Source code for parmed.tinker.topologyobjects

Contains all of the class objects for the Tinker topology
from __future__ import division
from parmed.utils.six.moves import range, zip
from collections import OrderedDict

[docs]class Atom(object): """ An atom in the system """ def __init__(self, symbol, type_, class_, atomic_number, mass, valence, desc): self.symbol = str(symbol).strip() self.type = int(type_) self.class_ = int(class_) self.atomic_number = int(atomic_number) self.mass = float(mass) self.valence = int(valence) self.desc = str(desc).strip()
[docs] def add_vdw(self, radius, epsilon, radius14, epsilon14, reduction): """ Adds van der Waals terms to the atom """ self.radius = float(radius) self.epsilon = float(epsilon) # These values might not exist if not str(radius14).strip(): self.radius14 = None else: self.radius14 = float(radius14) if not str(epsilon14).strip(): self.epsilon14 = None else: self.epsilon14 = float(epsilon14) if not str(reduction).strip(): self.reduction = None else: self.reduction = float(reduction)
def __repr__(self): return '<Atom %s [#%d]; Mass=%.2f; "%s">' % ( self.symbol, self.atomic_number, self.mass, self.desc) def __str__(self): retstr = ('Atom %s [#%s] %s\n' ' Type: %d\n' ' Class: %d\n' ' Mass: %.2f\n' ' Valence: %d' % (self.symbol, self.atomic_number, self.desc, self.type, self.class_, self.mass, self.valence) ) if hasattr(self, 'radius'): retstr += ('\n vdW Rad: %.2f\n' ' vdW Eps: %.2f' % (self.radius, self.epsilon)) if self.radius14 is not None or self.epsilon14 is not None: retstr += ('\n vdW 1-4 Rad: %.2f\n vdW 1-4 Eps: %.2f' % (self.radius14, self.epsilon14) ) if self.reduction is not None: retstr += '\n vdW Reduct: %.2f' % (self.reduction) return retstr
class _ParamTypeList(list): """ A list for all types of parameters. This should be subclassed for each parameter type that's necessary. It performs type checking as well as other tasks. """ typeclass = None def __init__(self): super(_ParamTypeList, self).__init__() def add(self, *args, **kwargs): self.append(self.typeclass(*args, **kwargs)) def append(self, thing): if not isinstance(thing, self.typeclass): raise TypeError('Can only append "%s" objects to %s' % (self.typeclass.__name__, type(self).__name__)) super(_ParamTypeList, self).append(thing) def extend(self, things): for thing in things: self.append(thing)
[docs]class AtomList(_ParamTypeList): """ List for Atom instances """ typeclass = Atom
[docs]class BondStretch(object): """ A bond-stretching term """ def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, k, req): self.atom1 = atom1 self.atom2 = atom2 self.k = float(k) self.req = float(req) def __repr__(self): return '<%s [%s-%s]; k=%.2f; Req=%.2f>' % (type(self).__name__, self.atom1.symbol, self.atom2.symbol, self.k, self.req) def __str__(self): return ('%s %r --- %r\n' ' K = %.4f\n' ' Req = %.4f' % (type(self).__name__, self.atom1, self.atom2, self.k, self.req) )
[docs]class BondList(_ParamTypeList): typeclass = BondStretch
[docs]class AngleBend(object): """ An angle-bending term """ def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, k, theteq, fold, type_): self.atom1 = atom1 self.atom2 = atom2 self.atom3 = atom3 self.k = float(k) self.theteq = float(theteq) if str(fold).strip(): self.fold = float(fold) else: self.fold = None self.type = type_.strip() or 'Harmonic' def __repr__(self): retstr = '<AngleBend [%s-%s-%s]; k=%.2f; Theta_eq=%.2f' % ( self.atom1.symbol, self.atom2.symbol, self.atom3.symbol, self.k, self.theteq ) if self.fold is not None: retstr += '; fold=%.1f' % self.fold return retstr + '; %s>' % self.type def __str__(self): retstr = ('AngleBend %r --- %r --- %r\n' ' K = %.4f\n' ' Theta = %.4f\n' % (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.k, self.theteq) ) if self.fold is not None: retstr += ' Fold = %.1f\n' % (self.fold) return retstr + ' Type = %s' % (self.type)
