This module contains objects that deal with system topology and parameters, such
as atoms, residues, bonds, angles, etc.
by Jason Swails
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import math
import warnings
from copy import copy
from functools import wraps
from . import unit as u
from .constants import TINY_DIGITS as _TINY_DIGITS
from .constants import DEG_TO_RAD, RAD_TO_DEG, TINY
from .exceptions import MoleculeError, ParameterError, ParameterWarning
from .geometry import angle, dihedral, distance2
from .utils.decorators import deprecated
from .utils.six import iteritems, string_types
from .utils.six.moves import range, zip
from .periodic_table import Element
__all__ = ['Angle', 'AngleType', 'Atom', 'AtomList', 'Bond', 'BondType', 'ChiralFrame', 'Cmap',
'CmapType', 'Dihedral', 'DihedralType', 'DihedralTypeList', 'Improper', 'ImproperType',
'MultipoleFrame', 'OutOfPlaneBend', 'PiTorsion', 'Residue', 'ResidueList', 'StretchBend',
'StretchBendType', 'TorsionTorsion', 'TorsionTorsionType', 'TrigonalAngle',
'TrackedList', 'UreyBradley', 'OutOfPlaneBendType', 'NonbondedException',
'NonbondedExceptionType', 'AmoebaNonbondedExceptionType', 'AcceptorDonor', 'Group',
'AtomType', 'NoUreyBradley', 'ExtraPoint', 'TwoParticleExtraPointFrame',
'ThreeParticleExtraPointFrame', 'OutOfPlaneExtraPointFrame', 'RBTorsionType',
'UnassignedAtomType', 'Link', 'DrudeAtom', 'DrudeAnisotropy']
# Create the AKMA unit system which is the unit system used by Amber and CHARMM
scale_factor = u.sqrt(1/u.kilocalories_per_mole * (u.daltons * u.angstroms**2))
scale_factor = scale_factor.value_in_unit(u.picoseconds)
akma_time_unit = u.BaseUnit(u.picosecond_base_unit.dimension, 'akma time', symbol='aks')
akma_time_unit.define_conversion_factor_to(u.picosecond_base_unit, scale_factor)
akma_unit_system = u.UnitSystem([u.angstrom_base_unit, u.dalton_base_unit, akma_time_unit,
u.elementary_charge_base_unit, u.kelvin_base_unit,
u.mole_base_unit, u.radian_base_unit])
def _strip_units(value, unit=None):
Strips any units from the given value by casting them into the AKMA unit
system (or the requested unit)
if u.is_quantity(value):
# special-case angles, since pure angles are always in degrees
if unit is None:
if value.unit.is_compatible(u.degrees):
return value.value_in_unit(u.degrees)
return value.value_in_unit_system(akma_unit_system)
return value.value_in_unit(unit)
return value
def _exception_to_notimplemented(func):
Wraps comparison operators to return NotImplemented instead of raising an
def wrapper(self, other):
return func(self, other)
except AttributeError:
return NotImplemented
return wrapper
def _getstate_with_exclusions(exclusions=None):
""" Serializes based on all attributes except requested exclusions
exclusions : list of str, optional
List of all attributes to exclude from serialization (should be
descriptors and 'list'). Default is None
If exclusions is None, it defaults to excluding 'list'. If this is not
desired, set exclusions to the empty list.
if exclusions is None:
exclusions = ['list']
def __getstate__(self):
return {key : val for (key, val) in iteritems(self.__dict__) if key not in exclusions}
return __getstate__
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# Private classes and methods
class _ListItem(object):
Helpful methods for items that appear in some kind of tracked list.
Subclasses of this method interact with their `list` attribute, if they have
one, in order to determine _where_ in the list they occur.
idx : ``int``
This is intended to be a read-only variable that determines where in the
list this particular object is. If there is no `list` attribute for this
object, or the item is not in the list at all, `idx` is -1
For lists that support indexing its members and tracking when that list is
changed (so we know when to update indexes), this is a fast lookup, as
indexing only needs to be done once, at most, for the entire list (until
changes are made that could change the indexing).
The ``idx`` lookup in a TrackedList is therefore an O(1) operation, while
it is O(N) for standard containers (O(N^2) for looking up *all* indexes).
def idx(self):
mylist = self.list
except AttributeError:
return -1
if mylist is None:
return -1
needs_indexing = mylist.needs_indexing
except AttributeError:
# This isn't a tracked list, so just look through the list
for i, item in enumerate(mylist):
if item is self: return i
return -1
if needs_indexing or self._idx == -1:
self._idx = -1
return self._idx
except AttributeError:
for i, item in enumerate(mylist):
if item is self: return i
return -1
return self._idx
class _FourAtomTerm(object):
A base class for a parameter that spans 4 atoms
atom1 : :class:`Atom`
The first atom in the term
atom2 : :class:`Atom`
The second atom in the term
atom3 : :class:`Atom`
The third atom in the term
atom4 : :class:`Atom`
The fourth atom in the term
This is a base class that should be overridden by terms consisting of 4
atoms (like torsions). There are a lot of such terms in the Amoeba force
field, so this functionality is broken out into a new form
def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4):
if (atom1 is atom2 or atom1 is atom3 or atom1 is atom4 or atom2 is atom3 or
atom2 is atom4 or atom3 is atom4):
raise MoleculeError('4-atom term cannot have duplicate atoms! '
'Atoms are: %s %s %s %s' % (atom1, atom2,
atom3, atom4))
self.atom1 = atom1
self.atom2 = atom2
self.atom3 = atom3
self.atom4 = atom4
def __contains__(self, obj):
return self.atom1 is obj or self.atom2 is obj or self.atom3 is obj or self.atom4 is obj
def delete(self):
""" Sets all atoms in this term to None, and its type if it exists """
self.atom1 = self.atom2 = self.atom3 = self.atom4 = None
if hasattr(self, 'type'): self.type = None
class _ParameterType(object):
A parameter type that defines the nature of a particular molecular
interaction. This is a base class that simply indicates whether a particular
parameter type is "used", which in turn is used to determine whether or not
this parameter type needs to be printed
used : ``bool``
If ``True``, then this parameter type should be considered *used*. If
``False``, it is not being used and does not need to be printed.
penalty : float or None
If this is assigned from a database, there might be a penalty assigned
to the determination of this parameter
def __init__(self):
self.used = False
self.penalty = None
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def _delete_from_list(list, item):
Deletes a requested item from a list. If the item does not exist in the
list, a ValueError is raised
list : ``list``
The list from which an item will be deleted
item : ``object``
The object to delete from the list
def _safe_assigns(dest, source, attrs):
Shallow-copies all requested attributes from `source` to `dest` if they
are present. If not present, nothing is done
for attr in attrs:
if not hasattr(source, attr): continue
myattr = getattr(source, attr)
setattr(dest, attr, myattr)
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class Atom(_ListItem):
An atom. Only use these as elements in AtomList instances, since AtomList
will keep track of when indexes and other stuff needs to be updated. All
parameters are optional.
atomic_number : ``int``
The atomic number of this atom
name : ``str``
The name of this atom
type : ``str``
The type name of this atom
charge : ``float``
The partial atomic charge of this atom in fractions of an electron
mass : ``float``
The atomic mass of this atom in daltons
nb_idx : ``int``
The nonbonded index. This is a pointer that is relevant in the context
of an Amber topology file and identifies its Lennard-Jones atom type
solvent_radius : ``float``
The intrinsic solvation radius of this atom.
screen : ``float``
The Generalized Born screening factor for this atom.
occupancy : ``float``
The occupancy of the atom (see PDB file)
bfactor : ``float``
The B-factor of the atom (see PDB file)
altloc : ``str``
Alternate location indicator (see PDB file)
Other Parameters
list : :class:`AtomList`
The AtomList that this atom belongs to. If None, this atom does not
belong to any list. This can be any iterable, but should typically be an
AtomList or None
tree : ``str``
The tree chain identifier assigned to this atom. Relevant in the context
of an Amber topology file, and not used for very much.
join : ``int``
The 'join` property of atoms stored in the Amber topology file. At the
time of writing this class, `join` is unused, but still oddly required.
Add support for future-proofing
irotat : ``int``
The `irotat` property of atoms stored in the Amber topology file.
Unused, but included for future-proofing.
number : ``int``
The serial number given to the atom (see PDB file)
rmin : ``float``
The Rmin/2 Lennard-Jones parameter for this atom. Default evaluates to 0
epsilon : ``float``
The epsilon (well depth) Lennard-Jones parameter for this atom. Default
evaluates to 0
rmin14 : ``float``
The Rmin/2 Lennard-Jones parameter for this atom in 1-4 interactions.
Default evaluates to 0
epsilon14 : ``float``
The epsilon (well depth) Lennard-Jones parameter for this atom in 1-4
interactions. Default evaluates to 0
Other Attributes
element : ``int``
This is an alias for atomic_number
atom_type : :class:`AtomType`
In some cases, "type" is an ambiguous choice of an integer serial number
or a string descriptor. In this case, atom_type is an AtomType instance
that disambiguates this discrepancy.
anisou : numpy.ndarray(float64) (or list of floats)
Anisotropic temperature scaling factors. This is a 6-element numpy array
They are the 3x3 symmetric matrix elements U(1,1), U(2,2), U(3,3),
U(1,2), U(1,3), U(2,3). If no factors available, it is None.
idx : ``int``
The index of this atom in the list. Set to -1 if this atom is not part
of a list or the index cannot otherwise be determined (i.e., if the
containing list does not support indexing its members)
residue : :class:`Residue`
The Residue that this atom belongs to. This is assigned when this atom
is passed to `Residue.add_atom` -- see below for more information. Until
it is set there, it is None
other_locations : ``dict`` of :class:`Atom`
A dict of Atom instances that represent alternate conformers of this
atom. The keys are the `altloc` characters for those Atoms.
bonds : ``list`` of :class:`Bond`
list of Bond objects in which this atom is a member. This attribute
should not be modified.
angles : ``list`` of :class:`Angle`
list of Angle objects in which this atom is a member. This attribute
should not be modified.
dihedrals : ``list`` of :class:`Dihedral`
list of Dihedral objects in which this atom is a member. This attribute
should not be modified.
urey_bradleys : ``list`` of :class:`UreyBradley`
list of UreyBradley objects in which this atom is a member (CHARMM,
AMOEBA). This attribute should not be modified.
impropers : ``list`` of :class:`Improper`
list of Improper objects in which the atom is a member (CHARMM). This
attribute should not be modified.
cmaps : ``list`` of :class:`Cmap`
list of Cmap objects in which the atom is a member (CHARMM, AMOEBA).
This attribute should not be modified.
tortors : ``list`` of :class:`TorsionTorsion`
list of TorsionTorsion objects in which the atom is a member (AMOEBA).
This attribute should not be modified.
bond_partners : ``list`` of :class:`Atom`
list of Atoms to which this atom is bonded. Do not modify this
attribute -- it will almost certainly not do what you think it will
angle_partners : ``list`` of :class:`Atom`
list of Atoms to which this atom forms an angle, but not a bond. Do not
modify this attribute -- it will almost certainly not do what you think
it will
dihedral_partners : ``list`` of :class:`Atom`
list of Atoms to which this atom forms an dihedral, but not a bond or
angle. Do not modify this attribute -- it will almost certainly not do
what you think it will
tortor_partners : ``list`` of :class:`Atom`
list of Atoms to which this atom forms a coupled Torsion-Torsion, but
not a bond or angle (AMOEBA). Do not modify this attribute -- it will
almost certainly not do what you think it will
exclusion_partners : ``list`` of :class:`Atom`
list of Atoms with which this atom is excluded, but not bonded, angled,
or dihedraled to. Do not modify this attribute -- it will almost
certainly not do what you think it will
marked : ``int``
Mainly for internal use, it is used to indicate when certain atoms have
been "marked" when traversing the bond network identifying topological
features (like molecules and rings)
children : ``list`` of :class:`ExtraPoint`
This is the list of "child" ExtraPoint objects bonded to this atom
number : ``int``
The serial number of the atom in the input structure (e.g., PDB file).
If not present in the original structure, a default value of -1 is used
rmin : ``float``
The Rmin/2 Lennard-Jones parameter for this atom. Default value is 0.
If not set, it is taken from the `atom_type` attribute (if available)
epsilon : ``float``
The epsilon (well depth) Lennard-Jones parameter for this atom. Default
value is 0. If not set, it is taken from the `atom_type` attribute (if
rmin_14 : ``float``
The Rmin/2 L-J parameter for 1-4 pairs. Default value is `rmin` (see
above). If not set, it is taken from the `atom_type` attribute (if
epsilon_14 : ``float``
The epsilon L-J parameter for 1-4 pairs. Default value is `epsilon` (see
above). If not set, it is taken from the `atom_type` attribute (if
Possible Attributes
xx : ``float``
The X-component of the position of this atom. Only present if
coordinates have been loaded. Otherwise raises AttributeError
xy : ``float``
The Y-component of the position of this atom. Only present if
coordinates have been loaded. Otherwise raises AttributeError
xz : ``float``
The Z-component of the position of this atom. Only present if
coordinates have been loaded. Otherwise raises AttributeError
vx : ``float``
The X-component of the velocity of this atom. Only present if the
velocities have been loaded. Otherwise raises AttributeError
vy : ``float``
The Y-component of the velocity of this atom. Only present if the
velocities have been loaded. Otherwise raises AttributeError
vz : ``float``
The Z-component of the velocity of this atom. Only present if the
velocities have been loaded. Otherwise raises AttributeError
type_idx : ``int``
The AMOEBA atom type index. Only present if initialized with the AMOEBA
force field. Otherwise raises AttributeError.
class_idx : ``int``
The AMOEBA class type index Only present if initialized with the AMOEBA
force field. Otherwise raises AttributeError.
multipoles : ``list(float)``
The list of the 10 multipole moments up through quadrupoles Only present
if initialized with the AMOEBA force field. Otherwise raises
polarizability : ``list(float)``
The polarizability of the atom. Only present if initialized with the
AMOEBA force field. Otherwise raises AttributeError.
vdw_parent : :class:`Atom`
In the AMOEBA force field, this is the parent atom for the van der Waals
vdw_weight : ``float``
In the AMOEBA force field, this is the weight of the van der Waals
interaction on the parent atom
The bond_partners, angle_partners, dihedral_partners, and exclusion_partners
arrays are actually generated as properties by taking differences of sets
and sorting them. As a result, accessing this attribute constantly can be
less efficient than you would expect. Iterating over them in a loop requires
minimal overhead. But if frequent access is needed and these sets are
guaranteed not to change, you should save a reference to the object and use
that instead.
