0 dihedrals
for dihedral in self.dihedrals:
if dihedral.ignore_end : continue
if (dihedral.atom1 in dihedral.atom4.bond_partners or
dihedral.atom1 in dihedral.atom4.angle_partners):
dihedral.ignore_end = True
elif (dihedral.atom1.idx, dihedral.atom4.idx) in set14:
# Avoid double counting of 1-4 in a six-membered ring
dihedral.ignore_end = True
elif isinstance(dihedral.type, DihedralType) and dihedral.type.per == 0:
# This needs to be done to work around a "feature" in pmemd where periodicity=0
# torsions are thrown away. Since AmberParm never has any DihedralTypeList, we only
# need to defer periodicity=0 torsions for DihedralType torsions.
set14.add((dihedral.atom1.idx, dihedral.atom4.idx))
set14.add((dihedral.atom4.idx, dihedral.atom1.idx))
# Only keep ignore_end = False if we *must*; i.e., if the exclusion it would have
# added was not added by anybody else
for dihedral in deferred_dihedrals:
if (dihedral.atom1.idx, dihedral.atom4.idx) in set14:
dihedral.ignore_end = True
[docs] def strip(self, selection):
Deletes a subset of the atoms corresponding to an atom-based selection.
selection : :class:`AmberMask`, ``str``, or ``iterable``
This is the selection of atoms that will be deleted from this
structure. If it is a string, it will be interpreted as an
AmberMask. If it is an AmberMask, it will be converted to a
selection of atoms. If it is an iterable, it must be the same length
as the `atoms` list.
from parmed.amber import AmberMask
if isinstance(selection, AmberMask):
if selection.parm is not self:
raise TypeError('passed mask does not belong to Structure')
sel = selection.Selection()
elif isinstance(selection, string_types):
sel = AmberMask(self, selection).Selection()
sel = list(selection)
except TypeError:
raise TypeError('Selection not a supported type [%s]' %
if len(sel) != len(self.atoms):
raise ValueError('Selection iterable wrong length')
atomlist = sorted([i for i, s in enumerate(sel) if s])
for i in reversed(atomlist):
del self.atoms[i]
# Slice out coordinates if present
if self._coordinates is not None:
if PYPY:
# numpypy does not currently support advanced indexing it seems
self._coordinates = np.array( # pragma: no cover
[[[x, y, z] for i, (x, y, z) in enumerate(crd)
if sel[i]==0] for crd in self._coordinates]
# Pure numpy is faster in CPython, so do that when we can
self._coordinates = self._coordinates[:, np.array(sel)==0]
[docs] def assign_bonds(self, *reslibs):
Assigns bonds to all atoms based on the provided residue template
libraries. Atoms whose names are *not* in the templates, as well as
those residues for whom no template is found, is assigned to bonds based
on distances.
reslibs : dict{str: ResidueTemplate}
Any number of residue template libraries. By default, assign_bonds
knows about the standard amino acid, RNA, and DNA residues.
# Import here to avoid circular references
from parmed.modeller import StandardBiomolecularResidues
# Build a composite dict of all residue templates
all_residues = copy(StandardBiomolecularResidues)
for lib in reslibs:
# Walk through every residue and assign bonds from the templates
unassigned_residues = set()
unassigned_atoms = set()
cysteine_sg = set()
for res in self.residues:
templ = _res_in_templlib(res, all_residues)
if templ is None:
# Don't have a template for this residue. Keep a note and go on
resatoms = {a.name: a for a in res.atoms}
for a in res.atoms:
if a.name not in templ.map:
# We matched our template atom. Transfer the element
# information, as it is more reliable
a.atomic_number = templ.map[a.name].atomic_number
for bp in templ.map[a.name].bond_partners:
if (bp.name in resatoms and resatoms[bp.name] not in a.bond_partners):
if a not in resatoms[bp.name].bond_partners:
self.bonds.append(Bond(a, resatoms[bp.name]))
# Now go through each residue and assign heads and tails. This walks
# through the residues and bonds residue i's tail with residue j's head.
# So there is nothing to do for the last residue. Omit it from the loop
# so self.residues[i+1] never raises an IndexError
for i, res in enumerate(self.residues[:-1]):
templ = _res_in_templlib(res, all_residues)
# TER cards and changing chains prevents bonding to the next residue
if res.ter or (res.chain and (res.chain != self.residues[i+1].chain)):
ntempl = _res_in_templlib(self.residues[i+1], all_residues)
if templ is None and ntempl is None:
# Any cross-link here picked up later
if templ is None:
if ntempl.head is None:
continue # Next residue doesn't bond to the previous one
# See if any atom in templ is close enough to bond to the head
# atom of the next residue's template
for head in self.residues[i+1].atoms:
if head.name == ntempl.head.name:
LOGGER.warning('Could not find the head atom of the next template! Bond '
'pattern may be wrong, which could lead to extra TER cards in a '
'PDB file')
continue # head atom not found!
for a in res.atoms:
maxdist = STANDARD_BOND_LENGTHS_SQUARED[(a.atomic_number, head.atomic_number)]
if distance2(a, head) < maxdist:
if a not in head.bond_partners:
self.bonds.append(Bond(a, head))
if templ.tail is None:
continue # This residue does not bond with the next one
if ntempl is None:
# See if any atom in the next residue is bonding distance away
# from my tail
for tail in res.atoms:
if tail.name == templ.tail.name:
continue # tail not found
for a in self.residues[i+1].atoms:
maxdist = STANDARD_BOND_LENGTHS_SQUARED[(a.atomic_number, tail.atomic_number)]
if distance2(a, tail) < maxdist:
if a not in tail.bond_partners:
self.bonds.append(Bond(a, tail))
if ntempl.head is None:
continue # Next residue does not bond with this one
# We have templates for both atoms, and both have a head and a tail
for tail in res.atoms:
if tail.name == templ.tail.name:
continue # head could not be found
for head in self.residues[i+1].atoms:
if head.name == ntempl.head.name:
continue # tail could not be found
if head not in tail.bond_partners:
self.bonds.append(Bond(head, tail))
# Now time to find bonds based on distance. First thing to do is to find
# all CYS residues and pull out those that have an SG atom with only 1
# bond partner, since those are *very* commonly bonded by
# post-translational modifications.
for res in self.residues:
if len(res.name) != 3 or not residue.AminoAcidResidue.has(res.name):
if residue.AminoAcidResidue.get(res.name).abbr != 'CYS':
# Cysteine! Find the SG and add it to unassigned atoms if it only
# has 1 atom bonded to it
for a in res.atoms:
if a.name == 'SG' and len(a.bond_partners) < 2:
# Can't do distance-based bond determination without coordinates
if self.coordinates is None:
# OK, now go through all atoms that have not been assigned. If an atom
# has not been assigned, but its residue HAS been assigned, then that
# means the name is wrong. A likely culprit is bad nomenclature for
# atoms. So in this case (and this case only), look for bond partners in
# an 'assigned' residue (but only the same residue we are part of). One
# thing this misses is when the head or tail atom is misnamed.
mindist = math.sqrt(max(STANDARD_BOND_LENGTHS_SQUARED.values()))
pairs = find_atom_pairs(self, mindist, unassigned_atoms)
for atom in unassigned_atoms:
for partner in pairs[atom.idx]:
maxdist = STANDARD_BOND_LENGTHS_SQUARED[(atom.atomic_number, partner.atomic_number)]
if (distance2(atom, partner) < maxdist and atom not in partner.bond_partners):
self.bonds.append(Bond(atom, partner))
# Now look through all atoms in this template if it's a template
# that's already been assigned. If it's already in an unassigned
# residue, then all that residue's atoms were in unassigned_atoms,
# so there's no need to look through the residue again. Also, we
# added cysteine SG atoms to the unassigned atoms list to see if it
# is involved in post-translational bonds. But there *was* a
# template match for cysteine and SG was paired correctly. So don't
# try to assign it to bonds with other atoms in the cysteine here.
if atom.residue in unassigned_residues or atom in cysteine_sg:
for partner in atom.residue.atoms:
if partner is atom:
maxdist = STANDARD_BOND_LENGTHS_SQUARED[(atom.atomic_number, partner.atomic_number)]
if (distance2(atom, partner) < maxdist and atom not in partner.bond_partners):
self.bonds.append(Bond(atom, partner))
# All reasonable bonds have now been added
[docs] def visualize(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Use nglview for visualization. This only works with Jupyter notebook
and require to install `nglview`
>>> import parmed as pmd
>>> parm = pmd.download_PDB('1tsu')
>>> parm.visualize()
args and kwargs : positional and keyword arguments given to nglview, optional
if self.coordinates is None:
raise ValueError('coordinates must not be None')
from nglview import show_parmed
return show_parmed(self, *args, **kwargs)
def __getitem__(self, selection):
Allows extracting a single atom from the structure or a slice of atoms
as a new Structure instance. The following syntaxes are allowed:
- struct[str] : str is interpreted as an Amber selection mask
- struct[[sel,[sel,]],sel] : sel can be a list of indices (or
strings for chain selection) an integer, or a slice
selection : str, or slice|iter|str, slice|iter|int, slice|iter|int
Which atoms to select for the new structure
struct : :class:`Structure`
If more than one atom is selected, the resulting return value is a
new structure containing all selected atoms and all valence terms
(and types) in which all involved atoms are present
atom : :class:`Atom`
If the selection is a single integer, a tuple of two integers, or a
tuple of a string and two integers. This is equivalent to selecting
a particular atom, a particular atom from a particular residue, or a
particular atom from a particular residue from a particular chain,
respectively. All other selections return a Structure instance, even
if that selection happens to only select a single atom.
When selecting more than 1 atom, this is a costly operation. It is
currently implemented by making a full copy of the object and then
stripping the unused atoms.
``TypeError`` : if selection (or any part of the selection) is not an
allowed type
``ValueError`` : if the selection is a boolean-like list and its length
is not the same as the number of atoms in the system
if isinstance(selection, integer_types):
return self.atoms[selection]
selection = self._get_selection_array(selection)
# _get_selection_array might have returned either an Atom or None if
# there is no selection. Handle those and return, or continue if we got
# a list of atoms
if selection is None:
return type(self)()
elif isinstance(selection, Atom):
return selection
sumsel = sum(selection)
if sumsel == 0:
# No atoms selected. Return empty type
return type(self)()
# The cumulative sum of selection will give our index + 1 of each
# selected atom into the new structure
scan = [selection[0]]
for i in range(1, len(selection)):
scan.append(scan[i-1] + selection[i])
# Zero-out the unselected atoms
scan = [x * y for x, y in zip(scan, selection)]
# Copy all parameters
struct = type(self)()
for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms):
if not selection[i]: continue
res = atom.residue
if res.number == 0:
num = res.idx
num = res.number
struct.add_atom(copy(atom), res.name, num, res.chain, res.insertion_code, res.segid)
def copy_valence_terms(oval, otyp, sval, styp, attrlist):
""" Copies the valence terms from one list to another;
oval=Other VALence; otyp=Other TYPe; sval=Self VALence;
styp=Self TYPe; attrlist=ATTRibute LIST (atom1, atom2, ...)
otypcp = [copy(typ) for typ in styp]
used_types = [False for typ in otypcp]
for val in sval:
ats = [getattr(val, attr) for attr in attrlist]
# Make sure all of our atoms in this valence term is "selected"
indices = [scan[at.idx] for at in ats if isinstance(at, Atom)]
if not all(indices):
# Add the type if applicable
kws = dict()
if hasattr(val, 'type') and val.type is NoUreyBradley:
kws['type'] = NoUreyBradley # special-case singleton
elif otypcp and val.type is not None:
kws['type'] = otypcp[val.type.idx]
used_types[val.type.idx] = True
for i, at in enumerate(ats):
if isinstance(at, Atom):
ats[i] = struct.atoms[scan[at.idx]-1]
oval.append(type(val)(*ats, **kws))
if hasattr(val, 'funct'):
oval[-1].funct = val.funct
# Now tack on the "new" types copied from `other`
for used, typ in zip(used_types, otypcp):
if used:
if hasattr(otyp, 'claim'):
copy_valence_terms(struct.bonds, struct.bond_types, self.bonds,
self.bond_types, ['atom1', 'atom2'])
copy_valence_terms(struct.angles, struct.angle_types, self.angles,
self.angle_types, ['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3'])
copy_valence_terms(struct.dihedrals, struct.dihedral_types,
self.dihedrals, self.dihedral_types,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4', 'improper', 'ignore_end'])
copy_valence_terms(struct.rb_torsions, struct.rb_torsion_types,
self.rb_torsions, self.rb_torsion_types,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4', 'improper', 'ignore_end'])
copy_valence_terms(struct.urey_bradleys, struct.urey_bradley_types, self.urey_bradleys,
self.urey_bradley_types, ['atom1', 'atom2'])
copy_valence_terms(struct.impropers, struct.improper_types, self.impropers,
self.improper_types, ['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4'])
copy_valence_terms(struct.cmaps, struct.cmap_types, self.cmaps, self.cmap_types,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4', 'atom5'])
copy_valence_terms(struct.trigonal_angles, struct.trigonal_angle_types,
self.trigonal_angles, self.trigonal_angle_types,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4'])
copy_valence_terms(struct.out_of_plane_bends, struct.out_of_plane_bend_types,
self.out_of_plane_bends, self.out_of_plane_bend_types,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4'])
copy_valence_terms(struct.pi_torsions, struct.pi_torsion_types,
self.pi_torsions, self.pi_torsion_types,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4', 'atom5', 'atom6'])
copy_valence_terms(struct.stretch_bends, struct.stretch_bend_types, self.stretch_bends,
self.stretch_bend_types, ['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3'])
copy_valence_terms(struct.torsion_torsions, struct.torsion_torsion_types,
self.torsion_torsions, self.torsion_torsion_types,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4', 'atom5'])
copy_valence_terms(struct.chiral_frames, [], self.chiral_frames, [],
['atom1', 'atom2', 'chirality'])
copy_valence_terms(struct.multipole_frames, [], self.multipole_frames, [],
['atom', 'frame_pt_num', 'vectail', 'vechead', 'nvec'])
copy_valence_terms(struct.adjusts, struct.adjust_types, self.adjusts,
self.adjust_types, ['atom1', 'atom2'])
copy_valence_terms(struct.donors, [], self.donors, [], ['atom1', 'atom2'])
copy_valence_terms(struct.acceptors, [], self.acceptors, [], ['atom1', 'atom2'])
copy_valence_terms(struct.groups, [], self.groups, [], ['atom', 'type', 'move'])
struct._box = self._box
struct.symmetry = self.symmetry
struct.space_group = self.space_group
return struct
def _get_selection_array(self, selection):
Private method to convert a selection into an array -- common use for
viewing and regular selection
selection : selector (slice, tuple, ... etc.)
