Source code for parmed.tinker.tinkerfiles

This module contains classes for reading various TINKER-style files
from parmed.exceptions import TinkerError
from parmed.formats.registry import FileFormatType, load_file
from parmed.periodic_table import element_by_name, AtomicNum
from parmed.structure import Structure
from parmed.topologyobjects import Atom, Bond, Residue
from import genopen
from parmed.utils.six import add_metaclass, string_types
from parmed.utils.six.moves import range, zip

[docs]class KeywordControlFile(object): """ Reads and processes a keyword control file for TINKER simulations """ _datatypes = {'PARAMETERS' : str, 'A-AXIS' : float, 'B-AXIS' : float, 'C-AXIS' : float, 'ALPHA' : float, 'BETA' : float, 'GAMMA' : float} def __init__(self, fname): # The currently recognized/parsed keywords (these are the only ones # necessary for running Amoeba in Amber) self.keywords = {'PARAMETERS' : None, 'A-AXIS' : None, 'B-AXIS' : None, 'C-AXIS' : None, 'ALPHA' : None, 'BETA' : None, 'GAMMA' : None} # Parse the file for line in open(fname, 'r'): # Skip over any blank lines if not line.strip(): continue words = line.split() key = words[0].upper() # Get rid of the keyword and all whitespace result = line.replace(words[0], '').strip() try: self.keywords[key] = self._datatypes[key](result) except KeyError: pass # All non-keyword lines are ignored comments except ValueError: raise TinkerError('Malformed keyword control file! Could not ' 'convert the value of %s into type %s' % (key, self._datatypes[key]))
[docs]@add_metaclass(FileFormatType) class XyzFile(Structure): """ Reads and processes a Tinker XYZ file Parameters ---------- fname : str or file-like Name of the file, or the file object containing the XYZ file contents seq : str, optional Name of the file containing the residue (and chain) sequence. Default is None (so every atom will be part of the same residue) """ @staticmethod def _check_atom_record(words): """ Checks that the tokenized line is consistent with an atom record Parameters ---------- words : list of str Result of line.split() on a line of the file Returns ------- is_atom : bool If it is consistent with an atom record, return True. Otherwise, False """ if len(words) < 6: return False # First token is the atom index try: int(words[0]) except ValueError: return False # Second token is the atom name (NOT numeric) try: float(words[1]) except ValueError: try: int(words[1]) except ValueError: pass else: return False else: return False # Third, fourth, and fifth tokens are floats, but NOT integers try: [float(w) for w in words[2:5]] except ValueError: return False else: try: [int(w) for w in words[2:5]] except ValueError: pass else: return False # Remaining numbers are integers try: [int(w) for w in words[5:]] except ValueError: return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod def id_format(filename): """ Identify the file as a Tinker XYZ file Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the file to test whether or not it is a mol2 file Returns ------- is_fmt : bool True if it is a xyz file, False otherwise """ f = genopen(filename, 'r') words = f.readline().split() # natom and title if not words: return False try: natom = int(words[0]) except (ValueError, IndexError): return False else: if natom <= 0: return False words = f.readline().split() # Either a box line or a line with the first atom if len(words) == 6: try: [float(w) for w in words] except ValueError: if XyzFile._check_atom_record(words): return True return False else: # Next line needs to be an atom record words = f.readline().split() return XyzFile._check_atom_record(words)
def __init__(self, fname, seq=None): super(XyzFile, self).__init__() if isinstance(fname, string_types): fxyz = genopen(fname, 'r') own_handle_xyz = True else: fxyz = fname own_handle_xyz = False if seq is not None: seqstruct = load_file(seq) # Now parse the file try: natom = int(fxyz.readline().split()[0]) except (ValueError, IndexError): raise TinkerError('Bad XYZ file format; first line') if seq is not None and natom != len(seqstruct.atoms): raise ValueError('Sequence file %s # of atoms does not match the # ' 'of atoms in the XYZ file' % seq) words = fxyz.readline().split() if len(words) == 6 and not XyzFile._check_atom_record(words): = [float(w) for w in words] words = fxyz.readline().split() residue = Residue('SYS') residue.number = 1 residue._idx = 0 if seq is not None: residue = seqstruct.residues[0] atomic_number = _guess_atomic_number(words[1], residue) else: atomic_number = AtomicNum[element_by_name(words[1])] atom = Atom(atomic_number=atomic_number, name=words[1], type=words[5]) atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz = [float(w) for w in words[2:5]] self.add_atom(atom,, residue.number, residue.chain, residue.insertion_code, residue.segid) bond_ids = [[int(w) for w in words[6:]]] for i, line