This module contains the following classes:
TinkerAnalout - Reads the output from the "analyze" command
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division
from parmed.utils.six.moves import range
from parmed.exceptions import TinkerError
from parmed.tinker.topologyobjects import (AtomList, BondList, AngleList,
StretchBendList, UreyBradleyList, OutOfPlaneBendList, OutOfPlaneDistList,
TorsionAngleList, PiTorsionList, TorsionTorsionList, AtomicMultipoleList,
DipolePolarizabilityList, TorsionTorsionGrid)
[docs]class TinkerAnalout(object):
""" Reads the output of "analyze" to determine system parameters """
# Flags paired with the attributes in the pointers
atom_inter_flags = {'Atoms in System' : 'natom',
'Pisystem Atoms' : 'norbit',
'Bond Stretches' : 'nbond',
'Conjugated Pi-Bonds' : 'nbpi',
'Angle Bends' : 'nangle',
'Stretch-Bends' : 'nstrbnd',
'Urey-Bradley' : 'nurey',
'Angle-Angles' : 'nangang',
'Out-of-Plane Bends' : 'nopbend',
'Out-of-Plane Distances' : 'nopdist',
'Improper Dihedrals' : 'niprop',
'Improper Torsions' : 'nitors',
'Torsional Angles' : 'ntors',
'Pi-Orbital Torsions' : 'npitors',
'Stretch-Torsions' : 'nstrtor',
'Torsion-Torsions' : 'ntortor',
'Atomic Partial Charges' : 'nion',
'Bond Dipole Moments' : 'ndipole',
'Polarizable Multipoles' : 'npole',
'Number of 1-2 Pairs' : 'pair12',
'Number of 1-3 Pairs' : 'pair13',
'Number of 1-4 Pairs' : 'pair14',
'Number of 1-5 Pairs' : 'pair15',
def __init__(self, fname=None):
if fname is not None:
[docs] def read(self, fname):
""" Reads the analout file """
self.pointers = dict(natom=0, norbit=0, nbond=0, nbpi=0, nangle=0,
nstrbnd=0, nurey=0, nangang=0, nopbend=0, nopdist=0, niprop=0,
nitors=0, ntors=0, npitors=0, nstrtor=0, ntortor=0, nion=0,
ndipole=0, npole=0, pair12=0, pair13=0, pair14=0, pair15=0)
self.fname = fname
f = open(self.fname, 'r')
line = f.readline()
# Look for the TINKER watermark
while True:
if not line:
raise TinkerError('Could not find the TINKER watermark '
'in %s' % fname)
if line.lstrip().startswith('### TINKER'):
line = f.readline()
# Get the numbers of all parameters
while not line.lstrip().startswith(
'Total Numbers of Atoms and Interactions'):
if not line:
raise TinkerError('Could not find the atom/ixn count')
line = f.readline()
# Eat the next line
line = f.readline()
# Get all of the pointers
while line.strip():
key = TinkerAnalout.atom_inter_flags[line[:27].strip()]
except KeyError:
raise TinkerError('Unrecognized pointer keyword %s' % key)
self.pointers[key] = int(line[27:].strip())
except ValueError:
raise TinkerError('Could not convert pointer %s to int '
'[%s]' % (key, line.rstrip()))
except KeyError:
raise Exception('Should not be here -- internal error')
line = f.readline()
# Check that we read in some pointers
s = 0
for key in self.pointers:
s += self.pointers[key]
if s <= 0:
raise TinkerError('All pointers are 0')
# Get the atoms in the next section
while line.strip() != 'Atom Type Definition Parameters :':
if not line:
raise TinkerError('Unexpected EOF when looking for atom '
line = f.readline()
TinkerAnalout._read_atom_definitions(self, f)
# Get all of the sections defined in _functionmap -- see bottom of
# this file
while True:
line = f.readline()
self._functionmap[line.strip()](self, f)
except KeyError:
# These are functions that take an open file and load a section of the file
# into the data structures
def _read_atom_definitions(self, f):
# Make an atom list
self.atom_list = AtomList()
# Eat 3 lines, then begin
f.readline(); f.readline(); f.readline()
line = f.readline()
for i in range(self.pointers['natom']):
atnum = int(line[:6])
line[11:14], line[14:21], line[21:28], line[28:34],
line[34:44], line[44:49], line[54:].strip()
except ValueError:
raise TinkerError('Error parsing atomic properties\n\t'
'[%s]' % line.rstrip())
line = f.readline()
if atnum != i + 1:
raise TinkerError('Atom number mismatch [%d vs %d]' %
(i + 1, atnum))
def _read_vdw(self, f):
""" Reads the van der Waals parameters """
if not hasattr(self, 'atom_list'):
raise AttributeError('Atom definitions must be loaded '
'prior to vdW!')