The selection given to the [] operator
from parmed.amber import AmberMask
# Now we select a subset of atoms. Convert "selection" into a natom list
# with 0s and 1s, depending on what the input selection is
if isinstance(selection, string_types):
mask = AmberMask(self, selection)
selection = mask.Selection()
elif isinstance(selection, slice):
sel = [0 for a in self.atoms]
for idx in list(range(len(self.atoms)))[selection]:
sel[idx] = 1
selection = sel
elif isinstance(selection, tuple) and len(selection) in (2, 3):
# This is a selection of chains, and/or residues, and/or atoms
if len(selection) == 2:
# Select just residues and atoms. Special-case a single-atom
# selection for speed -- orders of magnitude improvement in
# efficiency
ressel, atomsel = selection
if isinstance(ressel, integer_types) and isinstance(atomsel, integer_types):
return self.residues[ressel][atomsel]
has_chain = False
elif len(selection) == 3:
chainsel, ressel, atomsel = selection
chainmap = defaultdict(TrackedList)
for r in self.residues:
if (isinstance(chainsel, string_types) and isinstance(ressel, integer_types) and
isinstance(atomsel, integer_types)):
# Special-case single-atom selection for efficiency
chainmap = dict(chainmap) # no longer defaultdict
return chainmap[chainsel][ressel][atomsel]
except KeyError:
raise IndexError('No chain %s in Structure' % chainsel)
if isinstance(chainsel, string_types):
if chainsel in chainmap:
chainset = set([chainsel])
# The selected chain is not in the system. Cannot
# possibly select *any* atoms. Bail now for speed
return None
elif isinstance(chainsel, slice):
# Build an ordered set of chains
chains = [self.residues[0].chain]
for res in self.residues:
if res.chain != chains[-1]:
chainset = set(chains[chainsel])
chainset = set(chainsel)
for chain in chainset:
if chain in chainmap:
# No requested chain is present. Bail now for speed
return None
has_chain = True
# Residue selection can either be by name or index
if isinstance(ressel, slice):
resset = set(list(range(len(self.residues)))[ressel])
elif isinstance(ressel, string_types) or isinstance(ressel, integer_types):
resset = set([ressel])
resset = set(ressel)
if isinstance(atomsel, slice):
atomset = set(list(range(len(self.atoms)))[atomsel])
elif isinstance(atomsel, string_types) or isinstance(atomsel, integer_types):
atomset = set([atomsel])
atomset = set(atomsel)
if has_chain:
# To allow us to index the atoms residues from their list of
# chains, temporarily have the chainmap lists claim the
# residues. This must be reversed or the Structure will be
# broken
for chain_name, chain in iteritems(chainmap):
selection = [
(a.residue.chain in chainset) and
(a.residue.name in resset or a.residue.idx in resset) and
(a.name in atomset or a.idx-a.residue[0].idx in atomset)
for a in self.atoms
# Make sure that the residues list *always* reclaims its
# contents
selection = [
(a.name in atomset or a.idx-a.residue[0].idx in atomset)
and (a.residue.name in resset or a.residue.idx in resset)
for a in self.atoms
# Assume it is an iterable. If it is the same length as the atoms,
# it is a boolean mask array. Otherwise, it is a list of atom
# indices to select
sel = [0 for atom in self.atoms]
selection = list(selection)
if len(selection) == len(self.atoms):
for i, val in enumerate(selection):
if val: sel[i] = 1
elif len(selection) > len(self.atoms):
raise ValueError('Selection iterable is too long')
for val in selection:
sel[val] = 1
except IndexError:
raise ValueError('Selected atom out of range')
selection = sel
# Make sure we have an integer array of 0s and 1s
return [int(bool(x)) for x in selection]
def view(self):
Returns an indexable object that can be indexed like a standard
Structure, but returns a *view* rather than a copy
See Also
return _StructureViewerCreator(self)
[docs] def split(self):
Split the current Structure into separate Structure instances for each
unique molecule. A molecule is defined as all atoms connected by a graph
of covalent bonds.
[structs, counts] : list of (:class:`Structure`, list) tuples
List of all molecules in the order that they appear first in the
parent structure accompanied by the list of the molecule numbers
in which that molecule appears in the Structure
mollist = [atom.marked for atom in self.atoms]
nmol = max(mollist)
structs = []
counts = []
res_molecules = dict()
# Divvy up the atoms into their separate molecules
molatoms = [[] for i in range(nmol)]
for atom in self.atoms:
for i in range(nmol):
sel = molatoms[i]
involved_residues = set(atom.residue.idx for atom in sel)
# Shortcut -- keep names of single-residue molecules and the number
# of atoms present in those residues in a dict and use that to see
# if two molecules are unique -- this gives drastic speedup for
# systems with many duplicated single-residue molecules
# (i.e., just about every solvent out there)
if len(involved_residues) == 1:
res = sel[0].residue
names = tuple(a.name for a in res)
charges = tuple('%.6f' % a.charge for a in res)
rmins = tuple('%.6f' % a.rmin for a in res)
epsilons = tuple('%.6f' % a.epsilon for a in res)
oneres_key = (res.name, len(res), names, charges, rmins, epsilons)
if oneres_key in res_molecules:
is_duplicate = False
for j, struct in enumerate(structs):
if len(struct.atoms) == len(sel):
for a1, a2 in zip(struct.atoms, sel):
assert None not in (a1.residue, a2.residue), 'Residues must all be set'
if a1.residue.name != a2.residue.name: break
if a1.name != a2.name: break
if '%.6f' % a1.charge != '%.6f' % a2.charge: break
if '%.6f' % a1.rmin != '%.6f' % a2.rmin: break
if '%.6f' % a1.epsilon != '%.6f' % a2.epsilon: break
is_duplicate = True
if not is_duplicate:
if len(involved_residues) == 1:
# Cache single-residue molecules
res_molecules[oneres_key] = len(structs)
mol = self[[atom.marked == i+1 for atom in self.atoms]]
return list(zip(structs, counts))
[docs] def save(self, fname, format=None, overwrite=False, **kwargs):
Saves the current Structure in the requested file format. Supported
formats can be specified explicitly or determined by file-name
extension. The following formats are supported, with the recognized
suffix and ``format`` keyword shown in parentheses:
- PDB (.pdb, pdb)
- PDBx/mmCIF (.cif, cif)
- PQR (.pqr, pqr)
- Amber topology file (.prmtop/.parm7, amber)
- CHARMM PSF file (.psf, psf)
- CHARMM coordinate file (.crd, charmmcrd)
- Gromacs topology file (.top, gromacs)
- Gromacs GRO file (.gro, gro)
- Mol2 file (.mol2, mol2)
- Mol3 file (.mol3, mol3)
- Amber ASCII restart (.rst7/.inpcrd/.restrt, rst7)
- Amber NetCDF restart (.ncrst, ncrst)
fname : str or file-like object
Name of the file or file-like object to save. If ``format`` is
``None`` (see below), the file type will be determined based on
the filename extension. If ``fname`` is file-like object, ``format``
must be provided. If the type cannot be determined, a ValueError is raised.
format : str, optional
The case-insensitive keyword specifying what type of file ``fname``
should be saved as. If ``None`` (default), the file type will be
determined from filename extension of ``fname``
overwrite : bool, optional
If True, allow the target file to be overwritten. Otherwise, an
IOError is raised if the file exists. Default is False
kwargs : keyword-arguments
Remaining arguments are passed on to the file writing routines that
are called by this function
ValueError if either filename extension or ``format`` are not recognized
TypeError if the structure cannot be converted to the desired format for
whatever reason
IOError if the file cannot be written either because it exists and
``overwrite`` is ``False``, the filesystem is read-only, or write
permissions are not granted for the user
from parmed import amber, charmm, formats, gromacs
extmap = {
'.pdb' : 'PDB',
'.pqr' : 'PQR',
'.cif' : 'CIF',
'.pdbx' : 'CIF',
'.parm7' : 'AMBER',
'.prmtop' : 'AMBER',
'.psf' : 'PSF',
'.top' : 'GROMACS',
'.gro' : 'GRO',
'.mol2' : 'MOL2',
'.mol3' : 'MOL3',
'.crd' : 'CHARMMCRD',
'.rst7' : 'RST7',
'.inpcrd' : 'RST7',
'.restrt' : 'RST7',
'.ncrst' : 'NCRST',
# Basically everybody uses atom type names instead of type indexes. So
# convert to atom type names and switch back if need be
if not hasattr(fname, 'write'):
if os.path.exists(fname) and not overwrite:
raise IOError('%s exists; not overwriting' % fname)
if format is None:
raise RuntimeError('Must provide supported format if using file-like object')
all_ints = True
for atom in self.atoms:
if (isinstance(atom.type, integer_types) and atom.atom_type is not UnassignedAtomType):
atom.type = str(atom.atom_type)
all_ints = False
if format is not None:
format = format.upper()
base, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
if ext in ('.bz2', '.gz'):
ext = os.path.splitext(base)[1]
format = extmap[ext]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError('Could not determine file type of %s' % fname)
# Dispatch
if format == 'PDB':
self.write_pdb(fname, **kwargs)
elif format == 'CIF':
self.write_cif(fname, **kwargs)
elif format == 'PQR':
formats.PQRFile.write(self, fname, **kwargs)
elif format == 'PSF':
s = charmm.CharmmPsfFile.from_structure(self)
s.write_psf(fname, **kwargs)
elif format == 'GRO':
gromacs.GromacsGroFile.write(self, fname, **kwargs)
elif format == 'MOL2':
formats.Mol2File.write(self, fname, **kwargs)
elif format == 'MOL3':
formats.Mol2File.write(self, fname, mol3=True, **kwargs)
elif format == 'GROMACS':
s = gromacs.GromacsTopologyFile.from_structure(self)
s.write(fname, **kwargs)
elif format == 'CHARMMCRD':
charmm.CharmmCrdFile.write(self, fname, **kwargs)
elif format == 'AMBER':
if (self.trigonal_angles or self.out_of_plane_bends or self.torsion_torsions or
self.pi_torsions or self.stretch_bends or self.chiral_frames or
s = amber.AmoebaParm.from_structure(self)
s.write_parm(fname, **kwargs)
elif self.urey_bradleys or self.impropers or self.cmaps:
s = amber.ChamberParm.from_structure(self)
s.write_parm(fname, **kwargs)
s = amber.AmberParm.from_structure(self)
except TypeError as e:
if 'Cannot translate exceptions' in str(e):
s = amber.ChamberParm.from_structure(self)
raise # pragma: no cover
s.write_parm(fname, **kwargs)
elif format in ('RST7', 'NCRST'):
rst7 = amber.Rst7(natom=len(self.atoms), **kwargs)
rst7.coordinates = self.coordinates
rst7.vels = self.velocities
rst7.box = self.box
rst7.write(fname, netcdf=(format == 'NCRST'))
raise ValueError('No file type matching %s' % format)
if all_ints:
for atom in self.atoms:
atom.type = int(atom.atom_type)
[docs] def join_dihedrals(self):
Joins multi-term torsions into a single term and makes all of the
parameters DihedralTypeList instances. If any dihedrals are *already*
DihedralTypeList instances, or any are not parametrized, or there are no
dihedral_types, this method returns without doing anything
if not self.dihedral_types:
return # nothing to do
if any(isinstance(t, DihedralTypeList) for t in self.dihedral_types):
return # already done
if any(d.type is None for d in self.dihedrals):
return # Not fully parametrized
dihedrals_to_delete = list()
dihedrals_processed = dict()
new_dihedral_types = TrackedList()
for i, d in enumerate(self.dihedrals):
if d.atom1 < d.atom4:
key = (d.atom1, d.atom2, d.atom3, d.atom4)
key = (d.atom4, d.atom3, d.atom2, d.atom1)
if key in dihedrals_processed:
dihedrals_processed[key] = dtl = DihedralTypeList()
d.type = dtl
# Now drop the new dihedral types into place
self.dihedral_types = new_dihedral_types
# Remove the "duplicate" dihedrals
for i in reversed(dihedrals_to_delete):
del self.dihedrals[i]
def combining_rule(self):
return self._combining_rule
def combining_rule(self, thing):
if thing not in ('lorentz', 'geometric'):
raise ValueError("combining_rule must be 'lorentz' or 'geometric'")
self._combining_rule = thing
def topology(self):
The OpenMM Topology object. Cached when possible, but any changes to the
Structure instance results in the topology being deleted and rebuilt
This function calls ``prune_empty_terms`` if any topology lists have
if not self.is_changed():
return self._topology
except AttributeError:
self._topology = top = app.Topology()
chain = top.addChain()
last_chain = self.residues[0].chain
last_residue = None
last_omm_residue = None
except IndexError:
# Empty topology
return self._topology
# Add the atoms
for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms):
# See if we need to add a new residue
if atom.residue is not last_residue:
# See if we need a new chain
if last_chain != atom.residue.chain:
last_chain = atom.residue.chain
chain = top.addChain()
last_residue = atom.residue
last_omm_residue = top.addResidue(atom.residue.name, chain)
elem = app.element.Element.getByAtomicNumber(atom.atomic_number)
except KeyError:
elem = None
top.addAtom(atom.name, elem, last_omm_residue)
# Add the bonds
atoms = list(top.atoms())
for bond in self.bonds:
top.addBond(atoms[bond.atom1.idx], atoms[bond.atom2.idx])
# Set the unit cell dimensions
if self.box is not None:
return top
def positions(self):
A list of 3-element Quantity tuples of dimension length representing the
atomic positions for every atom in the system. If set with unitless
numbers, those numbers are assumed to be in angstroms. If any atoms do
not have coordinates, this is simply ``None``.
return [Vec3(a.xx,a.xy,a.xz) for a in self.atoms] * u.angstroms
except AttributeError:
return None
def positions(self, value):
A list of 3-element Quantity tuples of dimension length representing the
atomic positions for every atom in the system. If set with unitless
numbers, those numbers are assumed to be in angstroms.