Binary comparisons are done by atom index and are used primarily for sorting
sublists of atoms. The == operator is not defined, so Atom equality should
be done using the `is` operator. This allows Atom instances to be hashable
(and so used as `dict` keys and put in `set`s)
>>> a1 = Atom(name='CO', type='C', charge=0.5, mass=12.01)
>>> a2 = Atom(name='OC', type='O', charge=-0.5, mass=12.01)
>>> a1.bond_to(a2)
>>> a1 in a2.bond_partners and a2 in a1.bond_partners
>>> a1.idx # Not part of a container
This object also supports automatic indexing when it is part of a container
>>> atom_list = []
>>> atom_list.append(Atom(list=atom_list, name='CO', charge=0.5))
>>> atom_list.append(Atom(list=atom_list, name='OC', charge=-0.5))
>>> atom_list[0].idx
>>> atom_list[1].idx
[docs] def __init__(self, list=None, atomic_number=0, name='', type='',
charge=None, mass=0.0, nb_idx=0, solvent_radius=0.0,
screen=0.0, tree='BLA', join=0.0, irotat=0.0, occupancy=0.0,
bfactor=0.0, altloc='', number=-1, rmin=None, epsilon=None,
rmin14=None, epsilon14=None):
self.list = list
self._idx = -1
self.atomic_number = atomic_number
self.name = name.strip()
self.type = type.strip()
except AttributeError:
self.type = type
self._charge = _strip_units(charge, u.elementary_charge)
self.mass = _strip_units(mass, u.dalton)
self.nb_idx = nb_idx
self.solvent_radius = _strip_units(solvent_radius, u.angstrom)
self.screen = screen
self.tree = tree
self.join = join
self.irotat = irotat
self.bfactor = bfactor
self.altloc = altloc
self.occupancy = occupancy
self._bond_partners = []
self._angle_partners = []
self._dihedral_partners = []
self._tortor_partners = []
self._exclusion_partners = [] # For arbitrary/other exclusions
self.residue = None
self.marked = 0 # For setting molecules
self.bonds, self.angles, self.dihedrals = [], [], []
self.urey_bradleys, self.impropers, self.cmaps = [], [], []
self.tortors = []
self.other_locations = {} # A dict of Atom instances
self.atom_type = UnassignedAtomType
self.number = number
self.anisou = None
self._rmin = _strip_units(rmin, u.angstroms)
self._epsilon = _strip_units(epsilon, u.kilocalories_per_mole)
self._rmin14 = _strip_units(rmin14, u.angstroms)
self._epsilon14 = _strip_units(epsilon14, u.kilocalories_per_mole)
self.children = []
def _copy(cls, item):
new = cls(atomic_number=item.atomic_number, name=item.name, type=item.type,
charge=item.charge, mass=item.mass, nb_idx=item.nb_idx,
solvent_radius=item.solvent_radius, screen=item.screen, tree=item.tree,
join=item.join, irotat=item.irotat, occupancy=item.occupancy,
bfactor=item.bfactor, altloc=item.altloc)
new.atom_type = item.atom_type
new.anisou = copy(item.anisou)
for key in item.other_locations:
new.other_locations[key] = copy(item.other_locations[key])
_safe_assigns(new, item, ('xx', 'xy', 'xz', 'vx', 'vy', 'vz', 'type_idx', 'class_idx',
'multipoles', 'polarizability', 'vdw_parent', 'vdw_weight'))
return new
def __copy__(self):
""" Returns a deep copy of this atom, but not attached to any list """
return type(self)._copy(self)
def bond_partners(self):
""" Go through all bonded partners """
bp = set(self._bond_partners)
for p in self._bond_partners:
for c in p.children:
return sorted(list(bp))
def angle_partners(self):
""" List of all angle partners that are NOT bond partners """
bp = set(self._bond_partners)
ap = set(self._angle_partners) - bp
toadd = set()
for p in ap:
for c in p.children:
ap |= toadd
return sorted(list(ap))
def dihedral_partners(self):
" List of all dihedral partners that are NOT angle or bond partners "
bp = set(self._bond_partners)
ap = set(self._angle_partners)
dp = set(self._dihedral_partners) - ap - bp
toadd = set()
for p in dp:
for c in p.children:
dp |= toadd
return sorted(list(dp))
def tortor_partners(self):
List of all 1-5 partners that are NOT in angle or bond partners. This is
*only* used in the Amoeba force field
bp = set(self._bond_partners)
ap = set(self._angle_partners)
dp = set(self._dihedral_partners)
tp = set(self._tortor_partners) - dp - ap - bp
toadd = set()
for p in tp:
for c in p.children:
tp |= toadd
return sorted(list(tp))
def exclusion_partners(self):
List of all exclusions not otherwise excluded by bonds/angles/torsions
# A little expensive, but the only way to ensure this is completely
# correct easily
bp = set(self.bond_partners)
ap = set(self.angle_partners)
dp = set(self.dihedral_partners)
tp = set(self.tortor_partners)
ep = set(self._exclusion_partners) - tp - dp - ap - bp
toadd = set()
for p in ep:
for c in p.children:
ep |= toadd
return sorted(list(ep))
# Various parameters that can be taken from the AtomType if not set on the
# atom directly.
def charge(self):
if self._charge is None:
if self.atom_type is UnassignedAtomType or self.atom_type.charge is None:
return 0.0
return self.atom_type.charge
return self._charge
def charge(self, value):
self._charge = _strip_units(value, unit=u.elementary_charge)
def ucharge(self):
""" Charge with units """
return self.charge * u.elementary_charge
def rmin(self):
""" Lennard-Jones Rmin/2 parameter (the Lennard-Jones radius) """
if self._rmin is None:
if self.atom_type is UnassignedAtomType or self.atom_type.rmin is None:
return 0.0
return self.atom_type.rmin
return self._rmin
def rmin(self, value):
""" Lennard-Jones Rmin/2 parameter (the Lennard-Jones radius) """
self._rmin = _strip_units(value, unit=u.angstroms)
def urmin(self):
""" Lennard-Jones Rmin/2 parameter with units """
return self.rmin * u.angstrom
def sigma(self):
""" Lennard-Jones sigma parameter -- directly related to Rmin """
return self.rmin * 2**(-1/6) * 2
def sigma(self, value):
self._rmin = _strip_units(value, unit=u.angstroms) * 2**(1/6) / 2
def usigma(self):
""" Lennard-Jones sigma parameter with units """
return self.sigma * u.angstroms
def epsilon(self):
""" Lennard-Jones epsilon parameter (the Lennard-Jones well depth) """
if self._epsilon is None:
if self.atom_type is UnassignedAtomType or self.atom_type.epsilon is None:
return 0.0
return self.atom_type.epsilon
return self._epsilon
def epsilon(self, value):
""" Lennard-Jones epsilon parameter (the Lennard-Jones well depth) """
self._epsilon = _strip_units(value, unit=u.kilocalorie_per_mole)
def uepsilon(self):
""" Lennard-Jones epsilon parameter with units """
return self.epsilon * u.kilocalories_per_mole
def rmin_14(self):
""" The 1-4 Lennard-Jones Rmin/2 parameter """
if self._rmin14 is None:
if self.atom_type is UnassignedAtomType or self.atom_type.rmin_14 is None:
return self.rmin
return self.atom_type.rmin_14
return self._rmin14
def rmin_14(self, value):
""" The 1-4 Lennard-Jones Rmin/2 parameter """
self._rmin14 = _strip_units(value, u.angstroms)
def urmin_14(self):
""" The 1-4 Lennard-Jones Rmin/2 parameter with units """
return self.rmin_14 * u.angstroms
def sigma_14(self):
""" Lennard-Jones sigma parameter -- directly related to Rmin """
if self._rmin14 is None:
if self.atom_type is UnassignedAtomType or self.atom_type.rmin_14 is None:
return self.sigma
return self.atom_type.rmin_14 * 2**(-1/6) * 2
return self._rmin14 * 2**(-1/6) * 2
def sigma_14(self, value):
self._rmin14 = _strip_units(value, u.angstroms) * 2**(1/6) / 2
def usigma_14(self):
""" The 1-4 Lennard-Jones sigma parameter with units """
return self.sigma_14 * u.angstroms
def epsilon_14(self):
""" The 1-4 Lennard-Jones epsilon parameter """
if self._epsilon14 is None:
if self.atom_type is UnassignedAtomType or self.atom_type.epsilon_14 is None:
return self.epsilon
return self.atom_type.epsilon_14
return self._epsilon14
def epsilon_14(self, value):
""" The 1-4 Lennard-Jones epsilon parameter """
self._epsilon14 = _strip_units(value, u.kilocalories_per_mole)
def uepsilon_14(self):
""" The 1-4 Lennard-Jones epsilon parameter """
return self.epsilon_14 * u.kilocalories_per_mole
def umass(self):
return self._mass * u.daltons
def usolvent_radius(self):
""" Solvation radius with units attached """
return self.solvent_radius * u.angstroms
[docs] def nonbonded_exclusions(self, only_greater=True, index_from=0):
Returns the total number of nonbonded atom exclusions for this atom. The
general rules for building the exclusion list is to include both
exceptions AND exclusions (i.e., the Amber scaling of 1-4 interactions
means that the 1-4 terms are excluded and a special pairlist is built to
handle those exceptions).
All atoms in the `_partners` arrays are nonbonded exclusions.
only_greater : ``bool``, optional
If True (default), only atoms whose `idx` value is greater than this
`Atom`s `idx` will be counted as an exclusion (to avoid double-
counting exclusions). If False, all exclusions will be counted.
index_from : ``int``, optional
This is the index of the first atom, and is intended to be 0 (for C-
and Python-style numbering, default) or 1 (for Fortran-style
numbering, such as that used in the Amber and CHARMM topology files)
``list of int``
The returned list will be the atom indexes of the exclusion partners
for this atom (indexing starts from ``index_from``)
If this instance's `idx` attribute evaluates to -1 -- meaning it is not
in an AtomList -- a IndexError will be raised. If you have two extra
points (i.e., those with atomic numbers of 0) bonded to each other, this
routine may raise a ``RuntimeError`` if the recursion depth is exceeded.
if self.idx < 0:
raise IndexError('Cannot find exclusions of an unindexed Atom')
if only_greater:
baseline = self.idx
baseline = -1
excl = []
for atm in self.bond_partners:
i = atm.idx + index_from
if i > baseline:
for atm in self.angle_partners:
i = atm.idx + index_from
if i > baseline:
for atm in self.dihedral_partners:
i = atm.idx + index_from
if i > baseline:
for atm in self.tortor_partners:
i = atm.idx + index_from
if i > baseline:
for atm in self.exclusion_partners:
i = atm.idx + index_from
if i > baseline:
return sorted(excl)
# Make 'element' an alias for 'atomic_number'
def element(self):
return self.atomic_number
def element(self, value):
self.atomic_number = value
def element_name(self):
return Element[self.atomic_number]
[docs] def bond_to(self, other):
Log this atom as bonded to another atom.
other : :class:`Atom`
An atom that will be added to `bond_partners`
This action adds `self` to `other.bond_partners`. Raises
:class:`MoleculeError` if `other is self`
if isinstance(other, ExtraPoint):
elif isinstance(self, ExtraPoint):
if self is other:
raise MoleculeError("Cannot bond atom to itself! "
"Atoms are: %s %s" % (self, other))
[docs] def angle_to(self, other):
Log this atom as angled to another atom.
other : :class:`Atom`
An atom that will be added to `angle_partners`
This action adds `self` to `other.angle_partners`. Raises
:class:`MoleculeError` if `other is self`
if self is other:
raise MoleculeError("Cannot angle an atom with itself! "
"Atoms are: %s %s" % (self, other))
[docs] def dihedral_to(self, other):
Log this atom as dihedral-ed to another atom.
other : :class:`Atom`
An atom that will be added to `dihedral_partners`
This action adds `self` to `other.dihedral_partners`. Raises
:class:`MoleculeError` if `other is self`
if self is other:
raise MoleculeError("Cannot dihedral an atom with itself! "
"Atoms are: %s %s" % (self, other))
[docs] def tortor_to(self, other):
Log this atom as 1-5 partners to another atom
other : :class:`Atom`
An atom that will be added to `tortor_partners`
This action adds `self` to `other.tortor_partners`. Raises
:class:`MoleculeError` if `other is self`
if self is other:
raise MoleculeError('Cannot coupled-dihedral atom to itself '
'Atoms are: %s %s' % (self, other))
[docs] def exclude(self, other):
Add one atom to my arbitrary exclusion list
other : :class:`Atom`
An atom that will be added to `exclusion_partners`.
This action adds `self` to `other.exclusion_partners`. Raises
:class:`MoleculeError` if `other is self`
if self is other:
raise MoleculeError("Cannot exclude an atom from itself! "
"Atoms are: %s %s" % (self, other))
[docs] def prune_exclusions(self):
For extra points, the exclusion partners may be filled before the bond,
angle, dihedral, and tortor partners. Since we don't want memory of
these exclusions if any of those topological features were to break, we
want to *remove* those from the exclusion list. This function makes sure
that nothing in the bond, angle, dihedral, and tortor lists appears in
the exclusion list.
excludes = (set(self._exclusion_partners) - set(self._tortor_partners) -
set(self._dihedral_partners) - set(self._angle_partners) -
self._exclusion_partners = sorted(list(excludes))
# Comparisons are done by comparing indexes
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.idx > other.idx
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.idx < other.idx
def __ge__(self, other):
return not self < other
def __le__(self, other):
return not self > other
def __repr__(self):
start = '<Atom %s [%d]' % (self.name, self.idx)
if self.residue is not None and hasattr(self.residue, 'idx'):
return start + '; In %s %d>' % (self.residue.name, self.residue.idx)
elif self.residue is not None:
return start + '; In object %r>' % self.residue
return start + '>'
# For pickleability
def __getstate__(self):
retval = dict(name=self.name, type=self.type, atom_type=self.atom_type,
_charge=self._charge, mass=self.mass, nb_idx=self.nb_idx,
solvent_radius=self.solvent_radius, screen=self.screen,
tree=self.tree, join=self.join, irotat=self.irotat, bfactor=self.bfactor,
altloc=self.altloc, occupancy=self.occupancy, number=self.number,
anisou=self.anisou, _rmin=self._rmin, _epsilon=self._epsilon,
_rmin14=self._rmin14, _epsilon14=self._epsilon14, children=self.children,
for key in ('xx', 'xy', 'xz', 'vx', 'vy', 'vz', 'multipoles', 'type_idx', 'class_idx',
'polarizability', 'vdw_weight', 'weights', '_frame_type'):
retval[key] = getattr(self, key)
except AttributeError:
return retval
def __setstate__(self, d):
self._bond_partners = []
self._angle_partners = []
self._dihedral_partners = []
self._tortor_partners = []
self._exclusion_partners = []
self.residue = None
self.marked = 0
self.bonds, self.angles, self.dihedrals = [], [], []
self.urey_bradleys, self.impropers, self.cmaps = [], [], []
self.tortors = []
self.other_locations = {}
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class TwoParticleExtraPointFrame(object):
This class defines a frame of reference for a given extra point with a frame
of reference defined by 2 particles
ep : :class:`ExtraPoint`
The extra point defined by this frame
inside : ``bool``
If True, the extra point is contained inside the curve connecting all
points in the frame of reference. If False, the point is outside that
curve. See figures below for example
In the figures, x marks the real particles, e marks the extra point
(properly numbered). The numbers refer to the ordering this class expects
those atoms to be in. The real particle that is the parent of the extra
point is shown in upper-case
Inside : x1-----e--X2
Outside : x1--------X2--e
def __init__(self, ep, inside=False):
# Don't do error-checking now, since we want to give it time for the
# bonds to be generated -- only error check when trying to get weights
self.ep = ep
self.inside = inside
[docs] def get_atoms(self):
Returns the particles involved in the frame
a1, a2 : :class:`Atom`, :class:`Atom`
a1 is the parent atom of the extra point. a2 is the other atom
bonded to the parent atom
mybond, = [bond for bond in self.ep.parent.bonds if self.ep not in bond]
except (ValueError, TypeError):
raise RuntimeError("Bad bond pattern in EP frame")
if mybond.atom1 is self.ep.parent:
return self.ep.parent, mybond.atom2
return self.ep.parent, mybond.atom1
[docs] def get_weights(self):
Returns the weights for the two particles
w1, w2 : ``float, float``
w1 is the weight of particle 1 (the parent atom), whereas w2 is the
weight of particle 2 (the atom bonded to the parent atom)
ep = self.ep
if len(ep.parent.bonds) != 2:
raise ValueError('EP parent bond pattern inconsistent with 2-point virtual site frame')
b1, b2 = ep.parent.bonds
if ep in b1:
r1 = b2.type.req
r2 = b1.type.req
r1 = b1.type.req
r2 = b2.type.req
if self.inside:
# It is closer to atom 1, but both weights are positive and add to 1
return ((r1 - r2) / r1), (r2 / r1)
return ((r1 + r2) / r1), -(r2 / r1)
[docs]class ThreeParticleExtraPointFrame(object):
This class defines a frame of reference for a given extra point with a frame
of reference defined by 3 particles
ep : :class:`ExtraPoint`
The extra point defined by this frame
inside : ``bool``
If True, the extra point is contained inside the curve connecting all
points in the frame of reference. If False, the point is outside that
curve. See figures below for example
In the figures, x marks the real particles, e marks the extra point
(properly numbered). The numbers refer to the ordering this class expects
those atoms to be in. The real particle that is the parent of the extra
point is shown in upper-case
Inside : X
/ e \
x x
Outside :
/ \
/ \
x x
def __init__(self, ep, inside=True):
# Don't do error-checking now, since we want to give it time for the
# bonds to be generated -- only error check when trying to get weights
self.ep = ep
self.inside = inside
[docs] def get_atoms(self):
Returns the particles involved in the frame
a1, a2, a3 : :class:`Atom`, :class:`Atom`, :class:`Atom`
a1 is the parent atom of the extra point. a2 and a3 are the other
atoms that are both bonded to the parent atom
b1, b2 = [bond for bond in self.ep.parent.bonds if self.ep not in bond]
except (ValueError, TypeError):
raise RuntimeError('Unsupported bonding pattern in EP frame')
if b1.atom1 is self.ep.parent:
oatom1 = b1.atom2
oatom1 = b1.atom1
if b2.atom1 is self.ep.parent:
oatom2 = b2.atom2
oatom2 = b2.atom1
return self.ep.parent, oatom1, oatom2
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_weights(parent, a1, a2, w1, w2, dp1=None, dp2=None, theteq=None, d12=None):
This function determines the necessary bond length between an ExtraPoint
and its parent atom from the weights that are calculated in
parent : :class:`Atom`
The parent atom to the ExtraPoint
a1 : :class:`Atom`
The first atom in the frame bonded to the parent
a2 : :class:`Atom`
The second atom in the frame bonded to the parent
w1 : float
The first weight defining the ExtraPoint position wrt ``a1``
w2 : float
The second weight defining the ExtraPoint position wrt ``a2``
dp1 : float, optional
Equilibrium distance between parent and a1. If None, a bond with a
bond type must be defined between parent and a1, and the distance
will be taken from there. Units must be Angstroms. Default is None
dp2 : float, optional
Same as dp1 above, but between atoms parent and a2. Either both dp1
and dp2 should be None or neither should be. If one is None, the
other will be ignored if not None.
theteq : float, optional
Angle between bonds parent-a1 and parent-a2. If None, d12 (below)
will be used to calculate the angle. If both are None, the angle
or d12 distance will be calculated from parametrized bonds or
angles between a1, parent, and a2. Units of degrees. Default None.
d12 : float, optional
Distance between a1 and a2 as an alternative way to specify theteq.