# Eat the next 3 lines
f.readline(); f.readline(); f.readline()
line = f.readline()
for i in range(self.pointers['natom']):
atnum = int(line[9:15])
line[22:32], line[32:42], line[43:53],
line[53:63], line[64:74],
except ValueError:
raise TinkerError('Error parsing van der Waals term')
line = f.readline()
if atnum != i + 1:
raise TinkerError('Atom number mismatch in vdW [%d vs %d]' %
(i + 1, atnum))
def _read_bonds(self, f):
""" Reads the bond stretching terms """
self.bond_list = BondList()
# Eat the next 3 lines
f.readline(); f.readline(); f.readline()
line = f.readline()
for i in range(self.pointers['nbond']):
at1 = int(line[9:15]) - 1
at2 = int(line[15:21]) - 1
self.bond_list.add(self.atom_list[at1], self.atom_list[at2],
line[40:50], line[50:60])
except ValueError:
raise TinkerError('Error parsing bonded term')
line = f.readline()
def _read_angs(self, f):
""" Reads the angle stretching terms """
self.angle_list = AngleList()
# Eat the next 3 lines
f.readline(); f.readline(); f.readline()
line = f.readline()
for i in range(self.pointers['nangle']):
at1 = int(line[9:15]) - 1
at2 = int(line[15:21]) - 1
at3 = int(line[21:27]) - 1
self.angle_list.add(self.atom_list[at1], self.atom_list[at2],
self.atom_list[at3], line[40:50], line[50:60], line[60:67],
except ValueError:
raise TinkerError('Error parsing angle term')
line = f.readline()
def _read_strbnd(self, f):
""" Reads the stretch-bend terms """
self.stretchbend_list = StretchBendList()
# Eat the next 3 lines
f.readline(); f.readline(); f.readline()
line = f.readline()
for i in range(self.pointers['nstrbnd']):
at1 = int(line[9:15]) - 1
at2 = int(line[15:21]) - 1
at3 = int(line[21:27]) - 1
self.atom_list[at1], self.atom_list[at2],
self.atom_list[at3], line[27:40], line[40:50],
line[50:60], line[60:70]
except ValueError:
raise TinkerError('Error parsing stretch-bend term')
line = f.readline()
def _read_ureybrad(self, f):
""" Reads the urey-bradley terms """
self.ureybrad_list = UreyBradleyList()
# Eat the next 3 lines
f.readline(); f.readline(); f.readline()
line = f.readline()
for i in range(self.pointers['nurey']):
at1 = int(line[9:15]) - 1
at2 = int(line[15:21]) - 1
# Support older-style analyze output that had all 3 atoms
# involved in the angle. Newer analyze output contains only the
# first and 3rd atoms, so that is all we pass into the
# UreyBradleyList function
at3 = int(line[21:27]) - 1
except ValueError:
at3 = at2
self.ureybrad_list.add(self.atom_list[at1], self.atom_list[at3],
line[34:50], line[50:60])
except ValueError:
raise TinkerError('Error parsing Urey-Bradley term')
line = f.readline()
def _read_opbend(self, f):
""" Reads the out-of-plane bending terms """
self.oopbend_list = OutOfPlaneBendList()
# Eat the next 3 lines
f.readline(); f.readline(); f.readline()
line = f.readline()
for i in range(self.pointers['nopbend']):
at1 = int(line[9:15]) - 1
at2 = int(line[15:21]) - 1
at3 = int(line[21:27]) - 1
at4 = int(line[27:33]) - 1
self.oopbend_list.add(self.atom_list[at1], self.atom_list[at2],
self.atom_list[at3], self.atom_list[at4],
except ValueError:
raise TinkerError('Error parsing out-of-plane bending term')
line = f.readline()
def _read_opdist(self, f):
""" Read the out-of-plane distance parameters """
self.oopdist_list = OutOfPlaneDistList()
# Eat the next 3 lines
f.readline(); f.readline(); f.readline()
line = f.readline()
for i in range(self.pointers['nopdist']):