ValueError if the positions are not either a (natom, 3)-shape iterable
of iterables or a (natom*3)-length iterable.
if u.is_quantity(value):
value = value.value_in_unit(u.angstroms)
# See if the array is flattened
if len(value) == len(self.atoms):
# It had better all be 3-length iterables
for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms):
atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz = value[i]
elif len(value) == 3 * len(self.atoms):
for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms):
i3 = i * 3
atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz = value[i3:i3+3]
raise ValueError('Wrong shape for position array')
def coordinates(self):
coords = [[a.xx, a.xy, a.xz] for a in self.atoms]
except AttributeError:
return None
return np.array(coords)
def coordinates(self, value):
""" Setting coordinates will also set xx, xy, and xz on the atoms """
if value is None:
# Wipe out coordinates
self._coordinates = None
for atom in self.atoms:
del atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz
except AttributeError:
if u.is_quantity(value):
value = value.value_in_unit(u.angstroms)
value = list(value)
coords = np.array(value, dtype=np.float64, copy=False, subok=True)
coords = coords.reshape((-1, len(self.atoms), 3))
if len(coords) > 0:
for a, xyz in zip(self.atoms, coords[0]):
a.xx, a.xy, a.xz = xyz
self._coordinates = coords
# We set coordinates to an empty iterable. Wipe them out here
for a in self.atoms:
del a.xx, a.xy, a.xz
except AttributeError:
self._coordinates = None
[docs] def get_coordinates(self, frame='all'):
In some cases, multiple conformations may be stored in the Structure.
This function retrieves a particular frame's coordinates
frame : int or 'all', optional
The frame number whose coordinates should be retrieved. Default is
coords : np.ndarray, shape([#,] natom, 3) or None
If frame is 'all', all coordinates are returned with shape
(#, natom, 3). Otherwise the requested frame is returned with shape
(natom, 3). If no coordinates exist and 'all' is requested, None is
IndexError if there are fewer than ``frame`` coordinates
coords = [[a.xx, a.xy, a.xz] for a in self.atoms]
except AttributeError:
coords = None
coords = np.array(coords)
# Wipe out our existing coordinates if we think anything might have changed
if self._coordinates is not None:
if coords is None:
self._coordinates = None
elif coords.shape != self._coordinates.shape[1:]:
self._coordinates = None
elif np.abs(coords - self._coordinates[0]).max() > SMALL:
self._coordinates = None
if frame == 'all':
if self._coordinates is not None:
return self._coordinates
elif coords is not None:
return coords.reshape((1, len(self.atoms), 3))
return None
elif self._coordinates is None:
if frame == 0 and coords is not None:
return coords
# Requested NOT the first frame
raise IndexError('No coordinate frames present')
return self._coordinates[frame]
def box(self):
if self._box is None:
return None
return self._box[0]
def box(self, value):
if value is None:
self._box = None
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
box = value
box = _strip_box_units(list(value))
box = np.array(box, dtype=np.float64, copy=False, subok=True)
if box.shape != (6,):
if len(box.shape) != 2 or box.shape[-1] != 6:
raise ValueError('Box information must be 6 floats')
self._box = box.reshape((-1, 6))
[docs] def get_box(self, frame='all'):
In some cases, multiple conformations may be stored in the Structure.
This function retrieves a particular frame's unit cell (box) dimensions
frame : int or 'all', optional
The frame number whose unit cell should be retrieved. Default is
box : np.ndarray, shape([#,] 6) or None
If frame is 'all', all unit cells are returned with shape
(#, 6). Otherwise the requested frame is returned with shape
(6,). If no unit cell exist and 'all' is requested, None is
IndexError if there are fewer than ``frame`` unit cell dimensions
if self._box is None:
if frame != 'all':
raise IndexError('No unit cell frames present')
return None
elif frame == 'all':
return self._box
return self._box[frame]
def velocities(self):
A (natom, 3)-shape numpy array with atomic velocities for every atom in
the system (in units of angstrom/picosecond), or None if there are no
return np.array([[a.vx, a.vy, a.vz] for a in self.atoms])
except AttributeError:
return None
def velocities(self, value):
A list of 3-element Quantity tuples of dimension length representing the
atomic velocities for every atom in the system
if u.is_quantity(value):
value = value.value_in_unit(u.angstroms/u.picoseconds)
if value is None:
for atom in self.atoms:
del atom.vx, atom.vy, atom.vz
except AttributeError:
value = np.array(value, copy=False).reshape((-1,len(self.atoms),3))
for atom, xyz in zip(self.atoms, value[0]):
atom.vx, atom.vy, atom.vz = xyz
[docs] def has_NBFIX(self):
Returns whether or not any pairs of atom types have their LJ
interactions modified by an NBFIX definition
has_nbfix : bool
If True, at least two atom types have NBFIX mod definitions
typemap = dict()
for a in self.atoms:
if a.atom_type is UnassignedAtomType: continue
typemap[str(a.atom_type)] = a.atom_type
# Now we have a map of all atom types that we have defined in our
# system. Look through all of the atom types and see if any of their
# NBFIX definitions are also keys in typemap
for key, type in iteritems(typemap):
for key in type.nbfix:
if key in typemap:
return True
return False
def box_vectors(self):
3, 3-element tuple of unit cell vectors that are Quantity objects of
dimension length
if self._box is None: return None
return box_lengths_and_angles_to_vectors(*self.box)
def box_vectors(self, value):
3, 3-element tuple of unit cell vectors that are Quantity objects of
dimension length
(a, b, c), (A, B, G) = box_vectors_to_lengths_and_angles(*value)
a = a.value_in_unit(u.angstroms)
b = b.value_in_unit(u.angstroms)
c = c.value_in_unit(u.angstroms)
A = A.value_in_unit(u.degrees)
B = B.value_in_unit(u.degrees)
G = G.value_in_unit(u.degrees)
self._box = np.array([[a, b, c, A, B, G]], dtype=np.float64)
[docs] @needs_openmm
def createSystem(self, nonbondedMethod=None,
Construct an OpenMM System representing the topology described by the
prmtop file.
nonbondedMethod : cutoff method
This is the cutoff method. It can be either the NoCutoff,
CutoffNonPeriodic, CutoffPeriodic, PME, or Ewald objects from the
simtk.openmm.app namespace
nonbondedCutoff : float or distance Quantity
The nonbonded cutoff must be either a floating point number
(interpreted as nanometers) or a Quantity with attached units. This
is ignored if nonbondedMethod is NoCutoff.
switchDistance : float or distance Quantity
The distance at which the switching function is turned on for van
der Waals interactions. This is ignored when no cutoff is used, and
no switch is used if switchDistance is 0, negative, or greater than
the cutoff
constraints : None, app.HBonds, app.HAngles, or app.AllBonds
Which type of constraints to add to the system (e.g., SHAKE). None
means no bonds are constrained. HBonds means bonds with hydrogen are
rigidWater : bool=True
If True, water is kept rigid regardless of the value of constraints.
A value of False is ignored if constraints is not None.
implicitSolvent : None, app.HCT, app.OBC1, app.OBC2, app.GBn, app.GBn2
The Generalized Born implicit solvent model to use.
implicitSolventKappa : float or 1/distance Quantity = None
This is the Debye kappa property related to modeling saltwater
conditions in GB. It should have units of 1/distance (1/nanometers
is assumed if no units present). A value of None means that kappa
will be calculated from implicitSolventSaltConc (below)
implicitSolventSaltConc : float or amount/volume Quantity=0 moles/liter
If implicitSolventKappa is None, the kappa will be computed from the
salt concentration. It should have units compatible with mol/L
temperature : float or temperature Quantity = 298.15 kelvin
This is only used to compute kappa from implicitSolventSaltConc
soluteDielectric : float=1.0
The dielectric constant of the protein interior used in GB
solventDielectric : float=78.5
The dielectric constant of the water used in GB
useSASA : bool=False
If True, use the ACE non-polar solvation model. Otherwise, use no
SASA-based nonpolar solvation model.
removeCMMotion : bool=True
If True, the center-of-mass motion will be removed periodically
during the simulation. If False, it will not.
hydrogenMass : float or mass quantity = None
If not None, hydrogen masses will be changed to this mass and the
difference subtracted from the attached heavy atom (hydrogen mass
ewaldErrorTolerance : float=0.0005
When using PME or Ewald, the Ewald parameters will be calculated
from this value
flexibleConstraints : bool=True
If False, the energies and forces from the constrained degrees of
freedom will NOT be computed. If True, they will (but those degrees
of freedom will *still* be constrained).
verbose : bool=False
If True, the progress of this subroutine will be printed to stdout
splitDihedrals : bool=False
If True, the dihedrals will be split into two forces -- proper and
impropers. This is primarily useful for debugging torsion parameter
This function calls prune_empty_terms if any Topology lists have changed
if self.unknown_functional:
raise ParameterError('Cannot createSystem: unknown functional')
# Establish defaults
if nonbondedMethod is None:
nonbondedMethod = app.NoCutoff
system = mm.System()
# Make sure periodic simulations have a box
if nonbondedMethod in (app.CutoffPeriodic, app.PME, app.Ewald):
if self.box is None:
raise ValueError('No periodic boundary conditions detected')
# Do hydrogen mass repartitioning if necessary
masses = [atom.mass for atom in self.atoms]
if hydrogenMass is not None:
if u.is_quantity(hydrogenMass):
hydrogenMass = hydrogenMass.value_in_unit(u.dalton)
if hydrogenMass <= 0:
raise ValueError('Hydrogen mass must be positive')
for atom in self.atoms:
if atom.element == 1:
heavy_atom = None
for a2 in atom.bond_partners:
if a2.element != 1:
heavy_atom = a2
if heavy_atom is not None:
masses[atom.idx] = hydrogenMass
masses[heavy_atom.idx] -= hydrogenMass - atom.mass
for mass in masses: system.addParticle(mass)
self.omm_add_constraints(system, constraints, rigidWater)
# Prune empty terms if we have changed
if self.is_changed():
# Add the various types of forces
LOGGER.info('Adding bonds...')
self.omm_bond_force(constraints, rigidWater, flexibleConstraints)
LOGGER.info('Adding angles...')
self._add_force_to_system(system, self.omm_angle_force(constraints, flexibleConstraints))
LOGGER.info('Adding dihedrals...')
self._add_force_to_system(system, self.omm_dihedral_force(splitDihedrals))
LOGGER.info('Adding Ryckaert-Bellemans torsions...')
self._add_force_to_system(system, self.omm_rb_torsion_force())
LOGGER.info('Adding Urey-Bradleys...')
self._add_force_to_system(system, self.omm_urey_bradley_force())
LOGGER.info('Adding improper torsions...')
self._add_force_to_system(system, self.omm_improper_force())
LOGGER.info('Adding CMAP torsions...')
self._add_force_to_system(system, self.omm_cmap_force())
LOGGER.info('Adding trigonal angle terms...')
self._add_force_to_system(system, self.omm_trigonal_angle_force())
LOGGER.info('Adding out-of-plane bends...')
self._add_force_to_system(system, self.omm_out_of_plane_bend_force())
LOGGER.info('Adding pi-torsions...')
self._add_force_to_system(system, self.omm_pi_torsion_force())
LOGGER.info('Adding stretch-bends...')
self._add_force_to_system(system, self.omm_stretch_bend_force())
LOGGER.info('Adding torsion-torsions...')
self._add_force_to_system(system, self.omm_torsion_torsion_force())
LOGGER.info('Adding Nonbonded force...')
if implicitSolvent is not None:
rf_dielc = 1.0
rf_dielc = 78.5
self.omm_nonbonded_force(nonbondedMethod, nonbondedCutoff, switchDistance,
ewaldErrorTolerance, rf_dielc)
if implicitSolvent is not None:
LOGGER.info('Adding GB force...')