Default is None.
dist : float
The distance between the ExtraPoint and its parent atom that
satisfies the weights
parent must form a Bond with both a1 and a2. Then, if a1-parent-a2
forms an angle and it has an assigned type, that equilibrium value is
used. Otherwise, the a1-a2 bond distance is used. If neither of those
are defined, a ValueError is raised.
ValueError if the necessary geometry requirements are not set or if the
two weights are different
if a1 not in parent.bond_partners or a2 not in parent.bond_partners:
raise ValueError('Parent atom not bound to other 2 atoms in frame')
if a2 not in a1.angle_partners and a2 not in a1.bond_partners:
raise ValueError('No geometry defined between 2 non-parent atoms')
if w1 != w2:
raise ValueError('Currently only equal weights are supported')
# distance(OV) = w1 * cos(EP-Parent-a1) * parent-a1 dist
if dp1 is None or dp2 is None:
for bond in parent.bonds:
if a1 in bond:
if bond.type is None:
raise ParameterError('Could not determine virtual site geometry')
dp1 = bond.type.req
if a2 in bond:
if bond.type is None:
raise ParameterError('Could not determine virtual site geometry')
dp2 = bond.type.req
if theteq is None and d12 is None:
if a2 not in a1.angle_partners:
for bond in a1.bonds:
if a2 not in bond: continue
if bond.type is None:
raise ParameterError('Could not determine virtual site geometry')
d12 = bond.type.req
# Get angle from law of cosines
theteq = math.acos((dp1*dp1+dp2*dp2-d12*d12)/(2*dp1*dp2))
for ang in a1.angles:
if a2 in ang and a2 is not ang.atom2: #TODO test angle.type is None
theteq = ang.type.theteq * DEG_TO_RAD
assert False, "Could not find matching angle"
elif theteq is None:
theteq = math.acos((dp1*dp1+dp2*dp2-d12*d12)/(2*dp1*dp2))
theteq *= DEG_TO_RAD
if abs(dp1 - dp2) > TINY:
raise ValueError('Cannot deal with asymmetry in EP frame')
return abs(w1 * 2 * math.cos(theteq * 0.5) * dp1)
[docs] def get_weights(self):
Returns the weights for the three particles
w1, w2, w3 : ``float, float, float``
w1 is the weight of particle 1 (the parent atom), whereas w2 and w3
are the weights of particles 2 and 3 (the atoms bonded to the
parent atom)
ep = self.ep
if len(ep.parent.bonds) != 3:
raise ValueError('EP parent bond pattern inconsistent with 3-point virtual site frame')
b1, b2, b3 = ep.parent.bonds
# There are 2 possibilities here -- there is an angle between the 3
# atoms in the frame OR there is a triangle of bonds (e.g., TIP4P).
# Compute the 'ideal' distance between the 3 frame-of-ref. atoms
if ep in b1:
b1, b3 = b3, b1
elif ep in b2:
b2, b3 = b3, b2
# See if there is an angle with both b1 and b2 in it
found = False
for ang in ep.parent.angles:
if b1 in ang and b2 in ang:
found = True
if found:
# Compute the 2-3 distance from the two bond lengths and the angles
# using law of cosines
r1 = b1.type.req
r2 = b2.type.req
theta = ang.type.theteq * DEG_TO_RAD
req23 = math.sqrt(r1*r1 + r2*r2 - 2*r1*r2*math.cos(theta))
# See if there is a bond between particles 2 and 3
if b1.atom1 is ep.parent:
a1 = b1.atom2
a1 = b1.atom1
if b2.atom1 is ep.parent:
a2 = b2.atom2
a2 = b2.atom1
if a1 not in a2.bond_partners:
raise RuntimeError('EP frame definition incomplete for 3-point virtual site... '
'cannot determine distance between particles 2 and 3')
req23 = None
for bond in a1.bonds:
if a2 in bond:
req23 = bond.type.req
if req23 is None:
raise RuntimeError('Cannot determine 2-3 particle distance in '
'three-site virtual site frame')
req12 = b1.type.req
req13 = b2.type.req
weight = b3.type.req / math.sqrt(req12*req13 - 0.25*req23*req23)
if self.inside:
return 1 - weight, weight / 2, weight / 2
return 1 + weight, -weight / 2, -weight / 2
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class Bond(object):
A covalent bond connecting two atoms.
atom1 : :class:`Atom`
The first atom involved in the bond
atom2 : :class:`Atom`
The other atom involved in the bond
type : :class:`BondType` or None, optional
The bond type that defines the parameters for this bond. Default is None
order : float, optional
The bond order of this bond. Bonds are classified as follows:
1.0 -- single bond
2.0 -- double bond
3.0 -- triple bond
1.5 -- aromatic bond
1.25 -- amide bond
Default is 1.0
You can test whether an :class:`Atom` is contained within the bond using the
`in` operator. A `MoleculeError` is raised if `atom1` and `atom2` are identical.
This bond instance is `append`ed to the `bonds` list for both `atom1` and
`atom2` and is automatically removed from those lists upon garbage
>>> a1, a2 = Atom(), Atom()
>>> bond = Bond(a1, a2)
>>> a1 in bond and a2 in bond
[docs] def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, type=None, order=1.0):
""" Bond constructor """
# Make sure we're not bonding me to myself
if atom1 is atom2:
raise MoleculeError('Cannot bond atom to itself! Atoms are: %s %s' % (atom1, atom2))
if isinstance(atom1, ExtraPoint) and isinstance(atom2, ExtraPoint):
raise MoleculeError('Cannot bond two virtual sites/extra points together')
# Order the atoms so the lowest atom # is first
self.atom1 = atom1
self.atom2 = atom2
# Load this struct into the atoms
self.type = type
self.funct = 1
self._order = None
self.order = order
def __contains__(self, thing):
""" Quick and easy way to see if an Atom is in this Bond """
return thing is self.atom1 or thing is self.atom2
[docs] def delete(self):
Deletes this bond from the atoms that make it up. This method removes
this bond from the `bonds` list for both atom1 and atom2 as well as
removing atom1 from atom2.bond_partners and vice versa.
_delete_from_list(self.atom1.bonds, self)
_delete_from_list(self.atom2.bonds, self)
_delete_from_list(self.atom1._bond_partners, self.atom2)
_delete_from_list(self.atom2._bond_partners, self.atom1)
self.atom1 = self.atom2 = self.type = None
def order(self):
""" Bond order. See description in :class:`Bond` argument list """
return self._order
def order(self, value):
Order of the bond. Must be a float, or ValueError or TypeError will be
self._order = float(value)
[docs] def measure(self):
""" Measures the current bond
measurement : float or None
If the atoms have coordinates, returns the distance between the two
atoms. If any coordinates are missing, returns None
if None in (self.atom1, self.atom2):
return None
return math.sqrt(distance2(self.atom1, self.atom2))
except AttributeError:
return None
[docs] def umeasure(self):
""" Same as "measure", but with units """
m = self.measure()
return m * u.angstroms if m is not None else None
[docs] def energy(self):
""" Measures the current bond energy
energy : float or None
Bond strain energy in kcal/mol. Return value is None if either the
coordinates of either atom is not set or the bond type is not set
d = self.measure()
if self.type is None or d is None:
return None
dx = d - self.type.req
return self.type.k * dx * dx
[docs] def uenergy(self):
""" Same as energy(), but with units """
ene = self.energy()
return ene * u.kilocalories_per_mole if ene is not None else None
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s %r--%r; type=%r>' % (type(self).__name__, self.atom1, self.atom2, self.type)
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class BondType(_ParameterType, _ListItem):
A bond type with a set of bond parameters
k : ``float``
Force constant in kcal/mol/Angstrom^2
req : ``float``
Equilibrium bond distance in Angstroms
list : :class:`TrackedList`
A list of :class:`BondType`s in which this is a member
Inherited Attributes
idx : int
The index of this BondType inside its containing list
Two `BondType`s are equal if their `k` and `req` attributes are equal
>>> bt1 = BondType(10.0, 1.0)
>>> bt2 = BondType(10.0, 1.0)
>>> bt1 is bt2
>>> bt1 == bt2
>>> bt1.idx # Not in a list or container
As part of a list, they can be indexed
>>> bond_list = []
>>> bond_list.append(BondType(10.0, 1.0, list=bond_list))
>>> bond_list.append(BondType(10.0, 1.0, list=bond_list))
>>> bond_list[0].idx
>>> bond_list[1].idx
[docs] def __init__(self, k, req, list=None):
self.k = _strip_units(k, u.kilocalories_per_mole/u.angstrom**2)
self.req = _strip_units(req, u.angstrom)
self.list = list
self._idx = -1
def __eq__(self, other):
return abs(self.k - other.k) < TINY and abs(self.req - other.req) < TINY
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s; k=%.3f, req=%.3f>' % (type(self).__name__, self.k, self.req)
def __copy__(self):
""" Not bound to any list """
# Hack to keep NoUreyBradley as a singleton
if self is NoUreyBradley:
return self
return BondType(self.k, self.req)
__getstate__ = _getstate_with_exclusions()
def __reduce__(self):
Special-case NoUreyBradley, which should be a singleton. So if it's
NoUreyBradley, return the same object. Otherwise, create a new one
if self is NoUreyBradley:
return 'NoUreyBradley'
return super(BondType, self).__reduce__()
def __hash__(self):
return hash((round(self.k, _TINY_DIGITS), round(self.req, _TINY_DIGITS)))
def uk(self):
return self.k * u.kilocalories_per_mole / u.angstroms**2
def ureq(self):
return self.req * u.angstroms
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class Angle(object):
A valence angle between 3 atoms separated by two covalent bonds.
atom1 : :class:`Atom`
An atom one end of the valence angle
atom2 : :class:`Atom`
The atom in the middle of the valence angle bonded to both other atoms
atom3 : :class:`Atom`
An atom on the other end of the valence angle to atom1
type : :class:`AngleType`
The AngleType object containing the parameters for this angle
An Angle can contain bonds or atoms. A bond is contained if it exists
between atoms 1 and 2 or atoms 2 and 3.
>>> a1, a2, a3 = Atom(), Atom(), Atom()
>>> angle = Angle(a1, a2, a3)
>>> Bond(a1, a2) in angle and Bond(a3, a2) in angle
>>> a1 in angle and a2 in angle and a3 in angle
>>> Bond(a1, a3) in angle # this is not part of the angle definition
[docs] def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, type=None):
# Make sure we're not angling me to myself
if atom1 is atom2 or atom1 is atom3 or atom2 is atom3:
raise MoleculeError('Cannot angle atom to itself! '
'Atoms are: %s %s %s' % (atom1, atom2, atom3))
self.atom1 = atom1
self.atom2 = atom2
self.atom3 = atom3
# Log these angles in each atom
# Load the force constant and equilibrium angle
self.type = type
self.funct = 1
def __contains__(self, obj):
""" Quick and easy way to see if an Atom or a Bond is in this Angle """
if isinstance(obj, Atom):
return obj is self.atom1 or obj is self.atom2 or obj is self.atom3
return ((self.atom1 in obj and self.atom2 in obj) or
(self.atom2 in obj and self.atom3 in obj))
[docs] def delete(self):
Deletes this angle from the atoms that make it up. This method removes
this angle from the `angles` list for atom1, atom2, and atom3 as well as
removing each atom form each others' angle partner lists
_delete_from_list(self.atom1.angles, self)
_delete_from_list(self.atom2.angles, self)
_delete_from_list(self.atom3.angles, self)
_delete_from_list(self.atom1._angle_partners, self.atom2)
_delete_from_list(self.atom1._angle_partners, self.atom3)
_delete_from_list(self.atom2._angle_partners, self.atom1)
_delete_from_list(self.atom2._angle_partners, self.atom3)
_delete_from_list(self.atom3._angle_partners, self.atom1)
_delete_from_list(self.atom3._angle_partners, self.atom2)
self.atom1 = self.atom2 = self.atom3 = self.type = None
[docs] def measure(self):
""" Measures the current angle
measurement : float or None
If the atoms have coordinates, returns the angle between the three
atoms. If any coordinates are missing, returns None
if None in (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3):
return None
return angle(self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3)
except AttributeError:
return None
[docs] def umeasure(self):
""" Same as measure(), but with units """
m = self.measure()
return m * u.degrees if m is not None else None
[docs] def energy(self):
""" Measures the current angle energy
energy : float or None
Angle strain energy in kcal/mol. Return value is None if either the
coordinates of either atom is not set or the angle type is not set
a = self.measure()
if self.type is None or a is None:
return None
da = (a - self.type.theteq) * DEG_TO_RAD
return self.type.k * da * da
[docs] def uenergy(self):
""" Same as energy(), but with units """
ene = self.energy()
return ene * u.kilocalories_per_mole if ene is not None else None
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s %r--%r--%r; type=%r>' % (type(self).__name__, self.atom1, self.atom2,
self.atom3, self.type)
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class AngleType(_ParameterType, _ListItem):
An angle type with a set of angle parameters
k : ``float``
Force constant in kcal/mol/radians^2
theteq : ``float``
Equilibrium angle in Degrees
list : :class:`TrackedList`
A list of `AngleType`s in which this is a member
Inherited Attributes
idx : ``int``
The index of this AngleType inside its containing list
Two `AngleType`s are equal if their `k` and `theteq` attributes are equal
>>> at1 = AngleType(10.0, 180.0)
>>> at2 = AngleType(10.0, 180.0)
>>> at1 is at2
>>> at1 == at2
>>> at1.idx # not part of any list or iterable
As part of a list, they can be indexed
>>> angle_list = []
>>> angle_list.append(AngleType(10.0, 180.0, list=angle_list))
>>> angle_list.append(AngleType(10.0, 180.0, list=angle_list))
>>> angle_list[0].idx
>>> angle_list[1].idx
[docs] def __init__(self, k, theteq, list=None):
self.k = _strip_units(k, u.kilocalories_per_mole/u.radians**2)
self.theteq = _strip_units(theteq, u.degrees)
self._idx = -1
self.list = list
def __eq__(self, other):
return abs(self.k - other.k) < TINY and abs(self.theteq - other.theteq) < TINY
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s; k=%.3f, theteq=%.3f>' % (type(self).__name__, self.k, self.theteq)
def __copy__(self):
return AngleType(self.k, self.theteq)
__getstate__ = _getstate_with_exclusions()
def __hash__(self):
return hash((round(self.k, _TINY_DIGITS), round(self.theteq, _TINY_DIGITS)))
def uk(self):
return self.k * u.kilocalories_per_mole / u.radians**2
def utheteq(self):
return self.theteq * u.degrees
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class Dihedral(_FourAtomTerm):
""" A valence dihedral between 4 atoms separated by three covalent bonds.
atom1 : :class:`Atom`
An atom on one end of the valence dihedral bonded to atom 2
atom2 : :class:`Atom`
An atom in the middle of the valence dihedral bonded to atom1 and atom3
atom3 : :class:`Atom`
An atom in the middle of the valence dihedral bonded to atom2 and atom4
atom4 : :class:`Atom`
An atom on the other end of the valence dihedral bonded to atom 3
improper : ``bool``
If True, this is an Amber-style improper torsion, where atom3 is the
"central" atom bonded to atoms 1, 2, and 4 (atoms 1, 2, and 4 are *only*
bonded to atom 3 in this instance)
ignore_end : ``bool``
If True, the end-group interactions for this torsion are ignored, either
because it is involved in a ring where the end-group atoms are excluded
or because it is one term in a multi-term dihedral expansion
type : :class:`DihedralType`
The DihedralType object containing the parameters for this dihedral
A Dihedral can contain bonds or atoms. A bond is contained if it exists
between atoms 1 and 2, between atoms 2 and 3, or between atoms 3 and 4.
>>> a1, a2, a3, a4 = Atom(), Atom(), Atom(), Atom()
>>> dihed = Dihedral(a1, a2, a3, a4)
>>> Bond(a1,a2) in dihed and Bond(a3,a2) in dihed and Bond(a3,a4) in dihed
>>> a1 in dihed and a2 in dihed and a3 in dihed and a4 in dihed
>>> Bond(a1, a4) in dihed # this is not part of the angle definition
For improper torsions, the bond pattern is different
>>> a1, a2, a3, a4 = Atom(), Atom(), Atom(), Atom()
>>> dihed = Dihedral(a1, a2, a3, a4, improper=True)
>>> Bond(a1,a3) in dihed and Bond(a2,a3) in dihed and Bond(a3,a4) in dihed
>>> Bond(a1,a2) in dihed # Not like a normal dihedral!
