This module contains classes regarding the Amoeba potential and loading in a
TINKER-based parameter file.
import logging
from ..utils.six.moves import range
from ..exceptions import TinkerError, TinkerWarning
from collections import OrderedDict
import re
import warnings
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class BookmarkedFile(object):
""" Allows setting a bookmark and rewinding to that bookmark """
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._stream = open(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def mark(self):
self.bookmark = self.tell()
[docs] def rewind(self):
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(self._stream, attr)
def __del__(self):
def _IS_INT(thing):
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def _IS_FLOAT(thing):
return True
except ValueError:
return False
class _ParamType(object):
" All parameter types. This caches the list of parameters for easy access "
TypeList = dict()
_param_type = ''
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Instantiates the parameter type """
raise NotImplementedError('virtual method')
def register(cls, obj, key):
if key in cls.TypeList:
warnmsg = 'Duplicate %s type found: %s' % (cls._param_type, key)
if cls.TypeList[key] == obj:
warnmsg += ' [same parameters]'
warnmsg += ' [different parameters]'
warnings.warn(warnmsg, TinkerWarning)
cls.TypeList[key] = obj
def reset(cls):
Resets the cached list -- allows us to read in multiple parameter sets
cls.TypeList = dict()
def __eq__(self, other):
""" Make sure all attributes are the same """
cls = type(self)
if not isinstance(other, type(self)):
raise TypeError('cannot compare type %s to type %s' %
(type(self), type(other)))
for prop in dir(cls):
if prop.startswith('_') or prop == 'TypeList': continue
# Skip all callable attributes
if hasattr(getattr(self, prop), '__call__'): continue
if getattr(self, prop) != getattr(other, prop): return False
return True
class _BondType(_ParamType):
""" Bond parameter type """
TypeList = dict()
_param_type = 'bond'
def __init__(self, idx1, idx2, k, req):
idx1, idx2, = int(idx1), int(idx2)
self.k, self.req = float(k), float(req)
key = '%d-%d' % (min(idx1, idx2), max(idx1, idx2))
self.register(self, key)
def __repr__(self):
return '<_BondType: k=%s; req=%s>' % (self.k, self.req)
[docs]def get_angle_type(typecode, *args, **kwargs):
""" Factory that returns the appropriate angle type """
if typecode in 'fF':
return _FourierAngleType(*args, **kwargs)
return _AngleType(*args, **kwargs)
class _AngleType(_ParamType):
TypeList = dict()
_param_type = 'angle'
def __init__(self, idx1, idx2, idx3, k, theteq, theteq2=None, theteq3=None):
idx1, idx2, idx3 = int(idx1), int(idx2), int(idx3)
key = '%d-%d-%d' % (min(idx1, idx3), idx2, max(idx1, idx3))
self.k, self.theteq = float(k), float(theteq)
if theteq2 is not None:
self.theteq2 = float(theteq2)
self.theteq2 = None
if theteq3 is not None:
self.theteq3 = float(theteq3)
self.theteq3 = None
self.register(self, key)
def __repr__(self):
retval = "<_AngleType: k=%s; theteq=%s" % (self.k, self.theteq)
if self.theteq2 is not None:
retval += '; theteq2=%s' % self.theteq2
if self.theteq3 is not None:
retval += '; theteq3=%s' % self.theteq3
return retval + '>'
class _FourierAngleType(_AngleType):
def __init__(self, idx1, idx2, idx3, k, theteq, periodicity):
idx1, idx2, idx3 = int(idx1), int(idx2), int(idx3)
key = '%d-%d-%d' % (min(idx1, idx3), idx2, max(idx1, idx3))
self.k = float(k)
self.theteq = float(theteq)
self.periodicity = float(periodicity)
self.register(self, key)
def __repr__(self):
return '<_FourierAngleType: k=%s; theteq=%s; periodicity=%s>' % (
self.k, self.theteq, self.periodicity)
class _StretchBendType(_AngleType):
TypeList = dict()
_param_type = 'stretch-bend'
