Source code for parmed.unit.unit

#!/bin/env python
Module simtk.unit

Contains classes Unit and ScaledUnit.

This is part of the OpenMM molecular simulation toolkit originating from
Simbios, the NIH National Center for Physics-Based Simulation of
Biological Structures at Stanford, funded under the NIH Roadmap for
Medical Research, grant U54 GM072970. See

Portions copyright (c) 2012 Stanford University and the Authors.
Authors: Christopher M. Bruns
Contributors: Peter Eastman

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
from parmed.utils.six import iterkeys
from parmed.utils.six.moves import range

__author__ = "Christopher M. Bruns"
__version__ = "0.5"

import math
import sys
from .mymatrix import MyMatrix, zeros
from .basedimension import BaseDimension
from .baseunit import BaseUnit
from .standard_dimensions import *

[docs]class Unit(object): """ Physical unit such as meter or ampere. """ __array_priority__ = 100
[docs] def __init__(self, base_or_scaled_units): """Create a new Unit. Parameters: - self (Unit) The newly created Unit. - base_or_scaled_units (dict) Keys are BaseUnits or ScaledUnits. Values are exponents (numbers). """ # Unit contents are of two types: BaseUnits and ScaledUnits self._top_base_units = {} self._all_base_units = {} self._scaled_units = [] for (base_or_scaled_unit, power) in base_or_scaled_units.items(): if power == 0: continue if isinstance(base_or_scaled_unit, BaseUnit): bu = base_or_scaled_unit dim = bu.dimension if dim not in self._top_base_units: self._top_base_units[dim] = {} if bu not in self._top_base_units[dim]: self._top_base_units[dim][bu] = 0 self._top_base_units[dim][bu] += power else: self._scaled_units.append((base_or_scaled_unit, power)) # Populate self._all_base_units # first, deep copy of self._top_base_units self._all_base_units = {} for d in self._top_base_units: self._all_base_units[d] = {} for u in self._top_base_units[d]: self._all_base_units[d][u] = self._top_base_units[d][u] # second, BaseUnits from self._scaled_units for scaled_unit, exponent1 in self._scaled_units: for base_unit, exponent2 in scaled_unit.iter_base_units(): dim = base_unit.dimension if dim not in self._all_base_units: self._all_base_units[dim] = {} if base_unit not in self._all_base_units[dim]: self._all_base_units[dim][base_unit] = 0 self._all_base_units[dim][base_unit] += exponent1 * exponent2 # What about heterogenous units that cancel? --> leave them self._scaled_units.sort()
[docs] def create_unit(self, scale, name, symbol): """ Convenience method for creating a new simple unit from another simple unit. Both units must consist of a single BaseUnit. """ # TODO - also handle non-simple units, i.e. units with multiple BaseUnits/ScaledUnits assert len(self._top_base_units) == 1 assert len(self._scaled_units) == 0 dimension = next(iterkeys(self._top_base_units)) base_unit_dict = self._top_base_units[dimension] assert len(base_unit_dict) == 1 parent_base_unit = next(iterkeys(base_unit_dict)) parent_exponent = base_unit_dict[parent_base_unit] new_base_unit = BaseUnit(parent_base_unit.dimension, name, symbol) # BaseUnit scale might be different depending on exponent true_scale = scale if parent_exponent != 1.0: true_scale = math.pow(scale, 1.0/parent_exponent) new_base_unit.define_conversion_factor_to(parent_base_unit, true_scale) new_unit = Unit({new_base_unit: 1.0}) return new_unit
[docs] def iter_base_dimensions(self): """ Yields (BaseDimension, exponent) tuples comprising this unit. """ # There might be two units with the same dimension? No. for dimension in sorted(self._all_base_units.keys()): exponent = 0 for base_unit in sorted(self._all_base_units[dimension].keys()): exponent += self._all_base_units[dimension][base_unit] if exponent != 0: yield (dimension, exponent)
[docs] def iter_all_base_units(self): """ Yields (BaseUnit, exponent) tuples comprising this unit, including those BaseUnits found within ScaledUnits. There might be multiple BaseUnits with the same dimension. """ for dimension in sorted(self._all_base_units.keys()): for base_unit in sorted(self._all_base_units[dimension].keys()): exponent = self._all_base_units[dimension][base_unit] yield (base_unit, exponent)
[docs] def iter_top_base_units(self): """ Yields (BaseUnit, exponent) tuples in this Unit, excluding those within BaseUnits. """ for dimension in sorted(self._top_base_units.keys()): for unit in sorted(self._top_base_units[dimension].keys()): exponent = self._top_base_units[dimension][unit] yield (unit, exponent)
[docs] def iter_scaled_units(self): for unit, exponent in self._scaled_units: yield (unit, exponent)
[docs] def iter_base_or_scaled_units(self): for item in self.iter_top_base_units(): yield item for item in self.iter_scaled_units(): yield item