>>> a1 in dihed and a2 in dihed and a3 in dihed and a4 in dihed
[docs] def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, improper=False, ignore_end=False, type=None):
_FourAtomTerm.__init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4)
# improper _implies_ ignore_end
ignore_end = improper or ignore_end
# Log these dihedrals in each atom
self.type = type
self.improper = improper
self.ignore_end = ignore_end
if improper:
self._funct = 4
self._funct = None
def funct(self):
if self._funct is None:
if self.type is not None and isinstance(self.type, DihedralTypeList):
return 9
elif self.type is not None and isinstance(self.type, RBTorsionType):
return 3
return 1
return self._funct
def funct(self, value):
self._funct = value
def __contains__(self, thing):
""" Quick and easy way to find out if an Atom or Bond is in this Dihedral """
if isinstance(thing, Atom):
return _FourAtomTerm.__contains__(self, thing)
# A dihedral is made up of 3 bonds
if self.improper:
# An improper is different... Atom 3 is the central atom
return ((self.atom1 in thing and self.atom3 in thing) or
(self.atom2 in thing and self.atom3 in thing) or
(self.atom4 in thing and self.atom3 in thing))
return ((self.atom1 in thing and self.atom2 in thing) or
(self.atom2 in thing and self.atom3 in thing) or
(self.atom3 in thing and self.atom4 in thing))
[docs] def same_atoms(self, thing):
Determines if this dihedral has the same atoms (or atom indexes) as
another object
thing : :class:`Dihedral` or other ``iterable``
A Dihedral or an iterable with 4 indexes that will be used to
identify whether this torsion has the same atoms
is_same : ``bool``
True if ``thing`` and ``self`` have the same atoms. ``False``
This raises a ``TypeError`` if thing is not a Dihedral and is not
if isinstance(thing, Dihedral):
# I'm comparing with another Dihedral here
return ((self.atom1 is thing.atom1 and self.atom2 is thing.atom2 and
self.atom3 is thing.atom3 and self.atom4 is thing.atom4) or
(self.atom1 is thing.atom4 and self.atom2 is thing.atom3 and
self.atom4 is thing.atom1)
thing = list(thing)
# Here, atoms are expected to index from 0 (Python standard) if we
# are comparing with a list or tuple
if len(thing) != 4:
raise TypeError('comparative %s has %d elements! Expect 4.' %
(type(thing).__name__, len(thing)))
# Compare starting_index, since we may not have an index right now
return ( (self.atom1.idx == thing[0] and
self.atom2.idx == thing[1] and
self.atom3.idx == thing[2] and
self.atom4.idx == thing[3]) or
(self.atom1.idx == thing[3] and
self.atom2.idx == thing[2] and
self.atom3.idx == thing[1] and
self.atom4.idx == thing[0]) )
[docs] def delete(self):
Deletes this dihedral from the atoms that make it up. This method
removes this dihedral from the `dihedrals` list for atom1, atom2, atom3,
and atom4 as well as removing each atom form each others' dihedral
partner lists
_delete_from_list(self.atom1.dihedrals, self)
_delete_from_list(self.atom2.dihedrals, self)
_delete_from_list(self.atom3.dihedrals, self)
_delete_from_list(self.atom4.dihedrals, self)
if not self.improper:
_delete_from_list(self.atom1._dihedral_partners, self.atom2)
_delete_from_list(self.atom1._dihedral_partners, self.atom3)
_delete_from_list(self.atom1._dihedral_partners, self.atom4)
_delete_from_list(self.atom2._dihedral_partners, self.atom1)
_delete_from_list(self.atom2._dihedral_partners, self.atom3)
_delete_from_list(self.atom2._dihedral_partners, self.atom4)
_delete_from_list(self.atom3._dihedral_partners, self.atom1)
_delete_from_list(self.atom3._dihedral_partners, self.atom2)
_delete_from_list(self.atom3._dihedral_partners, self.atom4)
_delete_from_list(self.atom4._dihedral_partners, self.atom1)
_delete_from_list(self.atom4._dihedral_partners, self.atom2)
_delete_from_list(self.atom4._dihedral_partners, self.atom3)
self.atom1 = self.atom2 = self.atom3 = self.atom4 = self.type = None
[docs] def measure(self):
""" Measures the current dihedral angle
measurement : float or None
If the atoms have coordinates, returns the dihedral angle between the four atoms in
degrees. If any coordinates are missing, returns None
if None in (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4):
return None
return dihedral(self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4)
except AttributeError:
return None
[docs] def umeasure(self):
""" Same as measure(), but with units """
m = self.measure()
return m * u.degrees if m is not None else None
[docs] def energy(self):
""" Measures the current dihedral angle energy
energy : float or None
Dihedral angle energy in kcal/mol. Return value is None if either
the coordinates of either atom is not set or the angle type is not
phi = self.measure()
if phi is None or self.type is None:
return None
phi *= DEG_TO_RAD
if isinstance(self.type, DihedralType):
return self.type.phi_k * (
1 + math.cos(self.type.per*phi - self.type.phase*DEG_TO_RAD)
elif isinstance(self.type, DihedralTypeList):
e = 0
for term in self.type:
e += term.phi_k * (1 + math.cos(term.per*phi -
e *= 0.5
return e
raise NotImplementedError('Only DihedralType and DihedralTypeList '
'are supported for energy calculations')
[docs] def uenergy(self):
""" Same as energy(), but with units """
ene = self.energy()
return ene * u.kilocalories_per_mole if ene is not None else None
def __repr__(self):
if self.improper:
name = '%s [imp]' % (type(self).__name__)
elif self.ignore_end:
name = '%s [ign]' % (type(self).__name__)
name = type(self).__name__
return '<%s; %r--%r--%r--%r; type=%r>' % (name, self.atom1,
self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4, self.type)
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class DihedralType(_ParameterType, _ListItem):
A dihedral type with a set of dihedral parameters
phi_k : ``float``
The force constant in kcal/mol
per : ``int``
The dihedral periodicity
phase : ``float``
The dihedral phase in degrees
scee : ``float``, optional
1-4 electrostatic scaling factor. Default is 1.0
scnb : ``float``, optional
1-4 Lennard-Jones scaling factor. Default is 1.0
list : :class:`TrackedList`
A list of `DihedralType`s in which this is a member
Inherited Attributes
idx : ``int``
The index of this DihedralType inside its containing list
Two :class:`DihedralType`s are equal if their `phi_k`, `per`, `phase`,
`scee`, and `scnb` attributes are equal
>>> dt1 = DihedralType(10.0, 2, 180.0, 1.2, 2.0)
>>> dt2 = DihedralType(10.0, 2, 180.0, 1.2, 2.0)
>>> dt1 is dt2
>>> dt1 == dt2
>>> dt1.idx # not part of any list or iterable
As part of a list, they can be indexed
>>> dihedral_list = []
>>> dihedral_list.append(DihedralType(10.0, 2, 180.0, 1.2, 2.0,
... list=dihedral_list))
>>> dihedral_list.append(DihedralType(10.0, 2, 180.0, 1.2, 2.0,
... list=dihedral_list))
>>> dihedral_list[0].idx
>>> dihedral_list[1].idx
[docs] def __init__(self, phi_k, per, phase, scee=1.0, scnb=1.0, list=None):
""" DihedralType constructor """
self.locked = True
self.phi_k = _strip_units(phi_k, u.kilocalories_per_mole)
self.per = int(per)
self.phase = _strip_units(phase, u.degrees)
self.scee = scee
self.scnb = scnb
self.list = list
self._idx = -1
self.locked = True
def __eq__(self, other):
return (abs(self.phi_k - other.phi_k) < TINY and self.per == other.per and
abs(self.phase - other.phase) < TINY and abs(self.scee - other.scee) < TINY and
abs(self.scnb - other.scnb) < TINY)
def __repr__(self):
retstr = ['<%s; phi_k=%.3f, per=%d, phase=%.3f, ' %
(type(self).__name__, self.phi_k, self.per, self.phase)]
retstr.append(' scee=%.3f, scnb=%.3f>' % (self.scee, self.scnb))
return ''.join(retstr)
def __copy__(self):
return DihedralType(self.phi_k, self.per, self.phase, self.scee, self.scnb)
__getstate__ = _getstate_with_exclusions()
def __hash__(self):
return hash((round(self.phi_k, _TINY_DIGITS), round(self.per, _TINY_DIGITS),
round(self.phase, _TINY_DIGITS), round(self.scee, _TINY_DIGITS),
round(self.scnb, _TINY_DIGITS)))
def uphi_k(self):
return self.phi_k * u.kilocalories_per_mole
def uphase(self):
return self.phase * u.degrees
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class RBTorsionType(_ParameterType, _ListItem):
A Ryckaert-Bellemans type with a set of dihedral parameters
Parameters (and Attributes)
c0 : float
The coefficient of the constant term in kcal/mol
c1 : float
The coefficient of the linear term in kcal/mol
c2 : float
The coefficient of the quadratic term in kcal/mol
c3 : float
The coefficient of the cubic term in kcal/mol
c4 : float
The coefficient of the quartic term in kcal/mol
c5 : float
The coefficient of the quintic term in kcal/mol
scee : float, optional
1-4 electrostatic scaling factor. Default is 1.0
scnb : float, optional
1-4 van der Waals scaling factor. Default is 1.0
list : TrackedList=None
A list of `RBTorsionType`s in which this is a member
Inherited Attributes
idx : int
The index of this RBTorsionType inside its containing list
Two `RBTorsionType`s are equal if their coefficients are all equal
>>> dt1 = RBTorsionType(10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0)
>>> dt2 = RBTorsionType(10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0)
>>> dt1 is dt2
>>> dt1 == dt2
>>> dt1.idx # not part of any list or iterable
As part of a list, they can be indexed
>>> rb_torsion_list = []
>>> rb_torsion_list.append(RBTorsionType(10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0,
... list=rb_torsion_list))
>>> rb_torsion_list.append(RBTorsionType(10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0,
... list=rb_torsion_list))
>>> rb_torsion_list[0].idx
>>> rb_torsion_list[1].idx
def __init__(self, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, scee=1.0, scnb=1.0, list=None):
self.c0 = _strip_units(c0, u.kilocalories_per_mole)
self.c1 = _strip_units(c1, u.kilocalories_per_mole)
self.c2 = _strip_units(c2, u.kilocalories_per_mole)
self.c3 = _strip_units(c3, u.kilocalories_per_mole)
self.c4 = _strip_units(c4, u.kilocalories_per_mole)
self.c5 = _strip_units(c5, u.kilocalories_per_mole)
self.scee = scee
self.scnb = scnb
self.list = list
self._idx = -1
def __eq__(self, other):
return (abs(self.c0 - other.c0) < TINY and
abs(self.c1 - other.c1) < TINY and
abs(self.c2 - other.c2) < TINY and
abs(self.c3 - other.c3) < TINY and
abs(self.c4 - other.c4) < TINY and
abs(self.c5 - other.c5) < TINY)
def __copy__(self):
return RBTorsionType(self.c0, self.c1, self.c2, self.c3, self.c4,
self.c5, self.scee, self.scnb)
def __repr__(self):
return ('<RBTorsionType; c0=%.3f; c1=%.3f; c2=%.3f; c3=%.3f; c4=%.3f; '
'c5=%.3f; scee=%s; scnb=%s>' %
(self.c0, self.c1, self.c2, self.c3, self.c4, self.c5,
self.scee, self.scnb))
__getstate__ = _getstate_with_exclusions()
def __hash__(self):
return hash((round(self.c0, _TINY_DIGITS), round(self.c1, _TINY_DIGITS),
round(self.c2, _TINY_DIGITS), round(self.c3, _TINY_DIGITS),
round(self.c4, _TINY_DIGITS), round(self.c5, _TINY_DIGITS)))
def uc0(self):
return self.c0 * u.kilocalories_per_mole
def uc1(self):
return self.c2 * u.kilocalories_per_mole
def uc2(self):
return self.c2 * u.kilocalories_per_mole
def uc3(self):
return self.c3 * u.kilocalories_per_mole
def uc4(self):
return self.c4 * u.kilocalories_per_mole
def uc5(self):
return self.c5 * u.kilocalories_per_mole
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class DihedralTypeList(list, _ListItem):
Dihedral types are a Fourier expansion of terms. In some cases, they are
stored in a list like this one inside another TrackedList. In other cases,
each term is a separate entry in the :class:`TrackedList`.
In cases where `DihedralType`s are stored with every term in the same
container, this object supports list assignment and indexing like
*args : objects
Any arguments that ``list`` would take.
list : TrackedList, optional
A list that "contains" this DihedralTypeList instance. This is a
keyword-only argument. Default is ``None`` (i.e., belonging to no list)
**kwargs : keyword argument list
All other keyword arguments passed directly to the ``list`` constructor
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if 'list' in kwargs:
self.list = kwargs.pop('list')
self.list = None
list.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self._idx = -1
self.used = False
[docs] @classmethod
def from_rbtorsion(cls, rbtorsion):
Creates a Fourier series of proper torsions from a Ryckaerts-Bellemans
rbtorsion : RBTorsionType
The R-B torsion type to convert to a series of proper torsions
ValueError if all terms in rbtorsion are zero except for c0
c0 = rbtorsion.c0
c1 = rbtorsion.c1
c2 = rbtorsion.c2
c3 = rbtorsion.c3
c4 = rbtorsion.c4
c5 = rbtorsion.c5
phi = 0 * u.degrees
fc0 = (4 * c0 + 4 * c1 + 4 * c3 - c4 + 4 * c5) / 8.
fc1 = (-8 * c1 - 6 * c3 - 5 * c5) / 8
fc2 = (c2 + c4) / 2
fc3 = (-4 * c3 - 5 * c5) / 16
fc4 = c4 / 8
fc5 = -c5 / 16
inst = cls()
for i, f in enumerate((fc0, fc1, fc2, fc3, fc4, fc5)):
if abs(f) > TINY:
inst.append(DihedralType(f, i, phi, scee=rbtorsion.scee, scnb=rbtorsion.scnb))
if len(inst) == 0:
# All force constants were zeros:
if abs(fc0) < TINY:
inst.append(DihedralType(0.0, 0, phi, scee=rbtorsion.scee, scnb=rbtorsion.scnb))
raise ValueError('Unable to convert RB torsion to propers.')
return inst
def __eq__(self, other):
if len(self) != len(other): return False
for t1, t2 in zip(self, other):
if not t1 == t2:
return False
return True
[docs] def append(self, other, override=False):
""" Adds a DihedralType to the DihedralTypeList
other : :class:`DihedralType`
The DihedralType instance to add to this list. It cannot have the
same periodicity as any other DihedralType in the list
override : bool, optional, default=False
If True, this will override an existing torsion, but will raise a
warning if it does so
TypeError if other is not an instance of :class:`DihedralTypeList`
ParameterError if other has the same periodicity as another member in
this list and override is False
ParameterWarning if other has same periodicit as another member in this
list and override is True
if not isinstance(other, DihedralType):
raise TypeError('Can only add DihedralType to DihedralTypeList')
for i, existing in enumerate(self):
if existing.per == other.per:
# Do not add duplicate periodicities
if existing == other: return
if override:
warnings.warn('Overriding DihedralType in DihedralTypeList '
'with same periodicity', ParameterWarning)
self[i] = other
raise ParameterError('Cannot add two DihedralType instances with the same '
'periodicity to the same DihedralTypeList')
list.append(self, other)
def penalty(self):
penalty = None
for dt in self:
if dt.penalty is not None:
if penalty is None:
penalty = dt.penalty
penalty = max(dt.penalty, penalty)
return penalty
def __repr__(self):
return '<DihedralTypes %s>' % (list.__repr__(self))
def __copy__(self):
return DihedralTypeList([copy(x) for x in self])
__getstate__ = _getstate_with_exclusions(['list', 'penalty'])
def __hash__(self):
return hash(tuple(self))
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class UreyBradley(Bond):
A Urey-Bradley angle type with a set of parameters. It has the same
functional form as a bond, but it is defined between two atoms forming a
valence angle separated by two bonds.