in enumerate(fxyz): words = line.split() if seq is not None: residue = seqstruct.atoms[i+1].residue atomic_number = _guess_atomic_number(words[1], residue) else: atomic_number = AtomicNum[element_by_name(words[1])] atom = Atom(atomic_number=atomic_number, name=words[1], type=words[5]) atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz = [float(w) for w in words[2:5]] self.add_atom(atom,, residue.number, residue.chain, residue.insertion_code, residue.segid) bond_ids.append([int(w) for w in words[6:]]) # All of the bonds are stored now -- go ahead and make them now for atom, bonds in zip(self.atoms, bond_ids): i = atom.idx + 1 for idx in bonds: if idx > i: self.bonds.append(Bond(atom, self.atoms[idx-1])) if seq is None: # Try to improve atomic number prediction for monoatomic species # (like ions) if no sequence as loaded for atom in self.atoms: if len(atom.bonds) == 0: # not bonded to anybody else atom.atomic_number = _guess_atomic_number( if own_handle_xyz: fxyz.close()
[docs]class DynFile(object): """ Reads and processes a Tinker DYN file """ def __init__(self, fname=None): if fname is not None:
[docs] def read(self, fname): """ Parses the .dyn file """ f = open(fname, 'r') try: if f.readline().strip() != 'Number of Atoms and Title :': raise TinkerError('%s is not a recognized TINKER .dyn file' % fname) line = f.readline() self.natom, self.title = int(line[0:8].strip()), line[8:].strip() if f.readline().strip() != 'Periodic Box Dimensions :': raise TinkerError('No periodic box dimension line') = [0.0 for i in range(6)] words = f.readline().upper().split()[0] = float(words[0].replace('D', 'E'))[1] = float(words[1].replace('D', 'E'))[2] = float(words[2].replace('D', 'E')) words = f.readline().upper().split()[3] = float(words[0].replace('D', 'E'))[4] = float(words[1].replace('D', 'E'))[5] = float(words[2].replace('D', 'E')) if f.readline().strip() != 'Current Atomic Positions :': raise TinkerError('No atomic positions in .dyn file') self.positions = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for i in range(self.natom)] DynFile._read_section(f, self.positions, self.natom) line = f.readline().strip() if line == 'Current Translational Velocities :': self.rigidbody = True self.translational_velocities = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for i in range(self.natom)] DynFile._read_section(f, self.translational_velocities, self.natom) if f.readline().strip() != 'Current Angular Velocities :': raise TinkerError('Could not find Angular velocity ' 'section in .dyn file') self.angular_velocities = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for i in range(self.natom)] DynFile._read_section(f, self.angular_velocities, self.natom) if f.readline().strip() != 'Current Angular Momenta :': raise TinkerError('Could not find angular momenta section ' 'in .dyn file') self.angular_momenta = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for i in range(self.natom)] DynFile._read_section(f, self.angular_momenta, self.natom) elif line == 'Current Atomic Velocities :': self.rigidbody = False self.velocities = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for i in range(self.natom)] DynFile._read_section(f, self.velocities, self.natom) if f.readline().strip() != 'Current Atomic Accelerations :': raise TinkerError('Could not find accelerations in %s ' % fname) self.accelerations = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for i in range(self.natom)] DynFile._read_section(f, self.accelerations, self.natom) if f.readline().strip() != 'Alternate Atomic Accelerations :': raise TinkerError('Could not find old accelerations in %s' % fname) self.old_accelerations = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for i in range(self.natom)] DynFile._read_section(f, self.old_accelerations, self.natom) else: raise TinkerError('No velocities in %s' % fname) finally: f.close()
@staticmethod def _read_section(f, container, natom): """ Reads a section of an open file into the passed container. The container should be a 2-dimensional list of length natom x 3 """ for i in range(natom): words = f.readline().upper().split() try: container[i][0] = float(words[0].replace('D', 'E')) container[i][1] = float(words[1].replace('D', 'E')) container[i][2] = float(words[2].replace('D', 'E')) except (IndexError, ValueError): raise TinkerError('Could not parse values from dyn file')
[docs]def is_float(thing): try: float(thing) return True except ValueError: return False
def _guess_atomic_number(name, residue=None): """ Guesses the atomic number """ # Special-case single-atom residues, which are almost always ions name = ''.join(c for c in name if c.isalpha()) if residue is None or len(residue.atoms) == 1: if len(name) > 1: try: return AtomicNum[name[0].upper() + name[1].lower()] except KeyError: return AtomicNum[element_by_name(name)] return AtomicNum[element_by_name(name)]