self.omm_gbsa_force(implicitSolvent, nonbondedMethod, nonbondedCutoff,
soluteDielectric, solventDielectric, implicitSolventKappa,
implicitSolventSaltConc, temperature, useSASA)
if removeCMMotion:
if self.box is not None:
return system
[docs] @needs_openmm
def omm_add_constraints(self, system, constraints, rigidWater):
""" Adds constraints to a given system
system : mm.System
The OpenMM system for which constraints should be added
constraints : None, app.HBonds, app.AllBonds, or app.HAngles
Which kind of constraints should be used
rigidWater : bool
If True, water bonds are constrained regardless of whether
constrains is None
if constraints is None and not rigidWater: return
if constraints not in (None, app.HBonds, app.AllBonds, app.HAngles):
raise ValueError("Unrecognized constraints option (%s)" %
length_conv = u.angstrom.conversion_factor_to(u.nanometer)
constraint_bond_set = set()
constraint_angle_set = set()
is_water = _settler(self)
if constraints is app.AllBonds or constraints is app.HAngles:
for bond in self.bonds:
# Skip all extra points... don't constrain those
if isinstance(bond.atom1, ExtraPoint): continue
if isinstance(bond.atom2, ExtraPoint): continue
constraint_bond_set.add(frozenset((bond.atom1.idx, bond.atom2.idx)))
elif constraints is app.HBonds:
for bond in self.bonds:
if isinstance(bond.atom1, ExtraPoint): continue
if isinstance(bond.atom2, ExtraPoint): continue
if bond.atom1.element == 1 or bond.atom2.element == 1:
constraint_bond_set.add(frozenset((bond.atom1.idx, bond.atom2.idx)))
if rigidWater:
for bond in self.bonds:
if isinstance(bond.atom1, ExtraPoint): continue
if isinstance(bond.atom2, ExtraPoint): continue
if is_water[bond.atom1.residue.idx]:
constraint_bond_set.add(frozenset((bond.atom1.idx, bond.atom2.idx)))
# Add bond constraints
for bond in self.bonds:
if frozenset((bond.atom1.idx, bond.atom2.idx)) in constraint_bond_set:
system.addConstraint(bond.atom1.idx, bond.atom2.idx, bond.type.req * length_conv)
if constraints is app.HAngles:
for angle in self.angles:
numH = 0
if angle.atom1.element == 1:
numH += 1
if angle.atom3.element == 1:
numH += 1
if numH == 2 or (numH == 1 and angle.atom2.element == 8):
if rigidWater:
for angle in self.angles:
if is_water[angle.atom1.residue.idx]:
# Add angle constraints
for angle in self.angles:
if (angle.atom1.idx, angle.atom2.idx, angle.atom3.idx) in constraint_angle_set:
if frozenset((angle.atom1.idx, angle.atom3.idx)) in constraint_bond_set:
# Constrain this angle
l1 = l2 = None
for bond in angle.atom2.bonds:
if bond in angle and angle.atom1 in bond:
l1 = bond.type.req * length_conv
elif bond in angle and angle.atom3 in bond:
l2 = bond.type.req * length_conv
# Law of cosines to find the constraint distance
if l1 is None or l2 is None: continue # no bonds found...
cost = math.cos(angle.type.theteq * DEG_TO_RAD)
length = math.sqrt(l1 * l1 + l2 * l2 - 2 * l1 * l2 * cost)
system.addConstraint(angle.atom1.idx, angle.atom3.idx, length)
[docs] @needs_openmm
def omm_set_virtual_sites(self, system):
Sets the virtual sites in a given OpenMM `System` object from the extra
points defined in this system
system : mm.System
The system for which the virtual sites will be set. All particles
must have already been added to this System before calling this
if system.getNumParticles() != len(self.atoms):
raise ValueError('OpenMM System does not correspond to Structure')
for atom in self.atoms:
if not isinstance(atom, ExtraPoint):
# This is a virtual site... get its frame type
typ = atom.frame_type
weights = typ.get_weights()
refatoms = typ.get_atoms()
if isinstance(typ, TwoParticleExtraPointFrame):
a1, a2 = refatoms
w1, w2 = weights
system.setVirtualSite(atom.idx, mm.TwoParticleAverageSite(a1.idx, a2.idx, w1, w2))
elif isinstance(typ, ThreeParticleExtraPointFrame):
a1, a2, a3 = refatoms
w1, w2, w3 = weights
atom.idx, mm.ThreeParticleAverageSite(a1.idx, a2.idx, a3.idx, w1, w2, w3)
elif isinstance(typ, OutOfPlaneExtraPointFrame):
a1, a2, a3 = refatoms
w1, w2, w3 = weights
atom.idx, mm.OutOfPlaneSite(a1.idx, a2.idx, a3.idx, w1, w2, w3)
[docs] @needs_openmm
def omm_bond_force(self, constraints=None, rigidWater=True, flexibleConstraints=True):
Creates an OpenMM Bond Force object (or AmoebaBondForce if the bonds are
for an Amoeba-parametrized system)
constraints : None, app.HBonds, app.AllBonds, or app.HAngles
The types of constraints that are on the system. If
flexibleConstraints is False, then the constrained bonds will not be
added to the resulting Force
rigidWater : bool=True
Should water-H bonds be constrained regardless of `constraints`?
flexibleConstraints : bool=True
If True, all bonds are added to the force regardless of
HarmonicBondForce (or AmoebaBondForce if this is an Amoeba system),
or None if there are no bonds to add
if not flexibleConstraints and constraints in (app.HAngles,
app.AllBonds) or not self.bonds:
return None # No bonds to add
length_conv = u.angstroms.conversion_factor_to(u.nanometers)
_ambfrc = u.kilocalorie_per_mole/u.angstrom**2
_ommfrc = u.kilojoule_per_mole/u.nanometer**2
frc_conv = _ambfrc.conversion_factor_to(_ommfrc)
# See if we need to add Amoeba bonds or regular bonds
if hasattr(self.bond_types, 'degree') and hasattr(self.bond_types, 'coeffs'):
force = mm.AmoebaBondForce()
force = mm.HarmonicBondForce()
# Add the bonds
if rigidWater:
is_water = _settler(self)
is_water = [False for r in self.residues]
for bond in self.bonds:
if 1 in (bond.atom1.element, bond.atom2.element) and (
not flexibleConstraints and constraints is app.HBonds):
if not flexibleConstraints and is_water[bond.atom1.residue.idx]:
# is_water is False even for waters if rigidWater is False, so
# we can rely on is_water to be correct for our needs
# regardless
if bond.type is None:
raise ParameterError('Cannot find necessary parameters')
force.addBond(bond.atom1.idx, bond.atom2.idx, bond.type.req*length_conv,
# Done adding the force
if force.getNumBonds() == 0:
return None
return force
[docs] @needs_openmm
def omm_angle_force(self, constraints=None, flexibleConstraints=True):
Creates an OpenMM HarmonicAngleForce object (or AmoebaAngleForce if the
angles are for an Amoeba-parametrized system)
constraints : None, app.HBonds, app.AllBonds, or app.HAngles
The types of constraints that are on the system. If
flexibleConstraints is False, then the constrained bonds will not be
added to the resulting Force
flexibleConstraints : bool=True
If True, all bonds are added to the force regardless of
HarmonicAngleForce (or AmoebaAngleForce if this is an Amoeba
system), or None if there are no angles to add
if not self.angles: return None
frc_conv = u.kilocalories.conversion_factor_to(u.kilojoules)
if (hasattr(self.angle_types, 'degree') and
hasattr(self.angle_types, 'coeffs')):
c = self.angle_types.coeffs
force = mm.AmoebaAngleForce()
force = mm.HarmonicAngleForce()
for angle in self.angles:
num_h = (angle.atom1.element == 1) + (angle.atom3.element == 1)
if constraints is app.HAngles and (num_h == 2 or (num_h == 1 and
angle.atom2.element == 8) and not flexibleConstraints):
continue # pragma: no cover
if angle.type is None:
raise ParameterError('Cannot find angle parameters')
force.addAngle(angle.atom1.idx, angle.atom2.idx, angle.atom3.idx,
angle.type.theteq*DEG_TO_RAD, 2*angle.type.k*frc_conv)
if force.getNumAngles() == 0:
return None
return force
[docs] @needs_openmm
def omm_dihedral_force(self, split=False):
""" Creates the OpenMM PeriodicTorsionForce modeling dihedrals
split : bool, optional, default=False
If True, separate PeriodicTorsionForce instances with the propers in
the first and impropers in the second return item. If no impropers
or propers are present, the instances with zero terms are not
PeriodicTorsionForce[, PeriodicTorsionForce]
Or None if no torsions are present in this system
if not self.dihedrals: return None
frc_conv = u.kilocalories.conversion_factor_to(u.kilojoules)
proper = mm.PeriodicTorsionForce()
improper = mm.PeriodicTorsionForce()
for tor in self.dihedrals:
if tor.type is None:
raise ParameterError('Cannot find torsion parameters')
if split and tor.improper:
force = improper
force = proper
if isinstance(tor.type, DihedralTypeList):
for typ in tor.type:
force.addTorsion(tor.atom1.idx, tor.atom2.idx, tor.atom3.idx, tor.atom4.idx,
int(typ.per), typ.phase*DEG_TO_RAD, typ.phi_k*frc_conv)
force.addTorsion(tor.atom1.idx, tor.atom2.idx, tor.atom3.idx, tor.atom4.idx,
int(tor.type.per), tor.type.phase*DEG_TO_RAD,
if proper.getNumTorsions() == 0:
return improper
if improper.getNumTorsions() == 0:
return proper
return proper, improper
[docs] @needs_openmm
def omm_rb_torsion_force(self):
""" Creates the OpenMM RBTorsionForce for Ryckaert-Bellemans torsions
Or None if no torsions are present in this system
if not self.rb_torsions: return None
conv = u.kilocalories.conversion_factor_to(u.kilojoules)
force = mm.RBTorsionForce()
for tor in self.rb_torsions:
if tor.type is None:
raise ParameterError('Cannot find R-B torsion parameters')
force.addTorsion(tor.atom1.idx, tor.atom2.idx, tor.atom3.idx, tor.atom4.idx,
tor.type.c0*conv, tor.type.c1*conv, tor.type.c2*conv,
tor.type.c3*conv, tor.type.c4*conv, tor.type.c5*conv)
return force
[docs] @needs_openmm
def omm_urey_bradley_force(self):
""" Creates the OpenMM Urey-Bradley force
Or None, if no urey-bradleys are present
if not self.urey_bradleys: return None
length_conv = u.angstroms.conversion_factor_to(u.nanometers)
_ambfrc = u.kilocalorie_per_mole/u.angstrom**2
_ommfrc = u.kilojoule_per_mole/u.nanometer**2
frc_conv = _ambfrc.conversion_factor_to(_ommfrc)
force = mm.HarmonicBondForce()
for urey in self.urey_bradleys:
if urey.type is None:
raise ParameterError('Cannot find urey-bradley parameters')
force.addBond(urey.atom1.idx, urey.atom2.idx, urey.type.req*length_conv,
return force
[docs] @needs_openmm
def omm_improper_force(self):
""" Creates the OpenMM improper torsion force (quadratic bias)
With the formula k*(phi-phi0)^2, or None if there are no impropers
if not self.impropers: return None
frc_conv = u.kilocalories.conversion_factor_to(u.kilojoules)
energy_function = 'k*dtheta_torus^2;'
energy_function += 'dtheta_torus = dtheta - floor(dtheta/(2*pi)+0.5)*(2*pi);'
energy_function += 'dtheta = theta - theta0;'
energy_function += 'pi = %f;' % math.pi
force = mm.CustomTorsionForce(energy_function)
for imp in self.impropers:
if imp.type is None:
raise ParameterError('Cannot find improper torsion parameters')
force.addTorsion(imp.atom1.idx, imp.atom2.idx, imp.atom3.idx,
imp.atom4.idx, (imp.type.psi_k*frc_conv,
return force
[docs] @needs_openmm
def omm_cmap_force(self):
""" Creates the OpenMM CMAP torsion force
Or None, if no CMAP terms are present
if not self.cmaps: return None
frc_conv = u.kilocalories.conversion_factor_to(u.kilojoules)
force = mm.CMAPTorsionForce()
# First get the list of cmap maps we're going to use. Just store the IDs
# so we have simple integer comparisons to do later
cmap_type_list = []
cmap_map = dict()
for cmap in self.cmaps:
if cmap.type is None:
raise ParameterError('Cannot find CMAP torsion parameters')
if not id(cmap.type) in cmap_type_list:
ct = cmap.type
# OpenMM takes the correction maps in the range 0 to 360
# degrees, but we store it in -180 -- 180 (and in the transpose
# of what OpenMM expects).
grid = ct.grid.switch_range().T
m = force.addMap(ct.resolution, [x*frc_conv for x in grid])
cmap_map[id(ct)] = m
# Now add all of the cmaps
for cmap in self.cmaps:
force.addTorsion(cmap_map[id(cmap.type)], cmap.atom1.idx, cmap.atom2.idx,
cmap.atom3.idx, cmap.atom4.idx, cmap.atom2.idx, cmap.atom3.idx,
cmap.atom4.idx, cmap.atom5.idx)
return force
[docs] @needs_openmm
def omm_nonbonded_force(self, nonbondedMethod=None, nonbondedCutoff=8*u.angstroms,
switchDistance=0*u.angstroms, ewaldErrorTolerance=0.0005,
""" Creates the OpenMM NonbondedForce instance
nonbondedMethod : cutoff method
This is the cutoff method. It can be either the NoCutoff,
CutoffNonPeriodic, CutoffPeriodic, PME, or Ewald objects from the
simtk.openmm.app namespace
nonbondedCutoff : float or distance Quantity
The nonbonded cutoff must be either a floating point number
(interpreted as nanometers) or a Quantity with attached units. This
is ignored if nonbondedMethod is NoCutoff.
switchDistance : float or distance Quantity
The distance at which the switching function is turned on for van
der Waals interactions. This is ignored when no cutoff is used, and
no switch is used if switchDistance is 0, negative, or greater than
the cutoff
ewaldErrorTolerance : float=0.0005
When using PME or Ewald, the Ewald parameters will be calculated
from this value
reactionFieldDielectric : float=78.5
If the nonbondedMethod is CutoffPeriodic or CutoffNonPeriodic, the
region beyond the cutoff is treated using a reaction field method
with this dielectric constant. It should be set to 1 if another
implicit solvent model is being used (e.g., GB)
This just implements the very basic NonbondedForce with the typical
charge-charge and 12-6 Lennard-Jones interactions with the
Lorentz-Berthelot combining rules.
Subclasses of Structure for which this nonbonded treatment is inadequate
should override this method to implement what is needed.