def __init__(self, idx1, idx2, idx3, k1, k2):
idx1, idx2, idx3 = int(idx1), int(idx2), int(idx3)
key = '%d-%d-%d' % (min(idx1, idx3), idx2, max(idx1, idx3))
self.k1, self.k2 = float(k1), float(k2)
self.register(self, key)
def __repr__(self):
return '<_StretchBendType: k1=%s; k2=%s>' % (self.k1, self.k2)
class _UreyBradleyType(_AngleType):
TypeList = dict()
_param_type = 'urey-bradley'
def __init__(self, idx1, idx2, idx3, k, req):
idx1, idx2, idx3 = int(idx1), int(idx2), int(idx3)
key = '%d-%d-%d' % (min(idx1, idx3), idx2, max(idx1, idx3))
self.k, self.req = float(k), float(req)
self.register(self, key)
def __repr__(self):
return '<_UreyBradleyType: k=%s; req=%s>' % (self.k, self.req)
class _OPBendType(_ParamType):
TypeList = dict()
_param_type = 'out-of-plane bending'
def __init__(self, idx1, idx2, idx3, idx4, k):
idx1, idx2, idx3, idx4 = int(idx1), int(idx2), int(idx3), int(idx4)
self.k = float(k)
key = '%d-%d-%d-%d' % (idx1, idx2, min(idx3, idx4), max(idx3, idx4))
self.register(self, key)
def __repr__(self):
return '<_OPBendType: k=%s>' % self.k
class _DihedralType(_ParamType):
TypeList = dict()
_param_type = 'dihedral'
def __init__(self, idx1, idx2, idx3, idx4, *args):
idx1, idx2, idx3, idx4 = int(idx1), int(idx2), int(idx3), int(idx4)
if idx2 < idx3 or (idx2 == idx3 and (idx1 < idx4 or idx1 == idx4)):
key = '%d-%d-%d-%d' % (idx1, idx2, idx3, idx4)
elif idx2 > idx3 or (idx2 == idx3 and idx1 > idx4):
key = '%d-%d-%d-%d' % (idx4, idx3, idx2, idx1)
self.k, self.phase, self.periodicity = [], [], []
for i in range(len(args)//3):
self.register(self, key)
def __repr__(self):
return '<_DihedralType: k=%r; phase=%r; per=%r>' % (self.k, self.phase,
class _PiTorsionType(_ParamType):
TypeList = dict()
_param_type = 'pi-torsion'
def __init__(self, idx1, idx2, k):
idx1, idx2 = int(idx1), int(idx2)
key = '%d-%d' % (min(idx1, idx2), max(idx1, idx2))
self.k = float(k)
self.register(self, key)
def __repr__(self):
return '<_PiTorsionType: k=%s>' % self.k
class _TorsionTorsionType(_ParamType):
TypeList = dict()
_param_type = 'torsion-torsion'
def __init__(self, indexes, nx, ny):
indexes = (int(i) for i in indexes)
key = '%d-%d-%d-%d-%d' % tuple(indexes)
self.nx, self.ny = int(nx), int(ny)
self.potential_grid = OrderedDict()
self.register(self, key)
def add_point(self, x, y, potential):
self.potential_grid[(float(x), float(y))] = float(potential)
def __repr__(self):
return '<_TorsionTorsion: %d x %d potential grid>' % (self.nx, self.ny)
class _MultipoleType(_ParamType):
TypeList = dict()
_param_type = 'multipole'
def __init__(self, indexes, p1):
indexes = (str(i) for i in indexes)
key = '-'.join(indexes)
self.potential_terms = [float(p1)]
self.register(self, key)
def __repr__(self):
return '<_MultipoleType: terms=%r>' % self.potential_terms
def add_terms(self, terms):
for term in terms:
[docs]def get_atom_type(index, atomic_number, mass, valence):
Factory for getting an _AtomType, but making sure that only one instance of
a particular type is created
index = int(index)
return _AtomType.TypeList[index]
except KeyError:
return _AtomType(index, atomic_number, mass, valence)
class _AtomType(object):
""" An atom type """
TypeList = dict() # All cached types -- ensures atom types are unique
def __init__(self, index, atomic_number, mass, valence):
self.index = int(index)
self.atomic_number = int(atomic_number)
self.mass = float(mass)
self.valence = int(valence)
_AtomType.TypeList[index] = self # cache this type
def set_vdw_params(index, size, epsilon, reduction=None):
inst = _AtomType.TypeList[int(index)]
inst.size = float(size)
inst.epsilon = float(epsilon)
if reduction is not None:
inst.reduction = float(reduction)
inst.reduction = None
def __repr__(self):
retval = '<_AtomType: idx=%d; elem=%d; mass=%s; val=%d' % (