atom1 : :class:`Atom`
The first atom involved in the Urey-Bradley bond
atom2 : :class:`Atom`
The other atom involved in the Urey-Bradley bond
type : :class:`BondType`
The Urey-Bradley bond type that defines the parameters for this bond
You can test whether an :class:`Atom` is contained within the bond using the
`in` operator. A :class:`MoleculeError` is raised if `atom1` and `atom2` are
identical. You can also test that a :class:`Bond` is contained in this
Urey-Bradley valence angle
>>> a1, a2, a3 = Atom(), Atom(), Atom()
>>> b1 = Bond(a1, a2)
>>> b2 = Bond(a2, a3)
>>> angle = Angle(a1, a2, a3)
>>> urey = UreyBradley(a1, a3)
>>> a1 in urey and a3 in urey
>>> b1 in urey and b2 in urey
[docs] def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, type=None):
""" Bond constructor """
# Make sure we're not bonding me to myself
if atom1 is atom2:
raise MoleculeError('Cannot bond atom to itself! '
'Atoms are %s %s' % (atom1, atom2))
# Order the atoms so the lowest atom # is first
self.atom1 = atom1
self.atom2 = atom2
# Log this urey-bradley in the atoms
# Load the force constant and equilibrium distance
self.type = type
def __contains__(self, thing):
" Quick and easy way to see if an Atom or Bond is in this Urey-Bradley "
if isinstance(thing, Atom):
return thing is self.atom1 or thing is self.atom2
# If this is a bond things are a bit more complicated since we don't
# know the central atom of this Urey-Bradley. We need to make sure that
# one of the atoms of the bond is either atom1 or atom2 and that the
# OTHER atom in Bond "thing" has the OTHER atom in this Urey-Bradley in
# its list of bonded partners.
if not thing.atom1 in self:
if not thing.atom2 in self:
# Neither atom is in this Urey-Bradley...
return False
# If we are here, thing.atom2 is in self
end1 = thing.atom2
cent = thing.atom1
# If we are here, thing.atom1 is in self
end1 = thing.atom1
cent = thing.atom2
# If we are here, end1 and cent are set. Look through the bond
# partners of cent(er) and see if any of them is in this
# Urey-Bradley (but ONLY if that atom is not the original end1)
for atm in cent.bond_partners:
if atm is end1: continue
if atm in self:
# If we got here, we found both atoms in this Urey-Bradley
# separated by 2 bonds, so "thing" IS in this Urey-Bradley
return True
# If we got here, we could not find the other atom connected by 2
# bonds
return False
[docs] def delete(self):
Deletes this Urey-Bradley from the atoms that make it up. This method
removes this urey-bradley from the `urey_bradleys` list for atom1 and
_delete_from_list(self.atom1.urey_bradleys, self)
_delete_from_list(self.atom2.urey_bradleys, self)
self.atom1 = self.atom2 = self.type = None
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s %r--%r; type=%r>' % (type(self).__name__, self.atom1, self.atom2, self.type)
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class Improper(_FourAtomTerm):
A CHARMM-style improper torsion between 4 atoms. The first atom must be the
central atom, as shown in the schematic below
A4 ----- A1 ----- A2
atom1 : :class:`Atom`
The central atom A1 in the schematic above
atom2 : :class:`Atom`
An atom in the improper, A2 in the schematic above
atom3 : :class:`Atom`
An atom in the improper, A3 in the schematic above
atom4 : :class:`Atom`
An atom in the improper, A4 in the schematic above
type : :class:`ImproperType`
The ImproperType object containing the parameters for this improper
An Improper torsion can contain bonds or atoms. A bond is contained if it
exists between atom 1 and any other atom. Raises :class:`MoleculeError` if any
of the atoms are duplicates.
>>> a1, a2, a3, a4 = Atom(), Atom(), Atom(), Atom()
>>> imp = Improper(a1, a2, a3, a4)
>>> Bond(a1, a2) in imp and Bond(a1, a3) in imp and Bond(a1, a4) in imp
>>> Bond(a2, a3) in imp
[docs] def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, type=None):
_FourAtomTerm.__init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4)
# Log these impropers in each atom
# Load the force constant and equilibrium angle
self.type = type
self.funct = 2
def __contains__(self, thing):
Quick and easy way to find out if an Atom or Bond is in this Improper
if isinstance(thing, Atom):
return _FourAtomTerm.__contains__(self, thing)
# Treat it like a Bond
return ((self.atom1 in thing and self.atom2 in thing) or
(self.atom1 in thing and self.atom3 in thing) or
(self.atom1 in thing and self.atom4 in thing))
[docs] def same_atoms(self, thing):
An improper has the same 4 atoms if atom1 is the same for both and the
other 3 can be in any order
if isinstance(thing, Improper):
# I'm comparing with another Improper here. Central atom must be
# the same. Others can be in any order
if self.atom1 is not thing.atom1:
return False
# Make a set with the remaining atoms. If they are equal, the
# impropers are equivalent
selfset = set([self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4])
otherset = set([thing.atom2, thing.atom3, thing.atom4])
return selfset == otherset
thing = list(thing)
# Here, atoms are expected to index from 0 (Python standard) if we
# are comparing with a list or tuple
if len(thing) != 4:
raise MoleculeError('Impropers have 4 atoms, not %s' % len(thing))
if self.atom1.idx != thing[0]:
return False
selfset = set([self.atom2.idx, self.atom3.idx, self.atom4.idx])
otherset = set([thing[1], thing[2], thing[3]])
return selfset == otherset
[docs] def measure(self):
""" Measures the current torsional angle
measurement : float or None
If the atoms have coordinates, returns the torsional angle between
the four atoms. If any coordinates are missing, returns None
if None in (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4):
return None
return dihedral(self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4)
except AttributeError:
return None
[docs] def umeasure(self):
""" Same as measure(), but with units """
m = self.measure()
return m * u.degrees if m is not None else None
[docs] def energy(self):
""" Measures the current dihedral angle energy
energy : float or None
Dihedral angle energy in kcal/mol. Return value is None if either
the coordinates of either atom is not set or the angle type is not
phi = self.measure()
if phi is None or self.type is None:
return None
dphi = (self.type.psi_eq - phi) * DEG_TO_RAD
return self.type.psi_k * dphi * dphi
[docs] def uenergy(self):
""" Same as energy(), but with units """
ene = self.energy()
return ene * u.kilocalories_per_mole if ene is not None else None
[docs] def delete(self):
Deletes this Improper from the atoms that make it up. This method
removes this Improper from the `impropers` list for atom1, atom2, atom3,
and atom4
_delete_from_list(self.atom1.impropers, self)
_delete_from_list(self.atom2.impropers, self)
_delete_from_list(self.atom3.impropers, self)
_delete_from_list(self.atom4.impropers, self)
self.atom1 = self.atom2 = self.atom3 = self.atom4 = self.type = None
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s; %r--(%r,%r,%r); type=%r>' % (type(self).__name__,
self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4, self.type)
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class ImproperType(_ParameterType, _ListItem):
An improper type with a set of improper torsion parameters
psi_k : ``float``
Force constant in kcal/mol/radians^2
psi_eq : ``float``
Equilibrium torsion angle in Degrees
list : :class:`TrackedList`
A list of `ImproperType`s in which this is a member
Inherited Attributes
idx : ``int``
The index of this ImproperType inside its containing list
Two `ImproperType`s are equal if their `psi_k` and `psi_eq` attributes are
>>> it1 = ImproperType(10.0, 180.0)
>>> it2 = ImproperType(10.0, 180.0)
>>> it1 is it2
>>> it1 == it2
>>> it1.idx # Not part of any list or iterable
As part of a list, they can be indexed
>>> improper_list = []
>>> improper_list.append(ImproperType(10.0, 180.0, list=improper_list))
>>> improper_list.append(ImproperType(10.0, 180.0, list=improper_list))
>>> improper_list[0].idx
>>> improper_list[1].idx
[docs] def __init__(self, psi_k, psi_eq, list=None):
self.psi_k = _strip_units(psi_k, u.kilocalories_per_mole/u.radians**2)
self.psi_eq = _strip_units(psi_eq, u.degrees)
self.list = list
self._idx = -1
def __eq__(self, other):
return (abs(self.psi_k - other.psi_k) < TINY and
abs(self.psi_eq - other.psi_eq) < TINY)
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s; psi_k=%.3f, psi_eq=%.3f>' % (type(self).__name__, self.psi_k, self.psi_eq)
def __copy__(self):
return ImproperType(self.psi_k, self.psi_eq)
__getstate__ = _getstate_with_exclusions()
def __hash__(self):
return hash((round(self.psi_k, _TINY_DIGITS), round(self.psi_eq, _TINY_DIGITS)))
def upsi_k(self):
return self.psi_k * u.kilocalories_per_mole / u.radians ** 2
def upsi_eq(self):
return self.psi_eq * u.degrees
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class Cmap(object):
A coupled-torsion correction map term defined between 5 atoms connected by
four covalent bonds. This is a coupled-torsion potential in which the
torsions are consecutive.
atom1 : :class:`Atom`
An atom on one end of the valence coupled-torsion bonded to atom2
atom2 : :class:`Atom`
An atom in the middle of the CMAP bonded to atoms 1 and 3
atom3 : :class:`Atom`
An atom in the middle of the CMAP bonded to atoms 2 and 4
atom4 : :class:`Atom`
An atom in the middle of the CMAP bonded to atoms 3 and 5
atom5 : :class:`Atom`
An atom in the middle of the CMAP bonded to atom 4
type : :class:`CmapType`
The CmapType object containing the parameter map for this term
A CMAP can contain bonds or atoms. A bond is contained if it exists between
atoms 1 and 2, between atoms 2 and 3, between atoms 3 and 4, or between
atoms 4 and 5.
>>> a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 = Atom(), Atom(), Atom(), Atom(), Atom()
>>> cmap = Cmap(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5)
>>> Bond(a1, a2) in cmap and Bond(a2, a3) in cmap
>>> Bond(a1, a3) in cmap
[docs] def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, atom5, type=None):
# Make sure we're not CMAPping me to myself
atmlist = [atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, atom5]
for i in range(len(atmlist)):
for j in range(i+1, len(atmlist)):
if atmlist[i] is atmlist[j]:
raise MoleculeError('Cannot cmap atom to itself! '
'Atoms are %s %s' % (atmlist[i],
# Set up instances
self.atom1 = atom1
self.atom2 = atom2
self.atom3 = atom3
self.atom4 = atom4
self.atom5 = atom5
# Log these cmaps in each atom
# Load the CMAP interpolation table
self.type = type
self.funct = 1
[docs] @classmethod
def extended(cls, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, atom5, atom6, atom7, atom8, type=None):
Alternative constructor for correction maps defined with 8 atoms (each
torsion being separately specified). Correction maps are, to the best of
my knowledge, used to parametrized "consecutive" torsions (i.e., atoms
2, 3, and 4 are common to both torsions). However, the CHARMM definition
specifies the torsions separately.
If the torsions are _not_ consecutive (i.e., if atoms 2, 3, and 4 are
not the same as atoms 5, 6, and 7), NotImplementedError is raised.
atom1 : :class:`Atom`
The first atom of the first torsion
atom2 : :class:`Atom`
The second atom of the first torsion
atom3 : :class:`Atom`
The third atom of the first torsion
atom4 : :class:`Atom`
The fourth atom of the first torsion
atom5 : :class:`Atom`
The first atom of the second torsion
atom6 : :class:`Atom`
The second atom of the second torsion
atom7 : :class:`Atom`
The third atom of the second torsion
atom8 : :class:`Atom`
The fourth atom of the second torsion
type : :class:`CmapType`
The CmapType object containing the parameter map for this term
if atom2 is not atom5 or atom3 is not atom6 or atom7 is not atom4:
raise NotImplementedError('Only consecutive coupled-torsions are '
'supported by CMAPs currently')
return cls(atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, atom8, type=type)
def __contains__(self, thing):
Quick and easy way to find out an atom or bond is in this
if isinstance(thing, Atom):
return (thing is self.atom1 or thing is self.atom2 or
thing is self.atom3 or thing is self.atom4 or
thing is self.atom5)
return ((self.atom1 in thing and self.atom2 in thing) or
(self.atom2 in thing and self.atom3 in thing) or
(self.atom3 in thing and self.atom4 in thing) or
(self.atom4 in thing and self.atom5 in thing))
[docs] def same_atoms(self, thing):
A coupled-torsion is equivalent if the 5 atoms are in the same or
reverse order Allow comparison with another type of cmap or with a
sequence of 5 indexes
if isinstance(thing, Cmap):
# I'm comparing with another Improper here. Central atom must be the
# same. Others can be in any order
return ((self.atom1 is thing.atom1 and self.atom2 is thing.atom2 and
self.atom3 is thing.atom3 and self.atom4 is thing.atom4 and
self.atom5 is thing.atom5) or
(self.atom1 is thing.atom5 and self.atom2 is thing.atom4 and
self.atom3 is thing.atom3 and self.atom4 is thing.atom2 and
self.atom5 is thing.atom1))
thing = list(thing)
# Here, atoms are expected to index from 0 (Python standard) if we
# are comparing with a list or tuple
if len(thing) != 5:
raise MoleculeError('CMAP can compare to 5 elements, not %d' % len(thing))
return ((self.atom1.idx == thing[0] and self.atom2.idx == thing[1] and
self.atom3.idx == thing[2] and self.atom4.idx == thing[3] and
self.atom5.idx == thing[4]) or
(self.atom1.idx == thing[4] and self.atom2.idx == thing[3] and
self.atom3.idx == thing[2] and self.atom4.idx == thing[1] and
self.atom5.idx == thing[0]))
[docs] def delete(self):
Deletes this Cmap from the atoms that make it up. This method removes
the Cmap from the `cmaps` list for atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, and atom5
_delete_from_list(self.atom1.cmaps, self)
_delete_from_list(self.atom2.cmaps, self)
_delete_from_list(self.atom3.cmaps, self)
_delete_from_list(self.atom4.cmaps, self)
_delete_from_list(self.atom5.cmaps, self)
self.atom1 = self.atom2 = self.atom3 = self.atom4 = self.atom5 = self.type = None
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s; %r--%r--%r--%r--%r; type=%r>' % (type(self).__name__,
self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4, self.atom5, self.type)
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class CmapType(_ParameterType, _ListItem):
A CMAP type with a potential energy interpoloation grid mapping out the 2-D
potential of coupled torsions.
resolution : ``int``
The number of grid points in the correction map potential in both
torsion dimensions
grid : ``iterable of floats``
This must be a 1-dimensional list of grid values. The dimension must be
`resolution*resolution`, and must be row-major (i.e., the second
dimension changes the fastest) when indexed with 2 indices.
list : :class:`TrackedList`
A list of `CmapType`s in which this is a member
resolution : ``int``
Potential grid resolution (see description in Parameters)
grid : :class:`_CmapGrid`
A _CmapGrid object defining the interpolating potential energy grid,
with each point having the units kcal/mol
comments : ``list(str)``
List of strings that represent comments about this parameter type
list : :class:`TrackedList`
If not None, this is a list in which this instance _may_ be a member
idx : ``int``
The index of this CmapType inside its containing list
Two `CmapType`s are equal if their resolution is the same and each grid
point is the same to within 1E-8
See the docs for `_CmapGrid` for information on how to access the
interpolating grid data if necessary.
TypeError is raised if the grid does not have the correct number of elements
for the given resolution
>>> ct = CmapType(2, [0, 1, 2, 3])
>>> ct.grid[0,0], ct.grid[0]
(0, 0)
>>> ct.grid[0,1], ct.grid[1]
(1, 1)
>>> ct.grid[1,0], ct.grid[2]
(2, 2)
>>> ct.grid[1,1], ct.grid[3]
(3, 3)
>>> ct.idx # not part of a list or iterable
def __init__(self, resolution, grid, comments=None, list=None):
self.resolution = resolution
self.grid = _CmapGrid(resolution, grid)
if len(grid) != self.resolution * self.resolution:
raise TypeError('CMAP grid does not match expected resolution')
if comments is None:
self.comments = []
self.comments = comments
self._idx = -1
self.list = list
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.resolution == other.resolution and
all(abs(i - j) < TINY for i, j in zip(self.grid, other.grid)))
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s; resolution=%d>' % (type(self).__name__, self.resolution)
def __copy__(self):
return CmapType(self.resolution, copy(self.grid._data),
__getstate__ = _getstate_with_exclusions()
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.resolution, self.grid))
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
class _CmapGrid(object):
A grid object for storing Correction map data. Data can be accessed in one
of two ways; either with 1 or 2 indexes. If 2 indexes [i,j] are given, the
index into the flattened array is i*resolution+j. Indexing starts from 0.