[docs]class AngleList(_ParamTypeList): typeclass = AngleBend
[docs]class StretchBend(object): """ A stretch-bending term """ def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, k, theteq, r1eq, r2eq): self.atom1 = atom1 self.atom2 = atom2 self.atom3 = atom3 self.k = float(k) self.theteq = float(theteq) self.r1eq = float(r1eq) self.r2eq = float(r2eq) def __repr__(self): return ('<StretchBend [%s-%s-%s]; k=%.2f; Theta_eq=%.2f; R1eq=%.2f; ' 'R2eq=%.2f>' % (self.atom1.symbol, self.atom2.symbol, self.atom3.symbol, self.k, self.theteq, self.r1eq, self.r2eq) ) def __str__(self): return ('StretchBend %r --- %r --- %r\n' ' K = %.4f\n' ' Theta = %.4f\n' ' R1eq = %.4f\n' ' R2eq = %.4f' % (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.k, self.theteq, self.r1eq, self.r2eq))
[docs]class StretchBendList(_ParamTypeList): typeclass = StretchBend
[docs]class UreyBradley(BondStretch): """ A urey-bradley term -- functionally identical to a bond-stretch """
[docs]class UreyBradleyList(_ParamTypeList): typeclass = UreyBradley
[docs]class OutOfPlaneBend(object): """ An out-of-plane bending term """ def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, k): self.atom1 = atom1 self.atom2 = atom2 self.atom3 = atom3 self.atom4 = atom4 self.k = float(k) def __repr__(self): return '<%s [%s-%s-%s-%s]; k=%.2f>' % ( type(self).__name__, self.atom1.symbol, self.atom2.symbol, self.atom3.symbol, self.atom4.symbol, self.k ) def __str__(self): return ('%s %r --- %r --- %r --- %r\n' ' K = %.2f' % (type(self).__name__, self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4, self.k) )
[docs]class OutOfPlaneBendList(_ParamTypeList): typeclass = OutOfPlaneBend
[docs]class OutOfPlaneDist(OutOfPlaneBend): """ An out-of-plane distance (functionally equivalent to OOP Bend """
[docs]class OutOfPlaneDistList(_ParamTypeList): typeclass = OutOfPlaneDist
[docs]class TorsionAngle(object): """ Torsional Angle parameter """ def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, args): self.atom1 = atom1 self.atom2 = atom2 self.atom3 = atom3 self.atom4 = atom4 # We don't know how many terms to expect, but it will be a multiple of 3 if len(args) % 3 != 0: raise TypeError('TorsionAngle expects an equal number of ' 'Amplitudes, phases, and periodicities.') nterms = len(args) // 3 self.amplitude = tuple([float(args[3*i]) for i in range(nterms)]) self.phase = tuple([float(args[3*i+1]) for i in range(nterms)]) self.periodicity = tuple([int(args[3*i+2]) for i in range(nterms)]) if (len(self.amplitude) != len(self.phase) or len(self.amplitude) != len(self.periodicity)): raise RuntimeError('BUGBUG!! Inconsistent # of terms in torsion') def __repr__(self): if len(self.amplitude) == 0: return '<TorsionAngle [%s-%s-%s-%s]; No Terms>' % ( self.atom1.symbol, self.atom2.symbol, self.atom3.symbol, self.atom4.symbol, ) return '<TorsionAngle [%s-%s-%s-%s]; Ampl=%s; Phase=%s; Per=%s>' % ( self.atom1.symbol, self.atom2.symbol, self.atom3.symbol, self.atom4.symbol, self.amplitude, self.phase, self.periodicity ) def __str__(self): if len(self.amplitude) == 0: return ('TorsionAngle %r --- %r --- %r --- %r\n' ' No Terms' % (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4) ) retstr = 'TorsionAngle %r --- %r --- %r --- %r' % (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4) seq = range(len(self.amplitude)) for i, amp, phase, per in enumerate(zip(seq, self.amplitude, self.phase, self.periodicity)): retstr += ('\n Term %d\n' ' Amplitude = %.4f\n' ' Phase = %.4f\n' ' Periodicity = %.4f' % (i + 1, amp, phase, per)) return retstr
[docs]class TorsionAngleList(_ParamTypeList): typeclass = TorsionAngle