[docs] def get_conversion_factor_to_base_units(self): """ There may be ScaleUnit components to this Unit. Returns conversion factor to the set of BaseUnits returned by iter_all_base_units(). Units comprised of only BaseUnits return 1.0 """ factor = 1.0 for scaled_unit, exponent in self._scaled_units: # print scaled_unit.factor factor *= scaled_unit.factor ** exponent return factor
def __eq__(self, other): if not is_unit(other): return False return self.get_name() == other.get_name() def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __lt__(self, other): """Compare two Units. Raises a TypeError if the units have different dimensions. Returns True if self < other, False otherwise. """ if not self.is_compatible(other): raise TypeError('Unit "%s" is not compatible with Unit "%s".', (self, other)) return self.conversion_factor_to(other) < 1.0 def __hash__(self): """ Compute a hash code for this object. """ try: return self._hash except AttributeError: pass self._hash = hash(self.get_name()) return self._hash # def __mul__(self, other): # See for Unit.__mul__ operator def __truediv__(self, other): """Divide a Unit by another object. Returns a composite Unit if other is another Unit. Returns a Quantity otherwise. UNLESS other is a Quantity AND the resulting unit type is dimensionless, in which case the underlying value type of the Quantity is returned. """ return self * pow(other, -1) __div__ = __truediv__ # def __rtruediv__(self, other): # Because rtruediv returns a Quantity, look in for definition of Unit.__rtruediv__ _pow_cache = {} def __pow__(self, exponent): """Raise a Unit to a power. Returns a new Unit with different exponents on the BaseUnits. """ if self in Unit._pow_cache: if exponent in Unit._pow_cache[self]: return Unit._pow_cache[self][exponent] else: Unit._pow_cache[self] = {} result = {} # dictionary of unit: exponent for unit, exponent2 in self.iter_base_or_scaled_units(): result[unit] = exponent2 * exponent new_unit = Unit(result) Unit._pow_cache[self][exponent] = new_unit return new_unit
[docs] def sqrt(self): """ Returns square root of a unit. Raises ArithmeticError if component exponents are not even. This behavior can be changed if you present a reasonable real life case to me. """ new_units = {} # There might be odd exponents in base and scaled units that # boil down to even exponents in base dimensions. # But if ScaledUnits and BaseUnits have even exponents, we should use them. nice_and_even = True for u, exponent in self.iter_base_or_scaled_units(): if exponent%2 != 0: # This isn't going to work, we need to bust apart the ScaledUnits nice_and_even = False break new_units[u] = exponent/2 if not nice_and_even: # Create a new unit formed from inner BaseUnits new_units = {} base_units_by_dimension = {} # Choose the first BaseUnit for each dimension for base_unit, exponent in self.iter_all_base_units(): d = base_unit.dimension if d not in base_units_by_dimension: base_units_by_dimension[d] = base_unit new_units[base_unit] = exponent else: # Already assigned a BaseUnit to this dimension, just update exponent bu = base_units_by_dimension[d] new_units[bu] += exponent # If exponents are not even by now, they never will be even for u, exponent in new_units.items(): if exponent%2 != 0: raise ArithmeticError('Exponents in Unit.sqrt() must be even.') new_units[u] = exponent/2 return Unit(new_units)
def __str__(self): """Returns the human-readable name of this unit""" return self.get_name() def __repr__(self): """ Returns a unit name (string) for this Unit, composed of its various BaseUnit symbols. e.g. 'kilogram meter**2 second**-1' """ units = {} for unit, power in self.iter_base_or_scaled_units(): units[unit] = power return 'Unit(%s)' % repr(units) # Performance _is_compatible_cache = {}
[docs] def is_compatible(self, other): """ Returns True if two Units share the same dimension. Returns False otherwise. """ if self in Unit._is_compatible_cache: if other in Unit._is_compatible_cache[self]: return Unit._is_compatible_cache[self][other] if not is_unit(other): if self.is_dimensionless(): return True else: return False self_dims = {} for dimension, exponent in self.iter_base_dimensions(): self_dims[dimension] = exponent other_dims = {} for dimension, exponent in other.iter_base_dimensions(): other_dims[dimension] = exponent if len(self_dims) != len(other_dims): result = False else: result = (self_dims == other_dims) if not self in Unit._is_compatible_cache: Unit._is_compatible_cache[self] = {} Unit._is_compatible_cache[self][other] = result return result
_is_dimensionless_cache = {}