The _CmapGrid usually has ranges for the two angles from -180 to 180. Some
places will expect the range to be 0-360 degrees (e.g., OpenMM). The
switch_range method returns a _CmapGrid with the "other" range than the
current object. i.e., if the current range is from 0 to 360 degrees, the
_CmapGrid returned by `switch_range` will be from -180 to 180, and vice
>>> g = _CmapGrid(2, [0, 1, 2, 3])
>>> print('%s %s' % (g[0], g[0,0]))
0 0
>>> print('%s %s' % (g[1], g[0,1]))
1 1
>>> print(g[1,0])
>>> g[1,1] = 10
>>> print(g[3])
>>> print(g.switch_range())
[10.0000, 2.0000
1.0000, 0.0000]
def __init__(self, resolution, data=None):
self.resolution = resolution
if data is None:
self._data = [0 for i in range(self.resolution*self.resolution)]
self._data = _strip_units(data, u.kilocalories_per_mole)
def transpose(self):
""" The transpose of the potential grid """
if hasattr(self, '_transpose'):
return self._transpose
_transpose = []
size = len(self._data)
for i in range(self.resolution):
piece = [self[j] for j in range(i, size, self.resolution)]
_transpose += piece
self._transpose = _CmapGrid(self.resolution, _transpose)
return self._transpose
T = transpose
def __getitem__(self, idx):
if isinstance(idx, tuple):
if idx[0] >= self.resolution or idx[1] >= self.resolution:
raise IndexError('_CmapGrid: Index out of range')
return self._data[self.resolution*idx[0]+idx[1]]
return self._data[idx]
def __setitem__(self, idx, val):
if isinstance(idx, tuple):
if idx[0] >= self.resolution or idx[1] >= self.resolution:
raise IndexError('_CmapGrid: Index out of range')
self._data[self.resolution*idx[0]+idx[1]] = _strip_units(val, u.kilocalories_per_mole)
indices = range(*idx.indices(len(self._data)))
except AttributeError:
self._data[idx] = _strip_units(val, u.kilocalories_per_mole)
lenval = len(val)
except TypeError:
lenval = 1
if lenval == 1:
for x in indices:
self._data[x] = _strip_units(val, u.kilocalories_per_mole)
elif lenval != len(indices):
raise ValueError('Wrong number of values setting a slice')
for x, y in zip(indices, val):
self._data[x] = _strip_units(y, u.kilocalories_per_mole)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._data)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._data)
def __repr__(self):
return '<_CmapGrid: %dx%d>' % (self.resolution, self.resolution)
def __str__(self):
retstr = '[%.4f,' % self._data[0]
fmt = ' %.4f'
for i, val in enumerate(self):
if i == 0: continue
retstr += fmt % val
if (i+1) % self.resolution == 0 and i != len(self._data) - 1:
retstr += '\n'
elif i != len(self) - 1:
retstr += ','
return retstr + ']'
def __eq__(self, other):
if self.resolution != other.resolution:
return False
for x, y in zip(self, other):
if abs(x - y) > TINY:
return False
return True
def switch_range(self):
Returns a grid object whose range is 0 to 360 degrees in both dimensions
instead of -180 to 180 degrees (or -180 to 180 degrees if the range is
already 0 to 360 degrees)
res = self.resolution
mid = res // 2
newgrid = _CmapGrid(res)
for i in range(res):
ii = (i + mid) % res
for j in range(res):
jj = (j + mid) % res
# Start from the middle
newgrid[i, j] = self[ii, jj]
return newgrid
def __copy__(self):
return _CmapGrid(self.resolution, copy(self._data))
def __hash__(self):
return hash(tuple([round(x, _TINY_DIGITS) for x in self]))
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class TrigonalAngle(_FourAtomTerm):
A trigonal-angle term in the AMOEBA force field. It exists in a pattern like
the one shown below
atom1 : :class:`Atom`
The first atom involved in the trigonal angle
atom2 : :class:`Atom`
The central atom involved in the trigonal angle
atom3 : :class:`Atom`
The third atom involved in the trigonal angle
atom4 : :class:`Atom`
The fourth atom involved in the trigonal angle
type : :class:`AngleType`
The angle type containing the parameters
Either `Atom`s or `Bond`s can be contained within this trigonal angle
[docs] def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, type=None):
_FourAtomTerm.__init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4)
self.type = type
def __contains__(self, thing):
if isinstance(thing, Atom):
return _FourAtomTerm.__contains__(self, thing)
return ((self.atom1 in thing and self.atom2 in thing) or
(self.atom2 in thing and self.atom3 in thing) or
(self.atom2 in thing and self.atom4 in thing))
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s; %r--(%r,%r,%r); type=%r>' % (type(self).__name__,
self.atom2, self.atom1, self.atom3, self.atom4, self.type)
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class OutOfPlaneBend(_FourAtomTerm):
Out-of-plane bending term in the AMOEBA force field. The bond pattern is the
same as :class:`TrigonalAngle`
atom1 : :class:`Atom`
The first atom involved in the trigonal angle
atom2 : :class:`Atom`
The central atom involved in the trigonal angle
atom3 : :class:`Atom`
The third atom involved in the trigonal angle
atom4 : :class:`Atom`
The fourth atom involved in the trigonal angle
type : :class:`OutOfPlaneBendType`
The angle type containing the parameters
Either `Atom`s or `Bond`s can be contained within this trigonal angle
[docs] def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, type=None):
_FourAtomTerm.__init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4)
self.type = type
def __contains__(self, thing):
if isinstance(thing, Atom):
return _FourAtomTerm.__contains__(self, thing)
return ((self.atom1 in thing and self.atom2 in thing) or
(self.atom2 in thing and self.atom3 in thing) or
(self.atom2 in thing and self.atom4 in thing))
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s; %r--(%r,%r,%r); type=%r>' % (type(self).__name__,
self.atom2, self.atom1, self.atom3, self.atom4, self.type)
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class OutOfPlaneBendType(_ParameterType, _ListItem):
An angle type with a set of angle parameters
k : ``float``
Force constant in kcal/mol/radians^2
list : :class:`TrackedList`
A list of `OutOfPlaneBendType`s in which this is a member
Inherited Attributes
idx : ``int``
The index of this OutOfPlaneBendType inside its containing list
Two `OutOfPlaneBendType`s are equal if their `k` attribute is equal
>>> ot1 = OutOfPlaneBendType(10.0)
>>> ot2 = OutOfPlaneBendType(10.0)
>>> ot1 is ot2
>>> ot1 == ot2
>>> ot1.idx # not part of any list or iterable
As part of a list, they can be indexed
>>> oopbend_list = []
>>> oopbend_list.append(OutOfPlaneBendType(10.0, list=oopbend_list))
>>> oopbend_list.append(OutOfPlaneBendType(10.0, list=oopbend_list))
>>> oopbend_list[0].idx
>>> oopbend_list[1].idx
[docs] def __init__(self, k, list=None):
self.k = _strip_units(k, u.kilocalories_per_mole/u.radians**2)
self._idx = -1
self.list = list
def __eq__(self, other):
return abs(self.k - other.k) < TINY
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s; k=%.3f>' % (type(self).__name__, self.k)
def __copy__(self):
return OutOfPlaneBendType(self.k)
__getstate__ = _getstate_with_exclusions()
def __hash__(self):
return hash(round(self.k, _TINY_DIGITS))
def uk(self):
return self.k * u.kilocalories_per_mole / u.radians**2
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class PiTorsion(object):
Defines a pi-torsion term in the AMOEBA force field. The Pi-torsion is
defined around a sp2-hybridized pi-delocalized orbital (like an amide) by 6
atoms, as shown in the schematic below.
\ /
\ /
/ \
/ \
In the above schematic, A3 and A4 are sp2-hybridized, and atoms A2 and A6
are bonded *only* to A3 and A4, respectively. Atoms A1 and A5 are each
bonded to 3 other atoms.
atom1 : :class:`Atom`
atom A1 in the schematic above
atom2 : :class:`Atom`
atom A2 in the schematic above
atom3 : :class:`Atom`
atom A3 in the schematic above
atom4 : :class:`Atom`
atom A4 in the schematic above
atom5 : :class:`Atom`
atom A5 in the schematic above
atom6 : :class:`Atom`
atom A6 in the schematic above
type : :class:`DihedralType`
The parameters for this Pi-torsion
Both :class:`Bond`s and :class:`Atom`s can be contained in a pi-torsion
[docs] def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, atom5, atom6, type=None):
self.atom1 = atom1
self.atom2 = atom2
self.atom3 = atom3
self.atom4 = atom4
self.atom5 = atom5
self.atom6 = atom6
self.type = type
def __contains__(self, thing):
if isinstance(thing, Atom):
return (thing is self.atom1 or thing is self.atom2 or
thing is self.atom3 or thing is self.atom4 or
thing is self.atom5 or thing is self.atom6)
# Assume Bond
return ((self.atom2 in thing and self.atom3 in thing) or
(self.atom1 in thing and self.atom3 in thing) or
(self.atom3 in thing and self.atom4 in thing) or
(self.atom4 in thing and self.atom5 in thing) or
(self.atom4 in thing and self.atom6 in thing))
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s; (%r,%r)--%r--%r--(%r,%r); type=%r>' % (type(self).__name__,
self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4, self.atom5,
self.atom6, self.type)
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class StretchBend(object):
This term models the stretching and bending of a standard valence angle, and
is used in the AMOEBA force field
atom1 : :class:`Atom`
The first atom on one end of the angle
atom2 : :class:`Atom`
The central atom in the angle
atom3 : :class:`Atom`
The atom on the other end of the angle
type : :class:`StretchBendType`
The type containing the stretch-bend parameters
Both :class:`Bond`s and :class:`Atom`s can be contained in a stretch-bend term
[docs] def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, type=None):
self.atom1 = atom1
self.atom2 = atom2
self.atom3 = atom3
self.type = type
def __contains__(self, thing):
if isinstance(thing, Atom):
return (self.atom1 is thing or self.atom2 is thing or
self.atom3 is thing)
return ((self.atom1 in thing and self.atom2 in thing) or
(self.atom2 in thing and self.atom3 in thing))
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s; %r--%r--%r; type=%r>' % (type(self).__name__,
self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.type)
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class StretchBendType(_ParameterType, _ListItem):
A stretch-bend type with two distances and an angle in AMOEBA
k1 : ``float``
First force constant in kcal/mol/(radians*angstroms)
k2 : ``float``
Second force constant in kcal/mol/(radians*angstroms)
req1 : ``float``
Equilibrium bond distance for bond between the first and second atoms in
req2 : ``float``
Equilibrium bond distance for bond between the second and third atoms in
theteq : ``float``
Equilibrium angle in degrees
list : :class:`TrackedList`
A list of `StretchBendType`s in which this is a member
Inherited Attributes
idx : ``int``
The index of this StretchBendType inside its containing list
Two `StretchBendType`s are equal if their `req1`, `req2`, `theteq`, and `k`
attributes are equal
>>> sbt1 = StretchBendType(10.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 180.0)
>>> sbt2 = StretchBendType(10.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 180.0)
>>> sbt1 is sbt2
>>> sbt1 == sbt2
>>> sbt1.idx # Not part of any list or iterable
As part of a list, they can be indexed
>>> strbnd_list = []
>>> strbnd_list.append(StretchBendType(10.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 180.0, strbnd_list))
>>> strbnd_list.append(StretchBendType(10.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 180.0, strbnd_list))
>>> strbnd_list[0].idx
>>> strbnd_list[1].idx
[docs] def __init__(self, k1, k2, req1, req2, theteq, list=None):
self.k1 = _strip_units(k1, u.kilocalories_per_mole/(u.radian * u.angstroms))
self.k2 = _strip_units(k2, u.kilocalories_per_mole/(u.radian * u.angstroms))
self.req1 = _strip_units(req1, u.angstrom)
self.req2 = _strip_units(req2, u.angstrom)
self.theteq = _strip_units(theteq, u.degrees)
self._idx = -1
self.list = list
def __eq__(self, other):
return (abs(self.k1 - other.k1) < TINY and
abs(self.k2 - other.k2) < TINY and
abs(self.req1 - other.req1) < TINY and
abs(self.req2 - other.req2) < TINY and
abs(self.theteq - other.theteq) < TINY)
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s; req1=%.3f, req2=%.3f, theteq=%.3f, k1=%.3f, k2=%.3f>' \
% (type(self).__name__, self.req1, self.req2, self.theteq,
self.k1, self.k2)
def __copy__(self):
return StretchBendType(self.k1, self.k2, self.req1, self.req2,
__getstate__ = _getstate_with_exclusions()
def __hash__(self):
return hash((round(self.k1, _TINY_DIGITS), round(self.k2, _TINY_DIGITS),
round(self.req1, _TINY_DIGITS), round(self.req2, _TINY_DIGITS),
round(self.theteq, _TINY_DIGITS)))
def uk1(self):
return self.k1 * u.kilocalories_per_mole / (u.radian * u.angstroms)
def uk2(self):
return self.k2 * u.kilocalories_per_mole / (u.radian * u.angstroms)
def ureq1(self):
return self.req1 * u.angstroms
def ureq2(self):
return self.req2 * u.angstroms
def utheteq(self):
return self.theteq * u.degrees
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class TorsionTorsion(Cmap):
This is a coupled-torsion map used in the AMOEBA force field similar to the
correction-map (CMAP) potential used by the CHARMM force field
atom1 : :class:`Atom`
An atom on one end of the valence torsion-torsion bonded to atom2
atom2 : :class:`Atom`
An atom in the middle of the torsion-torsion bonded to atoms 1 and 3
atom3 : :class:`Atom`
An atom in the middle of the torsion-torsion bonded to atoms 2 and 4
atom4 : :class:`Atom`
An atom in the middle of the torsion-torsion bonded to atoms 3 and 5
atom5 : :class:`Atom`
An atom in the middle of the torsion-torsion bonded to atom 4
type : :class:`TorsionTorsionType`
The TorsionTorsionType object containing the parameter map for this term
A TorsionTorsion can contain bonds or atoms. A bond is contained if it
exists between atoms 1 and 2, between atoms 2 and 3, between atoms 3 and 4,
or between atoms 4 and 5.
>>> a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 = Atom(), Atom(), Atom(), Atom(), Atom()
>>> tortor = TorsionTorsion(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5)
>>> Bond(a1, a2) in tortor and Bond(a2, a3) in tortor
>>> Bond(a1, a3) in tortor
[docs] def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, atom5, type=None):
Cmap.__init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, atom5, type)
[docs] def delete(self):
Deletes this TorsionTorsion from the atoms that make it up. This method
removes the TorsionTorsion from the `tortors` list for atom1, atom2,
atom3, atom4, and atom5, and removes each atom from the others'
tortor_partners list.
_delete_from_list(self.atom1.tortors, self)
_delete_from_list(self.atom2.tortors, self)
_delete_from_list(self.atom3.tortors, self)
_delete_from_list(self.atom4.tortors, self)
_delete_from_list(self.atom5.tortors, self)
_delete_from_list(self.atom1._tortor_partners, self.atom2)
_delete_from_list(self.atom1._tortor_partners, self.atom3)
_delete_from_list(self.atom1._tortor_partners, self.atom4)
_delete_from_list(self.atom1._tortor_partners, self.atom5)
_delete_from_list(self.atom2._tortor_partners, self.atom1)
_delete_from_list(self.atom2._tortor_partners, self.atom3)
_delete_from_list(self.atom2._tortor_partners, self.atom4)
_delete_from_list(self.atom2._tortor_partners, self.atom5)
_delete_from_list(self.atom3._tortor_partners, self.atom1)
_delete_from_list(self.atom3._tortor_partners, self.atom2)
_delete_from_list(self.atom3._tortor_partners, self.atom4)
_delete_from_list(self.atom3._tortor_partners, self.atom5)
_delete_from_list(self.atom4._tortor_partners, self.atom1)
_delete_from_list(self.atom4._tortor_partners, self.atom2)
_delete_from_list(self.atom4._tortor_partners, self.atom3)
_delete_from_list(self.atom4._tortor_partners, self.atom5)
_delete_from_list(self.atom5._tortor_partners, self.atom1)
_delete_from_list(self.atom5._tortor_partners, self.atom2)
_delete_from_list(self.atom5._tortor_partners, self.atom3)
_delete_from_list(self.atom5._tortor_partners, self.atom4)
self.atom1 = self.atom2 = self.atom3 = self.atom4 = self.atom5 = None
self.type = None
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
class _TorTorTable(object):
Contains an interpolating potential grid for a coupled-torsion in the AMOEBA
force field.
ang1 : ``list of floats``
Angles in the first dimension of the interpolation table
ang2 : ``list of floats``
Angles in the second dimension of the interpolation table
data : ``list of floats``
Value of the potential grid at each point (ang2 varies fastest)
Raises `TypeError` if the dimension of the data array does not match the
number of data required by ang1 and ang2
Elements from the table are obtained and/or set by using angles as indexes.
If the pair of angles was not one of the original angles passed to this
table, a KeyError is raised.