If nrexcl is set to 3 and no exception parameters are stored in the
adjusts list, the 1-4 interactions are determined from the list of
if not self.atoms: return None
length_conv = u.angstrom.conversion_factor_to(u.nanometer)
ene_conv = u.kilocalories.conversion_factor_to(u.kilojoules)
force = mm.NonbondedForce()
if u.is_quantity(nonbondedCutoff):
nonbondedCutoff = nonbondedCutoff.value_in_unit(u.nanometers)
if nonbondedMethod is None or nonbondedMethod is app.NoCutoff:
elif nonbondedMethod is app.CutoffNonPeriodic:
elif nonbondedMethod is app.CutoffPeriodic:
elif nonbondedMethod is app.PME:
elif nonbondedMethod is app.Ewald:
raise ValueError('Unrecognized nonbondedMethod (%s)' % nonbondedMethod)
# Now add the particles
sigma_scale = length_conv * 2 * 2**(-1/6)
for atom in self.atoms:
force.addParticle(atom.charge, atom.sigma*length_conv, abs(atom.epsilon*ene_conv))
# Add exclusions from the bond graph out to nrexcl-1 bonds away (atoms
# nrexcl bonds away will be exceptions defined later)
def exclude_to(origin, atom, level, end):
if level >= end: return
for partner in atom.bond_partners:
if partner is origin: continue
if atom is not origin:
force.addException(origin.idx, atom.idx, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, True)
# Exclude EP children, too
for child in origin.children:
force.addException(partner.idx, child.idx, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, True)
for child in partner.children:
force.addException(child.idx, origin.idx, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, True)
for child in origin.children:
for child2 in partner.children:
force.addException(child.idx, child2.idx, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, True)
exclude_to(origin, partner, level+1, end)
for atom in self.atoms:
exclude_to(atom, atom, 0, self.nrexcl)
# Add the exceptions from the dihedral list IFF no explicit exceptions
# (or *adjusts*) have been specified. If dihedral.ignore_end is False, a
# 1-4 with the appropriate scaling factor is used as the exception.
sigma_scale = 2**(-1/6) * length_conv
if self.combining_rule == 'lorentz':
comb_sig = lambda sig1, sig2: 0.5 * (sig1 + sig2)
elif self.combining_rule == 'geometric':
comb_sig = lambda sig1, sig2: math.sqrt(sig1 * sig2)
if not self.adjusts:
for dih in self.dihedrals + self.rb_torsions:
if dih.ignore_end: continue
if isinstance(dih.type, DihedralTypeList):
scee = scnb = 0
i = 0
while (scee == 0 or scnb == 0) and i < len(dih.type):
scee = dih.type[i].scee
scnb = dih.type[i].scnb
i += 1
if scee == 0 or scnb == 0:
raise ValueError('Detected scaling constants of 0 for '
'dihedral containing 1-4 info!')
scee = dih.type.scee
scnb = dih.type.scnb
rij, wdij, rij14, wdij14 = dih.atom1.atom_type.nbfix[str(dih.atom4.atom_type)]
except (KeyError, AttributeError):
epsprod = abs(dih.atom1.epsilon_14 * dih.atom4.epsilon_14)
epsprod = math.sqrt(epsprod) * ene_conv / scnb
sigprod = comb_sig(dih.atom1.sigma_14, dih.atom4.sigma_14)
sigprod *= length_conv
epsprod = wdij14 * ene_conv / scnb
sigprod = rij14 * length_conv * sigma_scale
chgprod = dih.atom1.charge * dih.atom4.charge / scee
force.addException(dih.atom1.idx, dih.atom4.idx, chgprod, sigprod, epsprod, True)
for child in dih.atom1.children:
epsprod = abs(child.epsilon_14 * dih.atom4.epsilon_14)
epsprod = math.sqrt(epsprod) * ene_conv / scnb
sigprod = comb_sig(child.sigma_14, dih.atom4.sigma_14)
sigprod *= length_conv
chgprod = (child.charge * dih.atom4.charge) / scee
force.addException(child.idx, dih.atom4.idx, chgprod, sigprod, epsprod, True)
for child in dih.atom4.children:
epsprod = abs(child.epsilon_14 * dih.atom1.epsilon_14)
epsprod = math.sqrt(epsprod) * ene_conv / scnb
sigprod = comb_sig(child.sigma_14, dih.atom1.sigma_14)
sigprod *= length_conv
chgprod = child.charge * dih.atom1.charge / scee
force.addException(child.idx, dih.atom1.idx, chgprod, sigprod, epsprod, True)
for c1 in dih.atom1.children:
for c2 in dih.atom2.children:
epsprod = abs(c1.epsilon_14 * c2.epsilon_14)
epsprod = math.sqrt(epsprod) * ene_conv / scnb
sigprod = comb_sig(c1.sigma_14, c2.sigma_14)
sigprod *= length_conv
chgprod = c1.charge * c2.charge / scee
force.addException(c1.idx, c2.idx, chgprod, sigprod, epsprod, True)
# Allow our specific exceptions (in adjusts) to override anything that
# came before
for pair in self.adjusts:
chgprod = pair.atom1.charge * pair.atom2.charge * pair.type.chgscale
force.addException(pair.atom1.idx, pair.atom2.idx, chgprod, pair.type.sigma*length_conv,
pair.type.epsilon*ene_conv, True)
# Any exclusion partners we already added will zero-out existing
# exclusions/exceptions
for atom in self.atoms:
for a2 in atom.exclusion_partners:
force.addException(atom.idx, a2.idx, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, True)
if switchDistance and nonbondedMethod is not app.NoCutoff:
if u.is_quantity(switchDistance):
switchDistance = switchDistance.value_in_unit(u.nanometers)
if 0 < switchDistance < nonbondedCutoff:
# Now see if we have any NBFIXes that we need to implement via a
# CustomNonbondedForce
if self.combining_rule == 'geometric':
if self.has_NBFIX():
return (force, self._omm_nbfixed_force(force, nonbondedMethod),
self._omm_geometric_force(force, nonbondedMethod))
return force, self._omm_geometric_force(force, nonbondedMethod)
if self.has_NBFIX():
return force, self._omm_nbfixed_force(force, nonbondedMethod)
return force
def _omm_nbfixed_force(self, nonbfrc, nonbondedMethod):
""" Private method for creating a CustomNonbondedForce with a lookup
table. This should not be called by users -- you have been warned.
nonbfrc : NonbondedForce
NonbondedForce for the "standard" nonbonded interactions. This will
be modified (specifically, L-J ixns will be zeroed)
nonbondedMethod : Nonbonded Method (e.g., NoCutoff, PME, etc.)
The nonbonded method to apply here. Ewald and PME will be
interpreted as CutoffPeriodic for the CustomNonbondedForce.
force : CustomNonbondedForce
The L-J force with NBFIX implemented as a lookup table
length_conv = u.angstroms.conversion_factor_to(u.nanometers)
ene_conv = u.kilocalories.conversion_factor_to(u.kilojoules)
# We need a CustomNonbondedForce to implement the NBFIX functionality.
# First derive the type lookup tables
lj_idx_list = [0 for atom in self.atoms]
lj_radii, lj_depths = [], []
num_lj_types = 0
lj_type_list = []
for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms):
atype = atom.atom_type
if lj_idx_list[i]: continue # already assigned
num_lj_types += 1
lj_idx_list[i] = num_lj_types
ljtype = (atype.rmin, abs(atype.epsilon))
for j in range(i+1, len(self.atoms)):
atype2 = self.atoms[j].atom_type
if lj_idx_list[j] > 0: continue # already assigned
if atype2 is atype:
lj_idx_list[j] = num_lj_types
elif not atype.nbfix:
# Only non-NBFIXed atom types can be compressed
ljtype2 = (atype2.rmin, abs(atype2.epsilon))
if ljtype == ljtype2:
lj_idx_list[j] = num_lj_types
# Now everything is assigned. Create the A- and B-coefficient arrays
acoef = [0 for i in range(num_lj_types*num_lj_types)]
bcoef = acoef[:]
for i in range(num_lj_types):
for j in range(num_lj_types):
namej = lj_type_list[j].name
rij, wdij, rij14, wdij14 = lj_type_list[i].nbfix[namej]
except KeyError:
rij = (lj_radii[i] + lj_radii[j]) * length_conv
wdij = math.sqrt(lj_depths[i] * lj_depths[j]) * ene_conv
rij *= length_conv
wdij *= ene_conv
rij6 = rij**6
acoef[i+num_lj_types*j] = math.sqrt(wdij) * rij6
bcoef[i+num_lj_types*j] = 2 * wdij * rij6
force = mm.CustomNonbondedForce('(a/r6)^2-b/r6; r6=r2*r2*r2; r2=r^2; '
'a=acoef(type1, type2); b=bcoef(type1, type2)')
mm.Discrete2DFunction(num_lj_types, num_lj_types, acoef))
mm.Discrete2DFunction(num_lj_types, num_lj_types, bcoef))
if (nonbondedMethod is app.PME or nonbondedMethod is app.Ewald or
nonbondedMethod is app.CutoffPeriodic):
elif nonbondedMethod is app.NoCutoff:
elif nonbondedMethod is app.CutoffNonPeriodic:
raise AssertionError('Unrecognized nonbonded method [%s]' % nonbondedMethod)
# Add the particles
for i in lj_idx_list:
# Now wipe out the L-J parameters in the nonbonded force
for i in range(nonbfrc.getNumParticles()):
chg, sig, eps = nonbfrc.getParticleParameters(i)
nonbfrc.setParticleParameters(i, chg, 0.5, 0.0)
# Now transfer the exclusions
for ii in range(nonbfrc.getNumExceptions()):
i, j, qq, ss, ee = nonbfrc.getExceptionParameters(ii)
force.addExclusion(i, j)
# Now transfer the other properties (cutoff, switching function, etc.)
if nonbondedMethod is app.NoCutoff:
elif nonbondedMethod is app.CutoffNonPeriodic:
elif nonbondedMethod in (app.PME, app.Ewald, app.CutoffPeriodic):
raise AssertionError('Unsupported nonbonded method %s' % nonbondedMethod)
if nonbfrc.getUseSwitchingFunction():
return force
def _omm_geometric_force(self, nonbfrc, nonbondedMethod):
""" Private method for creating a CustomNonbondedForce with a lookup
table. This should not be called by users -- you have been warned.
nonbfrc : NonbondedForce
NonbondedForce for the "standard" nonbonded interactions. This will
be modified (specifically, L-J ixns will be zeroed)
nonbondedMethod : Nonbonded Method (e.g., NoCutoff, PME, etc.)
The nonbonded method to apply here. Ewald and PME will be
interpreted as CutoffPeriodic for the CustomNonbondedForce.
force : CustomNonbondedForce
The L-J force with NBFIX implemented as a lookup table
length_conv = u.angstroms.conversion_factor_to(u.nanometers)
ene_conv = u.kilocalories.conversion_factor_to(u.kilojoules)
# We need a CustomNonbondedForce to implement the geometric combining
# rules
force = mm.CustomNonbondedForce('epsilon1*epsilon2*(sigr6^2-sigr6); sigr6=sigr2*sigr2*sigr2; '
'sigr2=(sigc/r)^2; sigc=sigma1*sigma2')
if (nonbondedMethod is app.PME or nonbondedMethod is app.Ewald or
nonbondedMethod is app.CutoffPeriodic):
elif nonbondedMethod is app.NoCutoff:
elif nonbondedMethod is app.CutoffNonPeriodic:
raise AssertionError('Unrecognized nonbonded method [%s]' % nonbondedMethod)
# Add the particles
for atom in self.atoms:
eps = math.sqrt(atom.epsilon*ene_conv) * 2
sig = math.sqrt(atom.sigma*length_conv)
force.addParticle((eps, sig))
# Now wipe out the L-J parameters in the nonbonded force
for i in range(nonbfrc.getNumParticles()):
chg, sig, eps = nonbfrc.getParticleParameters(i)
nonbfrc.setParticleParameters(i, chg, 0.5, 0.0)
# Now transfer the exclusions
for ii in range(nonbfrc.getNumExceptions()):
i, j, qq, ss, ee = nonbfrc.getExceptionParameters(ii)
force.addExclusion(i, j)
# Now transfer the other properties (cutoff, switching function, etc.)
if nonbondedMethod is app.NoCutoff:
elif nonbondedMethod is app.CutoffNonPeriodic:
elif nonbondedMethod in (app.PME, app.Ewald, app.CutoffPeriodic):
raise AssertionError('Unsupported nonbonded method %s' % nonbondedMethod)
if nonbfrc.getUseSwitchingFunction():
return force
[docs] @needs_openmm
def omm_gbsa_force(self, implicitSolvent,
Creates a Generalized Born force for running implicit solvent
implicitSolvent : app.HCT, app.OBC1, app.OBC2, app.GBn, app.GBn2
The Generalized Born implicit solvent model to use.