[docs] def is_dimensionless(self): """Returns True if this Unit has no dimensions. Returns False otherwise. """ if self in Unit._is_dimensionless_cache: return Unit._is_dimensionless_cache[self] for dimension, exponent in self.iter_base_dimensions(): if exponent != 0: Unit._is_dimensionless_cache[self] = False return False Unit._is_dimensionless_cache[self] = True return True
# Performance _conversion_factor_cache = {}
[docs] def conversion_factor_to(self, other): """ Returns conversion factor for computing all of the common dimensions between self and other from self base units to other base units. The two units need not share all of the same dimensions. In case they do not, the conversion factor applies only to the BaseUnits of self that correspond to different BaseUnits in other. This method requires strict compatibility between the two units. """ factor = 1.0 if (self is other): return factor if self in Unit._conversion_factor_cache: if other in Unit._conversion_factor_cache[self]: return Unit._conversion_factor_cache[self][other] assert self.is_compatible(other) factor *= self.get_conversion_factor_to_base_units() factor /= other.get_conversion_factor_to_base_units() # Organize both units' base units by dimension canonical_units = {} # dimension: BaseUnit for unit, power in self.iter_all_base_units(): d = unit.dimension if d in canonical_units: if unit != canonical_units[d]: factor *= unit.conversion_factor_to(canonical_units[d])**power else: canonical_units[d] = unit for unit, power in other.iter_all_base_units(): d = unit.dimension if d in canonical_units: if unit != canonical_units[d]: factor /= unit.conversion_factor_to(canonical_units[d])**power else: canonical_units[d] = unit if not self in Unit._conversion_factor_cache: Unit._conversion_factor_cache[self] = {} Unit._conversion_factor_cache[self][other] = factor return factor
[docs] def in_unit_system(self, system): """ Returns a new Unit with the same dimensions as this one, expressed in a particular unit system. Strips off any ScaledUnits in the Unit, leaving only BaseUnits. Parameters - system: a dictionary of (BaseDimension, BaseUnit) pairs """ return system.express_unit(self)
[docs] def get_symbol(self): """ Returns a unit symbol (string) for this Unit, composed of its various BaseUnit symbols. e.g. 'kg m**2 s**-1' """ symbol = "" # emit positive exponents first pos = "" pos_count = 0 for unit, power in self.iter_base_or_scaled_units(): if power > 0: pos_count += 1 if pos_count > 1: pos += " " pos += unit.symbol if power != 1.0: pos += "**%g" % power # emit negative exponents second neg = "" neg_count = 0 simple_denominator = True for unit, power in self.iter_base_or_scaled_units(): if power < 0: neg_count += 1 if neg_count > 1: neg += " " neg += unit.symbol if power != -1.0: neg += "**%g" % -power simple_denominator = False # Format of denominator depends on number of terms if 0 == neg_count: neg_string = "" elif 1 == neg_count and simple_denominator: neg_string = "/%s" % neg else: neg_string = "/(%s)" % neg if 0 == pos_count: pos_string = "" else: pos_string = pos if 0 == pos_count == neg_count: symbol = "dimensionless" else: symbol = "%s%s" % (pos_string, neg_string) return symbol
[docs] def get_name(self): """ Returns a unit name (string) for this Unit, composed of its various BaseUnit symbols. e.g. 'kilogram meter**2 secon**-1'. """ try: return self._name except AttributeError: pass # emit positive exponents first pos = "" pos_count = 0 for unit, power in self.iter_base_or_scaled_units(): if power > 0: pos_count += 1 if pos_count > 1: pos += "*" pos += if power != 1.0: pos += "**%g" % power # emit negative exponents second neg = "" neg_count = 0 simple_denominator = True for unit, power in self.iter_base_or_scaled_units(): if power < 0: neg_count += 1 if neg_count > 1: neg += "*" neg += if power != -1.0: neg += "**%g" % -power simple_denominator = False # Format of denominator depends on number of terms if 0 == neg_count: neg_string = "" elif 1 == neg_count and simple_denominator: neg_string = "/%s" % neg else: neg_string = "/(%s)" % neg if 0 == pos_count: pos_string = "" else: pos_string = pos if 0 == pos_count == neg_count: name = "dimensionless" else: name = "%s%s" % (pos_string, neg_string) self._name = name return name
[docs]class ScaledUnit(object): """ ScaledUnit is like a BaseUnit, but it is based on another Unit. ScaledUnit and BaseUnit are both used in the internals of Unit. They should only be used during the construction of Units. """ __array_priority__ = 100 def __init__(self, factor, master, name, symbol): self.factor = factor # Convert to one base_unit per dimension base_units = {} for bu, exponent in master.iter_all_base_units(): dim = bu.dimension if dim not in base_units: base_units[dim] = [bu, exponent] else: base_units[dim][1] += exponent self.factor *= base_units[dim][0].conversion_factor_to(bu) for sbu, exponent in master.iter_scaled_units(): self.factor *= sbu.factor**exponent self.base_units = base_units self.master = master = name self.symbol = symbol def __iter__(self): for dim in sorted(self.base_units.keys()): yield self.base_units[dim]