at1 = int(line[9:15]) - 1
at2 = int(line[15:21]) - 1
at3 = int(line[21:27]) - 1
at4 = int(line[27:33]) - 1
self.oopdist_list.add(self.atom_list[at1], self.atom_list[at2],
self.atom_list[at3], self.atom_list[at4],
except ValueError:
raise TinkerError('Error parsing out-of-plane distance term')
line = f.readline()
def _read_torang(self, f):
""" Read the torsion-angle parameters """
self.torangle_list = TorsionAngleList()
# Eat the next 3 lines
f.readline(); f.readline(); f.readline()
line = f.readline()
for i in range(self.pointers['ntors']):
at1 = int(line[9:15]) - 1
at2 = int(line[15:21]) - 1
at3 = int(line[21:27]) - 1
at4 = int(line[27:33]) - 1
# Get the rest of the terms (replace / with ' ' so we can do a
# simple string split on whitespace)
terms = line[33:].replace('/', ' ').split()
self.torangle_list.add(self.atom_list[at1], self.atom_list[at2],
self.atom_list[at3], self.atom_list[at4],
except ValueError:
raise TinkerError('Error parsing torsion angle term')
line = f.readline()
def _read_pitors(self, f):
""" Read the Pi-Orbital Torsion parameters """
self.pitors_list = PiTorsionList()
# Eat the next 3 lines
f.readline(); f.readline(); f.readline()
line = f.readline()
for i in range(self.pointers['npitors']):
at1 = int(line[9:15]) - 1
at2 = int(line[15:21]) - 1
self.pitors_list.add(self.atom_list[at1], self.atom_list[at2],
except ValueError:
raise TinkerError('Error parsing pi-torsion term')
line = f.readline()
def _read_tortors(self, f):
""" Read the Torsion-Torsion parameters """
self.tortor_list = TorsionTorsionList()
# Eat the next 3 lines
f.readline(); f.readline(); f.readline()
line = f.readline()
for i in range(self.pointers['ntortor']):
at1 = int(line[9:15]) - 1
at2 = int(line[15:21]) - 1
at3 = int(line[21:27]) - 1
at4 = int(line[27:33]) - 1
at5 = int(line[33:39]) - 1
dim1 = int(line[49:55])
dim2 = int(line[55:61])
self.tortor_list.add(self.atom_list[at1], self.atom_list[at2],
self.atom_list[at3], self.atom_list[at4],
self.atom_list[at5], dim1, dim2)
except ValueError:
raise TinkerError('Error parsing torsion-torsion term')
line = f.readline()
# The CMAP section was adjusted to print out the entire torsion
# grid under each tor-tor definition. If this line has 3 words, we
# need to eat the next dim1*dim2 lines
if len(line.split()) == 3:
gridvals = []
for j in range(dim1*dim2):
gridvals.append(tuple([float(x) for x in line.split()]))
line = f.readline()
self.tortor_list[-1].type = TorsionTorsionGrid.new(gridvals)
def _read_multipoles(self, f):
""" Read the atomic multipoles """
self.multipole_list = AtomicMultipoleList()
# Eat the next 3 lines
f.readline(); f.readline(); f.readline()
line = f.readline()
for i in range(self.pointers['npole']):
at = int(line[9:15]) - 1
# Collect the rest of the arguments, kept as strings
frame = [line[16:23], line[23:30], line[30:37]]
typestr = line[40:48]
moments = [line[50:59]]
# Next numbers are on the next line
line = f.readline()
moments.extend([line[50:59], line[59:68], line[68:77]])
line = f.readline()
line = f.readline()
moments.extend([line[50:59], line[59:68]])
line = f.readline()
moments.extend([line[50:59], line[59:68], line[68:77]])
self.multipole_list.add(self.atom_list[at], frame,
typestr, moments)
except ValueError:
raise TinkerError('Error parsing multipole term')
line = f.readline()
def _read_dipoles(self, f):
""" Read atomic dipole polarizabilities """
self.dipole_list = DipolePolarizabilityList()