self.index, self.atomic_number, self.mass, self.valence)
if hasattr(self, 'size'):
retval += '; size=%s; eps=%s; red=%s' % (self.size, self.epsilon,
return retval + '>'
def reset(cls):
cls.TypeList = dict()
class _Atom(object):
""" An atom in a parameter set """
def __init__(self, index,typeindex, name, descrip, atomic_number, mass, val):
self.name = name
self.description = descrip
self.type = get_atom_type(typeindex, atomic_number, mass, val)
_Atom.AtomList[index] = self # cache this type
# Allow _Atom instances to access (but not modify) type properties
def _typeindex(self): return self.type.index
def _atomic_number(self): return self.type.atomic_number
def _element(self): return self.type.atomic_number
def _valence(self): return self.type.valence
def _size(self): return self.type.size
def _epsilon(self): return self.type.epsilon
def _reduction(self): return self.type.reduction
def _blocked(self): raise NotImplementedError('Cannot set this attribute')
# Now set the above as properties
typeindex = property(fget=_typeindex, fset=_blocked)
atomic_number = property(fget=_atomic_number, fset=_blocked)
element = property(fget=_element, fset=_blocked)
valence = property(fget=_valence, fset=_blocked)
size = property(fget=_size, fset=_blocked)
epsilon = property(fget=_epsilon, fset=_blocked)
reduction = property(fget=_reduction, fset=_blocked)
def set_polarizability(self, polarizability, thole, connected_types):
self.polarizability = float(polarizability)
self.thole = float(thole)
self.connected_types = [int(i) for i in connected_types]
def __repr__(self):
retstr = '<_Atom "%s": name=%s; type=%d' % (
self.description, self.name, self.typeindex)
if hasattr(self, 'polarizability'):
retstr += '; dipole pol=%s; thole=%s; connected atoms=%r' % (
self.polarizability, self.thole, self.connected_types)
return retstr+'>'
def reset(cls):
cls.TypeList = dict()
[docs]def reset():
Resets all of the TypeList instances (without destroying the data inside
them) so we can load multiple parameter sets
[docs]class AmoebaParameterSet(object):
Contains all of the parameters found in an Amoeba parameter file from TINKER
atomre = re.compile(r'atom *(\d+) *(\d+) *([A-Za-z\-\+\*0-9]+) *"(.+)" *'
r'(\d+) *(\d+\.\d+) *(\d+)', re.I)
anglere = re.compile(r'angle([ 345fF])')
def __init__(self, fname=None):
self.atoms = dict()
self.atom_types = _AtomType.TypeList # For easy access
self.bonds = _BondType.TypeList
self.angles = _AngleType.TypeList # includes FourierAngleTypes
self.stretch_bends = _StretchBendType.TypeList
self.urey_bradleys = _UreyBradleyType.TypeList
self.opbends = _OPBendType.TypeList
self.dihedrals = _DihedralType.TypeList
self.torsion_torsions = _TorsionTorsionType.TypeList
self.multipoles = _MultipoleType.TypeList
if fname is not None:
[docs] def load_parameter_file(self, fname):
Parses a parameter file and loads all of the parameters found into data
self.attributes = dict()
# First load the attributes from the header
f = BookmarkedFile(fname, 'r')
done_with_attributes = False
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
while line and not done_with_attributes:
if 'Literature References' in line:
done_with_attributes = True
line = (line + '#').strip()
line = line[:line.index('#')].strip()
if not line:
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
words = line.split()
if len(words) != 2: continue
# Now extract the property
if _IS_INT(words[1]):
self.attributes[words[0].lower()] = int(words[1])
elif _IS_FLOAT(words[1]):
self.attributes[words[0].lower()] = float(words[1])
self.attributes[words[0].lower()] = words[1]
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
if not done_with_attributes:
raise TinkerError('Could not find force field attributes.')