[docs] def iter_base_units(self): for base_unit, exponent in self: yield(base_unit, exponent)
[docs] def iter_base_dimensions(self): """ Returns a sorted tuple of (BaseDimension, exponent) pairs, describing the dimension of this unit. """ for base_unit, exponent in self: if exponent != 0: yield (base_unit.dimension, exponent)
[docs] def get_dimension_tuple(self): """ Returns a sorted tuple of (BaseDimension, exponent) pairs, that can be used as a dictionary key. """ l = list(self.iter_base_dimensions()) l.sort() return tuple(l)
[docs] def get_conversion_factor_to_base_units(self): return self.factor
[docs] def conversion_factor_to(self, other): # Create fake unit based on base units if self is other: return 1.0 u = {} for base_unit, exponent in self.iter_base_units(): u[base_unit] = exponent if isinstance(other, Unit): other_u = other else: other_u = Unit({other: 1.0}) return self.factor * Unit(u).conversion_factor_to(other_u)
def __lt__(self, other): """Compare two ScaledUnits. """ return hash(self) < hash(other) def __str__(self): """Returns a string with the name of this ScaledUnit """ return def __repr__(self): """ """ base_units = "" for base_unit, power in self.iter_base_units(): if len(base_units) > 0: base_units += ", " base_units += "%s: %d" % (base_unit, power) return "ScaledUnit(factor=" + repr(self.factor) + \ ", master="+str(self.master)+", name=" + repr(\ + ", symbol=" + repr(self.symbol) + ")"
[docs]class UnitSystem(object): """ A complete system of units defining the *base* unit in each dimension Parameters ---------- units: ``list`` List of base units from which to construct the unit system """
[docs] def __init__(self, units): self.units = units self._unit_conversion_cache = {} # Create a set of base units to be used for dimension conversion base_units = {} for unit in self.units: for base_unit, exponent in unit.iter_base_units(): d = base_unit.dimension if d not in base_units: base_units[d] = base_unit self.base_units = base_units if not len(self.base_units) == len(self.units): raise ArithmeticError("UnitSystem must have same number of units as base dimensions") # self.dimensions is a dict of {BaseDimension: index} dimensions = list(base_units.keys()) dimensions.sort() self.dimensions = {} for d in range(len(dimensions)): self.dimensions[dimensions[d]] = d # Create units->base units exponent matrix to_base_units = zeros(len(self.units)) for m in range(len(self.units)): unit = self.units[m] for dim, power in unit.iter_base_dimensions(): n = self.dimensions[dim] to_base_units[m][n] = power try: self.from_base_units = ~to_base_units except ArithmeticError as e: raise ArithmeticError("UnitSystem is not a valid basis set. " + str(e))
def __iter__(self): for unit in self.units: yield unit def __str__(self): """ """ result = "UnitSystem([" sep = "" for unit in self: result += sep result += str(unit) sep = ", " result += "])" return result
[docs] def express_unit(self, old_unit): """ """ if old_unit in self._unit_conversion_cache: return self._unit_conversion_cache[old_unit] # First express unit in terms of base dimensions found in this unit system # (plus other dimensions not found) m = len(self.dimensions) base_dims = [0] * m other_dims = {} for dim, exponent in old_unit.iter_base_dimensions(): if dim in self.dimensions: base_dims[self.dimensions[dim]] = exponent else: other_dims[dim] = exponent # Multiply by self.from_base_units to convert to unit system units u = MyMatrix([base_dims,]) * self.from_base_units new_unit = dimensionless for i in range(m): exponent = u[0][i] if exponent != 0: new_unit *= Unit({self.units[i]: exponent}) if len(other_dims) > 0: # Find one base unit for each dimension found_dims = {} for base_unit, useless_exponent in old_unit.iter_all_base_units(): dim = base_unit.dimension if dim not in other_dims: continue # this dimension is in the unit system if dim in found_dims: continue # already got a BaseUnit for this dimension found_dims[dim] = base_unit exponent = other_dims[dim] new_unit *= Unit({base_unit: exponent}) self._unit_conversion_cache[old_unit] = new_unit return new_unit
[docs]def is_unit(x): """ Returns True if x is a Unit, False otherwise. Examples >>> is_unit(16) False """ return isinstance(x, Unit)
dimensionless = Unit({}) # run module directly for testing if __name__=='__main__': # Test the examples in the docstrings import doctest, sys doctest.testmod(sys.modules[__name__])