# Eat the next 3 lines
f.readline(); f.readline(); f.readline()
line = f.readline()
for i in range(self.pointers['npole']):
at = int(line[9:15]) - 1
self.dipole_list.add(self.atom_list[at], line[25:35],
except ValueError:
raise TinkerError('Error parsing dipole polarizabilities')
line = f.readline()
def _read_interactions(self, f):
""" Reads the number of interactions present in the system """
# Eat the next line (1 only)
line = f.readline()
while line.strip():
key = TinkerAnalout.atom_inter_flags[line[1:20]]
except KeyError:
raise TinkerError('Unrecognized token in interaction count '
'[%s]' % line[1:20].strip())
self.pointers[key] = int(line[21:])
line = f.readline()
def _read_12pairs(self, f):
# Eat the next line
self.pair12_list = set()
line = f.readline()
for i in range(self.pointers['pair12']):
at1, at2 = int(line[0:8]) - 1, int(line[8:16]) - 1
self.pair12_list.add( (self.atom_list[at1], self.atom_list[at2]) )
line = f.readline()
def _read_13pairs(self, f):
# Eat the next line
self.pair13_list = set()
line = f.readline()
for i in range(self.pointers['pair13']):
at1, at2 = int(line[0:8]) - 1, int(line[8:16]) - 1
self.pair13_list.add( (self.atom_list[at1], self.atom_list[at2]) )
line = f.readline()
def _read_14pairs(self, f):
# Eat the next line
self.pair14_list = set()
line = f.readline()
for i in range(self.pointers['pair14']):
at1, at2 = int(line[0:8]) - 1, int(line[8:16]) - 1
self.pair14_list.add( (self.atom_list[at1], self.atom_list[at2]) )
line = f.readline()
def _read_15pairs(self, f):
# Eat the next line
self.pair15_list = set()
line = f.readline()
for i in range(self.pointers['pair15']):
at1, at2 = int(line[0:8]) - 1, int(line[8:16]) - 1
self.pair15_list.add( (self.atom_list[at1], self.atom_list[at2]) )
line = f.readline()
def __str__(self):
return self.fname
def __repr__(self):
return '<TinkerAnalout; %d atoms>' % self.pointers['natom']
# Add the functionmap onto TinkerAnalout after the class has been built. Only
# then will the function references be complete
# Function map is a hash with the title string of an analout section
# mapping to the function responsible for reading that section and the
# key of the pointers flag (see self.pointers below) that declares how
# many numbers must be parsed from that section
TinkerAnalout._functionmap = {
'Van der Waals Parameters :' : TinkerAnalout._read_vdw,
'Bond Stretching Parameters :' : TinkerAnalout._read_bonds,
'Angle Bending Parameters :' : TinkerAnalout._read_angs,
'Stretch-Bend Parameters :' : TinkerAnalout._read_strbnd,
'Urey-Bradley Parameters :' : TinkerAnalout._read_ureybrad,
'Out-of-Plane Bending Parameters :' : TinkerAnalout._read_opbend,
'Out-of-Plane Distance Parameters :' : TinkerAnalout._read_opdist,
'Torsional Angle Parameters :' : TinkerAnalout._read_torang,
'Pi-Orbital Torsion Parameters :' : TinkerAnalout._read_pitors,
'Torsion-Torsion Parameters :' : TinkerAnalout._read_tortors,
'Atomic Multipole Parameters :' : TinkerAnalout._read_multipoles,
'Dipole Polarizability Parameters :' : TinkerAnalout._read_dipoles,
'List of 1-2 Connected Atomic Interactions :' : TinkerAnalout._read_12pairs,
'List of 1-3 Connected Atomic Interactions :' : TinkerAnalout._read_13pairs,
'List of 1-4 Connected Atomic Interactions :' : TinkerAnalout._read_14pairs,
'List of 1-5 Connected Atomic Interactions :' : TinkerAnalout._read_15pairs,
'Total Number of Pairwise Atomic Interactions :' :