Source code for

This module contains functionality needed to compute energies and forces with
the sander-Python bindings
from __future__ import division
import logging
import numpy as np
from import SimulationError, UnhandledArgumentWarning
    import sander
except ImportError:
    sander = None
    from scipy import optimize
except ImportError:
    optimize = None
import sys
import warnings

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
HAS_SANDER = sander is not None
HAS_SCIPY = optimize is not None

[docs]def energy(parm, args, output=sys.stdout): """ Compute a single-point energy using sander and print the result to the desired output Parameters ---------- parm : Structure args : ArgumentList output : file handler, default sys.stdout """ global HAS_SANDER if not HAS_SANDER: raise SimulationError('Could not import sander') cutoff = args.get_key_float('cutoff', None) igb = args.get_key_int('igb', 5) saltcon = args.get_key_float('saltcon', 0.0) do_ewald = args.has_key('Ewald') vdw_longrange = not args.has_key('nodisper') has_1264 = 'LENNARD_JONES_CCOEF' in parm.parm_data # Get any unmarked arguments unmarked_cmds = args.unmarked() if len(unmarked_cmds) > 0: warnings.warn("Un-handled arguments: " + ' '.join(unmarked_cmds), UnhandledArgumentWarning) if parm.ptr('ifbox') == 0: if not igb in (0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8): raise SimulationError('Bad igb value. Must be 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, or 8') # Force vacuum electrostatics down the GB code path if igb == 0: igb = 6 inp = sander.gas_input(igb) if cutoff is None: cutoff = 1000.0 if cutoff <= 0: raise SimulationError('cutoff must be > 0') inp.cut = cutoff if saltcon < 0: raise SimulationError('salt concentration must be >= 0') inp.saltcon = saltcon elif parm.ptr('ifbox') > 0: inp = sander.pme_input() if cutoff is None: cutoff = 8.0 elif cutoff <= 0: raise SimulationError('cutoff must be > 0') inp.cut = cutoff inp.ew_type = int(do_ewald) inp.vdwmeth = int(vdw_longrange) inp.lj1264 = int(has_1264) if parm.coordinates is None: raise SimulationError('No coordinates are loaded') # Time to set up sander with sander.setup(parm, parm.coordinates,, inp): e, f = sander.energy_forces() if parm.chamber: output.write('Bond = %20.7f Angle = %20.7f\n' 'Dihedral = %20.7f Urey-Bradley = %20.7f\n' 'Improper = %20.7f ' % (, e.angle, e.dihedral, e.angle_ub, e.imp)) if parm.has_cmap: output.write('CMAP = %20.7f\n' % e.cmap) output.write('1-4 vdW = %20.7f 1-4 Elec. = %20.7f\n' 'Lennard-Jones = %20.7f Electrostatic = %20.7f\n' 'TOTAL = %20.7f\n' % (e.vdw_14, e.elec_14, e.vdw, e.elec, e.tot)) else: output.write('Bond = %20.7f Angle = %20.7f\n' 'Dihedral = %20.7f 1-4 vdW = %20.7f\n' '1-4 Elec = %20.7f vdWaals = %20.7f\n' 'Elec. = %20.7f' % (, e.angle, e.dihedral, e.vdw_14, e.elec_14, e.vdw, e.elec)) if igb != 0 and inp.ntb == 0: output.write(' Egb = %20.7f' % elif e.hbond != 0: output.write(' EHbond = %20.7f' % e.hbond) output.write('\nTOTAL = %20.7f\n' % e.tot)
[docs]def minimize(parm, igb, saltcon, cutoff, tol, maxcyc, disp=True, callback=None): """ Minimizes a snapshot. Use the existing System if it exists """ if not HAS_SANDER: raise SimulationError('Could not import sander') if not HAS_SCIPY: raise SimulationError('Could not import scipy') if is None: if not igb in (0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8): raise SimulationError('Bad igb value. Must be 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, or 8') if cutoff is None: cutoff = 999.0 inp = sander.gas_input(igb) inp.saltcon = saltcon inp.cut = cutoff else: if cutoff is None: cutoff = 8.0 inp = sander.pme_input() inp.cut = cutoff # Define the objective function to minimize def energy_function(xyz): sander.set_positions(xyz) e, f = sander.energy_forces() return e.tot, -np.array(f) with sander.setup(parm, parm.coordinates,, inp): options = dict(maxiter=maxcyc, disp=disp, gtol=tol) more_options = dict() if callable(callback): more_options['callback'] = callback results = optimize.minimize(energy_function, parm.coordinates, method='L-BFGS-B', jac=True, options=options, **more_options) parm.coordinates = results.x if not results.success: LOGGER.error('Problem minimizing structure with scipy and sander: %s', results.message.decode())