nonbondedMethod : cutoff method
This is the cutoff method. It can be either the NoCutoff,
CutoffNonPeriodic, CutoffPeriodic, PME, or Ewald objects from the
simtk.openmm.app namespace. Default is NoCutoff
nonbondedCutoff : float or distance Quantity
The nonbonded cutoff must be either a floating opint number
(interpreted as nanometers) or a Quantity with attached units. This
is ignored if nonbondedMethod is NoCutoff
implicitSolventKappa : float or 1/distance Quantity = None
This is the Debye kappa property related to modeling saltwater
conditions in GB. It should have units of 1/distance (1/nanometers
is assumed if no units present). A value of None means that kappa
will be calculated from implicitSolventSaltConc (below)
implicitSolventSaltConc : float or amount/volume Quantity=0 moles/liter
If implicitSolventKappa is None, the kappa will be computed from the
salt concentration. It should have units compatible with mol/L
temperature : float or temperature Quantity = 298.15 kelvin
This is only used to compute kappa from implicitSolventSaltConc
soluteDielectric : float=1.0
The dielectric constant of the protein interior used in GB
solventDielectric : float=78.5
The dielectric constant of the water used in GB
from simtk.openmm.app.internal.customgbforces import (GBSAHCTForce,
from simtk.openmm.app.internal.customgbforces import convertParameters
except ImportError:
# Unnecessary in newer versions of OpenMM
convertParameters = lambda params, choice: params
if implicitSolvent is None: return None
if useSASA:
sasa = 'ACE'
sasa = None
if nonbondedMethod is None:
nonbondedMethod = app.NoCutoff
if implicitSolvent not in (app.HCT, app.OBC1, app.OBC2, app.GBn,
raise ValueError('Unrecognized implicit solvent model')
gb_parms = convertParameters(self._get_gb_parameters(implicitSolvent), str(implicitSolvent))
if implicitSolventKappa is None:
if u.is_quantity(implicitSolventSaltConc):
sc = implicitSolventSaltConc.value_in_unit(u.moles/u.liter)
implicitSolventSaltConc = sc
if u.is_quantity(temperature):
temperature = temperature.value_in_unit(u.kelvin)
# The constant is 1 / sqrt(eps_0 * kB / (2*NA*q^2*1000)) where NA is
# Avogadro's number, eps_0 is the permittivity of free space, q is
# the charge (this # matches Amber's conversion factor)
implicitSolventKappa = 50.33355 * math.sqrt(implicitSolventSaltConc
/ solventDielectric / temperature)
# Multiply by 0.73 to account for ion exclusions, and multiply by 10
# to convert to 1/nm from 1/angstroms
implicitSolventKappa *= 7.3
elif u.is_quantity(implicitSolventKappa):
implicitSolventKappa = implicitSolventKappa.value_in_unit(u.nanometer**-1)
if nonbondedMethod is app.NoCutoff:
cutoff = None
elif u.is_quantity(nonbondedCutoff):
cutoff = nonbondedCutoff.value_in_unit(u.nanometers)
cutoff = nonbondedCutoff
if implicitSolvent is app.HCT:
force = GBSAHCTForce(solventDielectric, soluteDielectric, sasa,
cutoff, kappa=implicitSolventKappa)
elif implicitSolvent is app.OBC1:
force = GBSAOBC1Force(solventDielectric, soluteDielectric, sasa,
cutoff, kappa=implicitSolventKappa)
elif implicitSolvent is app.OBC2:
force = GBSAOBC2Force(solventDielectric, soluteDielectric, sasa,
cutoff, kappa=implicitSolventKappa)
elif implicitSolvent is app.GBn:
force = GBSAGBnForce(solventDielectric, soluteDielectric, sasa,
cutoff, kappa=implicitSolventKappa)
elif implicitSolvent is app.GBn2:
force = GBSAGBn2Force(solventDielectric, soluteDielectric, sasa,
cutoff, kappa=implicitSolventKappa)
raise AssertionError('Unexpected implicit solvent model... should not be here')
for atom, parms in zip(self.atoms, gb_parms):
force.addParticle([atom.charge] + list(parms))
except AttributeError:
# only new versions of omm require calling finalize
# Set cutoff method
if nonbondedMethod is app.NoCutoff:
elif nonbondedMethod is app.CutoffNonPeriodic:
else: # cutoff periodic (PME, CutoffPeriodic, Ewald)
return force
# Amoeba-specific forces below
[docs] @needs_openmm
def omm_trigonal_angle_force(self):
""" Creates the Amoeba trigonal-angle force
The trigonal in-plane Angle force
if not self.trigonal_angles: return None
frc_conv = u.kilocalories.conversion_factor_to(u.kilojoules)
if (not hasattr(self.trigonal_angle_types, 'degree') or
not hasattr(self.trigonal_angle_types, 'coeffs')):
raise ParameterError('Do not have the trigonal angle force table parameters')
force = mm.AmoebaInPlaneAngleForce()
c = self.trigonal_angle_types.coeffs
for ang in self.trigonal_angles:
if ang.type is None:
raise ParameterError('Missing trigonal angle parameters')
force.addAngle(ang.atom1.idx, ang.atom2.idx, ang.atom3.idx, ang.atom4.idx,
ang.type.theteq, ang.type.k*frc_conv)
return force
[docs] @needs_openmm
def omm_out_of_plane_bend_force(self):
""" Creates the Amoeba out-of-plane bend force
The out-of-plane bend Angle force
if not self.out_of_plane_bends: return None
frc_conv = u.kilocalories.conversion_factor_to(u.kilojoules)
if (not hasattr(self.out_of_plane_bend_types, 'degree') or
not hasattr(self.out_of_plane_bend_types, 'coeffs')):
raise ParameterError('Do not have the trigonal angle force table parameters')
force = mm.AmoebaOutOfPlaneBendForce()
c = self.out_of_plane_bend_types.coeffs
for ang in self.out_of_plane_bends:
if ang.type is None:
raise ParameterError('Missing out-of-plane bend parameters')
force.addOutOfPlaneBend(ang.atom1.idx, ang.atom2.idx, ang.atom3.idx, ang.atom4.idx,
return force
[docs] @needs_openmm
def omm_pi_torsion_force(self):
""" Creates the Amoeba pi-torsion force
The pi-torsion force
if not self.pi_torsions: return None
frc_conv = u.kilocalories.conversion_factor_to(u.kilojoules)
force = mm.AmoebaPiTorsionForce()
for ang in self.pi_torsions:
if ang.type is None:
raise ParameterError('Missing pi-torsion parameters')
force.addPiTorsion(ang.atom1.idx, ang.atom2.idx, ang.atom3.idx, ang.atom4.idx,
ang.atom5.idx, ang.atom6.idx, ang.type.phi_k*frc_conv)
return force
[docs] @needs_openmm
def omm_stretch_bend_force(self):
""" Create the OpenMM Amoeba stretch-bend force for this system
The stretch-bend force containing all terms in this system
if not self.stretch_bends: return None
# Conversion factor taken from pyopenmm/processTinkerForceField.py
frc_conv = math.pi / 180 * 41.84 # 4.184 * 10
length_conv = u.angstroms.conversion_factor_to(u.nanometers)
force = mm.AmoebaStretchBendForce()
for strbnd in self.stretch_bends:
if strbnd.type is None:
raise ParameterError("Missing stretch-bend parameters")
force.addStretchBend(strbnd.atom1.idx, strbnd.atom2.idx, strbnd.atom3.idx,
strbnd.type.req1*length_conv, strbnd.type.req2*length_conv,
strbnd.type.theteq*math.pi/180, strbnd.type.k1*frc_conv,
return force
[docs] @needs_openmm
def omm_torsion_torsion_force(self):
""" Create the OpenMM Amoeba coupled-torsion (CMAP) force
The torsion-torsion (CMAP) force with all coupled-torsion parameters
for this system
if not self.torsion_torsions: return None
# Not implemented yet...
raise NotImplementedError("Torsion-torsions not yet implemented")
def _prune_empty_bonds(self):
""" Gets rid of any empty bonds """
for i in reversed(range(len(self.bonds))):
bond = self.bonds[i]
if bond.atom1 is None and bond.atom2 is None:
del self.bonds[i]
elif bond.atom1.idx == -1 or bond.atom2.idx == -1:
del self.bonds[i]
def _prune_empty_angles(self):
""" Gets rid of any empty angles """
for i in reversed(range(len(self.angles))):
angle = self.angles[i]
if (angle.atom1 is None and angle.atom2 is None and
angle.atom3 is None):
del self.angles[i]
elif -1 in (angle.atom1.idx, angle.atom2.idx, angle.atom3.idx):
del self.angles[i]
def _prune_empty_dihedrals(self, dlist='dihedrals'):
""" Gets rid of any empty dihedrals """
for i in reversed(range(len(getattr(self, dlist)))):
dihed = getattr(self, dlist)[i]
if (dihed.atom1 is None and dihed.atom2 is None and
dihed.atom3 is None and dihed.atom4 is None):
del getattr(self, dlist)[i]
elif -1 in (dihed.atom1.idx, dihed.atom2.idx, dihed.atom3.idx, dihed.atom4.idx):
del getattr(self, dlist)[i]
def _prune_empty_rb_torsions(self):
""" Gets rid of any empty R-B torsions """
def _prune_empty_ureys(self):
""" Gets rid of any empty Urey-Bradley terms """
for i in reversed(range(len(self.urey_bradleys))):
ub = self.urey_bradleys[i]
if ub.atom1 is None and ub.atom2 is None:
del self.urey_bradleys[i]
elif ub.atom1.idx == -1 or ub.atom2.idx == -1:
del self.urey_bradleys[i]
def _prune_empty_impropers(self):
""" Gets rid of any empty improper torsions """
for i in reversed(range(len(self.impropers))):
imp = self.impropers[i]
if imp.atom1 is None and imp.atom2 is None and imp.atom3 is None and imp.atom4 is None:
del self.impropers[i]
elif -1 in (imp.atom1.idx, imp.atom2.idx, imp.atom3.idx, imp.atom4.idx):
del self.impropers[i]
def _prune_empty_cmaps(self):
""" Gets rid of any empty CMAP terms """
for i in reversed(range(len(self.cmaps))):
cmap = self.cmaps[i]
if (cmap.atom1 is None and cmap.atom2 is None and cmap.atom3 is None
and cmap.atom4 is None and cmap.atom5 is None):
del self.cmaps[i]
elif -1 in (cmap.atom1.idx, cmap.atom2.idx, cmap.atom3.idx,
cmap.atom4.idx, cmap.atom5.idx):
del self.cmaps[i]
def _prune_empty_trigonal_angles(self):
""" Gets rid of any empty trigonal angles """
def _prune_empty_out_of_plane_bends(self):
""" Gets rid of any empty out-of-plane bends """
def _prune_empty_pi_torsions(self):
""" Gets rid of any empty pi-torsions """
for i in reversed(range(len(self.pi_torsions))):
pit = self.pi_torsions[i]
if (pit.atom1 is None and pit.atom2 is None and pit.atom3 is None and
pit.atom4 is None and pit.atom5 is None and pit.atom6 is None):
del self.pi_torsions[i]
elif -1 in (pit.atom1.idx, pit.atom2.idx, pit.atom3.idx, pit.atom4.idx,
pit.atom5.idx, pit.atom6.idx):
# Not stored anywhere, no need to call delete()
del self.pi_torsions[i]
def _prune_empty_stretch_bends(self):
""" Gets rid of any empty stretch-bend terms """
for i in reversed(range(len(self.stretch_bends))):
sb = self.stretch_bends[i]
if sb.atom1 is None and sb.atom2 is None and sb.atom3 is None:
del self.stretch_bends[i]
elif sb.atom1.idx == -1 or sb.atom2.idx == -1 or sb.atom3.idx == -1:
# Not stored anywhere, no need to call delete()
del self.stretch_bends[i]
def _prune_empty_torsion_torsions(self):
""" Gets rid of any empty torsion-torsion terms """
for i in reversed(range(len(self.torsion_torsions))):
tt = self.torsion_torsions[i]
if (tt.atom1 is None and tt.atom2 is None and tt.atom3 is None and
tt.atom4 is None and tt.atom5 is None):
del self.torsion_torsions[i]
elif -1 in (tt.atom1.idx, tt.atom2.idx, tt.atom3.idx, tt.atom4.idx, tt.atom5.idx):
del self.torsion_torsions[i]
def _prune_empty_chiral_frames(self):
""" Gets rid of any empty chiral frame terms """
for i in reversed(range(len(self.chiral_frames))):
cf = self.chiral_frames[i]
if cf.atom1 is None or cf.atom2 is None:
del self.chiral_frames[i]
elif cf.atom1.idx == -1 or cf.atom2.idx == -1:
del self.chiral_frames[i]
def _prune_empty_multipole_frames(self):
""" Gets rid of any empty multipole frame terms """
for i in reversed(range(len(self.multipole_frames))):
mf = self.multipole_frames[i]
if mf.atom is None or mf.atom.idx == -1:
del self.multipole_frames[i]
def _prune_empty_adjusts(self):
""" Gets rid of any empty nonbonded exception adjustments """
for i in reversed(range(len(self.adjusts))):
adj = self.adjusts[i]
if adj.atom1 is None or adj.atom2 is None:
del self.adjusts[i]
elif adj.atom1.idx == -1 or adj.atom2.idx == -1:
del self.adjusts[i]
def _get_gb_parameters(self, implicitSolvent):
""" Gets the GB parameters for the requested GB model used by OpenMM
implicitSolvent : app.HCT, app.OBC1, app.OBC2, app.GBn, or app.GBn2
The object specifying a particular GB model in OpenMM
parameters : list of float
List of parameters for the requested GB model
if implicitSolvent is app.GBn:
screen = [0.5 for atom in self.atoms]
radii = [atom.solvent_radius for atom in self.atoms]
for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms):
if atom.element == 6:
screen[i] = 0.48435382330
elif atom.element == 1:
screen[i] = 1.09085413633
elif atom.element == 7:
screen[i] = 0.700147318409
elif atom.element == 8:
screen[i] = 1.06557401132
elif atom.element == 16:
screen[i] = 0.602256336067
if radii[i] == 0:
radii[i] = _bondi(atom)
elif implicitSolvent is app.GBn2:
# Add non-optimized values as defaults
alpha = [1.0 for i in self.atoms]
beta = [0.8 for i in self.atoms]
gamma = [4.85 for i in self.atoms]
screen = [0.5 for i in self.atoms]
radii = [atom.solvent_radius for atom in self.atoms]
for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms):
if atom.element == 6:
screen[i] = 1.058554
alpha[i] = 0.733756
beta[i] = 0.506378
gamma[i] = 0.205844
elif atom.element == 1:
screen[i] = 1.425952
alpha[i] = 0.788440
beta[i] = 0.798699
gamma[i] = 0.437334
elif atom.element == 7:
screen[i] = 0.733599
alpha[i] = 0.503364
beta[i] = 0.316828
gamma[i] = 0.192915
elif atom.element == 8:
screen[i] = 1.061039
alpha[i] = 0.867814
beta[i] = 0.876635
gamma[i] = 0.387882
elif atom.element == 16:
screen[i] = -0.703469
alpha[i] = 0.867814
beta[i] = 0.876635
gamma[i] = 0.387882
if not radii[i]:
radii[i] = _mbondi3(atom)
radii = [atom.solvent_radius for atom in self.atoms]
screen = [atom.screen for atom in self.atoms]
for i, atom in enumerate(self.atoms):
if not radii[i] or not screen[i]:
# Replace with defaults
radii[i], screen[i] = _gb_rad_screen(atom, implicitSolvent)
length_conv = u.angstrom.conversion_factor_to(u.nanometer)
radii = [x * length_conv for x in radii]
if implicitSolvent is app.GBn2:
return list(zip(radii, screen, alpha, beta, gamma))
return list(zip(radii, screen))
def __str__(self):
if hasattr(self, 'name') and self.name:
return self.name
return repr(self)
# Support concatenating and replicating the Structure
def __add__(self, other):
cp = copy(self)
cp += other
return cp
def __iadd__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Structure):
return NotImplemented
# Cache my coordinates, since changing the structure will destroy the
# coordinate list
mycrd = self.get_coordinates('all')
# The basic approach taken here is to extend the atom list, then scan
# through all of the valence terms in `other`, adding them to the
# corresponding arrays of `self`, using an offset to look into the atom
# array. The types are done a little differently. The types are all
# copied into a "temporary" array so they have the same index as the
# original Structure `other`, and as the valence terms are created the
# reference to that type is added. Afterwards, those types are tacked on
# to the end of the types list on `self`
aoffset = len(self.atoms)
roffset = self.residues[-1].number + 1
except IndexError:
# No residues... must be an empty structure
roffset = 0
for atom in other.atoms:
res = atom.residue
self.add_atom(copy(atom), res.name, res.idx+roffset, res.chain,
res.insertion_code, res.segid)
def copy_valence_terms(oval, otyp, sval, styp, attrlist):
""" Copies the valence terms from one list to another;
oval=Other VALence; otyp=Other TYPe; sval=Self VALence;
styp=Self TYPe; attrlist=ATTRibute LIST (atom1, atom2, ...)