>>> table = _TorTorTable([1.0, 2.0], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
>>> table[1.0,1.0]
>>> table[1.0,2.0]
>>> table[2.0,2.0]
>>> table[2.0,2.0] = 10
>>> table.data
[1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 6]
def __init__(self, ang1, ang2, data):
if len(data) != len(ang1) * len(ang2):
raise TypeError('Coupled torsion parameter size mismatch. %dx%d '
'grid expects %d elements (got %d)' % (len(ang1),
len(ang2), len(ang1)*len(ang2), len(data)))
self.data = _strip_units(data, u.kilocalories_per_mole)
self._indexes = dict()
i = 0
for a1 in ang1:
for a2 in ang2:
self._indexes[(a1, a2)] = i
i += 1
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return self.data[self._indexes[idx]]
def __setitem__(self, idx, value):
idx = self._indexes[_strip_units(idx, u.degrees)]
self.data[idx] = _strip_units(value, u.kilocalories_per_mole)
def __eq__(self, other):
for idx in self._indexes.keys():
if abs(self[idx] - other[idx]) > TINY:
return False
except KeyError:
return False
return True
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class TorsionTorsionType(_ParameterType, _ListItem):
The type containing the parameter maps for the Amoeba torsion-torsion
potentials. It contains the original potential as well as interpolated first
and second derivatives for the AMOEBA force field.
dims : ``tuple of 2 ints``
The table dimensions
ang1 : ``list of floats``
The list of angles in the first dimension
ang2 : ``list of floats``
The list of angles in the second dimension
f : ``list of floats``
The interpolation table for the energy
dfda1 : ``list of floats``
The interpolation table of the gradient w.r.t. angle 1
dfda2 : ``list of floats``
The interpolation table of the gradient w.r.t. angle 2
d2fda1da2 : ``list of floats``
The interpolation table of the 2nd derivative w.r.t. both angles
list : :class:`TrackedList`
The list containing this coupled torsion-torsion map
dims : ``tuple of 2 ints``
The table dimensions
ang1 : ``list of floats``
The list of angles in the first dimension
ang2 : ``list of floats``
The list of angles in the second dimension
f : :class:`_TorTorTable`
The interpolation table for the energy as a _TorTorTable
dfda1 : :class:`_TorTorTable`
The interpolation table for the first gradient as a _TorTorTable
dfda2 : :class:`_TorTorTable`
The interpolation table for the second gradient as a _TorTorTable
d2fda1da2 : :class:`_TorTorTable`
The interpolation table for the second derivative as a _TorTorTable
list : :class:`TrackedList`
The list that may, or may not, contain this TorsionTorsionType
idx : ``int``
The index of this item in the list or iterable defined by `list`
[docs] def __init__(self, dims, ang1, ang2, f,
dfda1=None, dfda2=None, d2fda1da2=None, list=None):
if len(dims) != 2:
raise ValueError('dims must be a 2-dimensional iterable')
if len(ang1) != dims[0] or len(ang2) != dims[1]:
raise ValueError('dims does match the angle definitions')
self.dims = tuple(dims)
self.ang1 = _strip_units(ang1, u.degrees)
self.ang2 = _strip_units(ang2, u.degrees)
self.f = _TorTorTable(ang1, ang2, f)
if dfda1 is None:
self.dfda1 = None
self.dfda1 = _TorTorTable(ang1, ang2, dfda1)
if dfda2 is None:
self.dfda2 = None
self.dfda2 = _TorTorTable(ang1, ang2, dfda2)
if d2fda1da2 is None:
self.d2fda1da2 = None
self.d2fda1da2 = _TorTorTable(ang1, ang2, d2fda1da2)
self._idx = -1
self.list = list
def __eq__(self, other):
if self.dims != other.dims: return False
if self.ang1 != other.ang1: return False
if self.ang2 != other.ang2: return False
return (self.f == other.f and self.dfda1 == other.dfda1 and
self.dfda2 == other.dfda2 and self.d2fda1da2 == other.d2fda1da2)
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s; %dx%d>' % (type(self).__name__, self.dims[0], self.dims[1])
def __copy__(self):
f = copy(self.f.data)
# dfda1
if self.dfda1 is None:
dfda1 = None
dfda1 = copy(self.dfda1.data)
# dfda2
if self.dfda2 is None:
dfda2 = None
dfda2 = copy(self.dfda2.data)
# d2fda1da2
if self.d2fda1da2 is None:
d2fda1da2 = None
d2fda1da2 = copy(self.d2fda1da2.data)
# Copy
return TorsionTorsionType(self.dims, self.ang1, self.ang2, f, dfda1,
dfda2, d2fda1da2)
__getstate__ = _getstate_with_exclusions()
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class ChiralFrame(object):
A chiral frame as defined in the AMOEBA force field. It defines the frame of
reference for a chiral center
atom1 : :class:`Atom`
The first atom defined in the chiral frame
atom2 : :class:`Atom`
The second atom defined in the chiral frame
chirality : ``int``
Either 1 or -1 to identify directionality. A ValueError is raised if a
different value is provided
A chiral frame can only contain atoms.
[docs] def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, chirality):
self.atom1 = atom1
self.atom2 = atom2
if chirality != 1 and chirality != -1:
raise ValueError('chirality must be 1 or -1')
self.chirality = chirality
def __contains__(self, thing):
return thing is self.atom1 or thing is self.atom2
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s; %r--%r, direction=%d>' % (type(self).__name__, self.atom1,
self.atom2, self.chirality)
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class MultipoleFrame(object):
This defines the frame of reference for computing multipole interactions in
the AMOEBA force field.
atom : :class:`Atom`
The atom for which the frame of reference is defined
frame_pt_num : ``int``
The frame point number
vectail : ``int``
The vector tail index
vechead : ``int``
The vector head index
nvec : ``int``
The number of vectors
>>> atom = Atom()
>>> mf = MultipoleFrame(atom, 0, 1, 2, 3)
>>> atom in mf
>>> mf.frame_pt_num
>>> mf.vectail
>>> mf.vechead
>>> mf.nvec
[docs] def __init__(self, atom, frame_pt_num, vectail, vechead, nvec):
self.atom = atom
self.frame_pt_num = frame_pt_num
self.vectail = vectail
self.vechead = vechead
self.nvec = nvec
def __contains__(self, thing):
return self.atom is thing
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class DrudeAtom(Atom):
An Atom that has a Drude particle attached to it. This is a subclass of
Atom, so it also has all the properties defined for regular Atoms.
alpha : ``float``
the atomic polarizability
thole : ``float``
the Thole damping facior
drude_type : ``str``
the atom type to use for the Drude particle.
Other Attributes
anisotropy : :class:`DrudeAnisotropy`
describes how this atom is anisotropically polarizable. For isotropic
atoms, this is None.
def __init__(self, alpha=0.0, thole=1.3, drude_type='DRUD', **kwargs):
Atom.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.alpha = alpha
self.thole = thole
self.drude_type = drude_type
self.anisotropy = None
def drude_charge(self):
sign = (-1 if self.alpha < 0 else 1)
alpha = abs(self.alpha)*u.angstrom**3/(138.935456*u.kilojoules_per_mole*u.nanometer)
return sign*math.sqrt(alpha*2*(500*u.kilocalories_per_mole/u.angstrom**2))
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class DrudeAnisotropy(_FourAtomTerm):
A description of an anisotropically polarizable atom.
Atom 1 is a :class:`DrudeAtom` whose polarizability is anisotropic. The
other three atoms define the coordinate frame.
atom1 : :class:`DrudeAtom`
the polarizable atom
atom2 : :class:`Atom`
the second atom defining the coordinate frame
atom3 : :class:`Atom`
the third atom defining the coordinate frame
atom4 : :class:`Atom`
the fourth atom defining the coordinate frame
a11 : ``float``
the scale factor for the polarizability along the direction defined by
atom1 and atom2
a22 : ``float``
the scale factor for the polarizability along the direction defined by
atom3 and atom4
def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, a11, a22):
_FourAtomTerm.__init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4)
self.a11 = a11
self.a22 = a22
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class Residue(_ListItem):
A single residue that is composed of a small number of atoms
name : ``str``
Name of the residue. Typical convention is to choose a name that is 4
characters or shorter
number : ``int``, optional
Residue number assigned in the input structure. Default is -1
chain : ``str``, optional
The 1-letter chain identifier for this residue. Default is empty string
insertion_code : ``str``, optional
The insertion code (used in PDB files) for this residue. Default is
empty string
segid : ``str``, optional
The segment identifier, used by CHARMM in a way similar to chain. Dfault
is empty string
list : :class:`TrackedList`
List of residues in which this residue is a member
name : ``str``
The name of this residue
number : ``int``
The number of this residue in the input structure
idx : ``int``
The index of this residue inside the container. If this residue has no
container, or it is not present in the container, idx is -1
chain : ``str``
The 1-letter chain identifier for this residue
insertion_code : ``str``
The insertion code (used in PDB files) for this residue
ter : ``bool``
If True, there is a TER card directly after this residue (i.e., a
molecule or chain ends). By default, it is False
list : :class:`TrackedList`
The container that _may_ have this residue contained inside
atoms : ``list of`` :`class`Atom` ``instances``
This is the list of `Atom`s that make up this residue
- Iterating over a residue will iterate over the atoms. It is exactly
equivalent to iterating over the `atoms` attribute
- Supports testing if an Atom instance is contained `in` this residue
- `len()` returns the number of atoms in this residue
[docs] def __init__(self, name, number=-1, chain='', insertion_code='',
segid='', list=None):
self.name = name.strip()
self.number = number
self.chain = chain.strip()
self.insertion_code = insertion_code.strip()
self.list = list
self._idx = -1
self.atoms = []
self.ter = False
self.segid = segid
[docs] def add_atom(self, atom):
""" Adds an atom to this residue
atom : :class:`Atom`
The atom to add to this residue
This action assigns the `residue` attribute to `atom`
atom.residue = self
[docs] def delete_atom(self, atom):
If an atom is present in this residue, delete it from the list of
atoms. No change if an atom is not present in this residue.
for a in self.atoms:
if atom.residue is self:
atom.residue = None
self.atoms = [a for a in self.atoms if a is not atom]
# Implement some container methods over the list of atoms
def __contains__(self, thing):
""" True if an atom is present in this residue """
return thing in self.atoms
def __len__(self):
return len(self.atoms)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.atoms)
[docs] def is_empty(self):
Determines if there are any atoms in this residue
empty: ``bool``
``True`` if there are no atoms left. ``False`` otherwise.
return len(self) == 0
[docs] def sort(self):
""" Sorts the atoms in this list by atom index """
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return self.atoms.__getitem__(idx)
# Sort by atom indices
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.atoms[0].idx < other.atoms[0].idx
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.atoms[0].idx > other.atoms[0].idx
def __le__(self, other):
return not self.atoms[0].idx > other.atoms[0].idx
def __ge__(self, other):
return not self.atoms[0].idx < other.atoms[0].idx
def __repr__(self):
if self.number == -1:
num = self.idx
num = self.number
rep = '<%s %s[%d]' % (type(self).__name__, self.name, num)
if self.chain:
rep += '; chain=%s' % self.chain
if self.insertion_code:
rep += '; insertion_code=%s' % self.insertion_code
if self.segid:
rep += '; segid=%s' % self.segid
return rep + '>'
__getstate__ = _getstate_with_exclusions()
def __setstate__(self, d):
for a in self: a.residue = self
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
def _changes(func):
""" Decorator to indicate the list has changed """
def new_func(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.changed = True
self.needs_indexing = True
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return new_func
[docs]class TrackedList(list):
This creates a list type that allows you to see if anything has changed
changed : ``bool``
Determines if something has been done to fundamentally change the
underlying topology defined by this list such that the topology needs to
be rebuilt
needs_indexing : ``bool``
A flag to determine whether or not the items in a tracked list need to
be indexed or not.
>>> tl = TrackedList()
>>> tl.append(Atom())
>>> tl.append(Atom())
>>> tl.append(Atom())
>>> tl.needs_indexing, tl.changed
(True, True)
>>> tl.index_members()
>>> tl.needs_indexing, tl.changed
(False, True)
>>> tl.changed = False # Must do when changes have been incorporated
>>> tl.needs_indexing, tl.changed
(False, False)
def __init__(self, *args):
self.changed = False
self.needs_indexing = False
return list.__init__(self, *args)
def __repr__(self):
retstr = ['%s([\n' % (type(self).__name__)]
if len(self) > 30:
retstr.extend('\t%r\n' % self[i] for i in range(24))
retstr.extend('\t%r\n' % self[i] for i in range(-5, 0))
retstr.extend('\t%r\n' % i for i in self)
return ''.join(retstr)
def __delitem__(self, item):
""" Deletes items and slices. Make sure all items """
indices = range(*item.indices(len(self)))
except AttributeError:
indices = [item]
for index in indices:
self[index]._idx = -1
except AttributeError:
# If we can't set _idx attribute on this object, don't fret
self[index].list = None
except AttributeError:
# If we can't set list attribute on this object, don't fret
return list.__delitem__(self, item)
def __delslice__(self, start, stop):
""" Python 2 still uses __delslice__... """
self.__delitem__(slice(start, stop)) # pragma: no cover
[docs] @_changes
def pop(self, idx=-1):
item = list.pop(self, idx)
if hasattr(item, '_idx'):
item._idx = -1
return item
[docs] @_changes
def remove(self, thing):
list.remove(self, thing)
# If this did not raise an exception, it was part of the list, so
# de-index it
if hasattr(thing, '_idx'):
thing._idx = -1
append = _changes(list.append)
extend = _changes(list.extend)
insert = _changes(list.insert)
__setitem__ = _changes(list.__setitem__)
__iadd__ = _changes(list.__iadd__)
__imul__ = _changes(list.__imul__)
# Type-safe methods that return another instance
def __add__(self, other):
return TrackedList(list.__add__(self, other))
def __mul__(self, fac):
return TrackedList(list.__mul__(self, fac))
[docs] def index_members(self):
Assigns the idx variable for every member of this list to its place in
the list, if the members of this list permit
for i, item in enumerate(self):
item._idx = i
except AttributeError:
# Must be some kind of immutable type... don't worry
self.needs_indexing = False
[docs] def claim(self):
This method causes this list to "claim" all of the items it contains and
subsequently indexes all of its items.
for i, item in enumerate(self):
item.list = self
except AttributeError:
# Must be some kind of immutable type... don't worry
[docs] def prune_unused(self):
This method inspects the `used` attribute of all of its members, if it
has one, and deletes any item in which it is set to `False`
for i in reversed(range(len(self))):
if not self[i].used:
del self[i]
except AttributeError:
# Don't worry if we don't have a `used` attribute
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class ResidueList(TrackedList):
""" Array of `Residue` instances """
[docs] def add_atom(self, atom, resname, resnum, chain='', inscode='', segid=''):
Adds a new atom to the ResidueList, adding a new residue to this list if
it has a different name or number as the last residue
atom : :class:`Atom`
The atom to add to this residue list
resname : ``str``
The name of the residue this atom belongs to
resnum : ``int``
The number of the residue this atom belongs to
chain : ``str``
The chain ID character for this residue
inscode : ``str``
The insertion code ID character for this residue (it is stripped)
segid : ``str``
The segment identifier for this residue (it is stripped)
If the residue name and number differ from the last residue in this
list, a new residue is added and the atom is added to that residue
inscode = inscode.strip()
segid = segid.strip()
last = self[-1]
except IndexError:
# Empty list -- add our first residue
new_res = Residue(resname, resnum, chain, inscode, segid, list=self)
if (last.number != resnum or last.name != resname.strip() or
last.chain != chain.strip() or
last.segid != segid.strip() or
last.insertion_code != inscode.strip()):
new_res = Residue(resname, resnum, chain, inscode,
segid, list=self)
[docs] def prune(self):
This function goes through the residue list and removes all empty
residues from the list. This isn't done automatically when atoms are
deleted, since it will become very slow. You must remember to do this to
avoid including empty residues
# Delete from the back to avoid indexes changing as we iterate
for i in reversed(range(len(self))):
res = self[i]
if res.is_empty(): del self[i]
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class AtomList(TrackedList):
Array of Atoms
Deleting an atom from the AtomList also deletes that atom from the residue
it belongs to.
def __delitem__(self, idx):
""" Deleting an atom also needs to delete it from the residue """
indices = range(*idx.indices(len(self)))
except AttributeError:
indices = [idx]
for index in indices:
atom = self[index]
atom._idx = -1
atom.list = None
# Make sure we delete this atom from its respective residue
if atom.residue is not None: atom.residue.delete_atom(atom)
list.__delitem__(self, idx)
[docs] @_changes
def pop(self, idx=-1):
atom = list.pop(self, idx)
atom._idx = -1
atom.list = None
if atom.residue is not None: atom.residue.delete_atom(atom)
return atom
[docs] @_changes
def remove(self, atom):
if atom.list is not self:
raise ValueError('%r is not in list' % atom)
if atom.residue is not None: atom.residue.delete_atom(atom)
atom._idx = -1
atom.list = None
list.remove(self, atom)
[docs] def unmark(self):
""" Unmark all atoms in this list """
for atm in self: atm.marked = 0
[docs] @_changes
def append(self, item):
Add an Atom to the end of the list and have this list claim ownership of
the item.
item : :class:`Atom`
The atom to add to this list
Only Atom objects should be added here, so if `item` does not have a
`list` attribute, an AttributeError will be raised. This action assigns
this list as the `list` attribute to the passed Atom.
item.list = self
return list.append(self, item)
[docs] @_changes
def extend(self, items):
Add an iterable of `Atom`s to the end of the list and have this list
claim ownership of the items.
items : iterable of :class:`Atom`s
The iterable containing Atom instances to add to the end of this
Any generator passed here will be exhausted. The `list` attribute for
every object in `items` will have their `list` attribute set to this
list, and an AttributeError will be raised if this is not possible.
for item in items:
item.list = self
return list.extend(self, items)
[docs] @_changes
def insert(self, idx, item):
Insert an Atom into the atom list
idx : ``int``
The index in front of (i.e., before) which to insert the item
item : :class:`Atom`
The atom to insert in the desired index. This atom will be claimed
by the AtomList
item.list = self
return list.insert(self, idx, item)
[docs] def assign_nbidx_from_types(self):
Assigns the nb_idx attribute of every atom inside here from the
atom_type definition. If the atom_type is not assigned, RuntimeError is
``list of dict``
Each element is a `set` of the `nb_idx` indices for which NBFIX
alterations are defined for the type with that given that index
(minus 1, to adjust for indexing from 0 and nb_idx starting from 1)
idx = 1
natoms = len(self)
atom_type_lookups = dict() # For fast lookups
atom_type_list = []
for i, atom in enumerate(self):
if atom.atom_type is UnassignedAtomType:
raise RuntimeError('atom types are not assigned')
atom.atom_type._idx = -1
for i, atom in enumerate(self):
type1 = atom.atom_type
# Skip atom types that have already been assigned
if type1._idx != -1: continue
type1._idx = idx
atom_type_lookups[str(type1)] = type1
for j in range(i+1, natoms):
atom2 = self[j]
type2 = atom2.atom_type
# Skip atom types that have already been assigned
if type2._idx != -1: continue
if type1 == type2:
type2._idx = idx
idx += 1
# Now go back through and assign nb_idx from type._idx
for atom in self:
atom.nb_idx = atom.atom_type._idx
# Now collect the nbfixes
nbfix_list = [set() for i in range(idx-1)]
# Look through all of the atom types and add the nbfixes
for i, type in enumerate(atom_type_list):
for key in type.nbfix:
rmin, eps, rmin14, eps14 = type.nbfix[key]
otype = atom_type_lookups[key]
except KeyError:
obj = (otype._idx, rmin, eps, rmin14, eps14)
return nbfix_list
[docs] def find_original_index(self, idx):
Finds an atom with the given original index. Cannot assume that the
original indexes are in order, since reordering may have been necessary.