# Now get the atom types
while line.lstrip()[:5].lower() != 'atom ':
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
# Now loop through all atoms
while line.lstrip()[:5].lower() == 'atom ':
rematch = self.atomre.match(line)
num, typenum, name, descrip, anum, mass, val = rematch.groups()
self.atoms[int(num)] = _Atom(int(num),typenum, name, descrip,
anum, mass, val)
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
# Now parse out the van der waals terms
while line.lstrip()[:4].lower() != 'vdw ':
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
while line.lstrip()[:4].lower() == 'vdw ':
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
# Now parse out the bonds
while line.lstrip()[:5].lower() != 'bond ':
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
while line.lstrip()[:5].lower() == 'bond ':
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
# Now parse out the angles. Handle iring and Fourier terms
rematch = self.anglere.match(line)
while not rematch:
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
rematch = self.anglere.match(line)
while rematch:
get_angle_type(rematch.groups()[0], *line.split()[1:])
except TypeError:
LOGGER.debug('%s, %s', repr(rematch.groups()[0]), line.split()[1:])
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
rematch = self.anglere.match(line)
# Now parse out the stretch-bend parameters. From here on out, some of
# the terms may not exist in all versions of the force field, so
# protect for EOF and make sure we rewind to avoid missing any terms.
while line.lstrip()[:7].lower() != 'strbnd ' and line:
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
while line.lstrip()[:7].lower() == 'strbnd ' and line:
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
# Get the Urey-Bradley term(s)
f.rewind(); line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
while line.lstrip()[:9].lower() != 'ureybrad ' and line:
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
while line.lstrip()[:9].lower() == 'ureybrad ' and line:
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
# Get the out-of-plane bending
f.rewind(); line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
while line.lstrip()[:7].lower() != 'opbend ' and line:
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
while line.lstrip()[:7].lower() == 'opbend ' and line:
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
# Get the torsion parameters
f.rewind(); line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
while line.lstrip()[:8].lower() != 'torsion ' and line:
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
while line.lstrip()[:8].lower() == 'torsion ' and line:
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
# Get the pitorsions
f.rewind(); line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
while line.lstrip()[:7] != 'pitors ' and line:
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
while line.lstrip()[:7] == 'pitors ' and line:
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
# Get the coupled torsions
f.rewind(); line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
while line.lstrip()[:8] != 'tortors ' and line:
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
while line.lstrip()[:8] == 'tortors ' and line:
words = line.split()
tortor = _TorsionTorsionType(words[1:6], words[6], words[7])
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
while line.strip():
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
# Get the multipole terms
f.rewind(); line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
while line.lstrip()[:10].lower() != 'multipole ' and line:
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
while line.lstrip()[:10].lower() == 'multipole ' and line:
words = line.split()
multipole = _MultipoleType(words[1:-1], words[-1])
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
# Get the dipole polarizabilities
f.rewind(); line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
while line.lstrip()[:9] != 'polarize ' and line:
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
while line.lstrip()[:9] == 'polarize ' and line:
words = line.split()
index = int(words[1])
words[2], words[3], words[4:]
except IndexError:
self.atoms[index].set_polarizability(words[2], words[3], [])
line = f.readline().replace('\t', ' ')
# Now clean up so we can load another parameter set