otypcp = [copy(typ) for typ in otyp]
for val in oval:
ats = [getattr(val, attr) for attr in attrlist]
# Replace any atoms with the ones from self.atoms
for i, at in enumerate(ats):
if isinstance(at, Atom):
ats[i] = self.atoms[at.idx+aoffset]
kws = dict()
if hasattr(val, 'type') and val.type is NoUreyBradley:
kws['type'] = NoUreyBradley # special-case singleton
elif otypcp and val.type is not None:
kws['type'] = otypcp[val.type.idx]
sval.append(type(val)(*ats, **kws))
if hasattr(val, 'funct'):
sval[-1].funct = val.funct
# Now tack on the "new" types copied from `other`
if hasattr(styp, 'claim'):
copy_valence_terms(other.bonds, other.bond_types, self.bonds,
self.bond_types, ['atom1', 'atom2'])
copy_valence_terms(other.angles, other.angle_types, self.angles,
self.angle_types, ['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3'])
copy_valence_terms(other.dihedrals, other.dihedral_types,
self.dihedrals, self.dihedral_types,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4', 'improper', 'ignore_end'])
copy_valence_terms(other.rb_torsions, other.rb_torsion_types,
self.rb_torsions, self.rb_torsion_types,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4', 'improper', 'ignore_end'])
copy_valence_terms(other.urey_bradleys, other.urey_bradley_types, self.urey_bradleys,
self.urey_bradley_types, ['atom1', 'atom2'])
copy_valence_terms(other.impropers, other.improper_types, self.impropers,
self.improper_types, ['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4'])
copy_valence_terms(other.cmaps, other.cmap_types, self.cmaps, self.cmap_types,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4', 'atom5'])
copy_valence_terms(other.trigonal_angles, other.trigonal_angle_types,
self.trigonal_angles, self.trigonal_angle_types,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4'])
copy_valence_terms(other.out_of_plane_bends, other.out_of_plane_bend_types,
self.out_of_plane_bends, self.out_of_plane_bend_types,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4'])
copy_valence_terms(other.pi_torsions, other.pi_torsion_types,
self.pi_torsions, self.pi_torsion_types,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4', 'atom5', 'atom6'])
copy_valence_terms(other.stretch_bends, other.stretch_bend_types, self.stretch_bends,
self.stretch_bend_types, ['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3'])
copy_valence_terms(other.torsion_torsions, other.torsion_torsion_types,
self.torsion_torsions, self.torsion_torsion_types,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4', 'atom5'])
copy_valence_terms(other.chiral_frames, [], self.chiral_frames, [],
['atom1', 'atom2', 'chirality'])
copy_valence_terms(other.multipole_frames, [], self.multipole_frames, [],
['atom', 'frame_pt_num', 'vectail', 'vechead', 'nvec'])
copy_valence_terms(other.adjusts, other.adjust_types, self.adjusts,
self.adjust_types, ['atom1', 'atom2'])
copy_valence_terms(other.donors, [], self.donors, [], ['atom1', 'atom2'])
copy_valence_terms(other.acceptors, [], self.acceptors, [], ['atom1', 'atom2'])
copy_valence_terms(other.groups, [], self.groups, [], ['atom', 'type', 'move'])
if mycrd is None or other._coordinates is None:
self._coordinates = None
ocrd = other.get_coordinates('all')
nframes = min(ocrd.shape[0], mycrd.shape[0])
self._coordinates = np.concatenate((mycrd[:nframes,:,:], ocrd[:nframes,:,:]), axis=1)
return self
def __mul__(self, ncopies):
""" Replicates the current Structure `ncopies` times """
cp = copy(self)
return cp.__imul__(ncopies, self)
__rmul__ = __mul__
def __imul__(self, ncopies, other=None):
if not isinstance(ncopies, integer_types):
return NotImplemented
# The basic approach here is similar to what we used in __iadd__, except
# we don't have to extend the type arrays at all -- we just point to the
# same one that the first copy pointed to.
def copy_valence_terms(oval, aoffset, sval, styp, attrlist):
""" Copies the valence terms from one list to another;
oval=Other VALence; otyp=Other TYPe; sval=Self VALence;
styp=Self TYPe; attrlist=ATTRibute LIST (atom1, atom2, ...)
for val in oval:
ats = [getattr(val, attr) for attr in attrlist]
# Replace any atoms with the ones from self.atoms
for i, at in enumerate(ats):
if isinstance(at, Atom):
ats[i] = self.atoms[at.idx+aoffset]
kws = dict()
if hasattr(val, 'type') and val.type is NoUreyBradley:
kws['type'] = NoUreyBradley # special-case singleton
elif styp and val.type is not None:
kws['type'] = styp[val.type.idx]
sval.append(type(val)(*ats, **kws))
if hasattr(val, 'funct'):
sval[-1].funct = val.funct
if other is None: other = copy(self)
for i in range(ncopies-1):
aoffset = len(self.atoms)
roffset = self.residues[-1].number + 1
for atom in other.atoms:
res = atom.residue
self.add_atom(copy(atom), res.name, res.idx+roffset, res.chain,
res.insertion_code, res.segid)
copy_valence_terms(other.bonds, aoffset, self.bonds,
self.bond_types, ['atom1', 'atom2'])
copy_valence_terms(other.angles, aoffset, self.angles,
self.angle_types, ['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3'])
copy_valence_terms(other.dihedrals, aoffset, self.dihedrals,
self.dihedral_types, ['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3',
'atom4', 'improper', 'ignore_end'])
copy_valence_terms(other.rb_torsions, aoffset,
self.rb_torsions, self.rb_torsion_types,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4', 'improper', 'ignore_end'])
copy_valence_terms(other.urey_bradleys, aoffset,
self.urey_bradleys, self.urey_bradley_types, ['atom1', 'atom2'])
copy_valence_terms(other.impropers, aoffset, self.impropers, self.improper_types,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4'])
copy_valence_terms(other.cmaps, aoffset, self.cmaps, self.cmap_types,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4', 'atom5'])
copy_valence_terms(other.trigonal_angles, aoffset, self.trigonal_angles,
self.trigonal_angle_types, ['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4'])
copy_valence_terms(other.out_of_plane_bends, aoffset, self.out_of_plane_bends,
self.out_of_plane_bend_types, ['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4'])
copy_valence_terms(other.pi_torsions, aoffset, self.pi_torsions, self.pi_torsion_types,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4', 'atom5', 'atom6'])
copy_valence_terms(other.stretch_bends, aoffset, self.stretch_bends,
self.stretch_bend_types, ['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3'])
copy_valence_terms(other.torsion_torsions, aoffset,
self.torsion_torsions, self.torsion_torsion_types,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4', 'atom5'])
copy_valence_terms(other.chiral_frames, aoffset, self.chiral_frames,
[], ['atom1', 'atom2', 'chirality'])
copy_valence_terms(other.multipole_frames, aoffset, self.multipole_frames, [],
['atom', 'frame_pt_num', 'vectail', 'vechead', 'nvec'])
copy_valence_terms(other.adjusts, aoffset, self.adjusts,
self.adjust_types, ['atom1', 'atom2'])
copy_valence_terms(other.donors, aoffset, self.donors, [], ['atom1', 'atom2'])
copy_valence_terms(other.acceptors, aoffset, self.acceptors, [], ['atom1', 'atom2'])
copy_valence_terms(other.groups, aoffset, self.groups, [], ['atom', 'type', 'move'])
if self._coordinates is not None:
self._coordinates = np.hstack([self._coordinates for i in range(ncopies)])
return self
# For the bool-ness of Structure. An empty structure evaluates to
# boolean-false, but this means that the structure must have no atoms,
# residues, topological features, or parameter types at all.
def __bool__(self):
return bool(self.atoms or self.residues or self.bonds or self.angles or self.dihedrals or
self.impropers or self.rb_torsions or self.cmaps or self.torsion_torsions or
self.stretch_bends or self.out_of_plane_bends or self.trigonal_angles or
self.torsion_torsions or self.pi_torsions or self.urey_bradleys or
self.chiral_frames or self.multipole_frames or self.adjusts or self.acceptors or
self.donors or self.groups or self.bond_types or self.angle_types or
self.dihedral_types or self.urey_bradley_types or self.improper_types or
self.rb_torsion_types or self.cmap_types or self.trigonal_angle_types or
self.out_of_plane_bend_types or self.pi_torsion_types or
self.torsion_torsion_types or self.adjust_types)
__nonzero__ = __bool__ # for Python 2
def _add_force_to_system(system, force):
""" Adds an OpenMM force to a system IFF the force is not None """
if force is None: return
if isinstance(force, tuple) or isinstance(force, list):
# It's possible we got multiple forces to add
for f in force:
def __getstate__(self):
""" Serializes a structure """
retdict = dict(residues=self.residues,
def idx(thing):
return thing.idx if thing is not None else None
retdict['bonds'] = [(b.atom1.idx, b.atom2.idx, idx(b.type))
for b in self.bonds]
retdict['angles'] = [(a.atom1.idx, a.atom2.idx, a.atom3.idx,
idx(a.type)) for a in self.angles]
retdict['dihedrals'] = [(d.atom1.idx, d.atom2.idx, d.atom3.idx, d.atom4.idx, d.improper,
d.ignore_end, idx(d.type)) for d in self.dihedrals]
retdict['impropers'] = [(d.atom1.idx, d.atom2.idx, d.atom3.idx, d.atom4.idx, idx(d.type))
for d in self.impropers]
retdict['rb_torsions'] = [(d.atom1.idx, d.atom2.idx, d.atom3.idx, d.atom4.idx, idx(d.type))
for d in self.rb_torsions]
retdict['urey_bradleys'] = [(u.atom1.idx, u.atom2.idx, idx(u.type))
for u in self.urey_bradleys]
retdict['cmaps'] = [(c.atom1.idx, c.atom2.idx, c.atom3.idx, c.atom4.idx, c.atom5.idx,
idx(c.type)) for c in self.cmaps]
retdict['trigonal_angles'] = [(t.atom1.idx, t.atom2.idx, t.atom3.idx, t.atom4.idx,
idx(t.type)) for t in self.trigonal_angles]
retdict['out_of_plane_bends'] = [(o.atom1.idx, o.atom2.idx, o.atom3.idx, o.atom4.idx,
idx(o.type)) for o in self.out_of_plane_bends]
retdict['pi_torsions'] = [(p.atom1.idx, p.atom2.idx, p.atom3.idx, p.atom4.idx, p.atom5.idx,
p.atom6.idx, idx(p.type)) for p in self.pi_torsions]
retdict['stretch_bends'] = [(s.atom1.idx, s.atom2.idx, s.atom3.idx,
idx(s.type)) for s in self.stretch_bends]
retdict['torsion_torsions'] = [(t.atom1.idx, t.atom2.idx, t.atom3.idx, t.atom4.idx,
t.atom5.idx, idx(t.type)) for t in self.torsion_torsions]
retdict['chiral_frames'] = [(c.atom1.idx, c.atom2.idx, c.chirality)
for c in self.chiral_frames]
retdict['multipole_frames'] = [(f.atom.idx, f.frame_pt_num, f.vectail,
f.vechead, f.nvec) for f in self.multipole_frames]
retdict['adjusts'] = [(e.atom1.idx, e.atom2.idx, idx(e.type)) for e in self.adjusts]
retdict['acceptors'] = [(a.atom1.idx, a.atom2.idx) for a in self.acceptors]
retdict['donors'] = [(d.atom1.idx, d.atom2.idx) for d in self.donors]
retdict['exclusions'] = [tuple(e.idx for e in a._exclusion_partners) for a in self.atoms]
# Now the metadata stuff, if applicable
for key in ('experimental', 'journal', 'authors', 'keywords', 'doi',
'pmid', 'journal_authors', 'volume', 'title', 'year',
'resolution', 'related_entries'):
retdict[key] = getattr(self, key)
except AttributeError:
return retdict
def __setstate__(self, d):