As a result, the complexity of this algorithm is O(N)
idx : int
The integer corresponding to the original index
atom : :class:`Atom`
The atom with the original index ``idx``
If no atom has the original index ``idx``
for atom in self:
if atom.number == idx: return atom
raise IndexError('No atom found with index %d' % idx)
def __iadd__(self, other):
return NotImplemented
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class NonbondedException(object):
The AMOEBA force field has complex exclusion and exception rules (referred
to as "adjustments" in the Amber-converted files). This class stores
per-particle exceptions.
atom1 : :class:`Atom`
One of the atoms in the exclusion pair
atom2 : :class:`Atom`
The other atom in the exclusion pair
type : :class:`NonbondedExceptionType`
The nonbonded exception type that describes how the various nonbonded
interactions between these two atoms should work
NonbondedException objects "contain" two atoms and will return True when
used with the binary `in` operator
[docs] def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, type=None):
self.atom1 = atom1
self.atom2 = atom2
self.type = type
self.funct = 1
def __contains__(self, thing):
return thing is self.atom1 or thing is self.atom2
def __repr__(self):
retstr = ['<%s; %r and %r' % (type(self).__name__, self.atom1,
if self.type is not None:
retstr.append(', type=%r>' % self.type)
return ''.join(retstr)
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class NonbondedExceptionType(_ParameterType, _ListItem):
A parameter describing how the various nonbonded interactions between a
particular pair of atoms behaves in a specified nonbonded exception (e.g.,
in 1-4 interacting terms)
rmin : float
The combined Rmin value for this particular pair of atom types
(dimension length, default units are Angstroms)
epsilon : float
The combined well-depth value for this particular pair of atom types
(dimension energy, default units are kcal/mol)
chgscale : float, optional
The scaling factor by which to multiply the product of the charges for
this pair. Default is 1.0.
list : :class:`TrackedList`
The list containing this nonbonded exception
[docs] def __init__(self, rmin, epsilon, chgscale=1.0, list=None):
self.rmin = _strip_units(rmin, u.angstroms)
self.epsilon = _strip_units(epsilon, u.kilocalories_per_mole)
self.chgscale = chgscale
self._idx = None
self.list = list
def sigma(self):
return self.rmin * 2**(-1/6)
def sigma(self, value):
self.rmin = value * 2**(1/6)
def usigma(self):
return self.sigma * u.angstroms
def urmin(self):
return self.rmin * u.angstroms
def uepsilon(self):
return self.epsilon * u.kilocalories_per_mole
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s; rmin=%.4f, epsilon=%.4f, chgscale=%.4f>' % (
type(self).__name__, self.rmin, self.epsilon, self.chgscale)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (abs(self.rmin - other.rmin) < TINY and abs(self.epsilon - other.epsilon) < TINY and
abs(self.chgscale - other.chgscale) < TINY)
__getstate__ = _getstate_with_exclusions()
def __hash__(self):
return hash((round(self.rmin, _TINY_DIGITS), round(self.epsilon, _TINY_DIGITS),
round(self.chgscale, _TINY_DIGITS)))
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class AmoebaNonbondedExceptionType(NonbondedExceptionType):
A parameter describing how the various nonbonded interactions between a
particular pair of atoms is scaled in the AMOEBA force field
vdw_weight : ``float``
The scaling factor by which van der Waals interactions are multiplied
multipole_weight : ``float``
The scaling factor by which multipole interactions are multiplied
direct_weight : ``float``
The scaling factor by which direct-space interactions are multiplied
polar_weight : ``float``
The scaling factor by which polarization interactions are multiplied
mutual_weight : ``float``
The scaling factor by which mutual interactions are multiplied
list : :class:`TrackedList`
The list containing this nonbonded exception
Other Attributes
idx : ``int``
The index of this term in the list that contains it
def __init__(self, vdw_weight, multipole_weight, direct_weight,
polar_weight, mutual_weight, list=None):
self.vdw_weight = vdw_weight
self.multipole_weight = multipole_weight
self.direct_weight = direct_weight
self.polar_weight = polar_weight
self.mutual_weight = mutual_weight
self._idx = -1
self.list = list
def __eq__(self, other):
return (abs(self.vdw_weight - other.vdw_weight) < TINY and
abs(self.multipole_weight - other.multipole_weight) < TINY and
abs(self.direct_weight - other.direct_weight) < TINY and
abs(self.polar_weight - other.polar_weight) < TINY and
abs(self.mutual_weight - other.mutual_weight) < TINY)
def __copy__(self):
return AmoebaNonbondedExceptionType(
self.vdw_weight, self.multipole_weight, self.direct_weight, self.polar_weight,
__getstate__ = _getstate_with_exclusions()
def __hash__(self):
return hash((round(self.vdw_weight, _TINY_DIGITS),
round(self.multipole_weight, _TINY_DIGITS),
round(self.direct_weight, _TINY_DIGITS),
round(self.polar_weight, _TINY_DIGITS),
round(self.mutual_weight, _TINY_DIGITS)))
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class AtomType(object):
Atom types can either be compared by indexes or names. Can be assigned with
a string, integer, (string is not automatically cast) or with both.
name : ``str``
The name of the atom type
number : ``int``
The serial index of the atom type
mass : ``float``
The mass of the atom type
atomic_number : ``int``, optional
The atomic number of the element of the atom type. Default -1
bond_type : ``str``, optional
If defined, this is the type name used to look up bonded parameters.
Default is None (which falls back to ``name``)
charge : ``float``, optional
If defined, this is the partial atomic charge in elementary charge
units. Default is None
Other Attributes
epsilon : ``float``
If set, it is the Lennard-Jones well depth of this atom type
rmin : ``float``
If set, it is the Lennard-Jones Rmin/2 parameter of this atom type
epsilon_14 : ``float``
If set, it is the Lennard-Jones well depth of this atom type in 1-4
nonbonded interactions
rmin_14 : ``float``
If set, it is the Lennard-Jones Rmin/2 parameter of this atom type in
1-4 nonbonded interactions
sigma : ``float``
This is the sigma parameter, which is just equal to Rmin*2^(1/6)
sigma_14 : ``float``
This is the sigma parameter corresponding to rmin_14, which is just equal to Rmin_14*2^(1/6)
nbfix : ``dict(str:tuple)``
A hash that maps atom type names of other atom types with which _this_
atom type has a defined NBFIX with a tuple containing the terms
(Rmin, epsilon, Rmin14, Epsilon14)
_bond_type : str or None
If an explicit value was given to bond_type, _bond_type will be set to a
value. Otherwise, _bond_type will be None (and bond_type will be the
same as ``name``). This can be used to determine if a bond_type was
specified by comparing to None.
This object is primarily used to build parameter databases from parameter
files. Also, sigma is related to Rmin, but rmin is Rmin/2, so there is an
extra factor of 2 in the sigma for this reason.
>>> at = AtomType('HA', 1, 1.008, 1)
>>> at.name, at.number
('HA', 1)
>>> at2 = AtomType('CA', 2, 12.01, 6)
>>> at2.name, at2.number
('CA', 2)
>>> print("%s: %d" % (str(at), int(at)))
HA: 1
[docs] def __init__(self, name, number, mass, atomic_number=-1, bond_type=None, charge=0.0):
if number is None and name is not None:
# If we were given an integer, assign it to number. Otherwise,
# assign it to the name
if isinstance(name, int):
self.number = name
self.name = None
self.name = name
self.number = None
self.name = name
self.number = int(number)
self.mass = _strip_units(mass, u.daltons)
self.atomic_number = atomic_number
# We have no LJ parameters as of yet
self.epsilon = self.rmin = self.epsilon_14 = self.rmin_14 = None
# Store each NBFIX term as a dict with the atom type string matching to
# a 2-element tuple that is rmin, epsilon
self.nbfix = dict()
self._idx = -1 # needed for some internal bookkeeping
self._bond_type = bond_type
self.charge = charge
def __eq__(self, other):
Compares based on available properties (name and number, just name,
or just number)
if isinstance(other, AtomType):
if self.name != other.name or self.number != other.number:
return False
# Now check if LJ parameters are defined, and make sure those are
# also equal
has_all = True
has_none = True
for attr in ('epsilon', 'rmin', 'epsilon_14', 'rmin_14'):
if getattr(self, attr) is None and getattr(other, attr) is None:
has_all = False
elif getattr(self, attr) is None or getattr(other, attr) is None:
return False # can't be equal
has_none = False
assert (has_all and not has_none) or (has_none and not has_all), \
'Should have all or none at this point'
if not has_all:
return True
# Check charges
if self.charge is None or other.charge is None:
if self.charge is not other.charge:
return False
elif abs(self.charge - other.charge) > TINY:
return True
# At this point, we have all the attributes we need to compare
return (abs(self.epsilon - other.epsilon) < TINY and
abs(self.rmin - other.rmin) < TINY and
abs(self.epsilon_14 - other.epsilon_14) < TINY and
abs(self.rmin_14 - other.rmin_14) < TINY and
self.nbfix == other.nbfix)
if isinstance(other, string_types):
return self.name == other
if isinstance(other, int):
return self.number == other
return other == (self.number, self.name)
[docs] def set_lj_params(self, eps, rmin, eps14=None, rmin14=None):
""" Sets Lennard-Jones parameters on this atom type """
if u.is_quantity(eps):
eps = eps.value_in_unit(u.kilocalories_per_mole)
if u.is_quantity(rmin):
rmin = rmin.value_in_unit(u.angstroms)
if eps14 is None:
eps14 = eps
if rmin14 is None:
rmin14 = rmin
self.epsilon = eps
self.rmin = rmin
self.epsilon_14 = eps14
self.rmin_14 = rmin14
def bond_type(self):
if self._bond_type is None:
return self.name
return self._bond_type
def bond_type(self, value):
self._bond_type = value
def __int__(self):
""" The integer representation of an AtomType is its index """
return self.number
[docs] def add_nbfix(self, typename, rmin, epsilon,
rmin14=None, epsilon14=None):
""" Adds a new NBFIX exclusion for this atom type
typename : str
The name of the *other* type with which this NBFIX is defined
rmin : float
The combined Rmin value for this NBFIXed pair. If no units, assumed
to be in Angstroms
epsilon : float
The combined epsilon value for this NBFIXed pair. If no units,
assumed to be in kcal/mol
rmin14 : float, optional
Same as rmin, but for 1-4 interactions. If None (default), it is
given the same value as rmin
epsilon14 : float, optional
Same as epsilon, but for 1-4 interactions. If None (default), it is
given the same value as rmin
if rmin14 is None: rmin14 = rmin
if epsilon14 is None: epsilon14 = epsilon
self.nbfix[typename] = (rmin, epsilon, rmin14, epsilon14)
def sigma(self):
""" Sigma is Rmin / 2^(1/6) """
return self.rmin * 2**(-1/6) * 2
def sigma(self, value):
self.rmin = value * 2**(1/6) / 2
def usigma(self):
return self.sigma * u.angstroms
def sigma_14(self):
""" Sigma is Rmin / 2^(1/6) """
return self.rmin_14 * 2**(-1/6) * 2
def sigma_14(self, value):
self.rmin_14 = value * 2**(1/6) / 2
def usigma_14(self):
return self.sigma_14 * u.angstroms
def urmin(self):
return self.rmin * u.angstroms
def uepsilon(self):
return self.epsilon * u.kilocalories_per_mole
def urmin_14(self):
return self.rmin_14 * u.angstroms
def uepsilon_14(self):
return self.epsilon_14 * u.kilocalories_per_mole
def __str__(self):
return self.name
def __copy__(self):
cp = AtomType(self.name, self.number, self.mass, self.atomic_number,
bond_type=self._bond_type, charge=self.charge)
cp.epsilon = self.epsilon
cp.rmin = self.rmin
cp.epsilon_14 = self.epsilon_14
cp.rmin_14 = self.rmin_14
cp.nbfix = self.nbfix.copy()
return cp
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.name, self.mass, self.atomic_number, self.bond_type,
self.charge, self.epsilon, self.rmin, self.epsilon_14,
self.rmin_14, tuple(self.nbfix.items())))
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
class _UnassignedAtomType(object):
This raises the appropriate exceptions (ParameterError) when you try to
access its properties
_OBJ = None
def __new__(cls):
if cls._OBJ is None:
cls._OBJ = super(_UnassignedAtomType, cls).__new__(cls)
return cls._OBJ
def __int__(self):
raise ParameterError('Atom type is not defined')
def __str__(self):
raise ParameterError('Atom type is not defined')
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, _UnassignedAtomType) # Behave like a singleton
def __reduce__(self):
return 'UnassignedAtomType'
UnassignedAtomType = _UnassignedAtomType()
# Make sure it's a singleton
assert UnassignedAtomType is _UnassignedAtomType(), "Not a singleton"
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class AcceptorDonor(object):
""" Just a holder for donors and acceptors in CHARMM speak
atom1 : :class:`Atom`
First atom in the donor/acceptor group
atom2 : :class:`Atom`
Second atom in the donor/acceptor group
def __init__(self, atom1, atom2):
self.atom1 = atom1
self.atom2 = atom2
def __repr__(self):
return '<AcceptorDonor; %r %r>' % (self.atom1, self.atom2)
def __contains__(self, thing):
""" See if the atom is in this donor/acceptor """
return thing is self.atom1 or thing is self.atom2
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class Group(object):
""" An 'interacting' group defined by CHARMM PSF files
atom : :class:`Atom`
The first atom within a group
type : ``int``
Flag for group information; 0 when all atoms have zero charge,
1 when group has a net zero charge but at least one atom has a non-zero
partial charge, 2 when the net charge of the group is not zero
move : ``int``
0 if the atoms are not fixed, 1 when they are
See the discussion on Github for the source of the meanings of these
variables: https://github.com/ParmEd/ParmEd/pull/307#issuecomment-128244134
def __init__(self, atom, type, move):
self.atom = atom
self.type = type
self.move = move
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.atom is other.atom and self.type == other.type and self.move == other.move)
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[docs]class Link(object):
""" An intra-residue "Link" as defined by the PDB standard:
See http://www.wwpdb.org/documentation/file-format-content/format33/sect6.html#LINK for more
atom1 : :class:`Atom`
The first Atom involved in the Link
atom2 : :class:`Atom`
The other atom to which ``atom1`` is bonded in this link
length : float
The length of the link
symmetry_op1 : str, optional
The first symmetry operator for the link
symmetry_op2 : str, optional
The second symmetry operator for the link
def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, length, symmetry_op1='1555', symmetry_op2='1555'):
self.atom1 = atom1
self.atom2 = atom2
self.length = length
self.symmetry_op1 = symmetry_op1
self.symmetry_op2 = symmetry_op2
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
NoUreyBradley = BondType(0.0, 0.0) # singleton representing lack of a U-B term