[docs]class PiTorsion(object): """ A Pi-Orbital Torsion parameter """ def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, amplitude): self.atom1, self.atom2 = atom1, atom2 self.amplitude = float(amplitude) def __repr__(self): return '<PiTorsion [%s-%s]; Ampl=%.2f>' % (self.atom1.symbol, self.atom2.symbol, self.amplitude) def __str__(self): return ('PiTorsion %r --- %r\n Amplitude = %.4f' % (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.amplitude))
[docs]class PiTorsionList(_ParamTypeList): typeclass = PiTorsion
[docs]class TorsionTorsion(object): """ A coupled-torsion parameter (like CMAP) """ def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, atom5, spline1, spline2): self.atom1 = atom1 self.atom2 = atom2 self.atom3 = atom3 self.atom4 = atom4 self.atom5 = atom5 self.spline1 = int(spline1) self.spline2 = int(spline2) def __repr__(self): return '<TorsionTorsion [%s-%s-%s-%s-%s]; Spline=(%d,%d)>' % ( self.atom1.symbol, self.atom2.symbol, self.atom3.symbol, self.atom4.symbol, self.atom5.symbol, self.spline1, self.spline2, ) def __str__(self): return ('TorsionTorsion %r --- %r --- %r ---\n' ' %r --- %r\n' ' Spline Grid = (%d x %d)' % (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4, self.atom5, self.spline1, self.spline2) )
[docs]class TorsionTorsionList(_ParamTypeList): typeclass = TorsionTorsion
[docs]class TorsionTorsionGrid(OrderedDict): """ The interpolation grid of a coupled-torsion correction map. Every unique grid is cached and if a duplicate grid is instantiated, a reference to the original grid is returned. As a result, all unique TorsionTorsionGrid instances are singletons and should be compared for equality with "is" """ # Because these grids are space-consuming, we only hold onto unique grids _typelist = list()
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, data): inst = cls() for d in data: inst[tuple(d[:2])] = d[2] # Potentially expensive comparison of all grids. for ttg in TorsionTorsionGrid._typelist: if ttg == inst: return ttg TorsionTorsionGrid._typelist.append(inst) return inst
def __eq__(self, other): if self.keys() != other.keys(): return False for key in self: if abs(self[key] - other[key]) > 1e-8: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other # No comparisons are implemented def __gt__(self, other): raise NotImplemented('TorsionTorsionGrid instances are not ' 'well-ordered') __lt__ = __ge__ = __le__ = __gt__
[docs]class AtomicMultipole(object): """ Atomic multipole parameter """ def __init__(self, atom, frame, definition, moments): self.atom = atom self.frame = [int(i) for i in frame if str(i).strip()] self.definition = definition.strip() self.moment = [float(x) for x in moments] def __repr__(self): return '<AtomicMultipole [%s] %s; Frame=%s; Moments=%s>' % ( self.atom.symbol, self.definition, self.frame, self.moment ) def __str__(self): return ('AtomicMultipole %r "%s"\n' ' Frame = %s\n' ' Moments = %8.5f\n' ' %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f\n' ' %8.5f\n' ' %8.5f %8.5f\n' ' %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f' % ( self.atom, self.definition, self.frame, self.moment[0], self.moment[1], self.moment[2], self.moment[3], self.moment[4], self.moment[5], self.moment[6], self.moment[7], self.moment[8], self.moment[9]) )
[docs]class AtomicMultipoleList(_ParamTypeList): typeclass = AtomicMultipole
[docs]class DipolePolarizability(object): """ A dipole polarizability parameter """ def __init__(self, atom, alpha, group): self.atom = atom self.alpha = float(alpha) = [int(g) for g in group] def __repr__(self): return '<DipolePolarizability [%s]; Alpha=%.2f; Group=%s>' % ( self.atom.symbol, self.alpha, def __str__(self): return ('DipolePolarizability %r\n' ' Alpha = %.4f\n' ' Group = %s' % (self.atom, self.alpha,
[docs]class DipolePolarizabilityList(_ParamTypeList): typeclass = DipolePolarizability