# Assign the type lists we need to just copy over, and make sure the
# attributes are claimed.
for attr in ('residues', 'bond_types', 'angle_types', 'dihedral_types',
'urey_bradley_types', 'improper_types', 'rb_torsion_types',
'cmap_types', 'trigonal_angle_types', 'adjust_types',
'out_of_plane_bend_types', 'pi_torsion_types', 'groups',
'stretch_bend_types', 'torsion_torsion_types'):
setattr(self, attr, d[attr])
getattr(self, attr).claim()
# Assign the possible metadata
for key in ('experimental', 'journal', 'authors', 'keywords', 'doi',
'pmid', 'journal_authors', 'volume', 'title', 'year',
'resolution', 'related_entries', '_coordinates', '_box',
'nrexcl', '_combining_rule', 'unknown_functional',
if key in d:
setattr(self, key, d[key])
self.atoms = AtomList()
for r in self.residues: self.atoms.extend(r.atoms)
def assign_type(typelist, idx):
if idx is None:
return None
return typelist[idx]
# Set the topology arrays
self.bonds = TrackedList(
Bond(self.atoms[it[0]], self.atoms[it[1]], type=assign_type(self.bond_types, it[2]))
for it in d['bonds']
self.angles = TrackedList(
Angle(self.atoms[it[0]], self.atoms[it[1]], self.atoms[it[2]],
type=assign_type(self.angle_types, it[3]))
for it in d['angles']
self.dihedrals = TrackedList(
Dihedral(self.atoms[it[0]], self.atoms[it[1]], self.atoms[it[2]], self.atoms[it[3]],
improper=it[4], ignore_end=it[5], type=assign_type(self.dihedral_types, it[6]))
for it in d['dihedrals']
self.impropers = TrackedList(
Improper(self.atoms[it[0]], self.atoms[it[1]], self.atoms[it[2]], self.atoms[it[3]],
type=assign_type(self.improper_types, it[4])) for it in d['impropers']
self.urey_bradleys = TrackedList(
UreyBradley(self.atoms[it[0]], self.atoms[it[1]],
type=assign_type(self.urey_bradley_types, it[2]))
for it in d['urey_bradleys']
self.rb_torsions = TrackedList(
Dihedral(self.atoms[it[0]], self.atoms[it[1]], self.atoms[it[2]], self.atoms[it[3]],
type=assign_type(self.rb_torsion_types, it[4]))
for it in d['rb_torsions']
self.cmaps = TrackedList(
Cmap(self.atoms[it[0]], self.atoms[it[1]], self.atoms[it[2]], self.atoms[it[3]],
self.atoms[it[4]], type=assign_type(self.cmap_types, it[5]))
for it in d['cmaps']
self.trigonal_angles = TrackedList(
TrigonalAngle(self.atoms[it[0]], self.atoms[it[1]], self.atoms[it[2]],
self.atoms[it[3]], type=assign_type(self.trigonal_angle_types, it[4]))
for it in d['trigonal_angles']
self.out_of_plane_bends = TrackedList(
OutOfPlaneBend(self.atoms[it[0]], self.atoms[it[1]], self.atoms[it[2]],
self.atoms[it[3]], type=assign_type(self.out_of_plane_bend_types, it[4]))
for it in d['out_of_plane_bends']
self.pi_torsions = TrackedList(
PiTorsion(self.atoms[it[0]], self.atoms[it[1]], self.atoms[it[2]], self.atoms[it[3]],
self.atoms[it[4]], self.atoms[it[5]],
type=assign_type(self.pi_torsion_types, it[6]))
for it in d['pi_torsions']
self.stretch_bends = TrackedList(
StretchBend(self.atoms[it[0]], self.atoms[it[1]], self.atoms[it[2]],
type=assign_type(self.stretch_bend_types, it[3]))
for it in d['stretch_bends']
self.torsion_torsions = TrackedList(
TorsionTorsion(self.atoms[it[0]], self.atoms[it[1]], self.atoms[it[2]],
self.atoms[it[3]], self.atoms[it[4]],
type=assign_type(self.torsion_torsion_types, it[5]))
for it in d['torsion_torsions']
self.chiral_frames = TrackedList(
ChiralFrame(self.atoms[it[0]], self.atoms[it[1]], it[2]) for it in d['chiral_frames']
self.multipole_frames = TrackedList(
MultipoleFrame(self.atoms[it[0]], *it[1:]) for it in d['multipole_frames']
self.adjusts = TrackedList(
NonbondedException(self.atoms[it[0]], self.atoms[it[1]],
assign_type(self.adjust_types, it[2]))
for it in d['adjusts']
self.acceptors = TrackedList(
AcceptorDonor(self.atoms[it[0]], self.atoms[it[1]]) for it in d['acceptors']
self.donors = TrackedList(
AcceptorDonor(self.atoms[it[0]], self.atoms[it[1]]) for it in d['donors']
# Transfer the exclusions
for atom, excl in zip(self.atoms, d['exclusions']):
for idx in excl:
class _StructureViewerCreator(object):
""" Class responsible for creating a StructureView when indexed """
def __init__(self, struct):
self.struct = struct
def __getitem__(self, selection):
struct = self.struct
if isinstance(selection, integer_types):
return struct.atoms[selection]
view = StructureView()
selection = struct._get_selection_array(selection)
# _get_selection_array might have returned either an Atom or None if
# there is no selection. Handle those and return, or continue if we got
# a list of atoms
if selection is None:
return view
elif isinstance(selection, Atom):
return selection
sumsel = sum(selection)
if sumsel == 0:
# No atoms selected. Return None
return view
# The cumulative sum of selection will give our index + 1 of each
# selected atom into the new structure
scan = [selection[0]]
for i in range(1, len(selection)):
scan.append(scan[i-1] + selection[i])
# Zero-out the unselected atoms
scan = [x * y for x, y in zip(scan, selection)]
# Copy all parameters
sel_res = set()
for i, atom in enumerate(struct.atoms):
if not selection[i]: continue
if atom.residue in sel_res: continue
def add_valence_terms(oval, sval, attrlist):
""" Adds the valence terms from one list to another;
oval=Other VALence; otyp=Other TYPe; sval=Self VALence;
styp=Self TYPe; attrlist=ATTRibute LIST (atom1, atom2, ...)
for val in sval:
ats = [getattr(val, attr) for attr in attrlist]
# Make sure all of our atoms in this valence term is "selected"
indices = [scan[at.idx] for at in ats if isinstance(at, Atom)]
if not all(indices):
# Add the type if applicable
add_valence_terms(view.bonds, struct.bonds, ['atom1', 'atom2'])
add_valence_terms(view.angles, struct.angles, ['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3'])
add_valence_terms(view.dihedrals, struct.dihedrals, ['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4'])
add_valence_terms(view.rb_torsions, struct.rb_torsions,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4'])
add_valence_terms(view.urey_bradleys, struct.urey_bradleys, ['atom1', 'atom2'])
add_valence_terms(view.impropers, struct.impropers, ['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4'])
add_valence_terms(view.cmaps, struct.cmaps, ['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4', 'atom5'])
add_valence_terms(view.trigonal_angles, struct.trigonal_angles,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4'])
add_valence_terms(view.out_of_plane_bends, struct.out_of_plane_bends,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4'])
add_valence_terms(view.pi_torsions, struct.pi_torsions,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4', 'atom5', 'atom6'])
add_valence_terms(view.stretch_bends, struct.stretch_bends, ['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3'])
add_valence_terms(view.torsion_torsions, struct.torsion_torsions,
['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3', 'atom4', 'atom5'])
add_valence_terms(view.chiral_frames, struct.chiral_frames, ['atom1', 'atom2'])
add_valence_terms(view.multipole_frames, struct.multipole_frames, ['atom'])
add_valence_terms(view.adjusts, struct.adjusts, ['atom1', 'atom2'])
add_valence_terms(view.donors, struct.donors, ['atom1', 'atom2'])
add_valence_terms(view.acceptors, struct.acceptors, ['atom1', 'atom2'])
return view
[docs]class StructureView(object):
A view of a Structure. In many cases, this can serve as a duck-typed
Structure and it has many of the same attributes. However, none of its lists
*own* their objects, and the lists of atoms, residues, and
parameters/topologies are regular lists, rather than TrackedList instances.
Therefore, the indexes correspond to the indexes from the *original*
Structure from which this view was taken. Furthermore, there are no "type"
lists, as they would be exactly equivalent to the type lists of the parent
Structure instance.
atoms : :class:`AtomList`
List of all atoms in the structure
residues : :class:`ResidueList`
List of all residues in the structure
bonds : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`Bond`)
List of all bonds in the structure
angles : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`Angle`)
List of all angles in the structure
dihedrals : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`Dihedral`)
List of all dihedrals in the structure
rb_torsions : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`RBTorsion`)
List of all Ryckaert-Bellemans torsions in the structure
urey_bradleys : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`UreyBradley`)
List of all Urey-Bradley angle bends in the structure
impropers : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`Improper`)
List of all CHARMM-style improper torsions in the structure
cmaps : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`Cmap`)
List of all CMAP objects in the structure
trigonal_angles : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`TrigonalAngle`)
List of all AMOEBA-style trigonal angles in the structure
out_of_plane_bends : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`OutOfPlaneBends`)
List of all AMOEBA-style out-of-plane bending angles
pi_torsions : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`PiTorsion`)
List of all AMOEBA-style pi-torsion angles
stretch_bends : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`StretchBend`)
List of all AMOEBA-style stretch-bend compound bond/angle terms
torsion_torsions : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`TorsionTorsion`)
List of all AMOEBA-style coupled torsion-torsion terms
chiral_frames : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`ChiralFrame`)
List of all AMOEBA-style chiral frames defined in the structure
multipole_frames : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`MultipoleFrame`)
List of all AMOEBA-style multipole frames defined in the structure
adjusts : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`NonbondedException`)
List of all nonbonded pair-exception rules
acceptors : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`AcceptorDonor`)
List of all H-bond acceptors, if that information is present
donors : :class:`TrackedList` (:class:`AcceptorDonor`)
List of all H-bond donors, if that information is present
positions : u.Quantity(list(Vec3), u.angstroms)
Unit-bearing atomic coordinates. If not all atoms have coordinates, this
property is None
coordinates : np.ndarray of shape (nframes, natom, 3)
If no coordinates are set, this is set to None. The first frame will
match the coordinates present on the atoms.
def __init__(self):
self.atoms = []
self.residues = []
self.bonds = []
self.angles = []
self.dihedrals = []
self.rb_torsions = []
self.urey_bradleys = []
self.impropers = []
self.cmaps = []
self.trigonal_angles = []
self.out_of_plane_bends = []
self.pi_torsions = []
self.stretch_bends = []
self.torsion_torsions = []
self.chiral_frames = []
self.multipole_frames = []
self.adjusts = []
self.acceptors = []
self.donors = []
[docs] def to_dataframe(self):
""" Generates a DataFrame from the current Structure's atomic properties
df : DataFrame
DataFrame with all atomic properties
See Also
from parmed.utils.pandautils import create_dataframe
return create_dataframe(self)
[docs] def load_dataframe(self, df):
""" Loads atomic properties from an input DataFrame
df : pandas.DataFrame
A pandas DataFrame with atomic properties that will be used to set
the properties on the current list of atoms
See Also
from parmed.utils.pandautils import load_dataframe
return load_dataframe(self, df)
def coordinates(self):
return np.array([[a.xx, a.xy, a.xz] for a in self.atoms])
except AttributeError:
return None
def positions(self):
return [Vec3(a.xx,a.xy,a.xz) for a in self.atoms] * u.angstroms
except AttributeError:
return None
def __bool__(self):
return bool(self.atoms or self.residues or self.bonds or self.angles or
self.dihedrals or self.impropers or self.rb_torsions or
self.cmaps or self.torsion_torsions or self.stretch_bends or
self.out_of_plane_bends or self.trigonal_angles or
self.torsion_torsions or self.pi_torsions or
self.urey_bradleys or self.chiral_frames or
self.multipole_frames or self.adjusts or self.acceptors or
# Ignore types here because it's just a view
def __repr__(self):
natom = len(self.atoms)
nres = len(self.residues)
nextra = sum([isinstance(a, ExtraPoint) for a in self.atoms])
retstr = ['<%s %d atoms' % (type(self).__name__, natom)]
if nextra > 0:
retstr.append(' [%d EPs]' % nextra)
retstr.append('; %d residues' % nres)
nbond = len(self.bonds)
retstr.append('; %d bonds>' % nbond)
return ''.join(retstr)
__nonzero__ = __bool__ # For Python 2
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.atoms)
def _settler(parm):
""" Identifies residues that can have SETTLE applied to it """
is_water = []
for r in parm.residues:
na = sum(1 for a in r if not isinstance(a, ExtraPoint))
if na != 3:
# Make sure we are not bonded to any other residues
for a in r:
for a2 in a.bond_partners:
if a2.residue is not r:
# this atom is OK
# We only hit here if we hit the break above. So break here
# Don't check elements, since they may not *always* be accurate.
# It's more likely that a 3-atom residue not bonded to any other
# residue is water.
assert len(is_water) == len(parm.residues), 'Incorrect length'
return is_water
def _res_in_templlib(res, lib):
""" Returns the residue template inside lib that matches res """
if res.name in lib:
return lib[res.name]
if len(res.name) == 3 and residue.AminoAcidResidue.has(res.name):
return lib[residue.AminoAcidResidue.get(res.name).abbr]
if residue.DNAResidue.has(res.name):
return lib[residue.DNAResidue.get(res.name).abbr]
if residue.RNAResidue.has(res.name) and residue.RNAResidue.get(res.name).abbr != 'T':
return lib[residue.RNAResidue.get(res.name).abbr]
# Not present
return None